CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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The latter changes the former.

The only thing that changes your personality is your environment. So if the gun environment is changed by law, you change. Otherwise the change is just a distortion and you just go back to your old ways.
Only 32 percent of Americans currently own guns – and that number will likely decrease during the coming decades.

By the end of this century the issue will likely be moot; the tiny minority of gunowners will have no choice but to be subject to regulations and restrictions.

In the United States the end of private ownership of assault weapons will be realized through social and cultural change, not bans and restrictions.
Only 32 percent of Americans currently own guns – and that number will likely decrease during the coming decades.

By the end of this century the issue will likely be moot; the tiny minority of gunowners will have no choice but to be subject to regulations and restrictions.

In the United States the end of private ownership of assault weapons will be realized through social and cultural change, not bans and restrictions.
The restrictions will be instep with cultural change. As older generations die out, the younger ones can enjoy safer gun environment. And it'll take many decades.
The restrictions will be instep with cultural change. As older generations die out, the younger ones can enjoy safer gun environment. And it'll take many decades.
Or the restrictions may not be needed at all – again the issue becoming moot, where no one owns an AR 15 not because they are ‘banned’ but because no one has an interest in owning one.
Yes, you guys run on Toxic Individualism. We know that. Forget the word "Rights" and replace in with "Responsibilities". Then embrace others and go and be "Responsible" in society.
Yes and you live on an island about the size of the state of Michigan but with 65 million people crammed into it cheek to jowl.

You have been conditioned to accept intrusive government and widespread state surveillance

You don;t understand that Americans would never stand for such intrusions.

There is absolutely no comparison between the US and the UK
Yes and you live on an island about the size of the state of Michigan but with 65 million people crammed into it cheek to jowl.

You have been conditioned to accept intrusive government and widespread state surveillance

You don;t understand that Americans would never stand for such intrusions.

There is absolutely no comparison between the US and the UK
I can't remember where I said I'm comparing the US to the UK, I'm stating that America is mainly based on Toxic Individualism, most run on Rights as opposed to Responsibilities.
Gun nut is a polite descriptive phrase
No it isn't. It is highly derogatory. It's like using a certain word to refer to black people.

The restrictions will be instep with cultural change. As older generations die out, the younger ones can enjoy safer gun environment. And it'll take many decades.
The restrictions will never happen. America's gun culture will live forever.
By the end of this century the issue will likely be moot; the tiny minority of gunowners will have no choice but to be subject to regulations and restrictions.
Gun owners in the US have been subject to regulations and restrictions for more than 50 years now.

In the United States the end of private ownership of assault weapons will be realized through social and cultural change, not bans and restrictions.
There will never be an end to the private ownership of assault weapons in the US.

Neither will there ever be an end to the private ownership of assault weapons in a number of European nations like Finland and Switzerland.
Not drivel when you refuse to explain how it is that countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than we do…..while you cherry pick the only year that we had a higher suicide rate than Japan…you know..the user we had the Chines flu and the democrats shut down our country and locked children out of school….
Blah, blah. Clearly someone else that doesn't bother to read the link I posted that explores why people in different countries/cultures kill themselves. Especially as the data set used in the link was from 2019, before the Covid pandemic.
Convert? No, it wasn’t a religious conversion…he simply looked at the research……
Ah yes, "research"; glorified telephone opinion polls from limited samples, that were extrapolated to produce the figures desired. Klexk stated 2.5 million DGUs annually as a result of his "research", wonder why you've stopped quotting that number? Oh, yes, because he was laughed out of the room and was forced to revise his numbers. As for Lott... sorry, still laughing my head off.
The weapons didn’t cause the problem…it was the primitive culture and their relaxed view of putting a sword into their enemies that drove the murder rates…….cultures evolve……….cultures,change……British
Oh, so I'm right when I quote the "barbarism to decadence without ever knowing civilisation" passage about American culture. Thanks for agreeing with me.
Yep….and she deserved the rape cause she wore that short skirt…….she was just asking for it……Right?
Ah, back to your favourite rape fantasies then. That's presumably how rapists justify their actions, but nothing to do with normal home owners who lack sufficient awareness to take simple precautions when they go to bed at night.
Which is a perfect example of why you Brits should mind your own business about the gun laws in the US.

WTF do you care?

Why is it any of your business if Americans own guns?
Well, until 2Aguy started trolling the Europe forum with his "gun control doesn't work in the UK" mantra, I didn't care. You can go thank him for bringing me and others here to disabuse him of his fantasies, and provide alternative viewpoints regarding public safety and firearms use.
I can't remember where I said I'm comparing the US to the UK, I'm stating that America is mainly based on Toxic Individualism, most run on Rights as opposed to Responsibilities.
Only a sheep thinks individualism is toxic.

And the FACT is that 99.999% of all people who legally own guns do so responsibly and will never commit any crimes
Well, until 2Aguy started trolling the Europe forum with his "gun control doesn't work in the UK" mantra, I didn't care. You can go thank him for bringing me and others here to disabuse him of his fantasies, and provide alternative viewpoints regarding public safety and firearms use.
Funny how Americans do not troll British message boards.

And as I have said before giun laws do not lower murder rates. If they did then your murder rate should be lower than it was before you all started passing draconian gun laws in the 60's and it isn't
Only a sheep thinks individualism is toxic.

And the FACT is that 99.999% of all people who legally own guns do so responsibly and will never commit any crimes
Have a read what the sheep think -

Have a read what the sheep think -

Obsessed with outliers.

You people who accept intrusive government and widespread surveillance are incapable of understanding that Americans do not share your love of being controlled and treated like children who need constant supervision.
Obsessed with outliers.

You people who accept intrusive government and widespread surveillance are incapable of understanding that Americans do not share your love of being controlled and treated like children who need constant supervision.
It's not about me or anyone else, it's about Toxic Individualism and unsafe gun culture in the US
But no. Fact is not opinion no matter how much leftists hate reality.
Ah, demonstrating not only blatant hypocrisy but stunning incoherence to boot. I am a "leftist" whom you just quoted stating nearly verbatim "Fact is not opinion," and you now argue "no." Welcome to my ignore list, insufferable clown.
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