CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Wow, you've now understood the premise so well you felt compelled to repeat it back to me! Great, now keep going.. Get to the point.. {hint: provided already as well}
If you had a point other than an untrue personal attack, you failed to make it sufficiently clear. I had thought that your only point was the untrue personal attack.

Going back over your previous post again, I still don't see any other point. So if there is one, clarification is needed.

While you're at it, tell us who continues to define legal terms like "arms" and "firearms" for us masses? Monarchs? The Founders? The Supremes? The MIC? Could it be Satan?
Definitions are provided by whoever originally coined the term.

Also, the year when you figure you'll be grown up enough to explicitly state upfront the limits of your intended meaning whenever using dramatic legal terms such as "arms" and "guns" while arguing for some supposed inherent natural right to "bear" them?
Off hand, arms refers to any weapon or armor that can be used in combat.

A gun is a type of weapon that discharges projectiles from tubes at high velocities.

The right to keep and bear arms includes individual ownership of standard infantry weapons like grenades, bazookas, and full-auto rifles. However, our courts are currently refusing to enforce this.

The Heller ruling by the Supreme Court says that we have the right to have enough firepower for effective self defense. And more broadly, that we have the right to have any arm that there is no justification for restricting. However, the Heller ruling will allow an arm to be restricted if it goes beyond what is necessary for effective self defense and is dangerous enough that there is justification for restricting it.

Our courts are currently refusing to enforce the Heller ruling as well. But that is about to change. Next week Justice Barrett will hand down a ruling that will make the lower courts start enforcing Heller.

I lived in a crappy apartment and my door was locked but a couple guys with an axe broke it down while I was at work.

And any house is pretty easy to break into.

Widows are the obvious weak point

Any door with glass is an obvious weak point

How can you be so naive?
Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional thieves, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from.
Your reliance on name calling shows that you can't defend your position with fact or logic.

You don't agree that a requirement to show up armed for militia duty includes a requirement to be armed??

Nuts sums it up. It's normally a snowflake on the Left that cries foul over nasty pasty words, in their opinion.
Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional thieves, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from.
Which is a perfect example of why you Brits should mind your own business about the gun laws in the US.

WTF do you care?

Why is it any of your business if Americans own guns?
Gun nuts are those Americans who view their guns as a religion.
I don't know anyone like that. I just know peaceable law abiding citizens who can't understand why gun nuts want to take away their constitutional rights because someone else broke a law.

In America we have individual rights, not group rights.
What about anti-tank weapons? Maybe some tactical nukes?

In Caetano, Justice Alito addressed your concerns… an anti tank weapon would be unusual, as would a tactical nuke.

Rifles, pistols and shotguns are not unusual and are not barred as dangerous simply because they are firearms.

It would help your future posts a great deal if you would read that decision
Just trying to figure out if their deaths are acceptable to you too.

No, you are trying to score some point. But it requires some "set up" only you understand. (Do you think I'm really that innocent that I don't know what kind of games folks play online?)

You are ok with 0.3 persons per 100,000 persons dying from gun violence, right?

I'd answer you with a reasoned, nuanced and thoughtful response, but I know what you'd do with it. I've simply seen you lie too many times about what a post actually says to think you are here for anything even remotely serious.
What part of the technology of the day that any light infantry ought to have which today is semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines did you not understand?

You selection. I thought it needed more. You wouldn't understand.
In Caetano, Justice Alito addressed your concerns… an anti tank weapon would be unusual, as would a tactical nuke.

Sounds like an "infringement" if you axe me.

Rifles, pistols and shotguns are not unusual

"Unusual". That's a good word. Effectively meaningless but I'm sure Alito did a good job of playing lexicographer.

It would help your future posts a great deal if you would read that decision

I didn't realize it was written by God Almighty! You might have noticed recently that "precedent" no longer means much to folks like Mr. Alito.
No, you are trying to score some point. But it requires some "set up" only you understand. (Do you think I'm really that innocent that I don't know what kind of games folks play online?)
How many times do I need to explain this to you?
  1. There is no number of deaths from guns that you will accept.
  2. Every gun death will illicit a call for more restrictions from you.
  3. Your logical conclusion is banning and confiscating.
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