CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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It isn't, it's slowly changing.
But the change that we will go through is not the change that you are claiming will take place. We are not going to evolve into a culture that rejects freedom.

Whatever we change into, we will always be a culture that rejects your call for us to give up our guns.

It's not about me or anyone else, it's about Toxic Individualism and unsafe gun culture in the US
Well since you are the one who has a problem with our freedom, it is kind of about you.

99.999% of blokes own a penis responsibly and will never commit rape.
Ah, demonstrating not only blatant hypocrisy but stunning incoherence to boot.
Wrong on both counts.

I am a "leftist" whom you just quoted stating nearly verbatim "Fact is not opinion," and you now argue "no."
No, it's the exact opposite. You are a leftist who I just quoted stating nearly verbatim "fact is opinion."

I always argue "no" to such claims.

Welcome to my ignore list, insufferable clown.
That is probably for the best. All you've really offered is childish name-calling devoid of substance. I could do without those sorts of responses.
Yes, you guys run on Toxic Individualism. We know that. Forget the word "Rights" and replace in with "Responsibilities". Then embrace others and go and be "Responsible" in society.
Excuse me. Apparently you believe my responsibilities include paying for the crimes of others. Where ever did you get such a ridiculous notion that that's what responsibility means.
Cardinal Carminative Captain Caveman

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country." - James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789
Sounds like an "infringement" if you axe me.

"Unusual". That's a good word. Effectively meaningless but I'm sure Alito did a good job of playing lexicographer.

I didn't realize it was written by God Almighty! You might have noticed recently that "precedent" no longer means much to folks like Mr. Alito. supported the Separate but Equal precedent? The fugitive slave act Precedent?

Thought not.
Only 32 percent of Americans currently own guns – and that number will likely decrease during the coming decades.

By the end of this century the issue will likely be moot; the tiny minority of gunowners will have no choice but to be subject to regulations and restrictions.

In the United States the end of private ownership of assault weapons will be realized through social and cultural change, not bans and restrictions.

More people are buying guns, in particular, women and blacks as well as other minorities.....they were under represented before, but their numbers are growing....blacks may have realized that the democrat party turned blm and antifa loose in their neighborhoods to burn, loot and murder, simply to help democrats win an election....that is effecting their desire to own guns to keep the democrats from doing that again...
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