CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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What exactly does a safe gun culture mean to you?
A safe culture is a one the majority adhere to. Where people don't carry a gun in public, the guns are locked in a gun cabinet when not shooting vermin on their land or at a pheasant shoot etc.. Pellets and bullets must be contained in the land where they have permission or received permission to shoot. That the reason to hold a firearm is legit, so they are part of a shoot, gun club, have land to control vermin etc.. Wanting one for self defence makes makes that person unsuitable for a firearm. Semi automatics are banned. Police hold amnesty hand in days for illegal weapons. Background checks are thorough, your driving and medical history are taken into account. Serial numbers are recorded and sales logged on forearm certificates and with the police.

If an invading countries starts a war, you have a firearm(s) in your cabinet.

I don't know anyone personally who was declined guns. I only know one that sold his shot guns a few months before he died of cancer, otherwise they would have had to be handed in, or his wife apply for a shotgun certificate.

Refusal percentages are in this link - have no real arguments based in truth, facts or you pull out emotional black mail.......

Meanwhile, you could ask the 1.1 million Americans who have used their legal guns to save stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings....and, the same week as the Uvalde shooting, stopping mass public shootings in West Virginia...

Lives saved...more lives saved each year with legal guns than are taken by criminals with illegal guns....

You won't see there photos in your collection because their lives were saved.....saved by normal people with legal guns who stopped the criminal attacking them.....
What makes it worse, you believe that tosh.

Not interested in that infringed crap.

For a lot of Americans the key aspect to the re-interpretted Second Amendment is this holy phrase of "shall not be infringed" which they leverage to cover literally anything that even mildly puts them out.

Of course their rights are always "infringed" by various limits, no right in the US Constitution is purely without any sort of limitations on it, but they are quite dedicated to ensuring that no such limitations be put on the most deadly of the rights.
A safe culture is a one the majority adhere to. Where people don't carry a gun in public, the guns are locked in a gun cabinet when not shooting vermin on their land or at a pheasant shoot etc.. Pellets and bullets must be contained in the land where they have permission or received permission to shoot. That the reason to hold a firearm is legit, so they are part of a shoot, gun club, have land to control vermin etc.. Wanting one for self defence makes makes that person unsuitable for a firearm. Semi automatics are banned. Police hold amnesty hand in days for illegal weapons. Background checks are thorough, your driving and medical history are taken into account. Serial numbers are recorded and sales logged on forearm certificates and with the police.

If an invading countries starts a war, you have a firearm(s) in your cabinet.

I don't know anyone personally who was declined guns. I only know one that sold his shot guns a few months before he died of cancer, otherwise they would have had to be handed in, or his wife apply for a shotgun certificate.

Refusal percentages are in this link -

And every few decades the government conducts mass murder......against the people who gave up their guns to be "safer."

We have over 20 million people who can legally carry guns in public for self defense...they are not the people shooting people in democrat party controlled cities....the criminals doing the shooting have long histories of crime and violence and can no longer legally buy, own or carry guns....but the democrat party politicians, prosecutors and judges keep releasing them no matter how many times they are arrested for violent and gun crimes......
I don't. But it's telling that you can't even bear to look at them.

It is sad that you dismiss the people who used their guns to save you don't have their pictures to look at because they were saved by guns...guns in the hands of law abiding citizens...1.1 million times a year, according to the Centers for Disease control..people you don't have to mourn because their lives were saved...

You dismiss those lives because they out number the number of victims killed by repeat gun offenders, released by democrats over and over again...
Sure you do.

But it's telling that you can't even bear to look at them.
It didn't bother me to look at them, but it was kind of a waste of my time.

The point being that even with RIGHTS there are LIMITS.
If you are truly interested in that point, spend a bit of time learning about Strict Scrutiny.

For a lot of Americans the key aspect to the re-interpretted Second Amendment
Only progressives try to reinterpret it. And they have failed.

is this holy phrase of "shall not be infringed" which they leverage to cover literally anything that even mildly puts them out.
Of course their rights are always "infringed" by various limits, no right in the US Constitution is purely without any sort of limitations on it, but they are quite dedicated to ensuring that no such limitations be put on the most deadly of the rights.
Again, spend some time learning about Strict Scrutiny if you are truly interested in this.
A safe culture is a one the majority adhere to. Where people don't carry a gun in public, the guns are locked in a gun cabinet when not shooting vermin on their land or at a pheasant shoot etc.. Pellets and bullets must be contained in the land where they have permission or received permission to shoot. That the reason to hold a firearm is legit, so they are part of a shoot, gun club, have land to control vermin etc.. Wanting one for self defence makes makes that person unsuitable for a firearm. Semi automatics are banned. Police hold amnesty hand in days for illegal weapons.
That's a serf culture not a safe culture.

Americans aren't serfs.

What makes it worse, you believe that tosh.
I do not share the opinion that facts and reality are tosh.

Not interested in that infringed crap.
I do not share the opinion that civil liberties are crap.
But it is still quite illgegal to incite violence.

The point being that even with RIGHTS there are LIMITS.

A safe culture is a one the majority adhere to. Where people don't carry a gun in public, the guns are locked in a gun cabinet when not shooting vermin on their land or at a pheasant shoot etc.. Pellets and bullets must be contained in the land where they have permission or received permission to shoot. That the reason to hold a firearm is legit, so they are part of a shoot, gun club, have land to control vermin etc.. Wanting one for self defence makes makes that person unsuitable for a firearm. Semi automatics are banned. Police hold amnesty hand in days for illegal weapons. Background checks are thorough, your driving and medical history are taken into account. Serial numbers are recorded and sales logged on forearm certificates and with the police.

If an invading countries starts a war, you have a firearm(s) in your cabinet.

I don't know anyone personally who was declined guns. I only know one that sold his shot guns a few months before he died of cancer, otherwise they would have had to be handed in, or his wife apply for a shotgun certificate.

Refusal percentages are in this link -

Don't care about what you do on that little island of yours.

Never did
Never will.
For a lot of Americans the key aspect to the re-interpretted Second Amendment is this holy phrase of "shall not be infringed" which they leverage to cover literally anything that even mildly puts them out.

Of course their rights are always "infringed" by various limits, no right in the US Constitution is purely without any sort of limitations on it, but they are quite dedicated to ensuring that no such limitations be put on the most deadly of the rights.
I know. They should really grab dictionaries and try to grasp the word, "Responsibilities".

Things only need regulated if people are not being responsible with it/them. Unfortunately, these regulations and laws come about because of the minority.
That's a serf culture not a safe culture.

Americans aren't serfs.

I do not share the opinion that facts and reality are tosh.

I do not share the opinion that civil liberties are crap.
That was a factual safe culture that reduces gun incidents. It also allows the responsible members of society to own and use guns safely if wish to bother owning any.

If you have a clean background and are responsible living in the UK, you've purchased and bolted in place a gun cabinet, then by all means enjoy your guns. Break any of the rules and if the police catch wind of it, because people will grass you in, kiss goodbye to your guns and wallet. What this does is, it makes you a safe responsible gun owner. No one takes their gun shopping, because there's no need and it's against the law.

But...but...but, what about all the nasty pasty criminals, home invaders and terrorists. Good grief, how many enemies do you have?
And every few decades the government conducts mass murder......against the people who gave up their guns to be "safer."

We have over 20 million people who can legally carry guns in public for self defense...they are not the people shooting people in democrat party controlled cities....the criminals doing the shooting have long histories of crime and violence and can no longer legally buy, own or carry guns....but the democrat party politicians, prosecutors and judges keep releasing them no matter how many times they are arrested for violent and gun crimes......
Good grief, your brain has already reset back to gun nut default mode and it's erased the entire posts for the last umpteen months from the last two synapse gaps.
That was a factual safe culture that reduces gun incidents.
Your lack of freedom does not make you any safer. You gave up your freedom for nothing.

It also allows the responsible members of society to own and use guns safely if wish to bother owning any.
Can an ordinary citizen in the UK legally acquire a lever action .30-30 if they want one?
That's a serf culture not a safe culture.

Americans aren't serfs.

That's actually pretty funny. Americans are more serfs than most people on the planet. The fiefdom we work for is the "corporation" or the "company" and we work more than most people on the planet but are, by and large, less productive.

Now we are like the Medieval Serfs because random dudes thinking themselves braver than anyone else wander our country armed to the teeth while most of us just want to get to work so we can get home.

I do not share the opinion that civil liberties are crap.

You confuse "civil liberties" with "guns". As if gun-related topics are the ONLY civil liberties. Which is fine for a warlord encampment in a blasted post apocalyptic hellscape.

There's more to life than JUST GUNS. Why don't you guys get a less lethal hobby (because in the end that's most of what it is for you. YOU aren't out gunnin' down evil doers, YOU aren't out saving women in dark alleys from rape, YOU aren't out stopping bad guys with guns. That's all your FANTASY.

Even police don't want you "good guys with guns" running around crime scenes. You are a positive DETRIMENT.

So just find a hobby that doesn't wind up making our country into a hellhole.
That's actually pretty funny. Americans are more serfs than most people on the planet. The fiefdom we work for is the "corporation" or the "company" and we work more than most people on the planet but are, by and large, less productive.

Now we are like the Medieval Serfs because random dudes thinking themselves braver than anyone else wander our country armed to the teeth while most of us just want to get to work so we can get home.

You confuse "civil liberties" with "guns". As if gun-related topics are the ONLY civil liberties. Which is fine for a warlord encampment in a blasted post apocalyptic hellscape.

There's more to life than JUST GUNS. Why don't you guys get a less lethal hobby (because in the end that's most of what it is for you. YOU aren't out gunnin' down evil doers, YOU aren't out saving women in dark alleys from rape, YOU aren't out stopping bad guys with guns. That's all your FANTASY.

Even police don't want you "good guys with guns" running around crime scenes. You are a positive DETRIMENT.

So just find a hobby that doesn't wind up making our country into a hellhole.

There's more to life than JUST GUNS. Why don't you guys get a less lethal hobby

There is far more to life than guns...but guns ensure our freedom from government and criminal violence......

For many people it isn't a hobby, and it isn't lethal unless lowlife criminal attacks us....
That's actually pretty funny. Americans are more serfs than most people on the planet. The fiefdom we work for is the "corporation" or the "company" and we work more than most people on the planet but are, by and large, less productive.
Now we are like the Medieval Serfs because random dudes thinking themselves braver than anyone else wander our country armed to the teeth while most of us just want to get to work so we can get home.
That is incorrect. Serfs lack the right to keep and bear arms. Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

You confuse "civil liberties" with "guns".
No I don't. Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

As if gun-related topics are the ONLY civil liberties.
Not at all. But they are the only civil liberties that progressives are trying to violate (and violate for no reason).

Which is fine for a warlord encampment in a blasted post apocalyptic hellscape.
Civil liberties are a good thing no matter what the situation.

There's more to life than JUST GUNS. Why don't you guys get a less lethal hobby (because in the end that's most of what it is for you.
Because we don't want to, and we do what we want.

YOU aren't out gunnin' down evil doers, YOU aren't out saving women in dark alleys from rape, YOU aren't out stopping bad guys with guns. That's all your FANTASY.
I don't have any such fantasy.

Even police don't want you "good guys with guns" running around crime scenes. You are a positive DETRIMENT.
You do not speak for the police.

So just find a hobby that doesn't wind up making our country into a hellhole.
No. I'll do what I want to do.
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country." - James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789
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