CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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That's funny.
It's true. A well armed populous is the final check against tyranny (foreign or domestic) whose very existence prevents tyranny in the first place. Case in point if Ukraine had never relinquished their missiles and had a proper standing army as Europe should have had as well, Putin would never have done what he did because there would have been a deterrent.
That isn't the definition of "serfdom". You should study history a bit more.
That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms. People who do not have this right, are not free.

I guess all the dead bodies don't count as a "reason" for you.
Correct. They have nothing to do with our guns.

So you know you'd be more likely to be a danger to the situation? That's good.
I know no such thing. Defending other people simply isn't my problem.

No. But I also do not pretend to do so.

Like toddlers do.
Like all free people do. You don't get to control us or our guns.

Speaking with you makes me want to beat my head against a wall.
Do I really need to explain this all to you? OK:
Freedom of speech is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution. Keeping and bearing arms is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.
The right to free speech is limited.
You are apparently not capable of understanding what this actually means.

I've explained it several times and the explanation doesn't even register with you.

It doesn't mean that you get to violate people's civil liberties.

The right to carry a gun SHOULD ALSO be limited by common sense.
It never fails that people who either support fascism or oppose civil liberties will invoke some variation of "common sense".

I want FEWER dead kids in schools.
No you don't. You only want to violate our civil liberties.

since I like seeing FEWER dead kids in schools I'm up for more laws. Maybe even some restriction on guns in general.
You won't be permitted to do that.

But if you really want to engage in pointless virtue signaling to show the world how much you CARE, I suggest burning down your own house.

Everyone will be very impressed with how much you CARE if they see that you were willing to burn down your own house just to make a statement.
That's funny.
“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788
Dead is dead. Either you care about a person's life or you don't. Suicide attempts are often a cry for help and if they are unsuccessful that help may be found. Guns make it too easy and effective. IMHO
Of course we care about deaths. But the fact remains that 50 to 60% of gun deaths ARE SUICIDE. And contrary to your theory above, the success rate is irrevelant for other methods of suicide, because you get do-overs OR can just buy those illegal pills coming in from Mexico with chinese fentanyl in them that KILLED 107,000 people -- mostly 18 to 45 yrs old last year.

Now take that 60% of suicides and let's add the 20% of GANG RELATED murders. The worst marksmen on the planet. More likely to hit a 1 yr old in a stroller or some other innocent than ANOTHER GANG member. We're up to 80% of "gun deaths" with just those 2 categories.

And then when professional statistics liars like Pew tell ya the story -- they SCREW the comparison between the US and other countries by not calling out that SUICIDES AND GANGS that take lives in those other countries by other means as well.
Of course we care about deaths. But the fact remains that 50 to 60% of gun deaths ARE SUICIDE. And contrary to your theory above, the success rate is irrevelant for other methods of suicide, because you get do-overs OR can just buy those illegal pills coming in from Mexico with chinese fentanyl in them that KILLED 107,000 people -- mostly 18 to 45 yrs old last year.

Now take that 60% of suicides and let's add the 20% of GANG RELATED murders. The worst marksmen on the planet. More likely to hit a 1 yr old in a stroller or some other innocent than ANOTHER GANG member. We're up to 80% of "gun deaths" with just those 2 categories.

And then when professional statistics liars like Pew tell ya the story -- they SCREW the comparison between the US and other countries by not calling out that SUICIDES AND GANGS that take lives in those other countries by other means as well.
I am not demeaning suicides, they're sad and dreadful for the victim and families, but they're not part of the safe gun culture issue. A safe gun culture is where citizens are not shooting one another, where innocent people don't lose their lives, where kids can grow up much more safely.

When someone shoots themselves, or drives their car off a cliff etc.. it doesn't come part of gun regulations or car safety. When mass shootings occur and vehicles driven through crowds happen, that's where we need to look at what can be done to reduce those problems.

Suicides tends to kill that person as opposed to themselves and 19 kids.
A safe gun culture is where citizens are not shooting one another,
That's a serf culture not a safe culture.

A culture where all the massacres occur without guns is just as unsafe as a culture where all the massacres occur with guns.

where innocent people don't lose their lives, where kids can grow up much more safely.
Just as many people die when massacres are committed without guns.

Kids are no safer when massacres are committed without guns.

The only change is a pointless lack of freedom.
That's a serf culture not a safe culture.

A culture where all the massacres occur without guns is just as unsafe as a culture where all the massacres occur with guns.

Just as many people die when massacres are committed without guns.

Kids are no safer when massacres are committed without guns.

The only change is a pointless lack of freedom.
I wish you would stop the idiotic replies. Can you not go and annoy someone else with that crap? You've said freedom a billion times, have you forgotten? And for the billionth time, a gun has got diddly squat with freedom.

So there you go, no need to mention it again. I think gun nuts have the attention span of a turnip.
Funny how Americans do not troll British message boards.

And as I have said before giun laws do not lower murder rates. If they did then your murder rate should be lower than it was before you all started passing draconian gun laws in the 60's and it isn't
Oh, but they do. Americans are quite commonplace on UK message boards, but their trolling is usually treated as a joke and dismissed.
It's still a damn sight lower than yours, even allowing for population size: United Kingdom vs United States: Crime > Violent crime Facts and Stats
Gun laws do however, dramatically lower gun murder rates.
I wish you would stop the idiotic replies.
I do not share the opinion that facts and logic are idiotic.

Can you not go and annoy someone else with that crap?
I do not share the opinion that facts and logic are crap.

And no. So long as you keep making untrue claims that lack of freedom makes people safer, I think it is important to counter your untrue claims and point out that in reality lack of freedom does not make anyone safer.

You've said freedom a billion times, have you forgotten?
Each time, it was in reply to someone falsely claiming that lack of freedom is a good thing.

If you stopped making untrue arguments against freedom, I would no longer have to counter them with the truth.

And for the billionth time, a gun has got diddly squat with freedom.
That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

So there you go, no need to mention it again.
Unfortunately no. Every time you make an untrue argument against freedom, it is necessary to counter with the truth.

I think gun nuts have the attention span of a turnip.
I realize that your position is indefensible, but your resort to childish name-calling is a poor stand-in for facts and logic.
Oh? Wolves operate in packs, eschewing individualism for collective cooperation to survive and thrive, so do many other species. Humans would never have evolved without collective cooperation. Just saying.
Humans also evolved to make and use their own weapons to protect themselves.

Oh, but they do. Americans are quite commonplace on UK message boards, but their trolling is usually treated as a joke and dismissed.
The left hates it when people provide facts and logic, but that isn't actually what trolling means.

Gun laws do however, dramatically lower gun murder rates.
So what? Are people any less dead if they are killed with a different kind of weapon?
Oh? Wolves operate in packs, echewing individualism for collective cooperation to survive and thrive, so do many other species. Humans would never have evolved without collective cooperation. Just saying.
And Tigers are solitary.

Like I said you Brits have been conditioned to accept intrusive government and you seem to enjoy being under constant surveillance by the government.

American would never agree to living under such conditions.

Shit a pocket knife with a 2 in blade that has a liner lock is illegal in your country.

I bet you can get arrested for running with scissors too
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