CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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For a lot of Americans the key aspect to the re-interpretted Second Amendment is this holy phrase of "shall not be infringed" which they leverage to cover literally anything that even mildly puts them out.

Of course their rights are always "infringed" by various limits, no right in the US Constitution is purely without any sort of limitations on it, but they are quite dedicated to ensuring that no such limitations be put on the most deadly of the rights.
Not as long as I own semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines they aren't.
That is incorrect. Serfs lack the right to keep and bear arms. Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

That isn't the definition of "serfdom". You should study history a bit more.

Not at all. But they are the only civil liberties that progressives are trying to violate (and violate for no reason).

I guess all the dead bodies don't count as a "reason" for you.

I don't have any such fantasy.

So you know you'd be more likely to be a danger to the situation? That's good.

You do not speak for the police.

Do you?

No. I'll do what I want to do.

Like toddlers do.
I know. They should really grab dictionaries and try to grasp the word, "Responsibilities".

Things only need regulated if people are not being responsible with it/them. Unfortunately, these regulations and laws come about because of the minority.
How am I being irresponsible?
My owning firearms isn't inciting violence. So your point is idiotic.

Speaking with you makes me want to beat my head against a wall.

Do I really need to explain this all to you? OK:

Freedom of speech is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution. Keeping and bearing arms is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.


The right to free speech is limited. The right to carry a gun SHOULD ALSO be limited by common sense.

(I'm surprised someone like you owns a gun. It kind of makes me wish there was an aptitude test for gun ownership now. Or at least a basic life-skills test)
Speaking with you makes me want to beat my head against a wall.

Do I really need to explain this all to you? OK:

Freedom of speech is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution. Keeping and bearing arms is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.


The right to free speech is limited. The right to carry a gun SHOULD ALSO be limited by common sense.

(I'm surprised someone like you owns a gun. It kind of makes me wish there was an aptitude test for gun ownership now. Or at least a basic life-skills test)
Owning and possessing firearms does not incite violence so there is no cause for restricting my constitutional right. You have no justification for restricting my rights. None, nada, zip.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country." - James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789
So do I. So does everyone. That's why there are laws against it.

Clearly not enough. Maybe enough for YOU but since I like seeing FEWER dead kids in schools I'm up for more laws. Maybe even some restriction on guns in general.

I don't know what your plan is, but I assume it will involve lots of watching kids get gunned down in schools.
It means that as long as I own semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines my rights aren't being infringed upon.

You actually think you could stand up against the US military if the government wanted your guns????

How deluded one can be I suppose.
Clearly not enough. Maybe enough for YOU but since I like seeing FEWER dead kids in schools I'm up for more laws. Maybe even some restriction on guns in general.

I don't know what your plan is, but I assume it will involve lots of watching kids get gunned down in schools.
You need to face the fact that you want guns banned and confiscated.
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