CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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At least 554 children, educators, and school staff have been killed or injured in US school shootings since the 1999 Columbine High massacre, The Washington Post reported.
According to The Post, the shootings left 185 people dead and another 369 injured.
One of the deadliest attacks happened on Tuesday — an elementary shooting in Uvalde, Texas. At least 19 children and two adults had died from the assault, as of Tuesday night.
The Post wrote that 331 schools have suffered from such attacks since the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 when two students killed 13 people and injured 20 others.
The frequency of shootings has also surged recently, with 34 incidents in 2021 — the highest in any year since 1999, The Post reported.
Overall, an estimated 311,000 schoolchildren in the US have been affected by shootings or were exposed to gun violence at their school since the 1999 Columbine shooting, per The Post.
The outlet aggregated these numbers by analyzing news reports, open-source databases, law enforcement reports, and calls to schools and police departments, it said.
Its findings only count gunfire incidents that happened on campus immediately before, during, or just after classes, and do not include shootings at colleges or universities. It also excluded shootings after hours or accidental discharges where no one was hurt.

You asked, and I responded. Gun shots of those who did not die have life long scars, even those who did not experience a gun shot, but heard the sound of gun fire, and the loud cries of those who died or were wounded.

Not only at the hundreds of schools which experienced such a horrendous event, but ever child who will attend school and be part of drills and every parent to wonder, what if!

Consider reader, what if the Republican Party continues to support the gun industry as it exists today?

Will arming more people change the number of shootings on campuses all across are nation?

Will more children live a life of fear every time a drill reminds them of what if?

Will every psychologist,
psychiatrist, social worker or school counselor be able to diagnose a killer before he (mostly he) kills innocent children or people?

Will these four words ["shall not be infringed"] be on grave markers for decades to come?

Yes readers, there are more to come. More deaths, more grief and more excuses to support more guns! More guns to be purchased, stolen or given to a killer who has not been diagnosed as a danger to themselves or others and/or never been arrested and convicted of any crime.

Most agencies that hire armed LE officers, deputies or agents have before hiring have an extensive background check. Then if they pass, they will serve in a probationary year to see if they have the right stuff.

To be continued.

WRong.......they included shootings in that number that occurred after the school was closed, on Saturday nights, the weekend, when gang members would play basketball at the hoops on the playground and get shot up......

That is not a school any sense of the word...they also included people who would go to a school parking lot, and commit suicide..again, after the school was closed with no students present....

My moms vet...who treated her pug several times, went to a local school...after hours....sat on the kids slide in the playground and shot himself in the head.......

This would be considered a school shooting...

So your data is wrong.......

That your data source has to lie about school shootings should warn you that your cause is flawed....

At least 554 children, educators, and school staff have been killed or injured in US school shootings since the 1999 Columbine High massacre, The Washington Post reported.
According to The Post, the shootings left 185 people dead and another 369 injured.
One of the deadliest attacks happened on Tuesday — an elementary shooting in Uvalde, Texas. At least 19 children and two adults had died from the assault, as of Tuesday night.
The Post wrote that 331 schools have suffered from such attacks since the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 when two students killed 13 people and injured 20 others.
The frequency of shootings has also surged recently, with 34 incidents in 2021 — the highest in any year since 1999, The Post reported.
Overall, an estimated 311,000 schoolchildren in the US have been affected by shootings or were exposed to gun violence at their school since the 1999 Columbine shooting, per The Post.
The outlet aggregated these numbers by analyzing news reports, open-source databases, law enforcement reports, and calls to schools and police departments, it said.
Its findings only count gunfire incidents that happened on campus immediately before, during, or just after classes, and do not include shootings at colleges or universities. It also excluded shootings after hours or accidental discharges where no one was hurt.

You asked, and I responded. Gun shots of those who did not die have life long scars, even those who did not experience a gun shot, but heard the sound of gun fire, and the loud cries of those who died or were wounded.

Not only at the hundreds of schools which experienced such a horrendous event, but ever child who will attend school and be part of drills and every parent to wonder, what if!

Consider reader, what if the Republican Party continues to support the gun industry as it exists today?

Will arming more people change the number of shootings on campuses all across are nation?

Will more children live a life of fear every time a drill reminds them of what if?

Will every psychologist,
psychiatrist, social worker or school counselor be able to diagnose a killer before he (mostly he) kills innocent children or people?

Will these four words ["shall not be infringed"] be on grave markers for decades to come?

Yes readers, there are more to come. More deaths, more grief and more excuses to support more guns! More guns to be purchased, stolen or given to a killer who has not been diagnosed as a danger to themselves or others and/or never been arrested and convicted of any crime.

Most agencies that hire armed LE officers, deputies or agents have before hiring have an extensive background check. Then if they pass, they will serve in a probationary year to see if they have the right stuff.

To be continued.

And here...the truth...

The problem here is that three very differently defined terms are being used somewhat incautiously and interchangeably: school shooting, mass shooting, and mass school shooting. Uvalde was a mass school shooting; the 26 previous tragedies at schools this year were not.

Many of the 26 previous shootings involved disputes between students in parking lots, or after athletic events, and all of them resulted in one or zero deaths. These deaths are still incredibly tragic, of course. But they are fundamentally unlike what happened in Uvalde.

Uvalde is a mass school shooting. This is defined in different ways too: an incident in which at least four people (some counters make it three) are shot and/or killed.

The Gun Violence Archive counts incidents in which at least four people were shot. Under this definition, many incidents of street crime and domestic violence count as mass shootings, even if no deaths result.

A stricter tally of mass school shootings, conductedby criminologists for Scientific American, only includes incidents where the shootings resulted in at least four deaths.

Using their criteria, the number of mass school shootings in the U.S. since the year 1966 is 13. These crimes claimed the lives of 146 people in total.

There Have Been 13 Mass School Shootings Since 1966, Not 27 This Year

At least 554 children, educators, and school staff have been killed or injured in US school shootings since the 1999 Columbine High massacre, The Washington Post reported.
According to The Post, the shootings left 185 people dead and another 369 injured.
One of the deadliest attacks happened on Tuesday — an elementary shooting in Uvalde, Texas. At least 19 children and two adults had died from the assault, as of Tuesday night.
The Post wrote that 331 schools have suffered from such attacks since the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 when two students killed 13 people and injured 20 others.
The frequency of shootings has also surged recently, with 34 incidents in 2021 — the highest in any year since 1999, The Post reported.
Overall, an estimated 311,000 schoolchildren in the US have been affected by shootings or were exposed to gun violence at their school since the 1999 Columbine shooting, per The Post.
The outlet aggregated these numbers by analyzing news reports, open-source databases, law enforcement reports, and calls to schools and police departments, it said.
Its findings only count gunfire incidents that happened on campus immediately before, during, or just after classes, and do not include shootings at colleges or universities. It also excluded shootings after hours or accidental discharges where no one was hurt.

You asked, and I responded. Gun shots of those who did not die have life long scars, even those who did not experience a gun shot, but heard the sound of gun fire, and the loud cries of those who died or were wounded.

Not only at the hundreds of schools which experienced such a horrendous event, but ever child who will attend school and be part of drills and every parent to wonder, what if!

Consider reader, what if the Republican Party continues to support the gun industry as it exists today?

Will arming more people change the number of shootings on campuses all across are nation?

Will more children live a life of fear every time a drill reminds them of what if?

Will every psychologist,
psychiatrist, social worker or school counselor be able to diagnose a killer before he (mostly he) kills innocent children or people?

Will these four words ["shall not be infringed"] be on grave markers for decades to come?

Yes readers, there are more to come. More deaths, more grief and more excuses to support more guns! More guns to be purchased, stolen or given to a killer who has not been diagnosed as a danger to themselves or others and/or never been arrested and convicted of any crime.

Most agencies that hire armed LE officers, deputies or agents have before hiring have an extensive background check. Then if they pass, they will serve in a probationary year to see if they have the right stuff.

To be continued.

Your link is behind a paywall......

Can't show you how they used non-school shootings to falsify their dataset....
WRong.......they included shootings in that number that occurred after the school was closed, on Saturday nights, the weekend, when gang members would play basketball at the hoops on the playground and get shot up......

That is not a school any sense of the word...they also included people who would go to a school parking lot, and commit suicide..again, after the school was closed with no students present....

My moms vet...who treated her pug several times, went to a local school...after hours....sat on the kids slide in the playground and shot himself in the head.......

This would be considered a school shooting...

So your data is wrong.......

That your data source has to lie about school shootings should warn you that your cause is flawed....
Sadly, gun nuts consider kids expendable, just as long as they can caress their guns in public.
Sadly, gun nuts consider kids expendable, just as long as they can caress their guns in public.

No....we aren't the ones celebrating the deaths of these children as if it is Christmas day and the dead kids are presents for you under the then smear their blood all over yourselves and drag the dead children in front of the democrat party cameras to rejoice in your new opportunity to grab power and take away Rights...

That is what the murder of children means to you, not us.......

we want to stop these attacks, we have given ideas on how to do guys, keeping in mind the Europeans, of which you appear to be one......murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children from 1939-1945......

More children murdered by you and your socialist German buddies than all the children killed in school shootings....

But you don't care about those millions of dead children....
Same here. The question seems to be how do we insure criminals, or dangerously mentally ill don't buy guns?
The shift seems to be its not guns its mental health, So tell me why Republicans have been cutting mental health for years, and Abbott & Texas state Republicans have cut mental health funding 200 million dollars over the last two years ?????
The shift seems to be its not guns its mental health, So tell me why Republicans have been cutting mental health for years, and Abbott & Texas state Republicans have cut mental health funding 200 million dollars over the last two years ?????

They haven't......the first push to cut mental health began with the democrats long before Reagan.....and the democrats will fight tooth and nail to keep the mentally ill on the streets of their cities instead of in Mental Health facilities..........
The shift seems to be its not guns its mental health, So tell me why Republicans have been cutting mental health for years, and Abbott & Texas state Republicans have cut mental health funding 200 million dollars over the last two years ?????

It isn't the is mental health, and the failure of education, law enforcement and health systems to identify the dangerously mentally ill and act on those identifications......

Florida is taking on this challenge under Super Man Ron Desantis....

And so we focused on how do we make sure we start doing real assessments of students that have problems and required that they happened at the school so we don’t have, we don’t have people just turning a blind eye, because when Parkland happened, a lot of people said oh, we always knew it was going to be that guy. That was the guy we always thought it would be. And so that can’t happen, if you stop and think about it. That should never happen.
And then we required all of our schools, our public schools, all of them had to have law enforcement officers on duty when they’re open, and they had to do drills,
So what we did was we increased money and it had to go, we’d already been doing some, but all the new money had to go for hardening, period. Then what we did was we said the school districts, we added more money for law enforcement officers. Depending on the school districts, we have school districts by county in Florida. We, they were already, many of them were already doing it. They teamed up with their sheriff’s department, the police departments, and they were funding their own programs.

HH: Check, check. And explain why that’s different from some red flag laws, because that’s a key, I’ve been urging people that it’s got to go through the police.
RS: So then we did that, and that, my understanding, through due process that’s been used 5,000 times in Florida, and people feel comfortable that it’s increased safety. Here’s something else that we did. We were, I was very vocal about the FBI, because the FBI had prior knowledge, I think it was three times they had been called about the shooter at Parkland, and the information didn’t go from their call center to the local FBI office or to local law enforcement.
HH: Now Senator, when we come back after break, I’m going to ask you about the 21-year old age limit, so save that.
I sat down with everybody and said what could, you know, we’ve got, unfortunately, we’ve got some very responsible 18-year olds, and then we’ve got some irresponsible 18-year olds. And I said I’m not going to take away their rights to own a gun, have a gun, but they’re, basically, it has to be, you cannot buy it by yourself. You have to be with your parents. You cannot buy it until you’re 21.

Senators Rick Scott (FL) And Tom Cotton (AR) On The Senate And Legislation On School Safety And Guns - The Hugh Hewitt Show
WRong.......they included shootings in that number that occurred after the school was closed, on Saturday nights, the weekend, when gang members would play basketball at the hoops on the playground and get shot up......

That is not a school any sense of the word...they also included people who would go to a school parking lot, and commit suicide..again, after the school was closed with no students present....

My moms vet...who treated her pug several times, went to a local school...after hours....sat on the kids slide in the playground and shot himself in the head.......

This would be considered a school shooting...

So your data is wrong.......

That your data source has to lie about school shootings should warn you that your cause is flawed....
As Vice President once told a US Senator, Go Fuck yourself.

But in your case, it is not you to get fucked, it is every child murdered and you and others who refuse to acknowledge guns, all types of guns are lethal weapons and need to be controlled; it is you who vote for Republicans who refuse to support control of these lethal weapons as another mass shooting in one in Philadelphia late Saturday Night.
What is your solution to reduce suicide by guns? A massive gun round up? You realize there are over 300 million guns out there right?
No one advocates for a ‘massive gun round up.’

With regard to suicide and other acts of gun crime and violence, conservatives usually resort to making the problem a mental health issue – yet most Republican-controlled states refuse to expand Medicaid.

If conservatives were serious about mental illness as a cause for gun crime and violence, they’d support expanding Medicaid to ensure everyone had access to affordable mental healthcare.
They haven't......the first push to cut mental health began with the democrats long before Reagan.....and the democrats will fight tooth and nail to keep the mentally ill on the streets of their cities instead of in Mental Health facilities..........
the facts are there for what has been going on in recent years,
so show me the facts from 40 years ago when you once again you use that old refrain "they did it to.
As Vice President once told a US Senator, Go Fuck yourself.

But in your case, it is not you to get fucked, it is every child murdered and you and others who refuse to acknowledge guns, all types of guns are lethal weapons and need to be controlled; it is you who vote for Republicans who refuse to support control of these lethal weapons as another mass shooting in one in Philadelphia late Saturday Night.

You are a shitstain.....

You use the murder of these children like it is Christmas morning and they are your gifts under the pull out your anti-gun wish list, a list with no connection to the mass public shooting......and start screeching about "doing something," that not surprisingly is everything on your list......that does nothing to address the problem...but does ratchet down on the Right of normal people...people who did nothing wrong, to own and carry guns...guns that they will not use to commit any crimes...

Ok shit the laws you us.........let us see your dead kid Christmas wish list..........

Being a typical, anti-gun will not show us your guys used to, until we exposed how dumb they are, how they don't work, and how they are simply meant to grab guns from normal people...... us your list...defend your list...

I have listed the things I know will save children's lives....things that will not deny Rights to other Americans who committed no crime...

I defend my list every time I put it cowards refuse to do this...

As Andrew Klavan points out..what you want doesn't work, but you still want matter how many Rights you have to take, no matter how many people continue to be hurt......and since they don't work, and you can't defend only defense is to say "Shut ....(fill in the blank)".........mass graves are your final answer to this problem of people who disagree with what you demand.
If a background check didn't stop all these recent mass shooters how in the hell is a stupid gun registration going to stop them?

The Bill of Rights doesn't say anything about having to registered to be entitled to the rights. It also doesn't say that you have to get government permission (like a background check) before being allowed to have the right.

You have read the Bill of Rights, haven't you? Do you understand what a Bill of Rights is?
Clearly you have no idea what the Bill of Rights is.

Rights are neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited’ – government has the authority to place limits and restriction of our rights and to regulate those right consistent with Constitutional case law.

“Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”

…laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms” – such as background checks, registration requirements, and waiting periods, all of which are perfectly Constitutional, none of which violate or infringe upon the Second Amendment, consistent with Constitutional case law as determined by the Supreme Court.
the facts are there for what has been going on in recent years,
so show me the facts from 40 years ago when you once again you use that old refrain "they did it to.


The democrats....

The first was the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill starting in the 1960’s. The movement, started in Europe, was supported by President Kennedy and ultimately complicated by a U.S. Supreme Court opinion and civil liberty concerns over forced treatment.

The second in recent years was fueled by concerns about perceived mass incarceration, and the reality that our jails and prisons had become the de facto mental facilities.

The first was the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill starting in the 1960’s. The movement, started in Europe, was supported by President Kennedy and ultimately complicated by a U.S. Supreme Court opinion and civil liberty concerns over forced treatment.

The second in recent years was fueled by concerns about perceived mass incarceration, and the reality that our jails and prisons had become the de facto mental facilities.


In the last several years, California engaged in mental health deinstitutionalization 2.0. This time it was Gov. Brown who pushed for sweeping new laws.

Measures approved by the Legislature and voters have drastically changed the legal landscape and reduced prison and jail populations. By the end of his tenure, prison population has fallen by almost a third.

As the jails and prisons emptied, homelessness jumped. Unlike the rest of the U.S. where homelessness has been relatively flat, California’s homelessness spiked in 2015. Now, approximately a quarter of all people experiencing homelessness in this country reside in California.

Hmmmmm...which party uses the concept of "mass incarceration," as an excuse for their new crusade...releasing the most violent, the most dangerous criminals from our jails and prisons, back into black neighborhoods where they murder young black males in record numbers....?
They haven't......the first push to cut mental health began with the democrats long before Reagan.....and the democrats will fight tooth and nail to keep the mentally ill on the streets of their cities instead of in Mental Health facilities..........
"Cut mental health" or cut the institutionalization of the mentally ill? Not every mentally ill person is a danger to themselves or others and wholesale incarceration is not an answer.
"Cut mental health" or cut the institutionalization of the mentally ill? Not every mentally ill person is a danger to themselves or others and wholesale incarceration is not an answer.

Who said wholesale incarceration is the answer? Not me....

I point out that in 2021 we had 6 dangerously mentally ill people who committed acts of mass public shooting....out of over 330 million people...

6 people out of even the 50 million people with some sort of mental health illness...

You guys want to use 6 people to take guns away from the owners of 600 million guns....and over 20 million people who can carry guns legally...

6 people and you think they give you the power to do this.

These 6 people......most of the 6 were already known to friends, family, the schools, and local police to be dangerous.........and to others they threatened...

Do you think our system can handle 6 people being incarcerated? In a mental health facility after a judicial process?
So if that gun ends up in another state how can it be linked back to that original theft? Possession of stolen property is a more serious crime that having an unregistered weapon.

It doesn't don't have to register guns....if someone uses a gun in a arrest the person who did the crime....

I want to be able to punish the person who originally owned the gun........

Too bad for you.....

You don't need to register guns to arrest criminals who use them simply want gun registration because you know that all the countries that registered their guns, eventually used those registration lists to ban and confiscate guns...
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