CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Of the 393 million guns in the United States, only 32 percent of adults own those guns.

Laws are consequently a small part of the issue; and banning certain types of firearms is in fact not the solution.

100% of the gun problems come from 32% of the population
Hey Brit we kicked your ass
Your forefathers are grateful that you are trying to take credit for history. They would like to also remind you that their arses were getting kicked so they needed the French to help. Also, your arses got kicked in Vietnam and Afghanistan. So without the French, you're pathetic.
Your forefathers are grateful that you are trying to take credit for history. They would like to also remind you that their arses were getting kicked so they needed the French to help. Also, your arses got kicked in Vietnam and Afghanistan. So without the French, you're pathetic.
Brit want to try it again?
You are a shitstain.....

You use the murder of these children like it is Christmas morning and they are your gifts under the pull out your anti-gun wish list, a list with no connection to the mass public shooting......and start screeching about "doing something," that not surprisingly is everything on your list......that does nothing to address the problem...but does ratchet down on the Right of normal people...people who did nothing wrong, to own and carry guns...guns that they will not use to commit any crimes...

Ok shit the laws you us.........let us see your dead kid Christmas wish list..........

Being a typical, anti-gun will not show us your guys used to, until we exposed how dumb they are, how they don't work, and how they are simply meant to grab guns from normal people...... us your list...defend your list...

I have listed the things I know will save children's lives....things that will not deny Rights to other Americans who committed no crime...

I defend my list every time I put it cowards refuse to do this...

As Andrew Klavan points out..what you want doesn't work, but you still want matter how many Rights you have to take, no matter how many people continue to be hurt......and since they don't work, and you can't defend only defense is to say "Shut ....(fill in the blank)".........mass graves are your final answer to this problem of people who disagree with what you demand.
You're a damn liar, you posted only the first of my comments in your post 117. You're deplorable and a worthless human being.
Would you feel safer if anyone in your apartment building could go out and easily buy a gun?

I live in a neighborhood with tons of off duty cops, plenty of armed people all around.

It's not about my feelings, it's about my constitutional rights that are being crapped on by NYC.
I don't know if your slippery slope paranoia is warranted or not but I think many people are intercepted by police before they commit crimes. Carrying a stolen weapon is a great charge, maybe with mandatory jailtime, but it needs to be traced back to the owner of the gun. Not for the owner prosecution but the criminals.

No.....the police in our cities catch criminals with stolen guns all the time....the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain them away first thing......

Here is a website...if you want to see Chicago crime and how many felons are captured and released, over and over again due to democrat party policy...the democrats have controlled the city since 1931......this is a great resource...

It may give you an idea that the problem isn't guns or normal gun is a philosophy that believes that it is not fair to lock up violent they don't...

Just one such story...

The man who investigators believe shot a Chicago police officer during a traffic stop on Wednesday evening was charged in late 2020 with being a felon in possession of a firearm, but prosecutors dropped the case against him just four months ago, according to court records.


Prior to Heller, the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment was the accepted paradigm – nothing ‘bogus’ about it; for 217 years ‘the left’ was correct.

Also wrong about the ‘militia’ – in Presser v. Illinois the Court held that a militia can be authorized only by the Federal government or state government; private armed citizens have no authority to unilaterally declare themselves a ‘militia.’

And your last two paragraphs contradict your first – because the Second Amendment is an individual right unconnected to militia service, there is nothing to be ‘well regulated’ and private armed citizens have nothing to do with securing a free state, that’s the sole purview of the state militia as authorized and recognized by the state government.

The Second Amendment is either an individual right or a collective right – you can’t have it both ways. wasn't accepted as you can see in Heller, where they go over the entire history of the Right to own and carry guns......
Banning certain types of guns is a part of the solution.

Even with a ‘ban,’ prohibited weapons would remain in possession of current owners – that’s some 10 million AR 15s alone.

‘The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.’


Even with a ‘ban,’ prohibited weapons would remain in possession of current owners – that’s some 10 million AR 15s alone.

‘The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.’

Dude their are way more than 10 million ARs more like 30 million.
It's outdated, it was fantastic in the musket days, and in the Marion Robert Morrison fantasy films. But in the real world, it needs scrapped.
You only exhibit your ignorance.

If the Constitution were to be amended to repeal the Second Amendment, the responsibility to regulate firearms would become the sole purview of the states; 44 states currently have provisions in their constitutions codifying a right to keep and bear arms.

Indeed, eliminating the Second Amendment would result in making it impossible to ultimately ban assault weapons at some point in the future.
You only exhibit your ignorance.

If the Constitution were to be amended to repeal the Second Amendment, the responsibility to regulate firearms would become the sole purview of the states; 44 states currently have provisions in their constitutions codifying a right to keep and bear arms.

Indeed, eliminating the Second Amendment would result in making it impossible to ultimately ban assault weapons at some point in the future.
In common use
The real issue is still being avoided. It's as Michael Moore has pointed out continuously ever since his award winning, Bowling for Columbine.

America has adopted a culture of continuous wars, death, and killing people with their guns.

Neither side can accept that and so there can be no change for the better.
Turning the children's schools into prison-like fortresses with armed guards, needs to be experimented with, even though it will just harden the culture of killing earlier for the children.
Only loons listen to the fat ass millionaire socialist. In 1974 Israel had a school shooting that prompted them to install armed security since that time they have had two incidents. Israel has already done the experimenting and it works.

The majority of the shit stains that attack schools are cowards who are looking for a soft target. Gun free zones are dangerous and need to go away.
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