CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Funny thing……California with the most extreme gun control in the country has more gun murders than Texas with its 2nd amendment environmemt
California (Population: 39,613,493) Texas (Population: 29,730,311)

California (Population: 39,613,493) Texas (Population: 29,730,311)


California extreme gun control….more gun murder than Texas……gun stores on every corner, open and concealed carry
So you admit that gun murder rates are increasing.
Why does it matter if murderers kill with a gun instead of with some other kind of weapon?

Are murder victims more dead if they are killed with a gun??

Gun murder rates are climbing. Active shooter incidents are becoming more common.
As above, so what?

Perhaps we should do something about that?
There isn't anything to be done. But even if there was, who cares what kind of weapon someone is murdered with?

It's not like murder victims are less dead if they are killed with a different kind of weapon.
Yes and the right to bear arms was not listed as I recall.
You're looking in the wrong place. Check the text of the Second Amendment.

Are you in a militia?
The right to keep and bear arms is held by the people, not limited to members of an organized militia.

You mean they are crapped on by the voters of NYC. It is called democracy.
The voters of NYC are criminals for violating people's civil liberties for no reason. They should be forced to pay reparations to their victims.
Actually it appears gun crime decreased during the Assault Weapon ban around 1994 and remained low until it expired.


(The Assault Weapon Ban Saved Lives | Stanford Law School)
Fake news. Never happened.

So it seems more directly related to the assault weapons ban. That confuses me somewhat because I've been under the impression, mainly from 2A advocates that "assault weapons" are little more than tricked-out semi-auto hunting rifles with a lot more bells and whistles to make the LOOK ominous. So it doesn't make a lot of sense if similar firepower was always available but for whatever reason there was a drop off during the ban and it ended when the ban expired.
The discrepancy comes from the fact that the above claims of "lower gun crime" are fraudulent.

Note that the guns in question are not actually assault weapons. They should not be referred to as such.
The UK suffered 30 suicides by gun in 2020. On average in total, the UK suffers 177 deaths per year by firearms.
If you take that per capita between the US and UK, gun laws do work, but give it several decades to bed in.
The only thing that gun laws are intended to do is abolish freedom.

That is also the only thing that they ever achieve.

The 2nd Amendment is outdated as well as it's text because it seems to be the most thing argued about in America. If the SCOTUS chop and change their rulings, that's evidence it's badly written.
No. Freedom will never be outdated.

The fact that progressives deny reality is not evidence that our rights are badly written. Rather, it means that progressives are delusional.

Sadly, gun nuts consider kids expendable, just as long as they can caress their guns in public.
Name calling.

And our guns are not the cause of any deaths.

America needs to sort it's guns out, you gun nuts have had far too long with caressing guns in public with the daft logic of more guns sorts the problem. You need to step aside and let the grown ups sort the issue out. Your time is up.
Name calling.

And you don't have the power to impose such demands on us.

Banning certain types of guns is a part of the solution.
Only to people who see freedom as a problem to be eliminated.

It's outdated, it was fantastic in the musket days, and in the Marion Robert Morrison fantasy films. But in the real world, it needs scrapped.
We are not going to abolish our freedom.

If you truly want to live where there is no freedom, you already have your wish, but we will not be joining you.

And neither for that matter will many Europeans, who also have no wish to give up their freedom. There is a broad swath of countries from Finland to Switzerland who plan on remaining free.

100% of the gun problems come from 32% of the population
There are no gun problems.

Also, your arses got kicked in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Not really.
As Vice President once told a US Senator, Go Fuck yourself.
But in your case, it is not you to get fucked, it is every child murdered and you and others who refuse to acknowledge guns, all types of guns are lethal weapons and need to be controlled; it is you who vote for Republicans who refuse to support control of these lethal weapons as another mass shooting in one in Philadelphia late Saturday Night.
Nonsense. Preventing progressives from violating people's civil liberties does not cause a single death.

You're a damn liar, you posted only the first of my comments in your post 117. You're deplorable and a worthless human being.
That is incorrect. He accurately characterized progressives and their eagerness to use massacres as a way to attack our freedom. There is nothing wrong with him saying that.

Yep and growing. The more murders of children will put more people to understand the R Party puts Politics and Money before the people.
So as previously pointed out, progressives hope to abuse these massacres as a way to attack our freedom.

Reading it three times I concluded this is word salad.
Your conclusion is wrong. What he said makes perfect sense.

He said that progressive views do not count because they hate our freedom.
No one advocates for a ‘massive gun round up.’
Progressives call for it all the time.

Rights are neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited’ – government has the authority to place limits and restriction of our rights and to regulate those right consistent with Constitutional case law.
Only if the limits and restrictions pass muster with Strict Scrutiny.

…laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms” – such as background checks, registration requirements, and waiting periods, all of which are perfectly Constitutional, none of which violate or infringe upon the Second Amendment, consistent with Constitutional case law as determined by the Supreme Court.
Making people wait for no reason is unconstitutional.

Prior to Heller, the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment was the accepted paradigm – nothing ‘bogus’ about it; for 217 years ‘the left’ was correct.
That is incorrect. It has always been accepted that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. And the Supreme Court has always ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. Note the 1939 Miller ruling as one example.

That’s evidence of a partisan Supreme Court more interested in fomenting conservative dogma than legal precedent.
So in other words, only conservatives care about upholding the Constitution.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with the Second Amendment; although its case law is in its infancy, still evolving, it nonetheless codifies the fact that the Second Amendment is not ‘unlimited,’ that fact that government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the right, and the fact that citizens have no right to possess any and all weapons available.
Limits and restrictions are allowed only if they pass muster with Strict Scrutiny.

People have the right to have any weapon that there is no good reason for banning.

When confronted with the fact that gun murder rates are climbing and active shooter incidents are becoming more common, conservatives respond with the false, wrongheaded, unwarranted notion that the solution will involve ‘banning’ guns and ‘confiscating’ firearms – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
That is incorrect. Progressives are trying to ban guns, and that is the truth.

Indeed, eliminating the Second Amendment would result in making it impossible to ultimately ban assault weapons at some point in the future.
Keeping the Second Amendment also makes it impossible, since the Second Amendment forbids outlawing assault weapons.
Why does it matter if murderers kill with a gun instead of with some other kind of weapon?

Are murder victims more dead if they are killed with a gun??

As above, so what?

There isn't anything to be done. But even if there was, who cares what kind of weapon someone is murdered with?

It's not like murder victims are less dead if they are killed with a different kind of weapon.
Murders are murders.

The method by which they’re being murdered would indicate where something should be addressed, if at all.
Then it shouldn't matter which method murderers use to kill their victims. Instead the focus should be on the murders themselves.

Why should the method be addressed when it doesn't matter what method is used?
It does matter when mass killers are using guns to maximize damage.
Suicide is not a gun death, it's suicide. Disingenuous gun grabbers have attempted to boost the notion of suicide as 'gun violence', while no other form of suicide is considered violence at all.
I’m not saying they’re more dead. I’m saying that people who want as much death as possible tend to do their damage with guns.
It doesn't matter what they use to do their damage though. Their victims would be just as dead if they killed them some other way.

The focus needs to be on stopping murderers, not on changing the technique that murderers use to commit their crimes. Especially when that technique cannot be changed without violating people's civil liberties.
Probably doable but why haven't we done it?
Because no one wants to.

we all know where the most murders take place. the powers that be both federal and state know where most murders occur.

They choose to do nothing about it because these murders are young urban male minorities killing other young urban male minorities.

The powers that be do not enforce the gun laws we already have on the books because they all want the gun violence we have
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