CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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You only exhibit your ignorance.

If the Constitution were to be amended to repeal the Second Amendment, the responsibility to regulate firearms would become the sole purview of the states; 44 states currently have provisions in their constitutions codifying a right to keep and bear arms.

Indeed, eliminating the Second Amendment would result in making it impossible to ultimately ban assault weapons at some point in the future.
To repeal the 2nd Amendment would take a Convention called for by 2/3rds of the States or a 2/3rds vote by the House and Senate none of these will ever happen. So the left will rely on unconstitutional bans and or making the process of owning a firearm so time consuming and expensive most people won't go through the trouble.

Criminals by their very nature will of course ignore any laws or bans. I see organizations like the Central and South American Cartels getting even richer supplying firearms to the criminals.
Only loons listen to the fat ass millionaire socialist. In 1974 Israel had a school shooting that prompted them to install armed security since that time they have had two incidents. Israel has already done the experimenting and it works.
Nobody listens to Michael Moore and that's the problem.
The majority of the shit stains that attack schools are cowards who are looking for a soft target. Gun free zones are dangerous and need to go away.
Turning the children's schools into prison-like fortresses with armed guards is a fix that should be tried at least. Due to the culture of war and killing, normal isn't possible anymore.
If we're going to have gun control, it should focus on the demographics that cause actual problems.
Nobody listens to Michael Moore and that's the problem.

Turning the children's schools into prison-like fortresses with armed guards is a fix that should be tried at least. Due to the culture of war and killing, normal isn't possible anymore.
Millionaire socialist, if you can't see the hypocrisy in that then keep on listing to his fat ass.
Millionaire socialist, if you can't see the hypocrisy in that then keep on listing to his fat ass.
I'm a socialist according to US standards myself, but not according to the standards of the world's leading democracies. And I'm a millionaire about two times over, but that's not a big deal nowadays.
The only difference with me is that I'm not fat like most Americans.
I see no indication of hypocrisy but I can see how Michael Moore's facts can sting.

I'll just remind you to keep the 'fat ass' stuff to yourself or we won't be having a discussion.
If we're going to have gun control, it should focus on the demographics that cause actual problems.
Yes! And I'll start with the culture of continuous wars and killing with guns. The entire American mindset of the men is dressed up in camo costumes, to put it bluntly.

We should try to keep the racism issue out of this topic please.
To repeal the 2nd Amendment would take a Convention called for by 2/3rds of the States or a 2/3rds vote by the House and Senate none of these will ever happen. So the left will rely on unconstitutional bans and or making the process of owning a firearm so time consuming and expensive most people won't go through the trouble.

Criminals by their very nature will of course ignore any laws or bans. I see organizations like the Central and South American Cartels getting even richer supplying firearms to the criminals.
I love these Moon Bats that say "I support the Second Amendment BUT......"

....and the BUT is a mile long on destroying the Second.
I live in a neighborhood with tons of off duty cops, plenty of armed people all around.

It's not about my feelings, it's about my constitutional rights that are being crapped on by NYC.
It's all about you.
Only loons listen to the fat ass millionaire socialist. In 1974 Israel had a school shooting that prompted them to install armed security since that time they have had two incidents. Israel has already done the experimenting and it works.

The majority of the shit stains that attack schools are cowards who are looking for a soft target. Gun free zones are dangerous and need to go away

One data point is nothing. Gun Free zones are like stop signs, those who run it pay a fine, those who are caught with a gun pay a fine, loose their gun and spend some time in county jail.

Even with a ‘ban,’ prohibited weapons would remain in possession of current owners – that’s some 10 million AR 15s alone.

‘The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.’

A 1994 piece of legislation is meaningless, it takes decades to create a reasonable level of gun safety, and it takes more than one bit of legislation. The UK started in 1870 with gun safety, with the first licencing. It's now some 150 years later to get we are at. It takes hundreds of adjustments to gun regs and buy back/hand in schemes. Local police constantly hold hand in days and it's surprising what's still being handed in.

It's clear America hasn't got a clue with guns if they expect immediate results from a half hearted bit of gun regulation. They're not the brightest crayon in the box.
Gun deaths could be higher in States with less restrictive gun laws solely because of suicides, due to guns being more accessible and thus being the favored method. The people in NY have to find different ways of offing themselves due to the stricter gun laws, but nothing says they are stopped from "an heroing" because they couldn't get a gun.
Plus, which states have the greater number of population/guns etc..
No.....the police in our cities catch criminals with stolen guns all the time....the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain them away first thing......
Facts not in evidence. Easy to make your point if you make up the support for it. (He does seem to be a loser of a Judge though.)

Here is a website...if you want to see Chicago crime and how many felons are captured and released, over and over again due to democrat party policy...the democrats have controlled the city since 1931......this is a great resource...
Most voters in Chicago are law abiding citizens so as bad as the Dems are the GOP must be even worse.

It may give you an idea that the problem isn't guns or normal gun is a philosophy that believes that it is not fair to lock up violent they don't...

Just one such story...

The man who investigators believe shot a Chicago police officer during a traffic stop on Wednesday evening was charged in late 2020 with being a felon in possession of a firearm, but prosecutors dropped the case against him just four months ago, according to court records.

They dropped the charges because he was not in possession of the gun. It's the law.
I was a question about me, and when it comes to detailed rights such as RKBA your limp wristed squeamishness over armed fellow citizens doesn't count.
Ummmm.... word salad ^^^
"when it comes to detailed rights such as RKBA (?) your limp wristed squeamishness over armed fellow citizens doesn't count"
Reading it three times I concluded this is word salad.

Word salad is defined as “a jumble of extremely incoherent speech as sometimes observed in schizophrenia,” and has been used of patients suffering from other kinds of dementia, such as Alzheimer's.

Like a salad encased in Jell-O, a 'word salad' doesn't make a lot of sense.
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