CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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So if that gun ends up in another state how can it be linked back to that original theft? Possession of stolen property is a more serious crime that having an unregistered weapon.

So how do the police do their job...if a gun is at the scene of a crime...?

They take DNA and fingerprints from the gun...don't need to register it for that....

They then ask everyone in the area......did anyone see anything...don't need to register guns for this....

They then ask friends and you know anyone who wanted to kill this dude? Don't need to register guns for this...

They round up suspects based on all of the above.....don't need to register guns to do this....

Then.......they run the serial number on the gun and find out that it was stolen 7 years ago.....and that the original owner has had no connection to the gun, and no connection to the dead dude.....

Gun registration has no bearing on the investigation...
Who said wholesale incarceration is the answer? Not me....

I point out that in 2021 we had 6 dangerously mentally ill people who committed acts of mass public shooting....out of over 330 million people...

6 people out of even the 50 million people with some sort of mental health illness...

You guys want to use 6 people to take guns away from the owners of 600 million guns....and over 20 million people who can carry guns legally...

6 people and you think they give you the power to do this.

These 6 people......most of the 6 were already known to friends, family, the schools, and local police to be dangerous.........and to others they threatened...

Do you think our system can handle 6 people being incarcerated? In a mental health facility after a judicial process?
I think your numbers do not reflect the reality. US and international to date research suggests that individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are responsible for approximately 10% of all homicides in the United States. For mass killings, the percentage is approximately 33%.
Nope.....God gave us these Rights....we create governments to protect those Rights...

The Constitution and its case law protect our rights – not government.

Constitutional case law determines how government may regulate our rights – what regulations and restrictions are appropriate and lawful and what regulations and restrictions are not.

First Amendment jurisprudence prohibits government from preempting or restricting speech because of its content; government may not preempt or restrict hate speech, but time, place, and manner restrictions are lawful – obscenity and child pornography are not entitled to First Amendment protections.

Second Amendment jurisprudence prohibits government from banning handguns while permit and licensing requirements are lawful.

Acts of government – reflecting the will of the people – are presumed to be Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.
It doesn't don't have to register guns....if someone uses a gun in a arrest the person who did the crime....

I want to be able to punish the person who originally owned the gun........

Too bad for you.....

You don't need to register guns to arrest criminals who use them simply want gun registration because you know that all the countries that registered their guns, eventually used those registration lists to ban and confiscate guns...
I don't know if your slippery slope paranoia is warranted or not but I think many people are intercepted by police before they commit crimes. Carrying a stolen weapon is a great charge, maybe with mandatory jailtime, but it needs to be traced back to the owner of the gun. Not for the owner prosecution but the criminals.
So if that gun ends up in another state how can it be linked back to that original theft? Possession of stolen property is a more serious crime that having an unregistered weapon.
We don't have a gun registry so in fact no one can have an unregistered firearm.

And you don't think that the police have nationwide data bases?

You never heard of CODIS or AFIS?
Clearly you have no idea what the Bill of Rights is.

Rights are neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited’ –
You are really confused about this, aren't you Moon Bat?

What you think is not absolute and what I think are limited are two different things. You Moon Bats are bat shit crazy when it comes to things like this and can't be trusted to be reasonable.

The problem with gun laws is that the filthy ass government at the Federal, State and Local level have been getting away with being unreasonable in restrrictions in their definition of "limited". Things like useless background checks, requiring permits, age restructions, magazine bans and even infringing upon the kind of arm that be possessed. How stupid is that?

The governments have not used strict scrutiny for a Constititonal right that says clearly that it can't be infringed upon in establishing gun control laws. That needs to be fixed!

Hopefully this New York case in front of the Supreme Court will fix that and we can stop all the shitty infringements the assholes at the Federal, State and Local level have been doing. We will see but most Court observers think that the Court would not have taken the case if they weren't going require that governments will now have to use strict scrutiny for gun laws.
No....we aren't the ones celebrating the deaths of these children as if it is Christmas day and the dead kids are presents for you under the then smear their blood all over yourselves and drag the dead children in front of the democrat party cameras to rejoice in your new opportunity to grab power and take away Rights...

That is what the murder of children means to you, not us.......

we want to stop these attacks, we have given ideas on how to do guys, keeping in mind the Europeans, of which you appear to be one......murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children from 1939-1945......

More children murdered by you and your socialist German buddies than all the children killed in school shootings....

But you don't care about those millions of dead children....
America needs to sort it's guns out, you gun nuts have had far too long with caressing guns in public with the daft logic of more guns sorts the problem. You need to step aside and let the grown ups sort the issue out. Your time is up.
According to the Supreme Court I don't have to be in any organized militia to keep and bear arms because they said very clearly it is an individual right, the same as the right of free speech and the right of religion. It is in the Heller judgement pertaining to DC and reaarimed in the McDonald case pertaining to the states. Go look it up.

Of course that has always been a bogus argument by the Left.

The "militia" suppose to be a non government sponsored entity. Armed citizens arising to do their duty for the security of a free state.

If the friggin government takes away the arms from the citizens then they can't be "well regulated" and have the arms necessary to do the job, can they?

Prior to Heller, the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment was the accepted paradigm – nothing ‘bogus’ about it; for 217 years ‘the left’ was correct.

Also wrong about the ‘militia’ – in Presser v. Illinois the Court held that a militia can be authorized only by the Federal government or state government; private armed citizens have no authority to unilaterally declare themselves a ‘militia.’

And your last two paragraphs contradict your first – because the Second Amendment is an individual right unconnected to militia service, there is nothing to be ‘well regulated’ and private armed citizens have nothing to do with securing a free state, that’s the sole purview of the state militia as authorized and recognized by the state government.

The Second Amendment is either an individual right or a collective right – you can’t have it both ways.
The UK suffered 30 suicides by gun in 2020. On average in total, the UK suffers 177 deaths per year by firearms.

If you take that per capita between the US and UK, gun laws do work, but give it several decades to bed in.
Of the 393 million guns in the United States, only 32 percent of adults own those guns.

Laws are consequently a small part of the issue; and banning certain types of firearms is in fact not the solution.

The 2nd Amendment is outdated as well as it's text because it seems to be the most thing argued about in America. If the SCOTUS chop and change their rulings, that's evidence it's badly written.
Actually not.

That’s evidence of a partisan Supreme Court more interested in fomenting conservative dogma than legal precedent.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with the Second Amendment; although its case law is in its infancy, still evolving, it nonetheless codifies the fact that the Second Amendment is not ‘unlimited,’ that fact that government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the right, and the fact that citizens have no right to possess any and all weapons available.

The problem is dishonest rightwing ideologues who refuse to accept those facts.

Prior to Heller, the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment was the accepted paradigm – nothing ‘bogus’ about it; for 217 years ‘the left’ was correct.

Also wrong about the ‘militia’ – in Presser v. Illinois the Court held that a militia can be authorized only by the Federal government or state government; private armed citizens have no authority to unilaterally declare themselves a ‘militia.’

And your last two paragraphs contradict your first – because the Second Amendment is an individual right unconnected to militia service, there is nothing to be ‘well regulated’ and private armed citizens have nothing to do with securing a free state, that’s the sole purview of the state militia as authorized and recognized by the state government.

The Second Amendment is either an individual right or a collective right – you can’t have it both ways.
You are confused.

Prior to Heller what somebody thought about the Second not being an individual right doesn't mean jackshit. Scalia said it was an individual right and that is the law of the land. Not connected to membership in any organization.

You Moon Bats are as confused about the Constitution as you are confused about History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology and Ethics may not like it but that is the law of the land.

Soak it up Buttercup.
Gun murder rates are climbing. Active shooter incidents are becoming more common. Perhaps we should do something about that?
And nothing is going to be done the consequence of conservative obstructionism.

When confronted with the fact that gun murder rates are climbing and active shooter incidents are becoming more common, conservatives respond with the false, wrongheaded, unwarranted notion that the solution will involve ‘banning’ guns and ‘confiscating’ firearms – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Indeed, conservative obstructionism prevents us from even exploring solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.
You are confused.

Prior to Heller what somebody thought about the Second not being an individual right doesn't mean jackshit. Scalia said it was an individual right and that is the law of the land. Not connected to membership in any organization.

You Moon Bats are as confused about the Constitution as you are confused about History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology and Ethics may not like it but that is the law of the land.

Soak it up Buttercup.
He's not confused he's just a failed professional liar.
Of the 393 million guns in the United States, only 32 percent of adults own those guns.

Laws are consequently a small part of the issue; and banning certain types of firearms is in fact not the solution.

Banning certain types of guns is a part of the solution.
Actually not.

That’s evidence of a partisan Supreme Court more interested in fomenting conservative dogma than legal precedent.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with the Second Amendment; although its case law is in its infancy, still evolving, it nonetheless codifies the fact that the Second Amendment is not ‘unlimited,’ that fact that government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the right, and the fact that citizens have no right to possess any and all weapons available.

The problem is dishonest rightwing ideologues who refuse to accept those facts.
It's outdated, it was fantastic in the musket days, and in the Marion Robert Morrison fantasy films. But in the real world, it needs scrapped.
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