Gun Found with El Chapo From Adm Fast & Furious Gun Running

Surely, you jest.
looks like the gvt found out what they wanted to know, exactly how far up the illegal gun trade reached....and it reached the very top of organized crime...
In a sane nation, big ears gets impeached and removed for F&F.
Just quit. Two different programs completely.

Watch thru Eric Holder testifying. By the way, Bush program ended in 2007.

looks like the gvt found out what they wanted to know, exactly how far up the illegal gun trade reached....and it reached the very top of organized crime...

^^^^^^^ Moron-drone-Exhibit 'A' ^^^^^^^^^
THAT was THEIR claim of why fast and furious was created under Bush and continued under Obama, wasn't it?
Just what we need... Not
Not enough, I am afraid.
Yet, most people that heard that interview, think his version is the truth. That's where the media has the right by the balls.
Sixteen years ago I had stated that the right has got to some how get ahead of the media/left game. Unfortunately, we are still running far behind.
It was going to be used to promote his and Her Thighness lies about the amount of straw man purchases from people coming ACROSS THE BORDER to buy guns, then returning.


Obama Caught In Another Lie At Univision Over Fast And Furious

President Obama's attempted pander fest at the Univision forum yielded yet another outright lie, and the president was busted by Jake Tapper's political Punch at ABC News:

Asked about the Fast and Furious program at the Univision forum on Thursday, President Obama falsely claimed that the program began under President George W. Bush.
“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration,” the president said. “When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned a inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable.”

As ABC points out,President Obama is lying through his teeth on this one. 'Fast and Furious' started October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. It's their baby.

The Bush program, called 'Wide Receiver' had some important differences with the Obama program. A fraction of the amount of weapons were shipped over the border, there was active surveillance and tracking devices installed on all of them and most importantly, 'Wide Receiver' was done with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government.

Obama Caught In Another Lie At Univision Over Fast And Furious ~ J O S H U A P U N D I T

now though most people know the prezbo is full of hot air

the public is waking up to the fascist democrats

that is why bernie is looking good to the party a simple socialist --LOL

of course not

but if you are a democrat the pickings are pretty lean

a socialist or a progressive fascist
looks like the gvt found out what they wanted to know, exactly how far up the illegal gun trade reached....and it reached the very top of organized crime...

^^^^^^^ Moron-drone-Exhibit 'A' ^^^^^^^^^
THAT was THEIR claim of why fast and furious was created under Bush and continued under Obama, wasn't it?

There is no comparison. Apples and oranges. It has been proven to be a lie. The Bush program had tracking devices in all guns and congress was aware. Obama's not so much,

Like I said, no comparison

looks like the gvt found out what they wanted to know, exactly how far up the illegal gun trade reached....and it reached the very top of organized crime...

^^^^^^^ Moron-drone-Exhibit 'A' ^^^^^^^^^
THAT was THEIR claim of why fast and furious was created under Bush and continued under Obama, wasn't it?

There is no comparison. Apples and oranges. It has been proven to be a lie. The Bush program had tracking devices in all guns and congress was aware. Obama's not so much,

Like I said, no comparison



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