Gun free zone

The State WAAAAY overcharged in this case, they'll never prove murder2. They probably could have gotten an involuntary manslaughter conviction, and they might give him that in a plea deal, but murder 2 ain't happening.

And Zimmerman is still getting money from across the country to fund his defense. That's why they re-arrested him and bumped up his bail from $200K to an even mil.

You get one middle aged black lady on that jury giving the rest of them the White Guilt Stink Eye, they'll vote Murder 2.

They bumped up his bail because he lied about how much money he had available. Between that and the stupid interviews digging himself in deeper, the dumbass is practically convicting himself.

You know all that money came from donations, right? You know those donations haven't stopped, right?

You get one intelligent and diligent juror, regardless of race, and you get a mistrial.

Yeah, a mistrial doesn't work in Zimmer-man's favor. Because there will be a retrial, and this time, he'll be down to public defenders...

And somehow, I don't think the racists and assholes are going to be that committed second time around.

Your boy's going to jail. If he's lucky, they'll give him protective custody.
Once again you're assuming that we're all victims of statistics. -I- am not 43 times more likely to kill myself because I own a gun. Either I am suicidal or I am not, and I am not. -I- am not more likely to engage in domestic violence because I own a gun. Either I am prone to violence against loved ones or I am not, and I am not.

I also don't have, say, teenage family members living with me who might be prone to sneak in and out of windows at night to avoid my notice. No conceivable reason why anyone who belongs would be entering the home in a manner in which they could be mistaken as a home intruder, and in any case, I'm more likely to aim and speak than shoot first and ask later.

But hey, go on assuming that we're all beholden to statistical averages, and then call -other- people dumbasses for understanding that self initiative is exactly that.

So you know what is going to happen in every step of your life from here on out? Really?

Fact is, averages are averages. Guns in the home don't make you safer.

and what ARE the Gun Control constraints in what we saw last week in COLORADO? Pretty fucking stringent laws...

Didn't STOP that joker, did they?

How about Chicago? 200+ murders?

Stop yer horseshit and START prosecuting people and making an example out of them.


Actually, the gun control laws weren't very tight. Obviously. But you live in your own fantasy world, man.

I loved watching the university today playing CYA on whether they knew he was nuts. They so know they are going to get sued.
If life was like a video everything would be OK

Is It so.. Gun Free Zone....mp4 - YouTube

If ONE U.S. Marine had been sitting in that theater with a weapon things probably would have turned out differently!

I've read that there were three US servicemen in the theater and that two were shot.

Its pretty silly to swagger and brag that ONE Marine could have/would have been able to stop this man who was carrying thousands of rounds and shot 71 people.

He was wearing enough armor & protective devices to withstand several shots.

and what ARE the Gun Control constraints in what we saw last week in COLORADO? Pretty fucking stringent laws...

Didn't STOP that joker, did they?

How about Chicago? 200+ murders?

Stop yer horseshit and START prosecuting people and making an example out of them.


We do not prosecute to "make examples", but the best way to stop gun violence IS to prosecute, that goes for all kinds of deadly instruments-drunk drivers, poisons, planes flown into buildings, and all other kinds of bombs.

Difference being WHAT exactly? Method of EXECUTION?

and what ARE the Gun Control constraints in what we saw last week in COLORADO? Pretty fucking stringent laws...

Didn't STOP that joker, did they?

How about Chicago? 200+ murders?

Stop yer horseshit and START prosecuting people and making an example out of them.


We do not prosecute to "make examples", but the best way to stop gun violence IS to prosecute, that goes for all kinds of deadly instruments-drunk drivers, poisons, planes flown into buildings, and all other kinds of bombs.

Difference being WHAT exactly? Method of EXECUTION?


The difference is the US Constitution, read it sometime. we do not use laws as methods of publicity, laws are to bind the nation together, not allow simpletons to POSE as tough guys.

and what ARE the Gun Control constraints in what we saw last week in COLORADO? Pretty fucking stringent laws...

Didn't STOP that joker, did they?

How about Chicago? 200+ murders?

Stop yer horseshit and START prosecuting people and making an example out of them.


We do not prosecute to "make examples", but the best way to stop gun violence IS to prosecute, that goes for all kinds of deadly instruments-drunk drivers, poisons, planes flown into buildings, and all other kinds of bombs.

Fair enough. But we also take precautions to keep these things from happening.

For instance, we hold bar owners responsible if they overserved someone and they got into an accident.

We have controls over things you can make bombs or poisons out of. We scan people for weapons before we let them onto airplanes.

So it's not too unreasonable to say, "Hey, we should make sure someone is not a Schizophrenic loon who thinks he's a comic book character before we sell him a semi-automatic weapon and a 100 round clip!
So it's not too unreasonable to say, "Hey, we should make sure someone is not a Schizophrenic loon who thinks he's a comic book character before we sell him a semi-automatic weapon and a 100 round clip!

How would that be accomplished?

The NICS background check will report only that which is part of an official record.

How is a gun dealer to determine the mental health of a potential buyer?
So it's not too unreasonable to say, "Hey, we should make sure someone is not a Schizophrenic loon who thinks he's a comic book character before we sell him a semi-automatic weapon and a 100 round clip!

How would that be accomplished?

The NICS background check will report only that which is part of an official record.

How is a gun dealer to determine the mental health of a potential buyer?

I've been asking the same questions, not just here but IRL.

I've yet to get a cogent answer.
If life was like a video everything would be OK

Is It so.. Gun Free Zone....mp4 - YouTube

If ONE U.S. Marine had been sitting in that theater with a weapon things probably would have turned out differently!

Um, yeah, probably you'd have had more fatalities, but Holmes probably wouldn't have been one of them.

The guy had body armor on. He spent a long time thinking about what he planned to do.

Now, give the marines credit, they are very good at what they do, but the fact is, even in war zones they make mistakes. A crowded room with lots of smoke and panicking people and bullets flying everywhere...

This shows how much the NRA has really poisoned this discussion when you see a case where someone having a gun was a bad thing, absolutely, and the answer is, "Well, we just need more guns in that situation."


Joe at that range with a rifle a headshot is easy peezy and trust me, a marine can easily do that. The smoke would have been as much a obstruction for Holmes as it would have been for a marine.

Why do you seem to think Holmes was just so fucking awesome that he could 17 people or so and a similarly armed civilian could not have stopped him? Body armor is bullshit for sissies when one on one and a well trained shooter doesnt need it for direct confrontations with relatively untrained civilians.

Of the THIRTEEN mass shootings in the last twenty years EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM were in gun free areas. In the case of the Aurora shootings the theater banned hand guns, so this fuckhead coward Holmes went to a place where he felt reasonably confident that no one could shoot back.

If he is such a bad ass why doesnt he go and try and shoot up a place that cops frequent? Or an NRA gun show? OR a rifle range?

Because he is a stupid punk who can only shoot people when they are disarmed.

Let people carry everywhere and these assholes wont have a gun free are to go commit mass slaughter in.

Gun free zone = target rich environment for wack-jobs, and nothing more.
If ONE U.S. Marine had been sitting in that theater with a weapon things probably would have turned out differently!

I've read that there were three US servicemen in the theater and that two were shot.

Its pretty silly to swagger and brag that ONE Marine could have/would have been able to stop this man who was carrying thousands of rounds and shot 71 people.

He was wearing enough armor & protective devices to withstand several shots.

Did the three servicemen have guns? I dont think they did. The point about the Marine was that it would have been an armed marine, not an unarmed marine, lol.

[ame=]Unguarded Gun Free Zones Kill People - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe a mandatory certification/training course should be required before purchasing certain firearms?

All that would have done is make this nutcase a more proficient killer.

Not the outcome you're looking for, I'd bet.
Maybe a mandatory certification/training course should be required before purchasing certain firearms?

All that would have done is make this nutcase a more proficient killer.

Not the outcome you're looking for, I'd bet.

Well, he was denied membership at a gun range...

Gun Range Owner Glenn Rotkovich Thought Aurora, Colorado Shooting Suspect James Holmes Seemed ‘Bizarre’ | Dark Knight Rises Batman Shooting |

The only thing we need to know, is that I'm pro abortion of murderers, so let's abort this piece of shit.

Wow a left winger made a movie about it, so did Michael Moore. AGain I dont know why liberals dont punish criminals but want to ban guns? Should we ban Batman? movie theatres? dark rooms? This guy is clearly a moron that thinks he's the Joker and he should be killed just like the Joker, so we should ban the Joker. You guys really are clowns.

Wow a left winger made a movie about it, so did Michael Moore. AGain I dont know why liberals dont punish criminals but want to ban guns? Should we ban Batman? movie theatres? dark rooms? This guy is clearly a moron that thinks he's the Joker and he should be killed just like the Joker, so we should ban the Joker. You guys really are clowns.

Holmes purchased his arsenal over the Internet. There is no way for the Internet to know he's crazy - but the gun range guy knew he wasn't normal.

Wow a left winger made a movie about it, so did Michael Moore. AGain I dont know why liberals dont punish criminals but want to ban guns? Should we ban Batman? movie theatres? dark rooms? This guy is clearly a moron that thinks he's the Joker and he should be killed just like the Joker, so we should ban the Joker. You guys really are clowns.

Holmes purchased his arsenal over the Internet. There is no way for the Internet to know he's crazy - but the gun range guy knew he wasn't normal.

The point is people should be free or pro choice as you liberals like to say....if someone kills someon with a tool, you dont ban the tool, you kill the indivdual and do it publicly so all can see the result of you being a fuckup and since most people dont wanna die, but hey it only worked for the first 170+ years of the country and crime has gone waaaaay up in the past 50

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