Gun free zone

Do you care that thousands were killed and wounded in Bush's illegal war in Iraq?

Did Brian Terry sign up for a war? Or was he in one unbeknownst to him?

He was a cop (border agent) in one of the most dangerous places in the world. Shit happens to cops. And there is no proof a Fast and Furious gun killed him.

And in all fairness, those Americans that died in Bush's war were soldiers in the military, and they were in that military voluntarily.

The whole job description of a soldier is to fight and potentially die for their country. Shit happens to them all the time.

Either it is immoral for a leader's misconduct to cause (a) citizen(s) to die, or it is not. Whether that leader's moral philosophy lines up with yours is immaterial.
In other words, you're too chickenshit to address what this administration has illegally done in order to advance their narrative for more gun controls.


No, sorry, man, the world doesn't fit into your paranoid loon box.

First, the DoJ didn't need Fast and Furious to show that Mexican Drug Lords were getting their weapons from the US Dealers. The thousands of weapons the Mexicans have recovered already prove that.

Second, Obama hasn't proposed one bit of gun control, not even after Gabby Giffords got shot. He won't propose anything after this attrocity, either.

Actually, very few of the weapons they recovered were actually traceable, so being able to trace the F&F guns bolstered their statistics in order to hit that 90%. Be that as it may, I'm sure you recall when the entire Obama administration was making pronouncements almost daily about all the guns in Mexico and how we had to do something about it.

Then the Fast & Furious story broke, and suddenly we're not hearing a PEEP from ANY of them. Not a WORD.

Curious, ain't it?

Again, only to you loons. Because, honestly, the Democrats have been complete pussies on Gun Control since 2000 when Al Gore lost his home state. They haven't talked about the subject, no matter how many Mexican drug lords shoot stuff up or how many crazy peoplem mow down a crowd.
Lol! Find me the society that gets help for -every- crazy person before they do something radical.

Better yet, tell me how much money I should give to the government to ensure that no crazies fall through the cracks without being identified before they fuck someone up. Which bureaucracy is it that would have a 100 percent success rate if only we legislated the rules more carefully and just gave Uncle Sam a little more control over X?

Sorry to say, but the illusion of impenetrable security that I might be granted for giving more control to the government just doesn't cut it from my perspective. I won't say that someone in the theater with a concealed carry would've guaranteed a less messy end to that situation, but for -MY- money, I -personally- feel more comfortable with my firearm rights intact, even at the cost of some as-yet unidentified/prosecuted criminals also having access, than I would with no gun and laws against others having them.

You can spew on all you like about how I'm statistically 43 times more likely to die myself in the event of a home invasion, but, not to sound conceited, I'm significantly more intelligent and competent with my firearms than the statistical average. I also have 20/20 vision and come to consciousness pretty fast after being jolted awake. If periodic crazy shit like what happened in Colorado is the cost for -that- security, personally, I'll take it, along with the chance that it might be me some day in a crowded theater when some psycho pulls out and starts firing. I, at least, know that I'll be putting a few rounds back at him with my XDM. And don't let the movies fool you. . . the kinetic transfer from a couple consecutive hits center mass will -still- fuck you up when you're wearing body armor.

Not sure how often you've dealt with/been witness to violent crimes here in the US, but it's always been my experience that the cops usually get there right in time to search the corpses for clues and ask witnesses what happened.

No, dumbass, you are 43 times more likely to be killed or kill a member of your own family without a bad guy ever showing up.. because domestic violence or suicide is more likely. Here's the problem with murder. Most murder victims know their killer. there isn't a hoarde of people out there waiting to break into your home only being kept in check out of fear of your impressive gun-fondling skills.

Most crooks are smart enough to wait until you are out of your house to rip you off.
The State WAAAAY overcharged in this case, they'll never prove murder2. They probably could have gotten an involuntary manslaughter conviction, and they might give him that in a plea deal, but murder 2 ain't happening.

And Zimmerman is still getting money from across the country to fund his defense. That's why they re-arrested him and bumped up his bail from $200K to an even mil.

You get one middle aged black lady on that jury giving the rest of them the White Guilt Stink Eye, they'll vote Murder 2.

They bumped up his bail because he lied about how much money he had available. Between that and the stupid interviews digging himself in deeper, the dumbass is practically convicting himself.
The State WAAAAY overcharged in this case, they'll never prove murder2. They probably could have gotten an involuntary manslaughter conviction, and they might give him that in a plea deal, but murder 2 ain't happening.

And Zimmerman is still getting money from across the country to fund his defense. That's why they re-arrested him and bumped up his bail from $200K to an even mil.

You get one middle aged black lady on that jury giving the rest of them the White Guilt Stink Eye, they'll vote Murder 2.

They bumped up his bail because he lied about how much money he had available. Between that and the stupid interviews digging himself in deeper, the dumbass is practically convicting himself.

You know all that money came from donations, right? You know those donations haven't stopped, right?

You get one intelligent and diligent juror, regardless of race, and you get a mistrial.
Lol! Find me the society that gets help for -every- crazy person before they do something radical.

Better yet, tell me how much money I should give to the government to ensure that no crazies fall through the cracks without being identified before they fuck someone up. Which bureaucracy is it that would have a 100 percent success rate if only we legislated the rules more carefully and just gave Uncle Sam a little more control over X?

Sorry to say, but the illusion of impenetrable security that I might be granted for giving more control to the government just doesn't cut it from my perspective. I won't say that someone in the theater with a concealed carry would've guaranteed a less messy end to that situation, but for -MY- money, I -personally- feel more comfortable with my firearm rights intact, even at the cost of some as-yet unidentified/prosecuted criminals also having access, than I would with no gun and laws against others having them.

You can spew on all you like about how I'm statistically 43 times more likely to die myself in the event of a home invasion, but, not to sound conceited, I'm significantly more intelligent and competent with my firearms than the statistical average. I also have 20/20 vision and come to consciousness pretty fast after being jolted awake. If periodic crazy shit like what happened in Colorado is the cost for -that- security, personally, I'll take it, along with the chance that it might be me some day in a crowded theater when some psycho pulls out and starts firing. I, at least, know that I'll be putting a few rounds back at him with my XDM. And don't let the movies fool you. . . the kinetic transfer from a couple consecutive hits center mass will -still- fuck you up when you're wearing body armor.

Not sure how often you've dealt with/been witness to violent crimes here in the US, but it's always been my experience that the cops usually get there right in time to search the corpses for clues and ask witnesses what happened.

No, dumbass, you are 43 times more likely to be killed or kill a member of your own family without a bad guy ever showing up.. because domestic violence or suicide is more likely. Here's the problem with murder. Most murder victims know their killer. there isn't a hoarde of people out there waiting to break into your home only being kept in check out of fear of your impressive gun-fondling skills.

Most crooks are smart enough to wait until you are out of your house to rip you off.

Once again you're assuming that we're all victims of statistics. -I- am not 43 times more likely to kill myself because I own a gun. Either I am suicidal or I am not, and I am not. -I- am not more likely to engage in domestic violence because I own a gun. Either I am prone to violence against loved ones or I am not, and I am not.

I also don't have, say, teenage family members living with me who might be prone to sneak in and out of windows at night to avoid my notice. No conceivable reason why anyone who belongs would be entering the home in a manner in which they could be mistaken as a home intruder, and in any case, I'm more likely to aim and speak than shoot first and ask later.

But hey, go on assuming that we're all beholden to statistical averages, and then call -other- people dumbasses for understanding that self initiative is exactly that.
If life was like a video everything would be OK

Is It so.. Gun Free Zone....mp4 - YouTube

If ONE U.S. Marine had been sitting in that theater with a weapon things probably would have turned out differently!

I've read that there were three US servicemen in the theater and that two were shot.

Its pretty silly to swagger and brag that ONE Marine could have/would have been able to stop this man who was carrying thousands of rounds and shot 71 people.
"gun free zone"

We all have the RIGHT to know that when we walk into a theater (church, school, restaurant, etc) that there's not some idiot with a gun on his hip, just hoping to play hero.

The last thing that would have helped in that horrible situation was for another shooter blasting away in the dark.
Its pretty silly to swagger and brag that ONE Marine could have/would have been able to stop this man who was carrying thousands of rounds and shot 71 people.

Yes just give up, curl up in a ball and die.

And be glad .gov made you safer by preventing lawful carry.
Sounds like Bloomberg is jumping the gun. I can't imagine either candidate tackling this issue until after the election - if then...

Michael Bloomberg Accuses Obama, Romney Of Going Soft On Gun Control | TPMDC

The 2nd Amendment will get in the way of his desires.

Peach is seeing the light.

The 2nd Amendment is an integral part of the Bill of Rights, I revere and hold all close to my heart. My personal dislike of firearms is due to the death of a friend; that in no way changes the US Constitution. He too could have chosen poison, but chose a firearm instead.

and what ARE the Gun Control constraints in what we saw last week in COLORADO? Pretty fucking stringent laws...

Didn't STOP that joker, did they?

How about Chicago? 200+ murders?

Stop yer horseshit and START prosecuting people and making an example out of them.


We do not prosecute to "make examples", but the best way to stop gun violence IS to prosecute, that goes for all kinds of deadly instruments-drunk drivers, poisons, planes flown into buildings, and all other kinds of bombs.
The 2nd Amendment is an integral part of the Bill of Rights, I revere and hold all close to my heart. My personal dislike of firearms is due to the death of a friend; that in no way changes the US Constitution. He too could have chosen poison, but chose a firearm instead.

I feel the same about abortion. Would not be a choice in my family. But it is SCOTUS upheld law.

In time I evolved to see the upside and utility of abortion in most cases of women unsuitable for motherhood to cull their own.

Perhaps someday you can see the same utility in lawful firearms ownership.

James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, Used Internet For Arsenal
The 2nd Amendment is an integral part of the Bill of Rights, I revere and hold all close to my heart. My personal dislike of firearms is due to the death of a friend; that in no way changes the US Constitution. He too could have chosen poison, but chose a firearm instead.

I feel the same about abortion. Would not be a choice in my family. But it is SCOTUS upheld law.

In time I evolved to see the upside and utility of abortion in most cases of women unsuitable for motherhood to cull their own.

Perhaps someday you can see the same utility in lawful firearms ownership.

As I wrote, I DO. My personal likes & dislikes do not define the rights of others.

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