Gun Friendly cities in top 100 for violence, look at the ones that are...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Hmmmmmm....if the facts in this are true.....then that says something about the stupidity of gun laws that target law abiding, normal gun owners vs. targeting actual criminals who use guns to commit gun crime....

Gun-Friendly Virginia, Not A Single City In Top 100 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities

Covington VA –-( Well, well, well. So good, old, pro-gun Virginia doesn’t have ANY cities listed in the top-100 most dangerous cities in the U.S. in 2015.

Well, then, what about 2014? None.

Nor are any Virginia cities listed in 2013. Nor in 2012, which is as far back as this seems to go.

But, let’s take a look at the gun-control poster-boy states of NJ, NY, MD, IL, CA, and DC:

Number of cities in the top 100 most dangerous U.S. cities in 2015:
  • NJ – 6 (has the number 1 most dangerous city on the list)
  • NY – 6
  • MD – 2
  • IL – 4
  • CA – 8 (has the number 5 most dangerous city on the list)
  • DC – 1 (is the 29th most dangerous city on the list)
  • VA – ZERO
Number of cities in the top 100 most dangerous U.S. cities in 2014:
  • NJ – 6 (has the number 3 most dangerous city on the list)
  • NY – 4
  • MD – 2
  • IL – 5 (including the number 1 most dangerous city on the list)
  • CA – 10 (has the number 9 most dangerous city on the list)
  • DC – 1 (is the 46th most dangerous city on the list)
  • VA – ZERO
Number of cities in the top 100 most dangerous U.S. cities in 2013:
  • NJ – 6 (has the number 7 most dangerous city on the list)
  • NY – 4 (had the number 9 most dangerous city on the list)
  • MD – 2
  • IL – 7 (including the number 1 most dangerous city on the list)
  • CA – 6
  • DC – 1 (is the 46th most dangerous city on the list)
  • VA – ZERO
Number of cities in the top 100 most dangerous U.S. cities in 2012:
  • NJ – 7 (has the numbers 5 and 9 most dangerous city on the list)
  • NY – 8 (had the number 9 most dangerous city on the list)
  • MD – 2
  • IL – 7 (including the number 1 most dangerous city on the list)
  • CA – 7
  • DC – 1 (is the 40th most dangerous city on the list)
  • VA – ZERO

Read more: Gun-Friendly Virginia, Not A Single City In Top 100 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities
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