Gun-grabbers unite Beto,Biden Kamala and Klobuchar all pledge to go after your 2nd amendment

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Grab those AR-15s and AK 47s

if only u had the balls to do it instead of the typical gutless coward who wants the COPS to do it what is funny your fkrs are so stupid if you think those cops are going to take ppl's guns LMFAO YOU REALLY DO LIVE ON PLANET FANTASY!!!!



"I don't see law enforcement going door-to-door, I see Americans complying with the law. (buy-back confiscation)"
- Beto O'Rourke

As do I, and complying jealously. The 2A IS the law.

That boy's tater been bakin' too long.
Gun nuts have been accusing someone of coming for their guns for years. Tell me what has changed?

Orlando mass shootings could have been prevented had LEO on the Federal, State and Local level been doing their jobs.

Sandy Hook the son killed the mother to obtain the firearms...

In the San Bernadino case the guns were obtained illegally through a neighbor and friend.

So let be clear the background checks would not have prevented Sandy Hook and San Bernadino and Orlando is clearly the Law Enforcement failure...
Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers.


Lawless Scum

If you are law enforcement or military, you have a non-delegable duty to assess every order you receive and to refuse unlawful ones. And the Constitution is unequivocal that busting into a house to disarm peaceful Americans is a no-go.

What your oath requires you to do – or to refuse to do – in that scenario is clear. What you will do if faced with the choice is the only question. And you who will face this question better ask yourselves right now where you stand. It’s a hard question and an unfair one – you should never be put in that position, but life is hard and unfair.

For the very few who do violate their oaths once the madness of the unconstitutional oppression the Democrats are promising passes, as it will, there will be an accounting before the law. Maybe the oath-breakers will be bankrupted in lawsuits. Maybe they will rot in prison. Turn on us and the deference, the benefit of the doubt we give you for making tough calls in tough situations disappears. When the Waco massacre happened, the American people were stunned. Today, after the leadership of the FBI lit up the agency’s reputation playing political games for its Democrat pals, we’re all watching. Maybe a Democrat administration can block accountability for a few years, but it cannot forever. We will remember. We will demand justice. If you’re a cop on the street, do you think the elite’s going to protect you like it protected that Looming Doofus Comey?
Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers.


Lawless Scum

If you are law enforcement or military, you have a non-delegable duty to assess every order you receive and to refuse unlawful ones. And the Constitution is unequivocal that busting into a house to disarm peaceful Americans is a no-go.

What your oath requires you to do – or to refuse to do – in that scenario is clear. What you will do if faced with the choice is the only question. And you who will face this question better ask yourselves right now where you stand. It’s a hard question and an unfair one – you should never be put in that position, but life is hard and unfair.

For the very few who do violate their oaths once the madness of the unconstitutional oppression the Democrats are promising passes, as it will, there will be an accounting before the law. Maybe the oath-breakers will be bankrupted in lawsuits. Maybe they will rot in prison. Turn on us and the deference, the benefit of the doubt we give you for making tough calls in tough situations disappears. When the Waco massacre happened, the American people were stunned. Today, after the leadership of the FBI lit up the agency’s reputation playing political games for its Democrat pals, we’re all watching. Maybe a Democrat administration can block accountability for a few years, but it cannot forever. We will remember. We will demand justice. If you’re a cop on the street, do you think the elite’s going to protect you like it protected that Looming Doofus Comey?

Cops burst into people's houses every day, and many of those people are innocent.

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