Gun Nut 2nd Amendments Wife To Death After Defending Right To Bear Arms

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

So this guy is holding an AK-47 and an AR-15. Does he own these guns, or do they belong to somebody else? We don't know.

I have TWO AK-47s. So, according to Ludd's criteria, I have an "obsession" with guns, and I am a "gun nut".

If this guy stabbed and killed his wife with a STEAK KNIFE, and a photo from Facebook showed this guy holding a set of steak knives, would Ludd state that this guy had an "obsession with steak knives" and was a "steak knife nut"?
As much as I despised my now ex, the thought never entered my mind to lay and hand on her out of anger.

Crazy people do crazy shit. With guns as well as other implements of distruction.

So this guy is holding an AK-47 and an AR-15. Does he own these guns, or do they belong to somebody else? We don't know.

I have TWO AK-47s. So, according to Ludd's criteria, I have an "obsession" with guns, and I am a "gun nut".

If this guy stabbed and killed his wife with a STEAK KNIFE, and a photo from Facebook showed this guy holding a set of steak knives, would Ludd state that this guy had an "obsession with steak knives" and was a "steak knife nut"?

Where did I say he was "obsessed with guns"?

I wrote: "A LOT more from his FB at the link.

This guy was an accident murder waiting to happen."

Dont Taz Me Bro

This is a legit news story.

Just because you don't like the content, does not mean its "trolling" and I resent being called a troll for posting it - especially by a moderator. If that gets me banned, so be it.
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Ray Rice clocked his wifes jaw and that was considered just a domestic disagreement....just kidding. They saw it as a result of blacks in general

"While most NFL players are responsible citizens, and some have used social media to denounce Rice's behavior, the culture from which many players emerge ought to be indicted for its contributions to the violence that occurs too often off the field.

The demeaning language applied to women in rap music has been chronicled for many years. Few of the words can be printed here, but "bitches" and "hos" are some of the milder ones.

Google "gangsta rap lyrics" if you need a lesson in what contributes to this devaluing of women."

Ray Rice case To improve NFL put more women in leadership roles Fox News
So this is a black mexican right?
If you ever had a gun used to threaten you, you get why some of us don't like guns. Unarmed innocent people minding their own business shouldn't be afraid of people that have firearms legally or not. And it seems it's the people that want legal firearms that are making this situation worse. Because them bad folks get legal firearms from those that buy them legally, so this becomes vicious cycle.
If you ever had a gun used to threaten you, you get why some of us don't like guns. Unarmed innocent people minding their own business shouldn't be afraid of people that have firearms legally or not. And it seems it's the people that want legal firearms that are making this situation worse. Because them bad folks get legal firearms from those that buy them legally, so this becomes vicious cycle.
When I have my gun on me nobody feels threatened, unless your threatening me.
Luddly's menopause and obesity problems showcase themselves around the Holidays...sobbing, irrational's not really her fault....wait, yes it is!

A better title for this thread:

Intellectually dishonest moonbat exploits a random tragic event in order to undermine The Constitution.

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