Gun-nut dad 'shoots dead two young sons, aged 3 and 4, during drunken late-night argument with wife

This is what he posted on his facebook one week before killing his kids

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Another christian cracker southern savage

How many car accidents killed that many children in the same time period. these lefties and their DRAMATICS in order to pass their AGENDAS on us

Keep in mind the person above just made a thread about a old white lady getting knocked out and made a big deal out of it. 2 dead biggie
yeah Stephie Save it :talktothehand:
Guno would prefer that he stab them? Or how about that Wrassler who choked his? Or that woman who drowned hers?

who sits around scouring the bowels of the Internet to come up with this stuff? as if we can do anything about it. stupid
No one you idiot. Its front page news when someone shoots their children. Gawd but you are dense even for a rw'er
About a week ago I posted a story of a ni@@er who shot and killed 6 kids and all you liberals ignored it
I can't believe some idiot agreed with Staph's post. Lets see who it was...

Oh, it was that idiot, Willie.

People purchase cars to drive them, not to kill people. What an ignorant comparison.

M14 Shooter
Oh look... an anti-gun loon, happy to prove he can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Who says I'm anti gun?

Comparing gun deaths from gun nuts to cars is ignorant and dishonest.
About a week ago I posted a story of a ni@@er who shot and killed 6 kids and all you liberals ignored it
Just as they ignore any and every serious discussion on the issue of guns.
If they cannot post their mindless nonsense and then run away, they aren't interested.
Being anti-gun loons, only able to argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, no less should be expected.

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