Gun nuts intimidate mothers in parking lot

I'll take your comment about the changing of the hats as proof that you have reviewed the pictures and now know that I was correct.

The angle of the sun is a minor detail? You are hilarious! KUTGW.

So if there are photographers in the shade they dont use flashes? and the flash effect doesnt change depending on the angle you take the photograph from?

You still didnt answer all the other things that are exactly the same.


The shadows are exactly the same.
These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

The major similarities:

The guy in red, front right (facing) gun position and overall stance.
The guy in the cowboy hat and the guy in yellow's positions.
The stance of the fat guy and his gun positon, standing to the right of the flag
The leg position of the kneeling guy next to red shirt guy, his head has moved, but his leg is in the same position
The guy on the extreme left, with his sideways pose you can see his back shoulder and arm the same way in the side picture.
And if we look at the shadows, note that in the side view, the shadow of yellow shirt guy points directly towards the left foot of the fat guy in the white tee-shirt.
Switch to the front view. The shadow angle of the guy on the extreme left (brown or OD shirt) points in exactly the same direction.
Well, I don't really blame them for having a whole arsenal of loaded guns at the event. Have you ever had a gang of angry mothers and children riot and pelt you with chocolate chip cookies and and home made bannana nut bread? You can put out an eye with those projectiles.
These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

Look at the hats and look at the shadows. Unless you're just not interested, then don't bother. Hell, it took marty over half an hour to finally break down and look but once he did he decided to start trying to defend the "quick-change" that a couple of the guys did.

How hard is it to look at a photo and stage people in basically the same spots? Not hard at all, especially when we don't have the original front view photo that they were obviously posing for when the side view shot was taken for comparison. They did forget to pay attention to the shadows though so maybe it is hard for some people.

You still refuse to point out which hats have changed. Why don't you open up photoshop and give us a red circle on each changed hat, OK?
Again, the leftist tools continue to assign intentions that never existed, and to pretend something other than what took place happened.

They weren't there to intimidate anyone. The leftist liars like to pretend that ANYONE with a gun is a threat, up to and including our own soldiers and guards of our children...and of course including any law abiding citizen who happens to carry a firearm in public.

In other words, anti-gun nuts find American citizens *threatening* and they are going to pretend that they pose a threat in order to illegally subdue them, and to remove their rights.

Carry on, lying leftist douches. We have your number, and we'll continue to protest.
Well, I don't really blame them for having a whole arsenal of loaded guns at the event. Have you ever had a gang of angry mothers and children riot and pelt you with chocolate chip cookies and and home made bannana nut bread? You can put out an eye with those projectiles.

Yes I have! And I wear a patch over my left eye to this day.

And think of the REASON leftist douches find armed citizens so alarming...

Armed citizens are really difficult to kill. So they are going to demonize them.
Are you retarded? Seriously, I have to ask at this point if you're retarded.

Point out the "different hats"

and be specifc.

Now you want the different hats? You acted like a douche for three responses and went so far as to neg me but now you want me to point out the two hats for you? I see no reason to. I will however point out to anyone who PM's me and thinks these gun "enthusiasts" are a bunch of morons where the differences are, then we can all have a good laugh at your expense.

You must really suck at finding Waldo.
PM sent. Show me the different hats.
And think of the REASON leftist douches find armed citizens so alarming...

The douches in the gun debate clearly are the ones who continue to think the US can afford to piss away millions in security measures for schools (like guards, more of whom they suggest be hired at schools, and metal detectors...not to mention the hundreds of millions we spend each year mopping up after gun violence) when those we're now competing with economically, like China, are putting a greater percentage of their available resources directly into educating their kids. While your NRA rhetoric is not unlike it was 20 years ago, the economic realities of this country have changed more in the past 15 years than they did in the prior 50. It's the 21st Century. Get a freaking clue.
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You get a freaking clue.

It is only people like you, who place no value on life (particularly young life) who think protection of children is quite low on the priority list.

Our school has volunteers who patrol the grounds. They cost $0.00.
Point out the "different hats"

and be specifc.

Now you want the different hats? You acted like a douche for three responses and went so far as to neg me but now you want me to point out the two hats for you? I see no reason to. I will however point out to anyone who PM's me and thinks these gun "enthusiasts" are a bunch of morons where the differences are, then we can all have a good laugh at your expense.

You must really suck at finding Waldo.
PM sent. Show me the different hats.

Brave Sir Lakeview ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Lakeview turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Lakeview!
And think of the REASON leftist douches find armed citizens so alarming...

The douches in the gun debate clearly are the ones who continue to think the US can afford to piss away millions in security measures for schools (like guards, more of whom they suggest be hired at schools, and metal detectors...not to mention the hundreds of millions we spend each year mopping up after gun violence) when those we're now competing with economically, like China, are putting a greater percentage of their available resources directly into educating their kids. While your NRA rhetoric is not unlike it was 20 years ago, the economic realities of this country have changed more in the past 15 years than they did in the prior 50. It's the 21st Century. Get a freaking clue.

Let teachers arm themselves and you wouldn't need armed guards at schools.

How much is spent each year mopping up after vehicle accidents?


All injury deaths
•Number of deaths: 180,811
•Deaths per 100,000 population: 58.6

All poisoning deaths
•Number of deaths: 42,917
•Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.9

Motor vehicle traffic deaths
•Number of deaths: 33,687
•Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

All firearm deaths
•Number of deaths: 31,672
•Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.3

Well, I don't really blame them for having a whole arsenal of loaded guns at the event. Have you ever had a gang of angry mothers and children riot and pelt you with chocolate chip cookies and and home made bannana nut bread? You can put out an eye with those projectiles.

Yes I have! And I wear a patch over my left eye to this day.


:lol:I like your style, Ernie!:lol:
Again, the leftist tools continue to assign intentions that never existed, and to pretend something other than what took place happened.

They weren't there to intimidate anyone. The leftist liars like to pretend that ANYONE with a gun is a threat, up to and including our own soldiers and guards of our children...and of course including any law abiding citizen who happens to carry a firearm in public.

In other words, anti-gun nuts find American citizens *threatening* and they are going to pretend that they pose a threat in order to illegally subdue them, and to remove their rights.

Carry on, lying leftist douches. We have your number, and we'll continue to protest.

Umm... you and I already agreed (in a surreal moment) that the nutgroup succeeded in what they went to do.

What can the purpose possibly be of brandishing weapons at the mothers, if not intimidation then?

Further, stipulating for the moment that the nutgroup agrees with you that said mothers "like to pretend that ANYONE with a gun is a threat" --- if that's true, or more to the point if they believe it's true... then showing up with guns would be designed to produce exactly that effect.

.... Would it not?

So I still agree with you --- they succeeded.
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Well, I don't really blame them for having a whole arsenal of loaded guns at the event. Have you ever had a gang of angry mothers and children riot and pelt you with chocolate chip cookies and and home made bannana nut bread? You can put out an eye with those projectiles.

Yes I have! And I wear a patch over my left eye to this day.


:lol:I like your style, Ernie!:lol:

That's a real picture too.

Look at the shadows. :eusa_whistle:
Well, I don't really blame them for having a whole arsenal of loaded guns at the event. Have you ever had a gang of angry mothers and children riot and pelt you with chocolate chip cookies and and home made bannana nut bread? You can put out an eye with those projectiles.

Yes I have! And I wear a patch over my left eye to this day.


:lol:I like your style, Ernie!:lol:

Ya know, you can't take this shit too seriously. It could make you Liberal.

Oh shit! You really should take some time off :D
You get a freaking clue.

It is only people like you, who place no value on life (particularly young life) who think protection of children is quite low on the priority list.

Our school has volunteers who patrol the grounds. They cost $0.00.

Ironic you should mention children in a story where a nutgroup brings both loaded weapons and children to the same place -- to make a political point.

The potential consequences of which are too often preceded by the announcement,
"Hey y'all --- watch this!!"
You get a freaking clue.

It is only people like you, who place no value on life (particularly young life) who think protection of children is quite low on the priority list.

Our school has volunteers who patrol the grounds. They cost $0.00.

Ironic you should mention children in a story where a nutgroup brings both loaded weapons and children to the same place -- to make a political point.

The potential consequences of which are too often preceded by the announcement,
"Hey y'all --- watch this!!"

and yet that didnt happen. According to you hopolophobes, those guns should have just went and shot those kids just because they were within 5 feet of them.
You get a freaking clue.

It is only people like you, who place no value on life (particularly young life) who think protection of children is quite low on the priority list.

Our school has volunteers who patrol the grounds. They cost $0.00.

Ironic you should mention children in a story where a nutgroup brings both loaded weapons and children to the same place -- to make a political point.

The potential consequences of which are too often preceded by the announcement,
"Hey y'all --- watch this!!"

How often, Possum? How often does a child get injured while posing for a group portrait with a group of law abiding gun owners?

Please be specific. I want to know all the risks before bring a camera with me to my gun range up in the back of my property.

Really Pogo! How many children in that photo were in danger?

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