Gun nuts intimidate mothers in parking lot

Funny, he tries to justify a gun control agenda by claiming there will be no instances of forced seizure of firearms. Yet you have Feinstein wanting to ban guns left right and sideways. And [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], what did I tell you about Vandal? Although I originally asserted that he might be lying, my assumptions about him were right on the money. I suspected he could have a gun, but his obfuscatory responses were not helping his case at that point in time.

Owning guns and pushing a gun control agenda is hypocritical. And while he loves to take the vernacular that Republicans use literally, the term 'gun-grabber' is a phrase used for politicians and government officials who want to pass stricter gun laws. It pays to educate oneself about others before you make unfounded assumptions about people.

Oh really????

I just had Kiefer Sutherland up there (whatever his name is) declare me a "gun grabber" too. I challenged him to come up with any evidence and he ran away. That's what happens when you ass-ume, and he found out the hard way.

And number B, before you pat yourself on the back, you're spinning your own original positoin. Point still remains you were running on ass-umptions just like Kefer was, and that's always illegitimate. And by the way I don't think Vandalshandle is the same thing as "Feinstein". Dump the labeling already.

Thanks for your defence, Pogo. It would have been hipocracy for me to reply to Templar, since he knows he is on my ignore list....:eusa_whistle:

Ah, he just needs a little guidance. Believe it or not he's got a good heart.

I just bristle at blanket statements and assumptions based on nothing.
OH so the op started a thread with lies.


These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

The major similarities:

The guy in red, front right (facing) gun position and overall stance.
The guy in the cowboy hat and the guy in yellow's positions.
The stance of the fat guy and his gun positon, standing to the right of the flag
The leg position of the kneeling guy next to red shirt guy, his head has moved, but his leg is in the same position
The guy on the extreme left, with his sideways pose you can see his back shoulder and arm the same way in the side picture.
Good. Their intimidation was met with a higher level of intimidation. That's excellent. I'll intimidate anyone who tries to restrict my Constitutional rights.


Why do you fools insist on saying stupid crap like this?

This gang of heavily armed thugs in a parking lot outside a restaurant restricts other people's right to safety. Look at that photo.

The people who want to eat there as well as the owners of the restaurant and any passersby have the right to be safe from gangs of armed thugs.

OTOH, at least they have the gumption to open carry so people can choose to get to a safer place.

What's funny to me is that if they were all black, you hypocritical nutters would be screeching a different tune.

No laws were broken.

What's the problem?

I don't think the premise of the story was that "laws were broken"....
There's more to life and politics than laws yanno.
And yet no children were shot, the gun grabbers had thier meeting, they were not molested in any way. No firearm was misued, and no laws were broken.

The photo from the side makes it look like they were lying in wait for those poor poor gun grabbers, when all these people were doing were posing for a photograph. The side photo is a lie, pure and simple. and all your troofer related quibbling doesnt change that.

I realize most libs are giant pussies, but you take it to another level. Do you cower in the basement every time a subeam shines on you?

You and lakeview should practice jumping at shadows together.

-- from that bastion of courage who negs a poster for a difference of opinion.


You guys are making shit up, that is not a difference of opinion. and kudos for being a white knight on a message board, real tough guy you are.

You still jump at shadows you coward.

And what are "we guys" making up then?

"Coward"? "Die in a fire and bleed fuckwad"?
-- from that bastion of courage who negs a poster for a difference of opinion.


You guys are making shit up, that is not a difference of opinion. and kudos for being a white knight on a message board, real tough guy you are.

You still jump at shadows you coward.

And what are "we guys" making up then?

"Coward"? "Die in a fire and bleed fuckwad"?

Again, if I am going to neg someone, I at least go through the courtesy of trying to make it creative and unique.

FOAD is so passe, it needed some sprucing up.

Why do you fools insist on saying stupid crap like this?

This gang of heavily armed thugs in a parking lot outside a restaurant restricts other people's right to safety. Look at that photo.

The people who want to eat there as well as the owners of the restaurant and any passersby have the right to be safe from gangs of armed thugs.

OTOH, at least they have the gumption to open carry so people can choose to get to a safer place.

What's funny to me is that if they were all black, you hypocritical nutters would be screeching a different tune.

No laws were broken.

What's the problem?

I don't think the premise of the story was that "laws were broken"....
There's more to life and politics than laws yanno.

Then what's the problem?

You spent two pages whining about the damn photo as if has any bearing on the topic.

Fact is you moron no laws were broken. These people were exercising their constitutional rights and you left wing retards can't handle it.

Stop being such a pussy!
OH so the op started a thread with lies.


These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

Look at the hats and look at the shadows. Unless you're just not interested, then don't bother. Hell, it took marty over half an hour to finally break down and look but once he did he decided to start trying to defend the "quick-change" that a couple of the guys did.

How hard is it to look at a photo and stage people in basically the same spots? Not hard at all, especially when we don't have the original front view photo that they were obviously posing for when the side view shot was taken for comparison. They did forget to pay attention to the shadows though so maybe it is hard for some people.
These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

Look at the hats and look at the shadows. Unless you're just not interested, then don't bother. Hell, it took marty over half an hour to finally break down and look but once he did he decided to start trying to defend the "quick-change" that a couple of the guys did.

How hard is it to look at a photo and stage people in basically the same spots? Not hard at all, especially when we don't have the original front view photo that they were obviously posing for when the side view shot was taken for comparison. They did forget to pay attention to the shadows though so maybe it is hard for some people.

and yet they got the crouches, the gun angles, the relative arm positions, and the standing positions on the left side exactly the same?????

Again, troofer tactics, ignore the real evidence, and come up with made up crap.
You guys are making shit up, that is not a difference of opinion. and kudos for being a white knight on a message board, real tough guy you are.

You still jump at shadows you coward.

And what are "we guys" making up then?

"Coward"? "Die in a fire and bleed fuckwad"?

Again, if I am going to neg someone, I at least go through the courtesy of trying to make it creative and unique.

FOAD is so passe, it needed some sprucing up.

:lol: OK well I'll give you that.

It's just that fire and bleeding is kind of a dry-wet contrast. I think of charred flesh as being dry, I dunno.
These images were not taken at the same time.

Within seconds. Every single person that can be identified is in the same relative position and posed the same way. No way you get a group that large to stay still for more that 2 or 3 seconds.

Look at the hats and look at the shadows. Unless you're just not interested, then don't bother. Hell, it took marty over half an hour to finally break down and look but once he did he decided to start trying to defend the "quick-change" that a couple of the guys did.

How hard is it to look at a photo and stage people in basically the same spots? Not hard at all, especially when we don't have the original front view photo that they were obviously posing for when the side view shot was taken for comparison. They did forget to pay attention to the shadows though so maybe it is hard for some people.

What does it matter at this point??

Neither photo is intimidating.

BTW the shadows are the same in each photo.
No laws were broken.

What's the problem?

I don't think the premise of the story was that "laws were broken"....
There's more to life and politics than laws yanno.

Then what's the problem?

You spent two pages whining about the damn photo as if has any bearing on the topic.

Fact is you moron no laws were broken. These people were exercising their constitutional rights and you left wing retards can't handle it.

Stop being such a pussy!

I spent no pages on the photos. Can you read?

The photos are a tangent some want to go on. I think they're irrelevant. As I actually did say, we know enough without any photos at all.

And once again, the point is not whether laws were broken. Fuck the laws. Not part of this thread.

And what are "we guys" making up then?

"Coward"? "Die in a fire and bleed fuckwad"?

Again, if I am going to neg someone, I at least go through the courtesy of trying to make it creative and unique.

FOAD is so passe, it needed some sprucing up.

:lol: OK well I'll give you that.

It's just that fire and bleeding is kind of a dry-wet contrast. I think of charred flesh as being dry, I dunno.

fine, bleed first, THEN die in a fire. Jesus you people really are sticklers for this crap.
These images were not taken at the same time.

Do you mean at the same second? Because the people are in the same pose with only some minor changes in head angle. So it may be a few seconds off, but the people are in the same pose, its just a 90 degree shift.

No. I mean two of them changed their hats and the angle of the shadows is different. These two pictures were not taken at even close to the same time. Whoever put this little display together in order to call other people liars is in fact themself a liar.
Who changed hats? One man with a hat has his head tilted differently, the little girl is posed differently in every picture I've seen. BUT the shadows are exactly the same, just 90 degrees off from the first (facing) perspective. All the people are in the exact same position relative to each other. Any longer than a few seconds, and that would be impossible without referring to the first photo to position each member which would take several minutes to analyze.

You're wrong. Now be a good boy and admit it.
I don't think the premise of the story was that "laws were broken"....
There's more to life and politics than laws yanno.

Then what's the problem?

You spent two pages whining about the damn photo as if has any bearing on the topic.

Fact is you moron no laws were broken. These people were exercising their constitutional rights and you left wing retards can't handle it.

Stop being such a pussy!

I spent no pages on the photos. Can you read?

The photos are a tangent some want to go on. I think they're irrelevant. As I actually did say, we know enough without any photos at all.

And once again, the point is not whether laws were broken. Fuck the laws. Not part of this thread.


No the point of this thread is that you pussy ass liberals are a scared bunch of pathetic little pukes that let your emotions control you.
Again, if I am going to neg someone, I at least go through the courtesy of trying to make it creative and unique.

FOAD is so passe, it needed some sprucing up.

:lol: OK well I'll give you that.

It's just that fire and bleeding is kind of a dry-wet contrast. I think of charred flesh as being dry, I dunno.

fine, bleed first, THEN die in a fire. Jesus you people really are sticklers for this crap.

Well think about it -- wouldn't the blood evaporate if it came out at all?
See, there's your problem; you don't think things through.
Then what's the problem?

You spent two pages whining about the damn photo as if has any bearing on the topic.

Fact is you moron no laws were broken. These people were exercising their constitutional rights and you left wing retards can't handle it.

Stop being such a pussy!

I spent no pages on the photos. Can you read?

The photos are a tangent some want to go on. I think they're irrelevant. As I actually did say, we know enough without any photos at all.

And once again, the point is not whether laws were broken. Fuck the laws. Not part of this thread.


No the point of this thread is that you pussy ass liberals are a scared bunch of pathetic little pukes that let your emotions control you.

As opposed to, say, that post ^^ which is obviously controlled by no emotions at all. :rofl:

So you've gone from assigning me two pages of photo whining to whether laws were borken to 'scared bunch of pathetic little pukes". The lazy susan of logical bases.

Lonestar logic... :cuckoo:
Too many in this nation are brain washed into thinking that law abiding gun owners are not responsible people with using their firearms.
Where is the terror or threats in that picture?
Are they holding their guns in a threating way? NO!
Do they have the guns aimed at the protesters in the restaurant? NO!
Was there any arrests? NO!

People in this Country need to start using their heads about guns and not believe the anti gun people, who have talked the majority of this nation into believing that all guns are bad and anyone who has one is bad.

If the Women had used their heads and not their feelings, they would not have been so frightened or intimidated.

People of this Nation need to get it through their heads that Law abiding Citizens have the right to carry
their guns in the open.

How is showing your gun Bullying?
They are not even standing in a threating manor.
Now if they had pointed the guns, or would have stood in a threating manor, that would have been bullying and terrorizing.

If the mothers were smart they would not have had that meeting. If mothers want to meet to talk about guns, it should be done quietly in a safe place. And above all what they discuss should not be made public.
It is just another form of a clash of rights and if those with guns do not prevail of what value are the guns?
Too many in this nation are brain washed into thinking that law abiding gun owners are not responsible people with using their firearms.
Where is the terror or threats in that picture?
Are they holding their guns in a threating way? NO!
Do they have the guns aimed at the protesters in the restaurant? NO!
Was there any arrests? NO!

People in this Country need to start using their heads about guns and not believe the anti gun people, who have talked the majority of this nation into believing that all guns are bad and anyone who has one is bad.

If the Women had used their heads and not their feelings, they would not have been so frightened or intimidated.

People of this Nation need to get it through their heads that Law abiding Citizens have the right to carry
their guns in the open.

How is showing your gun Bullying?
They are not even standing in a threating manor.
Now if they had pointed the guns, or would have stood in a threating manor, that would have been bullying and terrorizing.

If the mothers were smart they would not have had that meeting. If mothers want to meet to talk about guns, it should be done quietly in a safe place. And above all what they discuss should not be made public.
It is just another form of a clash of rights and if those with guns do not prevail of what value are the guns?

And that's exactly what the nuts were going for. Thank you.

I think they already were meeting quietly in a safe place. Or at least that was the intention.
Not based on hat angles, based on entirely different hats. Texas must have some extremely fashion conscious gun enthusiasts for them to bother changing hats within the few seconds it took to take the two pictures (allegedly).

If you have to resort to comparing me to a truther even though the evidence is here in the thread for all to see then by all means please continue, I'm getting a kick out of watching you melt down. Details, who needs 'em, am I right?


how can you tell they are different hats, and not just different looking?

You can't. Like a troofer you also ignore the most obvious indications that the pictures were taken around the same time, the gun angle of the guy in red, the relative position of the dude with the black shirt and the gun with the muzzle down, and the relative position of the guy in the yellow shirt.

But keep being a troofer with your hats and sun angles....

Negged for being an idiot.

Are you retarded? Seriously, I have to ask at this point if you're retarded.

Show us specifically which hats are different and why the shadows which point 90 degrees off in a picture taken from a position 90 degrees from the first, don't work.
I spent no pages on the photos. Can you read?

The photos are a tangent some want to go on. I think they're irrelevant. As I actually did say, we know enough without any photos at all.

And once again, the point is not whether laws were broken. Fuck the laws. Not part of this thread.


No the point of this thread is that you pussy ass liberals are a scared bunch of pathetic little pukes that let your emotions control you.

As opposed to, say, that post ^^ which is obviously controlled by no emotions at all. :rofl:

So you've gone from assigning me two pages of photo whining to whether laws were borken to 'scared bunch of pathetic little pukes". The lazy susan of logical bases.

Lonestar logic... :cuckoo:

No as opposed to common sense. Something you retards lack.

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