Gun Owners of America plotting to assassinate U.S. President?


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Gun Extremist Larry Pratt Obama Is Anti-Gun Because We Might Just Want To Use Them To Keep People Like Him From Becoming Tyrants Blog Media Matters for America

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."

Pratt, who heads a gun rights group considered to the right of even the National Rifle Association, made the comment during a November 17 appearance on Newsmax TV's America's Forum. He also bragged that his group was responsible for the 2013 defeat of a U.S. Senate bill to expand background checks on gun sales.

The latest inflammatory remark from Pratt comes hours after the release of a video project by The American Independent Institute (TAII) and gun safety group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) on the state of the gun lobby that discusses how media turn to Pratt for commentary on the gun issue, often while ignoring his lengthy history of extremism and past association with white supremacists.

Pratt's claim on America's Forum came during a discussion of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The purpose of the treaty is to prevent the transfer of arms to human rights abusers and it would have no impacton domestic gun laws. Nonetheless, GOA, the NRA, and conservative media often advance the conspiracy theory that the ATT will be used by international entities to register or even confiscate privately held guns in the United States.

Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.
You really must have trouble getting by day to day being such a literal person.

Do you not have any hyperbole, sarcasm or bullshit detecting capability?
Hazel must have finally gotten over her drunk that she started the day after election day, and today she's showing her butthurt in thread after thread. :laugh:
Usually if you are going to do it, you would't tell everyone before you planned on doing it...Just Do It! Nike...........
Yeah, the rabid RWs are just kidding.

Yeah right.

The thread title is pure comedy by the way.

It's also bullshit. I am a gun owning American and I checked my weekly planner today it doesn't have anything about overthrowing the government. Perhaps I can pencil it in next week.
Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."
Only in the mind of a mindess, partisan bigot could this constitute a threat directed at, well, anyone.
Are you saying that obama has become a tyrant? All tyrants should fear a well armed citizenry after all that is the purpose of the second amendment
That is why the founders gave us second amendment remedies.....gotta keep the negroes in line

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