Gun Rights for those 17 - 21

If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

Well they banned them having alcohol too.... it's what the US does. These people think they're wise because they're older, and they're not.

Nobody ever had to defend themselves using alcohol.

What's the point you're trying to make?

Point is it's a bad comparison. Having a gun is a constitutional right, and taking that right away leaving people defenseless is much different than anything else like tobacco or alcohol. The main reason we fight so hard to keep gun rights is self-defense. In spite of my avatar, I'm more a big proponent of self-defense than firearms.

Well, the problem is Ray that self defense doesn't seem to work much, does it?

I mean, the US has the highest First World murder rate, it has a rate 4 times higher than most other First World countries.

So, it's not working.

The US is a mess, there's more problems which don't get dealt with. You're not safer in the US with a gun than in the UK without one.

And you are wrong......our murder rate is going down as more law abiding people own guns.......and you guys don't understand that gun control laws do not keep guns away from criminals.....Britain and Australia show this.....their culture has kept their criminals from using their illegal guns from murdering each other...not their laws....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

Well they banned them having alcohol too.... it's what the US does. These people think they're wise because they're older, and they're not.

Nobody ever had to defend themselves using alcohol.

What's the point you're trying to make?

Point is it's a bad comparison. Having a gun is a constitutional right, and taking that right away leaving people defenseless is much different than anything else like tobacco or alcohol. The main reason we fight so hard to keep gun rights is self-defense. In spite of my avatar, I'm more a big proponent of self-defense than firearms.

Well, the problem is Ray that self defense doesn't seem to work much, does it?

I mean, the US has the highest First World murder rate, it has a rate 4 times higher than most other First World countries.

So, it's not working.

The US is a mess, there's more problems which don't get dealt with. You're not safer in the US with a gun than in the UK without one.

Like hell you aren't. You're not safer because you have the right to defend yourself with a gun? Then do this:

Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME, hang that on your front porch, and let us know how that works out for you in a few months...........if you're still here.
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

Gun control in itself accomplishes nothing. Every time guns are taken away the homicide rate remains remains well within the natural decline (or even increases). Gun murder is already declining every year, so the politicians are attempting to fix a problem that has already been solved. When it comes to school shootings, more people die drowning in their bath tub every year.

As for Trump, he is playing his 3D chess as usual. The liberals will be in for a disappointment when a wall emerges because of moves like these.

And finally, the American homicide rates are entirely caused by the minority population that Europe doesn't have, that have over the 10x the homicide rates of whites. Without those, the rate is about the same as western European countries.

Europe is importing a minority problem.....3rd world males who resort to violence......their gun crime rates are going up....their violent crime rates are going up....and at the same time, they are cutting their police forces and police resources to prop up their welfare state payouts......they are facing a crime nightmare that we saw back in the mid 1960s...but while we had guns to protect ourselves...their law abiding people are sheep to the slaughter....
They bitched when Reagan raised the drinking age for much the same reasons....

This time they're asking you to put your life on the line, but then telling your life isn't yours to defend for another four years. So, let the people 21 and over fight for this country.
False comparison fallacy.

Why is that?

A girl gets pregnant at a younger age. The donor has no interest in being a father yet alone a husband. She finds herself single with child living in a lower-inccme higher crime area because that's all she can afford.

She works, but has to deal with finding people to watch the child while she's away. She's watching television one night and hears a noise in the kitchen on the other side of the apartment. She gets up and hopes not to cross paths with a rodent or something. When she gets to the kitchen, she finds a drugged out man standing in the doorway.

This woman could be your sister, your cousin, your daughter. But because she has no ability to defend herself at 20 years of age, she is totally helpless.

I have asked this question to these anti gun extremists over and it the better result that this woman is raped, tortured and murdered or that she have a gun to stop the rape........? And they never answer that, it is obvious that they consider a woman being raped the best outcome.......rather than allowing her to have a gun to stop it.

Exactly. The real WAR ON WOMEN.

20 years ago, we used to go to the range. You had your choice of booths. Sometimes the girlfriends or wives would come along to kill time while their mate shot at targets. They just sat behind the glass, sometimes bringing a book to read.

Today, those booths are full, and more ranges opened up in the area. The women are not sitting behind the glass, they are on the range with their men; sometimes all by themselves.

In 2016, we had more female applicants for CCW licenses than men. It's important for us to allow women of all ages to protect themselves with firearms.
To me it is despicable to deny Constitutional rights to people otherwise considered adults based upon age discrimination.

If you can kill your child on demand in that age group and you can serve in the military you sure as hell should be afforded your basic Constitutional rights.
They bitched when Reagan raised the drinking age for much the same reasons....

This time they're asking you to put your life on the line, but then telling your life isn't yours to defend for another four years. So, let the people 21 and over fight for this country.
Says you can't own a firearm doesn't mean you can't borrow one till then...

Or steal one if you plan to do something bad like the nutcase in Sandy Hook.

Gun control is only applicable to people that never had the intention of committing a crime. Gun control doesn't apply to those people that desire to do things illegally.
Well they banned them having alcohol too.... it's what the US does. These people think they're wise because they're older, and they're not.

Nobody ever had to defend themselves using alcohol.

What's the point you're trying to make?

Point is it's a bad comparison. Having a gun is a constitutional right, and taking that right away leaving people defenseless is much different than anything else like tobacco or alcohol. The main reason we fight so hard to keep gun rights is self-defense. In spite of my avatar, I'm more a big proponent of self-defense than firearms.

Well, the problem is Ray that self defense doesn't seem to work much, does it?

I mean, the US has the highest First World murder rate, it has a rate 4 times higher than most other First World countries.

So, it's not working.

The US is a mess, there's more problems which don't get dealt with. You're not safer in the US with a gun than in the UK without one.

Like hell you aren't. You're not safer because you have the right to defend yourself with a gun? Then do this:

Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME, hang that on your front porch, and let us know how that works out for you in a few months...........if you're still here.

But you're not being realistic Ray.

Within the US you might be safer with a gun than without a gun. But the US isn't the universe, in case you haven't noticed.

Put that same sign up in the UK, and it'll not make any difference. Why? Because guns aren't a problem in the UK.

Well, the problem is Ray that self defense doesn't seem to work much, does it?


You are confused. It works very well.

There are over a million cases each year where gun are used to stop a crime or used in self defense. There some recent cases of guns being used to stop mass shooting.

Also having gun ownership is deterrent to crime, especially in states where there are good carry permit laws like Florida.
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.
Since it’s difficult to discern from your word-salad of a post the ‘point’ you’re trying to make, we’re forced to assume that you believe prohibiting 18 to 20-year-olds from possessing firearms ‘violates’ the Second Amendment.

If that’s the case, then of course you’re wrong.

The Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of age limits with regard to possessing a firearm, and until it does, such measures would be consistent with the Second Amendment.
The magnitude of the lack of quantitative content awareness has been at work for a period longer than we know. However, the backhandedness of the position stated has otherwise produced a situation where it would be wise for you to advance from amatuer-phylactics to prophylactics immediately.
They bitched when Reagan raised the drinking age for much the same reasons....

This time they're asking you to put your life on the line, but then telling your life isn't yours to defend for another four years. So, let the people 21 and over fight for this country.
Says you can't own a firearm doesn't mean you can't borrow one till then...

Or steal one if you plan to do something bad like the nutcase in Sandy Hook.

Gun control is only applicable to people that never had the intention of committing a crime. Gun control doesn't apply to those people that desire to do things illegally.
ghee then why are drugs illegal then?
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

Well they banned them having alcohol too.... it's what the US does. These people think they're wise because they're older, and they're not.

The right to keep and drink alcohol... which Amendment is that?
They bitched when Reagan raised the drinking age for much the same reasons....

This time they're asking you to put your life on the line, but then telling your life isn't yours to defend for another four years. So, let the people 21 and over fight for this country.
False comparison fallacy.

Why is that?

A girl gets pregnant at a younger age. The donor has no interest in being a father yet alone a husband. She finds herself single with child living in a lower-inccme higher crime area because that's all she can afford.

She works, but has to deal with finding people to watch the child while she's away. She's watching television one night and hears a noise in the kitchen on the other side of the apartment. She gets up and hopes not to cross paths with a rodent or something. When she gets to the kitchen, she finds a drugged out man standing in the doorway.

This woman could be your sister, your cousin, your daughter. But because she has no ability to defend herself at 20 years of age, she is totally helpless.

I have asked this question to these anti gun extremists over and it the better result that this woman is raped, tortured and murdered or that she have a gun to stop the rape........? And they never answer that, it is obvious that they consider a woman being raped the best outcome.......rather than allowing her to have a gun to stop it.

Exactly. The real WAR ON WOMEN.

20 years ago, we used to go to the range. You had your choice of booths. Sometimes the girlfriends or wives would come along to kill time while their mate shot at targets. They just sat behind the glass, sometimes bringing a book to read.

Today, those booths are full, and more ranges opened up in the area. The women are not sitting behind the glass, they are on the range with their men; sometimes all by themselves.

In 2016, we had more female applicants for CCW licenses than men. It's important for us to allow women of all ages to protect themselves with firearms.
well of course then give every female toddler a gun..
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.
Since it’s difficult to discern from your word-salad of a post the ‘point’ you’re trying to make, we’re forced to assume that you believe prohibiting 18 to 20-year-olds from possessing firearms ‘violates’ the Second Amendment.

If that’s the case, then of course you’re wrong.

The Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of age limits with regard to possessing a firearm, and until it does, such measures would be consistent with the Second Amendment.

You love being critical, but you're only proving a lack of reading skills if you don't know what this thread is about. Leave it to the people I addressed and go sit and be quiet.
Put that same sign up in the UK, and it'll not make any difference. Why? Because guns aren't a problem in the UK.

No, it's because they are much less diverse than the US.....for now.

We took all the recreational narcotics away in the US, and the problem is worse now than ever. We have laws against entering or staying in this country illegally, and now there are 11 million or more of those people here.

I'm sure in the UK, people don't want guns. If there is no desire to have them, then it won't be an issue. But that will never be the case here because the criminals will always want guns, and they will get them. Disarming the good guys will only make it worse.
Put that same sign up in the UK, and it'll not make any difference. Why? Because guns aren't a problem in the UK.

No, it's because they are much less diverse than the US.....for now.

We took all the recreational narcotics away in the US, and the problem is worse now than ever. We have laws against entering or staying in this country illegally, and now there are 11 million or more of those people here.

I'm sure in the UK, people don't want guns. If there is no desire to have them, then it won't be an issue. But that will never be the case here because the criminals will always want guns, and they will get them. Disarming the good guys will only make it worse.

Criminals in the UK seem to want guns...their gun crime rate keeps going up.....
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

I think the more important issue is this: WTF would this solve? Will this stop the next school shooting or mass shooting? Would it make any difference at all?

So some 20 year old gets his hands on a gun (which isn't too hard in the US) and he kills a bunch of people anyway.

My entire point is twofold:

* We are punishing the innocent by not enforcing the laws on the books and

* The right needs to get off their ass and submit alternatives to gun control. I'm tired of posting said ideas on the Net
To me it is despicable to deny Constitutional rights to people otherwise considered adults based upon age discrimination.

If you can kill your child on demand in that age group and you can serve in the military you sure as hell should be afforded your basic Constitutional rights.

Or if we are going to set that precedent, then let's up the voting age to 24 years old. I'm sure the Democrats would have no problem with that.
If you are between the ages of 17 - 21 and are following all these gun control threads, there is something I would like you to consider. This isn't a debate, it's a political / legal reality so bear with me.

All of these retail establishments along with the president have decided that until you're 21 you should not own a firearm. What strikes me as odd here is that at 17 you can sign up and go into the military and defend this country, but it's another FOUR YEARS before the government thinks you ought to be able to defend your own life.

If you don't like that, you should urge all those in your age group to boycott the military until Uncle Scam gets his head out of his ..........

Virtually every election cycle when Republicans gain any power, the media and the Democrats sensationalize someone else's misery in order to sell gun control and force the Republicans to sign major gun legislation that ultimately accomplishes NOTHING.

* Under Reagan, he signed a bill to outlaw the future manufacture of fully autos for civilian use - and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA HAD DIED FROM A BULLET FIRED FROM A LEGAL FULL AUTO.
* Behind him was George Bush who banned the importation of foreign made semi-automatic firearms
* George W. Bush said he would have extended the AWB put into place by Clinton, but Congress did not give him that luxury
* Today a nitwit, double talking traitor has promised the Democrats the sun, the moon and the stars on the gun control issue - even advocating circumventing Due Process do it!!!

Every time there is a catastrophe, the Ds and Rs do their song and dance routine over gun control and every time it ends with the Ds getting compromises and more gun control. The problem is, IT DON'T SAVE LIVES.

None of the pabulum puking political propaganda prostitutes from EITHER side has informed you that IF the current laws had been followed, Adam Lanza (who committed the Sandy Hook murders) along with Nickolas Cruz would have been stopped BEFORE the carnage began. The laws were in place, but the cops didn't do their job; the county school system didn't do its job; the FBI didn't do their job. And yet NOBODY with the county faces accountability, the cop who turned tail and ran faces no accountability (Hell he gets to retire and draw a pension); the FBI gets off scott free! Why pass more laws if they don't use the current ones to prevent this crap?

Then they single out those between 17 and 21, the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and everyone else that IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. It is time for gun owners to go on the offensive and offer ways to address the issue without gun control and those of you 17 - 21 could boycott joining the armed forces until the gun control hysteria stops and the government holds those who allowed the mass shootings to happen be held accountable AND consider the proposals that would reduce gun violence without infringing on our Rights. No point in serving a country that won't serve you, but throw you under the bus instead of admitting what the world should know.

Had the government done their jobs under existing law, those children would still be alive. You should not be held accountable for the government's failure to simply do their job.

I think the more important issue is this: WTF would this solve? Will this stop the next school shooting or mass shooting? Would it make any difference at all?

So some 20 year old gets his hands on a gun (which isn't too hard in the US) and he kills a bunch of people anyway.

My entire point is twofold:

* We are punishing the innocent by not enforcing the laws on the books and

* The right needs to get off their ass and submit alternatives to gun control. I'm tired of posting said ideas on the Net

What alternatives? You either are for more gun control or you're not. There is no middle-ground there.

If the Democrats can come out with a law that will stop all mass shootings, I'm willing to listen. But if you know Democrats like I do, you realize this is only one small step in a series of multiple steps to lead us into disarmament.

So we raise the age to 21 and stop the sale of high capacity magazines. The next school shooting takes place, and they will be back demanding more regulations. Then another mass shooting takes place, and again, they will be back for more regulations.

They have no intent of stopping this. Like I said, it's just the first step because as we all know, this age regulation won't change a damn thing.

Report: Parkland Shooter Did Not Use High Capacity Magazines | National Review
Put that same sign up in the UK, and it'll not make any difference. Why? Because guns aren't a problem in the UK.

No, it's because they are much less diverse than the US.....for now.

We took all the recreational narcotics away in the US, and the problem is worse now than ever. We have laws against entering or staying in this country illegally, and now there are 11 million or more of those people here.

I'm sure in the UK, people don't want guns. If there is no desire to have them, then it won't be an issue. But that will never be the case here because the criminals will always want guns, and they will get them. Disarming the good guys will only make it worse.

Criminals in the UK seem to want guns...their gun crime rate keeps going up.....

And it's probably not going to stop. After a while, the people there will no longer want to be victims. Who can blame them?

Britain wants its guns back - The Commentator
To me it is despicable to deny Constitutional rights to people otherwise considered adults based upon age discrimination.

If you can kill your child on demand in that age group and you can serve in the military you sure as hell should be afforded your basic Constitutional rights.

Or if we are going to set that precedent, then let's up the voting age to 24 years old. I'm sure the Democrats would have no problem with that.

That would keep all these confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their stupid bat shit crazy Marxists professors from voting for Democrats.

If you cna't enjoy your constitutional rights as an adult why should you be allowed to vote for the Liberals that took away your rights?

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