Gun shop shooting.

Billy said: "All a gun does is level the playing field against those with guns willing to take the risk in attacking you."

Wilbur said: "Your stupidity is showing early.

the gun store owners were the ones attacked. the gun store owners are dead.

YOU were rooting for the cheap asses who couldnt pay 25/bucks for a repair to their gun.

Self defense is what they will claim. And in MIss.? Not a problem. they were just standing their ground in the gun shop?"

Billy says: As I said earlier, I bet murder charges are pending against the customers. You don't know who was provoked or attacked first. I suspect the ones with the complaint.

As to stupidity, you seem to be a recent member of the pantheon of idiot Lefties here. Learn how to properly reply to a post.
I'm protected either location. How often are you in gun stores?

You a bad dude.

the gun shop owners both had guns on them when they walked into their store to face an irate customer.

the gun shop owners are dead.

So much for your fucked up idea that as long as I got a gun on me, I am protected.

Bull shit dude. Its the one that first produces the gun and starts firing that has a distinct advantage.

Ask the gun shop owners who fired first.
Oh wait, you cant. they are dead.
I'm protected either location. How often are you in gun stores?

You a bad dude.

the gun shop owners both had guns on them when they walked into their store to face an irate customer.

the gun shop owners are dead.

So much for your fucked up idea that as long as I got a gun on me, I am protected.

Bull shit dude. Its the one that first produces the gun and starts firing that has a distinct advantage.

Ask the gun shop owners who fired first.
Oh wait, you cant. they are dead.

They are dead, so are many other people this morning. I could care less

I bet murder charges are pending against the customers. You don't know who was provoked or attacked first. I suspect the ones with the complaint.

You do know who fired first eh? Self defense.

the son of the gun store owner showed a weapon as the agument heated up.
the customers, feeling threatened, pulled their weapons in self defense and being good gun owners who wouldnt pull a gun unless they were gonna shoot someone, started firing in self defense.

Any decent attorney can build that case.

Wanna bet the killers walk? Hell dude its gun nutters. Like you buddy gofor it says; statistically insignificent. they got what they were looking for.

two gunners dead, two shot (that will cost a fucking fortune to care for in the ICU)all over 25 dollars. Amazing.
Listen must understand. People like Geaux here are different. They are experts. There is no way that they would ever end up on the losing end of a firefight. They slept at a Holiday Inn Express.
I bet murder charges are pending against the customers. You don't know who was provoked or attacked first. I suspect the ones with the complaint.

You do know who fired first eh? Self defense.

the son of the gun store owner showed a weapon as the agument heated up.
the customers, feeling threatened, pulled their weapons in self defense and being good gun owners who wouldnt pull a gun unless they were gonna shoot someone, started firing in self defense.

Any decent attorney can build that case.

Wanna bet the killers walk? Hell dude its gun nutters. Like you buddy gofor it says; statistically insignificent. they got what they were looking for.

two gunners dead, two shot (that will cost a fucking fortune to care for in the ICU)all over 25 dollars. Amazing.

Whence comes your information?
Listen must understand. People like Geaux here are different. They are experts. There is no way that they would ever end up on the losing end of a firefight. They slept at a Holiday Inn Express.
No, they have common sense and can think for themselves, unlike libtards like yourself who has to get all his thinking done for them in their Democrat Talking Points emails.
Of course. I gave some cub scouts outside of a local grocery store $20 yesterday. In your world, that's almost enough to shoot people over.

Life is safer when idiots don't have guns.
Well sense the only idiot in that situation was YOU, i guess your voluntary disarming is good for the universe, idiot.
Whence comes your information?

You dont have much in the way of common sense do ya?

Mom had already called son and Dad to explain that there was two irate customers wanting to talk to them.

When (gun store owners) walked back into the shop, the adrenaline was already starting to pump. Especially in the young man.

the discussion turns into an argument. things get heated. the son, looking to protect both his mom and dad either shows a gun or pulls his gun in an effort to deter violence. Maybe he even points his gun and tells the customers to get the fuck out.

the customers draw and fire immediately. the owners return fire and hit them. But both owners have suffered deadly injuries.

Mom is hiding behind the counter.

Its the shooters/customers word against hers. And she didnt see exactly what happened.

Self defense. Even a MIss attorney can make that case.
Whence comes your information?

You dont have much in the way of common sense do ya?

Mom had already called son and Dad to explain that there was two irate customers wanting to talk to them.

When (gun store owners) walked back into the shop, the adrenaline was already starting to pump. Especially in the young man.

the discussion turns into an argument. things get heated. the son, looking to protect both his mom and dad either shows a gun or pulls his gun in an effort to deter violence. Maybe he even points his gun and tells the customers to get the fuck out.

the customers draw and fire immediately. the owners return fire and hit them. But both owners have suffered deadly injuries.

Mom is hiding behind the counter.

Its the shooters/customers word against hers. And she didnt see exactly what happened.

Self defense. Even a MIss attorney can make that case.

I think they might struggle to get someone to fix their gun though.
Obviously need to get more guns in the gun shop to make it safe.

Father and son die in shootout at Pearl River County gun shop
Note: Authorities have released the names of all four people involved in a shooting at the gun store. To read the updated story, click here.
PICAYUNE -- A father and son were killed in a shootout with another man and his son at a gun store Saturday in Pearl River County's Henleyfield community.
Pearl River County deputies responding to the shooting on Mississippi 43 about 3:15 p.m. found the store owner and his son dead in the store, Chief Deputy Shane Tucker said.
The owner's wife was working at the store when two customers, a man and his son, entered to pick up a firearm that had been repaired.
"There was some contention about a $25 fee," Tucker said.
In an attempt to clear up the dispute, the woman called her husband, who later arrived with his son. An argument ensued between the owners and the customers.
"During this argument, we believe there might have been some pushing and shoving," Tucker said. "One of the customers and one of the owners produced firearms. We don't know who shot first."
All four men were shot. The two customers were airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries, Tucker said.
By Sunday morning, the son in hospital ICU was in stable condition, he said.
The wife of the owner was not wounded.
Investigators are trying to determine how the situation unfolded before any charges are filed, Sheriff David Allison said.
Read more here:
Meh...these things happen.

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