Gun shop shooting.

Obviously need to get more guns in the gun shop to make it safe.

Father and son die in shootout at Pearl River County gun shop
Note: Authorities have released the names of all four people involved in a shooting at the gun store. To read the updated story, click here.
PICAYUNE -- A father and son were killed in a shootout with another man and his son at a gun store Saturday in Pearl River County's Henleyfield community.
Pearl River County deputies responding to the shooting on Mississippi 43 about 3:15 p.m. found the store owner and his son dead in the store, Chief Deputy Shane Tucker said.
The owner's wife was working at the store when two customers, a man and his son, entered to pick up a firearm that had been repaired.
"There was some contention about a $25 fee," Tucker said.
In an attempt to clear up the dispute, the woman called her husband, who later arrived with his son. An argument ensued between the owners and the customers.
"During this argument, we believe there might have been some pushing and shoving," Tucker said. "One of the customers and one of the owners produced firearms. We don't know who shot first."
All four men were shot. The two customers were airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries, Tucker said.
By Sunday morning, the son in hospital ICU was in stable condition, he said.
The wife of the owner was not wounded.
Investigators are trying to determine how the situation unfolded before any charges are filed, Sheriff David Allison said.
Read more here:

Wow…..see how dumb these morons were…..don't they know that left wing anti gun loons have created special gun free zones to do their killing of innocent people…..these morons chose one of the only places where there are people with guns…..and got shot……

Had these guys chosen a left wing, anti gun loon gun free zone, they could have killed people to their hearts content until the police arrived…..

Guns do stop shooters………as we see here….
mistakenly they let their guard down

Really? they were walking into their own store after being made aware there was two pissed off customers there and you think their guard was down eh?

It was the customers who fired first. they knew that the owners would be armed. And like any person with any sense knows, the person that shoots first has a distinct advantage. Even if the people being shot at are armed.

Do you know much about the element of SURPRISE? A surprise offensive ALWAYS has the advantage. At least initially.

But what I find strange about this is the wife hiding. You gunners are always going on about how women need to be armed blah blahblah. And here is a woman steeped in gun culture and when the shit hits the fan and her own men are involved and in a store full of guns, she hides. HUMMM. Whats that tell you?

That this one woman did not return fire……unlike thousands of others who do…and the woman who stopped the mass shooting at the church, and the other woman who stopped 3 gun armed men who invaded her house and she got her gun and shot one of them and chased the others off……
But they were all armed.That should have guaranteed their safety.

Thats right isnt it ?

No….what it does is give them a chance to survive…..not imagine they were in a left wing, anti gun loon created gun free zone……the two owners and his wife would be dead…and any other customers in the store, and the two shooters would be alive and on the loose……

Gun free zones guarantee that only innocent people are murdered….
Quick, someone call 2AGuy, he'll tell you how this is no big deal and someone got shot in Canada once.

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives…..according to bill clinton and barak obama….

Gun murders in 2014….8,124….mostly committed by criminals against other criminals the rest are criminals murdering other innocent people, like here…

and of course the bad guys were shot too….

1, 500,000 vs. 8,124

Can you tell which number is bigger and more significant….?
Hey if you cant kill a couple people over 25 dollars, what the fuck are them guns good for.

And who was the bad guys in this case?

The guys who used their guns to commit a crime….I know… anti gun lefties are child like, so understanding the difference between Right and Wrong and Good and Evil is hard for you…..but the guys who used their guns to commit murder were the bad guys, the guys who used their guns to save their lives…..the reason guns were created, were the good guys.
Life is not safe.

That is a brilliant comment.

One the Left does not seem to fully understand.

Of course. I gave some cub scouts outside of a local grocery store $20 yesterday. In your world, that's almost enough to shoot people over.

Life is safer when idiots don't have guns.

Yes.,…life is safer when idiots don't have guns….so why do you anti gun nuts only want to disarm normal, law abiding gun owners and not care about the actual criminals…everything you propose targets the people who don't use their guns to commit crimes…and are easily bypassed by actual criminals who use guns to commit crimes...
But they were all armed.That should have guaranteed their safety.

Thats right isnt it ?
It's why I want every detroiters to buy a gun.

And every iraqi

You do realize you are talking out of your ass…right…..the Police Chief of Detroit has asked citizens to carry guns for their own protection…and their violent crime rate is finally going down….you should really do some research before you post.
shooting is statistically insignificant.. You know, a data outlier

You think that those two shooters are the ONLY two gun owners in the country that would shoot you over 25 bucks?

I thought you were familiar with Chicago?

Guess not eh.

The guys in Chicago who use guns to murder over 25 dollars are not allowed to own guns or carry them…..but they do it anyway because they need them to murder other people…… is the people who don't use guns to commit crimes that have a hard time getting guns and carrying them….

That is the child like logic of anti gunners...
I'm protected either location. How often are you in gun stores?

You a bad dude.

the gun shop owners both had guns on them when they walked into their store to face an irate customer.

the gun shop owners are dead.

So much for your fucked up idea that as long as I got a gun on me, I am protected.

Bull shit dude. Its the one that first produces the gun and starts firing that has a distinct advantage.

Ask the gun shop owners who fired first.
Oh wait, you cant. they are dead.

and if the gun store owners did not have guns…..the guys who killed them would be unharmed…..

You guys don't think much do you?
Whence comes your information?

You dont have much in the way of common sense do ya?

Mom had already called son and Dad to explain that there was two irate customers wanting to talk to them.

When (gun store owners) walked back into the shop, the adrenaline was already starting to pump. Especially in the young man.

the discussion turns into an argument. things get heated. the son, looking to protect both his mom and dad either shows a gun or pulls his gun in an effort to deter violence. Maybe he even points his gun and tells the customers to get the fuck out.

the customers draw and fire immediately. the owners return fire and hit them. But both owners have suffered deadly injuries.

Mom is hiding behind the counter.

Its the shooters/customers word against hers. And she didnt see exactly what happened.

Self defense. Even a MIss attorney can make that case.

And you know this how? And how do you know the "customers" weren't criminals trying to buy guns illegally…and they were refused? And then they got violent…how do you know what happened…..? And how do you know that they weren't refused the sale and decided to steal the guns?

Said no one, ever.

LMAO. WtF is wrong with you?
Having a gun assures your protection is a mantra to the gun nutters.

You all mumble it all day long. Ive got my gun I am protected. Ive got my gun I am protected Ive got my gun I am protected.

that idea (Ive got my gun I am protected) is your religion.
Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives…..according to bill clinton and barak obama….

Really? two known liars are your source of the number of DGUs? LMAO.

You are full of shit and you know it.
This is, of course, a lie
Duder you perpetuate the BIGGESt lie of all; 1.5 million DGUs. A number so fucking made up as to be completely laughable.
then you want to use Obama and Clinton to back up your numbers? Unbelievable.
Clearly, all you intend to do here is set up straw men and then lie about them.
Thank you for making it clear I need not waste any more time on you.

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