Gun show loop hole? What about the ghetto loop hole????


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Obama didn't mention this. Where I live there are 3 or 4 gun shows per year. 95% of sales there are done by FFL dealers who do background checks on site. A few are private sales between two gun owners. That's about 4 or 5 days a year.

365 days a year I can drive to the ghetto with $500 cash and get a gun within an background check, no licensed dealer, not even a serial number check on the gun.

The "Gun Show Loophole" is small change.

The "Ghetto Loophole" is 24/7/365. It accounts for the majority of gun murders.

Obama must have forgotten to mention the massive problem of the Ghetto Loophole.
Obama didn't mention this. Where I live there are 3 or 4 gun shows per year. 95% of sales there are done by FFL dealers who do background checks on site. A few are private sales between two gun owners. That's about 4 or 5 days a year.

365 days a year I can drive to the ghetto with $500 cash and get a gun within an background check, no licensed dealer, not even a serial number check on the gun.

The "Gun Show Loophole" is small change.

The "Ghetto Loophole" is 24/7/365. It accounts for the majority of gun murders.

Obama must have forgotten to mention the massive problem of the Ghetto Loophole.

He didn't forget, but it's easier to make political hay out of dead kindergartners than it is out of dead gangbangers.

And never, ever, ever let a crisis go to waste.
Oh ok. Just wondering since the ghetto is basically a swamp of loose unregulated guns on a daily basis that anyone with cash...or a car or Crack rock or a hooker....can walk away with a gun.

It's a vast wild west of guns floating around. And most murders occur at the barrel of these ghetto guns.

Yet....Obama focuses on grandpa's selling their old hunting rifles to their family without a FFL and background check.
Oh ok. Just wondering since the ghetto is basically a swamp of loose unregulated guns on a daily basis that anyone with cash...or a car or Crack rock or a hooker....can walk away with a gun.

It's a vast wild west of guns floating around. And most murders occur at the barrel of these ghetto guns.

Yet....Obama focuses on grandpa's selling their old hunting rifles to their family without a FFL and background check.

It's the low hanging fruit that doesn't actually require any work. The law abiding obey the law.
Oh ok. Just wondering since the ghetto is basically a swamp of loose unregulated guns on a daily basis that anyone with cash...or a car or Crack rock or a hooker....can walk away with a gun.

It's a vast wild west of guns floating around. And most murders occur at the barrel of these ghetto guns.

Yet....Obama focuses on grandpa's selling their old hunting rifles to their family without a FFL and background check.

It's the low hanging fruit that doesn't actually require any work. The law abiding obey the law.

That's EXACTLY right.

He knows the "ghetto loophole" can't be fixed with anything except Stop and Frisk....which the left demonized.

He knows all of us LAW ABIDING citizens will OBEY THE LAW and he has mandated now...we will follow it until the next president voids it, so now he can claim a success.
Do the gun makers pay you to post your "guns Are Great" shit all day long. They pay the NRA to help arm criminals, crazies and terrorists. Stop being a sucker and get on the gravy train now that Obama is trying to shut down your straw purchasing business. You`ll need a new income source.

How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

Yes they do. The NRA pays me $1500 a month. I get another $1000 a month from Glock, S&W, Mossberg, Remington and Sig.

So I make $6500 a month just to post gun stuff on the internet. And....the application had a box requiring me to be eligible to receive white privilege to do so. girlfriend has trouble finding good fitting shirts because her waist is smallish but her tits are huge.

And my favorite football teams are the 14-1 Panthers and the 14-0 Clemson Tigers.

Life is great man!!!!!!!!!

He should be after the guns of the secret service and other bodyguards who murder those poor constituents who come to see him and other politicians while carrying. They just want to discuss some issues they have.



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