Gun tragedy at Nordtstrom...when the police can't protect you....

My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

Your sister not allowing your brother to bring a gun into her house has everything to do with her rules. He is obligated to leave it in his car.

My right to carry one is public under the law trumps anything you might have to say about me not being able to do so. You gun haters have come up with your religion on such things. If you don't like it, no one should be able to do it.

Nutters here have said they would ignore "no guns allowed" signs.

IOW, there is no way to know if some froot loop is packing. There is no place where innocent people are safe.

There is a way to know which gun haters think every gun owner is a nut. You proved that because you're one of them.


I own guns, have always owned guns. I just don't believe that guns should be easily available to every person in the US.

You can pass all the gun laws you want. The only ones for which it will be tougher are people like me who wouldn't misuse one. If you think the laws you want passed will stop criminals from getting guns, you should look up the definition of "criminal".

I had a gun stolen out of my locked vehicle about a year ago. If someone was to use it in a murder, robbery, etc., no low you support being added would stop the person from doing that crime from getting the gun. I didn't do a background check on them but they have the gun.
...and back to the old, "If someone can possibly get around the law, then the law should not exist", argument....
If someone can possibly get around the law, then the law should not exist", argument....

See, that just shows your ignorance...a law is there so that when someone breaks it, they get arrested and go to jail...what you jokers want is "Pre-Crime" where you think the law will stop someone from breaking doesn't work that way....

That is why background checks and gun registration don't stop crime and they don't help solve crime...when you catch someone using a gun illegally, you arrest them...when you catch a felon with a gun you arrest him....

Problem solved....
A whole day and the usual suspects, the anti gunners, the ones with the irrational fear of guns have no words of wisdom for women who are being stalked by deranged ex husbands and boyfriends....nothing...the police can't help them, the courts can't help them...and the anti gunners want them to face their aggressive, male attackers...empty handed....

Well, do any of you anti gunners have any way of dealing with these situations....or is the reality of you belief leaving you silent....?
If someone can possibly get around the law, then the law should not exist", argument....

See, that just shows your ignorance...a law is there so that when someone breaks it, they get arrested and go to jail...what you jokers want is "Pre-Crime" where you think the law will stop someone from breaking doesn't work that way....

That is why background checks and gun registration don't stop crime and they don't help solve crime...when you catch someone using a gun illegally, you arrest them...when you catch a felon with a gun you arrest him....

Problem solved....

Good point.

Now, when I was 14, I started working at a grocery store. Unless I had a signed permit from my parents, that was illegal. I didn't and they hired me anyway. So, they should just drop that permit requirement from child labor laws.

I used the money I made to buy a $50 car when I was 15 years old. I was not legally old enough to get a driver's license, but I drove it anyway, and nobody did anything about it. They should drop the age 16 requirement for a driver's license.

Since I was not old enough to drive, I did not bother to apply for a plate, so I drove without one. Nobody did anything about that, so they should drop the requirement that every car have a plate. Of course, I also did not have auto insurance either, so the Dept. of Motor Vehicles should stop requiring proof of insurance in order to get a title. In fact, I didn't even have a title, so they should stop requiring us to get them.

The proper way to handle all these issues would simply have been as follows, If I had run someone down and killed them with my unlicensed, and untitled, and uninsured car, while not having a driver's license, would be to arrest me at that point and charge me with vehicular manslaughter!

Oh, yeah! THAT makes sense! I have seeeeen the light!
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Good point.

Now, when I was 14, I started working at a grocery store. Unless I had a signed permit from my parents, that was illegal. I didn't and they hired me anyway. So, they should just drop that permit requirement from child labor laws.

I used the money I made to buy a $50 car when I was 15 years old. I was not legally old enough to get a driver's license, but I drove it anyway, and nobody did anything about it. They should drop the age 16 requirement for a driver's license.

Since I was not old enough to drive, I did not bother to apply for a plate, so I drove without one. Nobody did anything about that, so they should drop the requirement that every car have a plate. Of course, I also did not have auto insurance either, so the Dept. of Motor Vehicles should stop requiring proof of insurance in order to get a title. In fact, I didn't even have a title, so they should stop requiring us to get them.

The proper way to handle all these issues would simply have been as follows, If I had run someone down and killed them with my unlicensed, and untitled, and uninsured car, while not having a driver's license, would be to arrest me at that point and charge me with vehicular manslaughter!

Oh, yeah! THAT makes sense! I have seeeeen the light!

Wow, You must have been at the bottom of your class at the government school run by the education wing of the democrats that you attended.....

All of those things you point out.......have laws about you not doing them......see genius...that is how laws work...when you are caught doing any of those things, you would have been arrested and punished...

What the idiot anti gunners think is that a law will prevent the commission of a just demonstrated that if someone doesn't care about breaking the law....they will break you say you did....

The point of laws is that they can't stop law breakers.....they can only define the reason you can't do something and when you are caught what the punishment needs to be...

You just proved the point of the pro gun crowds with background checks and gun registration....thanks....
Gun violence isn't somebody else's problem, it's problem of our own country. It's our own problem. A requirement of background checks for gun purchases reduces the overall likelihood that people will die of gun violence. It's so simple and so obvious.
A requirement of background checks for gun purchases reduces the overall likelihood that people will die of gun violence. It's so simple and so obvious.

Actually, you are wrong...there are 8-9,000 gun murders committed each year, according to FBI statistics....80% or so are gang related in inner cities ( run by democrats) you think these gang members are going thru background checks to get their guns?

All of the mass shooters....many went thru background checks, Santa Barbara, the colorado theater shooter, and the others stole their guns Sandy hook, or bought them illegally, Columbine....back ground checks sound good but are completely meaningless....
Okay...another day goes by and our resident anti gunners have still not chimed in on how they would have helped this woman....

New some point in the stalking...he broke some of her ribs and put a gun in her mouth....

So, to the usual anti gunners, both foreign and domestic.....if you have your perfect world of no do you protect this woman? Since you want her disarmed....ante up...tell us your plan...
All of those things you point out.......have laws about you not doing them......see genius...that is how laws work...when you are caught doing any of those things, you would have been arrested and punished..."

Which is exactly why we need a universal law requiring a background check in order to buy a firearm. That way, if a felon or someone else who can not legally own a firearm buys a firearm from Texas Toughguy, Texas Toughguy goes to the slammer.
That way, if a felon or someone else who can not legally own a firearm buys a firearm from Texas Toughguy, Texas Toughguy goes to the slammer.

He already is against the law to sell a gun to a felon.....
That way, if a felon or someone else who can not legally own a firearm buys a firearm from Texas Toughguy, Texas Toughguy goes to the slammer.

He already is against the law to sell a gun to a felon.....

How in the hell would you know he was a felon if you did not do a background check? I KNOW that there is no law against selling to a felon if you did not KNOW that you were selling to a felon. Which makes your entire position wash away like a sand castle at high tide.
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Yes....background checks have kept guns out of the hands of the killers who use guns to murder 8-9,000 people a year, a good majority of whom are already felons and can't own or carry a gun....they are not getting them from people who care about doing background no, my position isn't weak.....background checks are meaningless and only apply to those willing to undergo them....same with registration of guns...another stupid idea that is only meant as a first step in the next ban or confiscation...

And and the other anti want this woman to be how would you have helped her in her isn't surprising that you and the other people with an irrational fear of guns have no clue what to do....your wish to disarm people leads to this, innocent people at the mercy of criminals, the dangerously mentally ill and governments determined to exterminate certain segments of their population....

Day 3....and silence from the gun grabbers on how they would help this woman and others like her......pretty weak....
Yes....background checks have kept guns out of the hands of the killers who use guns to murder 8-9,000 people a year, a good majority of whom are already felons and can't own or carry a gun....they are not getting them from people who care about doing background no, my position isn't weak.....background checks are meaningless and only apply to those willing to undergo them....same with registration of guns...another stupid idea that is only meant as a first step in the next ban or confiscation...

And and the other anti want this woman to be how would you have helped her in her isn't surprising that you and the other people with an irrational fear of guns have no clue what to do....your wish to disarm people leads to this, innocent people at the mercy of criminals, the dangerously mentally ill and governments determined to exterminate certain segments of their population....

Day 3....and silence from the gun grabbers on how they would help this woman and others like her......pretty weak....

And yet, not one word explaining why you object to a required background check to stop a felon from buying a firearm. Not to mention that John Hinckley is walking the streets, and can buy himself a new .22 semi-automatic at the nearest gun show. My best guess is that he would graduate to a 9 mm.
Gun violence isn't somebody else's problem, it's problem of our own country. It's our own problem. A requirement of background checks for gun purchases reduces the overall likelihood that people will die of gun violence. It's so simple and so obvious.

No, what is so simple is we already require BGC, it's fed law.

Sandy Hook- guns were purchased by going through a BGC they did not prevent the shooting

Isla Vista Ca- guns were again purchased and purchaser passed BGC. Shooting still happened

Aurora CO shooting- all guns purchased by buyer passing BGC

I could go on and on but those are three of the most recent and in all cases the guns were purchased by undergoing BGC. Your theory is hogwash and is proven false

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All of those things you point out.......have laws about you not doing them......see genius...that is how laws work...when you are caught doing any of those things, you would have been arrested and punished..."

Which is exactly why we need a universal law requiring a background check in order to buy a firearm. That way, if a felon or someone else who can not legally own a firearm buys a firearm from Texas Toughguy, Texas Toughguy goes to the slammer.

Your wrong the National Institute for Justice has said themselves that Universal BGC will not work

Universal background checks

Twitter summary: Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration and an easy gun transfer process

They go on to point out that almost 75% of the guns used to commit crime were either stolen or a straw purchase

Of the 300M plus guns in private hands the vast majority are not on any sort of registry. Hell I picked up an additional 7 two weeks ago from the auction of an estate no records at all I own them. If I sell one to a neighbor or give it to my son and you had your wish of universal BGC how would you know that transaction took place. It's simple without manditory registration you can't regulate or enforce universal BGC

You will never see manditory registration and if you did I can assure you the majority guns will never make the registry
Yes....background checks have kept guns out of the hands of the killers who use guns to murder 8-9,000 people a year, a good majority of whom are already felons and can't own or carry a gun....they are not getting them from people who care about doing background no, my position isn't weak.....background checks are meaningless and only apply to those willing to undergo them....same with registration of guns...another stupid idea that is only meant as a first step in the next ban or confiscation...

And and the other anti want this woman to be how would you have helped her in her isn't surprising that you and the other people with an irrational fear of guns have no clue what to do....your wish to disarm people leads to this, innocent people at the mercy of criminals, the dangerously mentally ill and governments determined to exterminate certain segments of their population....

Day 3....and silence from the gun grabbers on how they would help this woman and others like her......pretty weak....

And yet, not one word explaining why you object to a required background check to stop a felon from buying a firearm. Not to mention that John Hinckley is walking the streets, and can buy himself a new .22 semi-automatic at the nearest gun show. My best guess is that he would graduate to a 9 mm.
Hinckley cannot walk into a gun show and buy a gun from a dealer there without passing a BGC. So no he is not going to buy a new gun at a show as the only ones selling "new" guns are dealers and fed law requires they run BGC

SORRY that dog won't hunt
And yet, not one word explaining why you object to a required background check to stop a felon from buying a firearm. Not to mention that John Hinckley is walking the streets, and can buy himself a new .22 semi-automatic at the nearest gun show. My best guess is that he would graduate to a 9 mm.

Being the nice guy I am, I have said in past posts I will indulge the irrational fears of anti gunners to this point...I will support background checks at gun dealers...which we already have, as long as they are instantaneous and leave no permanent record....I will even go so far as to support adding some sort of mental illness check into those records...

I believe that these background checks are meaningless and useless, they do not stop the murders we have now....and won't in the future....

However....I do not trust the anti gunners. They will attempt to use any mental health aspect of a background check to deny access to guns to as many people as they can...they are already trying, and in some cases, succeeding to allow vets to get guns because of mental illness qualifications...and so until you can convince me that whatever mental health check is created won't target regular people....I will oppose it...

You don't need a mental health check on hinckley...I imagine he is already considered a convicted felon...but I could be wrong... to explain how you would help the woman this post is dedicated to, prevent her own murder.....any and the other guys with an irrational fear of guns haven't suggested anything yet....
Yes....background checks have kept guns out of the hands of the killers who use guns to murder 8-9,000 people a year, a good majority of whom are already felons and can't own or carry a gun....they are not getting them from people who care about doing background no, my position isn't weak.....background checks are meaningless and only apply to those willing to undergo them....same with registration of guns...another stupid idea that is only meant as a first step in the next ban or confiscation...

And and the other anti want this woman to be how would you have helped her in her isn't surprising that you and the other people with an irrational fear of guns have no clue what to do....your wish to disarm people leads to this, innocent people at the mercy of criminals, the dangerously mentally ill and governments determined to exterminate certain segments of their population....

Day 3....and silence from the gun grabbers on how they would help this woman and others like her......pretty weak....

And yet, not one word explaining why you object to a required background check to stop a felon from buying a firearm. Not to mention that John Hinckley is walking the streets, and can buy himself a new .22 semi-automatic at the nearest gun show. My best guess is that he would graduate to a 9 mm.
And yet, not one word explaining why you object to a required background check to stop a felon from buying a firearm. Not to mention that John Hinckley is walking the streets, and can buy himself a new .22 semi-automatic at the nearest gun show. My best guess is that he would graduate to a 9 mm.

Being the nice guy I am, I have said in past posts I will indulge the irrational fears of anti gunners to this point...I will support background checks at gun dealers...which we already have, as long as they are instantaneous and leave no permanent record....I will even go so far as to support adding some sort of mental illness check into those records...

I believe that these background checks are meaningless and useless, they do not stop the murders we have now....and won't in the future....

However....I do not trust the anti gunners. They will attempt to use any mental health aspect of a background check to deny access to guns to as many people as they can...they are already trying, and in some cases, succeeding to allow vets to get guns because of mental illness qualifications...and so until you can convince me that whatever mental health check is created won't target regular people....I will oppose it...

You don't need a mental health check on hinckley...I imagine he is already considered a convicted felon...but I could be wrong...

The Hoplophobes are relying on old worn out talking points. They want BGC at gun shows. LOL if one of them ever set foot in a gun show they would see every dealer there is required to run a BGC just as if the purchase was made at the local sporting goods store

Then they go off on Universal BGC, the NIJ in their own memo stated it will have no effect without manditory registration and ending straw purchases.

It's a non starter but they continue to clammer on the same points that are continually proven to be false

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