Gun tragedy at Nordtstrom...when the police can't protect you....

I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.
No it's not.

The conditions for you entering private property are set by the property owner.

If some idiot walked into my business and started reading aloud from a bible would I have to let him? No.

If he wanted to silently read his bible I would have no problem with that.

That said if you are carrying a concealed weapon no one would know

When i carry I don't care if there is a no firearms sign in a business's window I'll enter anyway because no one would ever know short of frisking me if I was carrying. And they do not have the right to frisk me.

If two fags walked into your business and asked you to serve them, you couldn't deny them. That means the conditions for you aren't set by the property owner.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.

er... no. it isn't.

Then a private business saying they won't serve faggots isn't a violation of their rights. Bet you disagree.

first of all, keep your obnoxious characterizations to yourself. they are neither cute nor socially acceptable except among your fellow bigots.

and no, it isn't. i'd explain it to you, but if that's what you think, there's really no basis on which to provide information.

plus, it would mean I have to discuss something with a bigot who uses a gun because he has no genitalia.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.

Tough luck, 65. I was the only one who was allowed to have a gun in my café...And I did.

So it's tough luck on what's in the Constitution but you support dick suckers having the ability to be catered to on something not in it. Typical of your lowlife kind.

Sorry, 65. I did not realize that this thread was about gun grabbing gays. I must have missed that part....
It's about your hypocrisy. You claim to have a right to tell people not to bring certain things into your private business yet I suspect you would support a private business having to serve certain "things" they disagree with.

I know that gun fanatics want to give an inanimate object (a gun) the same rights as a person, but that is not going to happen. I discriminate against guns. I do not discriminate against people who own them. Then, I would be discriminating against myself, and I definitely do not want to be sued by myself.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.

er... no. it isn't.

Then a private business saying they won't serve faggots isn't a violation of their rights. Bet you disagree.

first of all, keep your obnoxious characterizations to yourself. they are neither cute nor socially acceptable except among your fellow bigots.

and no, it isn't. i'd explain it to you, but if that's what you think, there's really no basis on which to provide information.

plus, it would mean I have to discuss something with a bigot who uses a gun because he has no genitalia.

Since I don't work for you nor am I on your propety, telling me what I should do makes you look like a joke. I dont' care if you like what I said. That means you can either get over it or STFU.

I have genetalia. Ask your mother who your daddy is.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.

Tough luck, 65. I was the only one who was allowed to have a gun in my café...And I did.

So it's tough luck on what's in the Constitution but you support dick suckers having the ability to be catered to on something not in it. Typical of your lowlife kind.

Sorry, 65. I did not realize that this thread was about gun grabbing gays. I must have missed that part....
It's about your hypocrisy. You claim to have a right to tell people not to bring certain things into your private business yet I suspect you would support a private business having to serve certain "things" they disagree with.

I know that gun fanatics want to give an inanimate object (a gun) the same rights as a person, but that is not going to happen. I discriminate against guns. Not against people who own them. Then, I would be discriminating against myself, and I definitely do not want to be sued by myself.

I giving the person that owns a gun the same level of right as you want to give two fags that suck dicks.

You can't discriminate against inanimate objects. You have to discriminate against those who own guns. Stupid asshole.
Tough luck, 65. I was the only one who was allowed to have a gun in my café...And I did.

So it's tough luck on what's in the Constitution but you support dick suckers having the ability to be catered to on something not in it. Typical of your lowlife kind.

Sorry, 65. I did not realize that this thread was about gun grabbing gays. I must have missed that part....
It's about your hypocrisy. You claim to have a right to tell people not to bring certain things into your private business yet I suspect you would support a private business having to serve certain "things" they disagree with.

I know that gun fanatics want to give an inanimate object (a gun) the same rights as a person, but that is not going to happen. I discriminate against guns. Not against people who own them. Then, I would be discriminating against myself, and I definitely do not want to be sued by myself.

I giving the person that owns a gun the same level of right as you want to give two fags that suck dicks.

You can't discriminate against inanimate objects. You have to discriminate against those who own guns. Stupid asshole.

OMG! This means that I discriminated against that rancher who wanted to bring his cattle into my café!

Better get lawyered up....
My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

A person's house is not a place of business.

Nobody said it was, Lonestar. It is private property. Try to keep up...

Stick to the topic, which has nothing to do with private property.

Do try to keep up!!

I'll try to explain this to you sop that even you can understand, Lone. The OP is arguing that the law should allow a person to carry a gun, even on private property, which has been declared a "gun free zone" by the owner. I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café. The government has no right to force me to allow guns in my café. The OP is now bring up "Public Accommodation" laws. I will be happy to accommodate any gun owner, as long as he leaves his gun outside my café. I am sure that the law will also allow the cake maker to throw gays out of his shop if they insist on having sex on the cake counter.

Nordstom's is located in a mall, it is open to the public. Not sure about Illinois, but in Texas a "gun free zone" sign alone doesn't mean squat!
My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

Your sister not allowing your brother to bring a gun into her house has everything to do with her rules. He is obligated to leave it in his car.

My right to carry one is public under the law trumps anything you might have to say about me not being able to do so. You gun haters have come up with your religion on such things. If you don't like it, no one should be able to do it.

Gee, 65, where did I say that you have no right to carry a gun in public? I said that you can not carry a gun on private property, if the owner bans them.

You can legally carry a firearm in any business open to the public as long as you have a CHL, with certain exceptions. In Texas those exceptions are a 50/50 sign or a 30.06 sign. You also can not carry in most Government buildings. The owner can post as many "no gun" signs as he pleases but they carry no legal authority.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.
No it's not.

The conditions for you entering private property are set by the property owner.

If some idiot walked into my business and started reading aloud from a bible would I have to let him? No.

If he wanted to silently read his bible I would have no problem with that.

That said if you are carrying a concealed weapon no one would know

When i carry I don't care if there is a no firearms sign in a business's window I'll enter anyway because no one would ever know short of frisking me if I was carrying. And they do not have the right to frisk me.

If two fags walked into your business and asked you to serve them, you couldn't deny them. That means the conditions for you aren't set by the property owner.

How would I know they were fags? And besides I'm not afraid of gay people

BtW i can ask straight people to leave if they are acting inappropriately.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.

Tough luck, 65. I was the only one who was allowed to have a gun in my café...And I did.

So it's tough luck on what's in the Constitution but you support dick suckers having the ability to be catered to on something not in it. Typical of your lowlife kind.

Sorry, 65. I did not realize that this thread was about gun grabbing gays. I must have missed that part....
It's about your hypocrisy. You claim to have a right to tell people not to bring certain things into your private business yet I suspect you would support a private business having to serve certain "things" they disagree with.

I know that gun fanatics want to give an inanimate object (a gun) the same rights as a person, but that is not going to happen. I discriminate against guns. I do not discriminate against people who own them. Then, I would be discriminating against myself, and I definitely do not want to be sued by myself.
If someone walked in with a concealed weapon you would never know.
Tough luck, 65. I was the only one who was allowed to have a gun in my café...And I did.

So it's tough luck on what's in the Constitution but you support dick suckers having the ability to be catered to on something not in it. Typical of your lowlife kind.

Sorry, 65. I did not realize that this thread was about gun grabbing gays. I must have missed that part....
It's about your hypocrisy. You claim to have a right to tell people not to bring certain things into your private business yet I suspect you would support a private business having to serve certain "things" they disagree with.

I know that gun fanatics want to give an inanimate object (a gun) the same rights as a person, but that is not going to happen. I discriminate against guns. I do not discriminate against people who own them. Then, I would be discriminating against myself, and I definitely do not want to be sued by myself.
If someone walked in with a concealed weapon you would never know.

He's likely to do a pat down at the door.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.
No it's not.

The conditions for you entering private property are set by the property owner.

If some idiot walked into my business and started reading aloud from a bible would I have to let him? No.

If he wanted to silently read his bible I would have no problem with that.

That said if you are carrying a concealed weapon no one would know

When i carry I don't care if there is a no firearms sign in a business's window I'll enter anyway because no one would ever know short of frisking me if I was carrying. And they do not have the right to frisk me.

If two fags walked into your business and asked you to serve them, you couldn't deny them. That means the conditions for you aren't set by the property owner.

How would I know they were fags? And besides I'm not afraid of gay people

BtW i can ask straight people to leave if they are acting inappropriately.

If two guys came, let's say to a bakery, and wanted their wedding cake, that would be a giveaway.

I'm not afraid of them either.

You missed the point of what I was saying. The very people who say they have a right to limit who they serve because that person doesn't do something they agree with are the same ones who say that a baker can't refuse to do a wedding cake because the couple is homosexual and doing something the baker disagrees with. They want to limits rights when it suits them but demand rights be unlimited when what someone else does is not OK with them. In other words, if the cafe owner can limit people bringing guns on his private business property, the baker can limit who he serves based on their sexual orientation.
I used to own a café. I did not allow guns in my café.
That's a violation of my 2nd Amendment rights.
No it's not.

The conditions for you entering private property are set by the property owner.

If some idiot walked into my business and started reading aloud from a bible would I have to let him? No.

If he wanted to silently read his bible I would have no problem with that.

That said if you are carrying a concealed weapon no one would know

When i carry I don't care if there is a no firearms sign in a business's window I'll enter anyway because no one would ever know short of frisking me if I was carrying. And they do not have the right to frisk me.

If two fags walked into your business and asked you to serve them, you couldn't deny them. That means the conditions for you aren't set by the property owner.

How would I know they were fags? And besides I'm not afraid of gay people

BtW i can ask straight people to leave if they are acting inappropriately.

If two guys came, let's say to a bakery, and wanted their wedding cake, that would be a giveaway.

I'm not afraid of them either.

You missed the point of what I was saying. The very people who say they have a right to limit who they serve because that person doesn't do something they agree with are the same ones who say that a baker can't refuse to do a wedding cake because the couple is homosexual and doing something the baker disagrees with. They want to limits rights when it suits them but demand rights be unlimited when what someone else does is not OK with them. In other words, if the cafe owner can limit people bringing guns on his private business property, the baker can limit who he serves based on their sexual orientation.

I don't see the correlation to being gay and carrying a gun unless you compare it to banning all gun owners from a business whether they are actually carrying or not.

I can certainly ask two gay people to leave if they engage in sex acts in my business just as I can ask the same of straight people.
and back to the main point of the topic....

To the anti gunners....this is your perfect world...this woman did not have a would you have kept her alive?
My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

Your sister not allowing your brother to bring a gun into her house has everything to do with her rules. He is obligated to leave it in his car.

My right to carry one is public under the law trumps anything you might have to say about me not being able to do so. You gun haters have come up with your religion on such things. If you don't like it, no one should be able to do it.

Nutters here have said they would ignore "no guns allowed" signs.

IOW, there is no way to know if some froot loop is packing. There is no place where innocent people are safe.
Driving home from church WGN was discussing the murder of a 22 year old woman by her ex boyfriend at the Nordtstrom where she worked....From the discussion, this guy had been abusive when they dated and after they broke up, he had harrassed her constantly, threatening to kill himself and or her...and called her family and her sister...and would not back off. She apparently tried to get a restraining order on numerous times (Which is pointless....for the deranged, like this guy, it would have done nothing to protect her) but judges continuously turned her down.....

So, on Friday...he walked into her work, a Chicago Nordtstroms store, a gun free zone....and shot her, and then himself...

Okay anti would you have protected this woman? Take the gun out of the equation....this guy was going to kill this girl wether or not he had a gun....just ask the women who were stabbed, strangled, beaten or set on fire with gasoline.....

How would you have stopped this....keep in mind...apparently her family works for the Chicago Police dept. and even that didn't help her over the entire year she was being stalked....

Deadly Black Friday shooting at crowded Chicago Nordstrom Fox News

Police said the man shot his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, and then fatally shot himself. The station said shoppers were so scared they ran out of the store, leaving their bags and coats behind.

“I heard the two pops, then I just heard screaming,” a woman shopper told the station. “Then I just saw people running. I saw bags. It was terrifying.”

So...the police couldn't help her...the courts couldn't help her....she worked in a gun free zone...which obviously did not help her....and again...even if you sprinkled pixie dust and made all guns disapear from the planet....he would still have tried to kill her....just with a knife, his hands or any other number of primitive weapons.....

So anti gunners, how would you have saved this woman?

You make an excellent case against guns being easily available to every froot loop who wants one.

My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

Your sister not allowing your brother to bring a gun into her house has everything to do with her rules. He is obligated to leave it in his car.

My right to carry one is public under the law trumps anything you might have to say about me not being able to do so. You gun haters have come up with your religion on such things. If you don't like it, no one should be able to do it.

Nutters here have said they would ignore "no guns allowed" signs.

IOW, there is no way to know if some froot loop is packing. There is no place where innocent people are safe.

There is a way to know which gun haters think every gun owner is a nut. You proved that because you're one of them.
My right to ban your gun from my private property trumps your right to pack heat in public. It is as simple as that. My sister, for example, will not allow my brother to bring his pistol into her house. He is obligated to either leave it in his car, or not come over at all.

Now, if gun fanatics come up with a religion that requires them to carry loaded guns wherever they go...something I fully expect the NRA to come up with some day...things might have to be changed.

Your sister not allowing your brother to bring a gun into her house has everything to do with her rules. He is obligated to leave it in his car.

My right to carry one is public under the law trumps anything you might have to say about me not being able to do so. You gun haters have come up with your religion on such things. If you don't like it, no one should be able to do it.

Nutters here have said they would ignore "no guns allowed" signs.

IOW, there is no way to know if some froot loop is packing. There is no place where innocent people are safe.

There is a way to know which gun haters think every gun owner is a nut. You proved that because you're one of them.


I own guns, have always owned guns. I just don't believe that guns should be easily available to every person in the US.

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