Gunfire reported at California veterans home

The fact that people think this is normal life shows mental illness. There is nothing normal about this. Nothing normal about having mass shootings practically every week. It's insanity. Insanity.

Why don't you go join a Spanish forum if you are in Spain? It's really not your business: this is our country, not yours, foreigner.
Terrible tragedy for those women who are only there to help. Sadly this is just more proof that anti gun laws are ineffective when someone wants to kill.
Just like robbing banks is illegal but it still happens every single day.

He was a resident at this program for severely impaired, mentally ill people. They kicked him out. (Drug-taking? Drinking? Violence? So far, not saying.) He came back with guns --- I wonder where he got them. If he had another home where the guns were stored, he would be an obvious candidate for a law that had citizens known to be crazy to have their guns taken away. Anybody object to that?
Looks like they bought that one at a military equipment auction.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.
The fact that people think this is normal life shows mental illness. There is nothing normal about this. Nothing normal about having mass shootings practically every week. It's insanity. Insanity.

Why don't you go join a Spanish forum if you are in Spain? It's really not your business: this is our country, not yours, foreigner.
Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?
he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress

He should of not been allowed to have a gun in the first place if he suffered from PTSD, and if he was kicked out , they should of notified the police.

Hey....moron......there are millions of veterans who suffer from some form of PTSD, especially after our long fight against muslim terrorists....and those millions are not murdering other people....

Your post is exactly why we can't let you set up the rules for mental health background checks...all of our veterans would lose their 2nd Amendment Rights......
They kicked him out of the facility and they should of called the cops. Anyone being treated for PTSD should not be allowed to have a gun.
That's complete bullshit just because you are diagnosed with PTSD does not automatically mean you are a danger to anyone. Are you including rape victims in your assumption ? What about car crash survivors ? I've known many people who were diagnosed with combat related PTSD some of those being family members and they certainly were no danger to the public.

Yes....yes....that is exactly what they protectors of the 2nd Amendment we want actual, dangerous, deranged people being kept from guns...

As people who fear guns to the paranoid level, the anti gunners see Mental Health, as the gold card to banning guns from everyone and anyone they can get diagnosed with even a sleep disorder...

This is why we have to be so careful if we include mental health in background checks....

Thanks for bringing up those other categories of PTSD sheds light on the issue.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.

No...the Chinese are....they murdered 70-100 million innocent men, women and children......those are their stats, not mine...

Just sayin..............
Gun control does not stop criminals. Gun control of not allowing security officers there be armed gave this guy free reign.
That's stupid. That's just a stupid argument. In other modern Western countries with strict gun control, other developed countries, there are no mass shootings. And statistics show that gun control does not mean that only criminals have guns. Obviously this guy was not a criminal. He was one of you: a regular guy, a regular gunnut.

Uuuuuuh sure. The 130 who died in Paris were merely stoned to death. The 70 or so killed in Norway were drowned. You're about as fucked up as a person can be.

Uuuuuu sure: Thanks to Oreo for posting the below quoted remarks (post 621: Can the Students be Silenced)

Clearly Westwall hope to silence so.

"Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country."

Not a single thing that your side has proposed would have prevented a single one of those shootings, and your people admit that. But, they always say "it's a good first step". We know that their goal is an absolute ban on private ownership of guns. All totalitarians demand that. Your arguments are specious, and infantile. We know that, and so did the Founders who were far smarter than you and yours.

Keep on keeping on this BIG LIE. It shows your character flaws as well as your lack of common sense. The more the bodies, the sooner what you fear will come to fruition.

Since the NRA and those obsessed with their guns continue to hold a callous disregard for the dead, the maimed and their loved ones, the sooner men and women of good will, will prevail.

What is needed is not a total prohibition of all guns in the civilian population, what is needed includes: a thorough vetting of every sale of a gun; registration of all guns; and requiring a license to everyone over the age of 20 to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun; those under that age can only possess and control a gun when in direct Supervision of a licensed adult, with parental permission.

I get it, some states will reject all of these as restriction on the 2nd A. I believe they are common sense policies which do not infringe on the 2nd. Only those who cannot pass the vetting will be denied the license. States which eschew such laws will have the ability, as will counties within a state which vote to impose these restrictions.

It is time to put the national disgrace of mass killings behind us. Those who value their gun over the lives of other peoples children can move to a state friendly to guns, and the rest of us can feel secure when sending our kids to schools and allowing them to go to the movies, concerts and even church.

thorough vetting of every sale of a gun;

We are trying to fix the problem with the current federal background check system which is used for every gun sale at a gun store...but the federal and state governments keep screwing up the data, and the democrats don't want to actually fix it, they want the issue for elections.

and requiring a license to everyone over the age of 20 to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun;

Criminals do not get licenses for their illegal guns. Licenses will not stop criminals or mass shooters...mass shooters will happily get a license for their guns...they might even do that on the way to their mass shooting....and licensing guns will not solve or prevent gun murder or gun crime....

Also, it is unConstitutional...any tax or fee on a Right violates the Supreme Court ruling in Murdoch v. well as all the Court rulings on Poll Taxes and Literacy tests.......

The only way to stop gun violence.....the actual gun violence that is effected by criminals every to lock up violent criminals for 30 years......this works in Japan where they lock up the Yakuza caught with guns and it has stopped them from shooting each other in their gang wars.....until they imposed long prison sentences the Yakuza ignored Japanese gun laws....

Anything else is either Security Theater, or simply a baby step toward confiscating guns.....

The gun controlled cities with every single gun law you want are where all the killing is going on, is this silliness that keeps us from taking you seriously.....
Citizens don't have a right to guns, and most of them don't need them.

Yes, they do have a right.

2nd Amendment makes that pretty clear

How stupid can one possibly be?

lol, Being stupid is like being pregnant, no one is a little stupid nor a little pregnant.

To paraphrase a trite expression: Allowing mass murders with a gun to repeat over and over and expecting a different outcome is stupid.

Guns are not infringed when people are restricted, and the vast majority of citizens agree that some people should never own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun - fools believe otherwise.[/QUOTE]

No moron.....people disagree with your stupid policies because they do not work and only effect people who do not use their guns to commit crimes....

As the meme goes.....because some people drive drunk, you want to take cars away from people who don't drink and drive....your stupidity makes that much sense.

And yet...the actual solution to 99% of our gun locking up repeat, violent gun offenders for 30 years....and you guys refuse to do would think you want the death caused by these repeat gun offenders in minority neighborhoods controlled by democrats.....
Terrible tragedy for those women who are only there to help. Sadly this is just more proof that anti gun laws are ineffective when someone wants to kill.
Just like robbing banks is illegal but it still happens every single day.

He was a resident at this program for severely impaired, mentally ill people. They kicked him out. (Drug-taking? Drinking? Violence? So far, not saying.) He came back with guns --- I wonder where he got them. If he had another home where the guns were stored, he would be an obvious candidate for a law that had citizens known to be crazy to have their guns taken away. Anybody object to that? one objects to that....we object to you taking guns away from people with insomnia.....and who are not dangerous.....tell us how you tell the difference....?
Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?

I doubt all of that. Probably just another Russian troll trying to sow dissent here. And I have to say, if all you have is 8 or 9 generations, allegedly, as if, you would be rather a recent immigrant compared to my family. But I don't believe any of that -- Spain and Spanish is what you said and what I believe. Stay there, please. Hate America from there.

Why the Spanish don't pay attention to their own problems and have to hate on America from the other side of the planet, I don't know. Too awful to face where you live, I suppose. Look at Spain: bits falling off it (Catalonia seceding), terrorists bombing and running over tourists as fast as they can --- the Moors are currently taking it back after the Reconquista in 1492, which seems to have now failed. Gypsies pickpocketing everywhere. White sex slavery. And Spanish debt and general economic shakiness with respect to the Euro and their internal economy, a Sick Man of Europe.

And yet you come to this forum and hate on America?? Darn, you Spanish are much worse off than we are, and that's saying something.
Last edited: one objects to that....we object to you taking guns away from people with insomnia.....and who are not dangerous.....tell us how you tell the difference....?

*I* am not taking guns away from anyone. It is a problem with how widely they would apply such a law, I agree. What a problem. And yet, this guy --- clearly crazy as a hoot owl, diagnosed, in crazy-person public care and housing ------- and he comes in with guns and shoots people.

Ouch. one objects to that....we object to you taking guns away from people with insomnia.....and who are not dangerous.....tell us how you tell the difference....?

*I* am not taking guns away from anyone. It is a problem with how widely they would apply such a law, I agree. What a problem. And yet, this guy --- clearly crazy as a hoot owl, diagnosed, in crazy-person public care and housing ------- and he comes in with guns and shoots people.


And he is likely known to the doctors treating him...again.......

This is not a gun problem....this is a government problem...
And he is likely known to the doctors treating him...again.......

This is not a gun problem....this is a government problem...

You are probably right. It's at least a psychologist problem. I read a good letter in the Wall Street Journal this week -- before this event happened, which is much the same, they knew -- referring to the "omerta" code of psychologists, who never tell anyone how many people their patients talk about killing. That came out about that Batman movie shooter -- they knew, they just didn't do anything. The letter writer thought mental-health professionals ought to notify authorities about shooters and mass murderer wanna-be's same as they have to by law for child abusers.

It is an interesting point.
And he is likely known to the doctors treating him...again.......

This is not a gun problem....this is a government problem...

You are probably right. It's at least a psychologist problem. I read a good letter in the Wall Street Journal this week -- before this event happened, which is much the same, they knew -- referring to the "omerta" code of psychologists, who never tell anyone how many people their patients talk about killing. That came out about that Batman movie shooter -- they knew, they just didn't do anything. The letter writer thought mental-health professionals ought to notify authorities about shooters and mass murderer wanna-be's same as they have to by law for child abusers.

It is an interesting point.

there aren't that many people who are crazy who are actually one professional put it, the vast majority of mentally ill people are more in danger of being harmed than harming others......which means we need to focus on the ones who are so bat crap crazy that they scare the crap out of their doctors........those are the ones we need to concentrate on, and then the cops can cross check with friends and family, and their schools to see if there is noticeable craziness...and then see if they own guns......that might be the process we need...
Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?

I doubt all of that. Probably just another Russian troll trying to sow dissent here. And I have to say, if all you have is 8 or 9 generations, allegedly, as if, you would be rather a recent immigrant compared to my family. But I don't believe any of that -- Spain and Spanish is what you said and what I believe. Stay there, please. Hate America from there.

Why the Spanish don't pay attention to their own problems and have to hate on America from the other side of the planet, I don't know. Too awful to face where you live, I suppose. Look at Spain: bits falling off it (Catalonia seceding), terrorists bombing and running over tourists as fast as they can --- the Moors are currently taking it back after the Reconquista in 1492, which seems to have now failed. Gypsies pickpocketing everywhere. White sex slavery. And Spanish debt and general economic shakiness with respect to the Euro and their internal economy, a Sick Man of Europe.

And yet you come to this forum and hate on America?? Darn, you Spanish are much worse off than we are, and that's saying something.
LMAO I'm not Spanish you idiot. I'm an American. If you knew anything about the world outside of your backyard you'd know that milliions of Americans live and work overseas. If you had half a brain you'd realize how limited is your understanding and knowledge of the larger world.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.

No...the Chinese are....they murdered 70-100 million innocent men, women and children......those are their stats, not mine...
Thats way less than the billions whites are responsible for.
In case it hasn't made it to the thread yet..

Man Who Killed 3 at Veterans Home Before Killing Himself Was Decorated Veteran

"Wong had reportedly been removed from the program at the home, which treats PTSD-afflicted veterans of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, two weeks prior to the murders but it is unclear why.

Wong served in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. He’d received a number of service awards, including one for expert marksmanship with a rifle, the New York Daily News reported.

Wong, who held licenses as a private investigator, firearms trainer and security guard, also had a firearm license, reports said."

California gave this guy a firearm license?
In case it hasn't made it to the thread yet..

Man Who Killed 3 at Veterans Home Before Killing Himself Was Decorated Veteran

"Wong had reportedly been removed from the program at the home, which treats PTSD-afflicted veterans of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, two weeks prior to the murders but it is unclear why.

Wong served in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. He’d received a number of service awards, including one for expert marksmanship with a rifle, the New York Daily News reported.

Wong, who held licenses as a private investigator, firearms trainer and security guard, also had a firearm license, reports said."

California gave this guy a firearm license?

Is he asian? If so...that might cause the democrat controlled media to ignore the story....

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