Gunfire reported at California veterans home

Actually it hasnt happened to all people.

Which peoples would those be?

Whites are the only ones that have done it on every continent and actually wiped out civilizations.

They didn't do it in Antarctica.

I dont have to worry about whites killing off all Blacks.

Where did I state that?

You have to worry about that.

I doubt that.

If all Blacks were killed the human race would cease to exist.

I doubt that too.

Whites would be the first to go since they are so inbred.

Or perhaps it's the other way around.

You see our genetics are superior to yours.

So now you're the super race? Goosestep much?

We are the original humans and you are just a recessive mutation.

Everything changes over time...


...Even the dinosaurs had to evolve or go extinct.


Let's delve into that "8th or 9th generation" thing. Where were your people from? Where did they live? How did they get here? Did they reproduce @ 12-15 unerringly?

View attachment 181798

242 years / 9 = 26.88 years



What if..there were Europeans in America longer than 242 years? :eek:


That's not the point I'm making. The average age to reproduce in nine generations is 26.88 years for the 242 years that the United States has been around. Not 12-15 years of age unerringly. So it's very possible for her family to have been in the United States for nine generations. If your whole purpose is to compare lineages do feel free to go at it because I really don't care if you can trace your lineage back to the Mayflower because we all put are pants or skirts on the same way in the end.


Let's delve into that "8th or 9th generation" thing. Where were your people from? Where did they live? How did they get here? Did they reproduce @ 12-15 unerringly?

View attachment 181798

242 years / 9 = 26.88 years



What if..there were Europeans in America longer than 242 years? :eek:

View attachment 181801

That's not the point I'm making. The average age to reproduce in nine generations is 26.88 years for the 242 years that the United States has been around. Not 12-15 years of age unerringly. So it's very possible for her family to have been in the United States for nine generations. If your whole purpose is to compare lineages do feel free to go at it because I really don't care if you can trace your lineage back to the Mayflower because we all put are pants or skirts on the same way in the end.



My lineage goes back to before the Mayflower. :boohoo:100 years or so.
Let's delve into that "8th or 9th generation" thing. Where were your people from? Where did they live? How did they get here? Did they reproduce @ 12-15 unerringly?

View attachment 181798

242 years / 9 = 26.88 years



What if..there were Europeans in America longer than 242 years? :eek:

View attachment 181801

That's not the point I'm making. The average age to reproduce in nine generations is 26.88 years for the 242 years that the United States has been around. Not 12-15 years of age unerringly. So it's very possible for her family to have been in the United States for nine generations. If your whole purpose is to compare lineages do feel free to go at it because I really don't care if you can trace your lineage back to the Mayflower because we all put are pants or skirts on the same way in the end.



My lineage goes back to before the Mayflower. :boohoo:100 years or so.


As I said I really don't care what anyone's lineage. We're supposedly all United States citizens. If you're proud of who you are then I'm happy for you. That doesn't make you any better... or worse... than anyone else.


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he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress

He should of not been allowed to have a gun in the first place if he suffered from PTSD, and if he was kicked out , they should of notified the police.

Hey....moron......there are millions of veterans who suffer from some form of PTSD, especially after our long fight against muslim terrorists....and those millions are not murdering other people....

Your post is exactly why we can't let you set up the rules for mental health background checks...all of our veterans would lose their 2nd Amendment Rights......
They kicked him out of the facility and they should of called the cops. Anyone being treated for PTSD should not be allowed to have a gun.
That's complete bullshit just because you are diagnosed with PTSD does not automatically mean you are a danger to anyone. Are you including rape victims in your assumption ? What about car crash survivors ? I've known many people who were diagnosed with combat related PTSD some of those being family members and they certainly were no danger to the public.

No, vets with PTSD.
Stop watching Hollywood garbage.

Help me understand this. Napa county, one of the richest areas in America, has so many hostage situations they need a dedicated truck for it?
Looks like they bought that one at a military equipment auction.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
Looks like they bought that one at a military equipment auction.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I'll leave when its beneficial for me. Until then I will stay here and give you monkeys indigestion.:rolleyes:.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I'll leave when its beneficial for me. Until then I will stay here and give you monkeys indigestion.:rolleyes:.

So it's more beneficial to you to stay here and get benefits, is that what you're telling us?
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I'll leave when its beneficial for me. Until then I will stay here and give you monkeys indigestion.:rolleyes:.

So it's more beneficial to you to stay here and get benefits, is that what you're telling us?
Yes. Its much more beneficial to me to make white boys mad here in the US.
What if..there were Europeans in America longer than 242 years? :eek:

Watch your math ----

2018 -1600 is 418 years, after all. Harvard University was founded in 1640. So things were already by then quite far along. 8 or 9 generations like what's her name claims are nothing. Even counting generations as fully 20 years, which is a high number. I mean, we're talking 21 generations already, even with a high of 20 years per generation. Eight or nine generations puts her at the Irish or Eastern European pour-in, swamp the country immigrations like the Mexicans now, not of interest in the Old Timer sweepstakes, be sure.
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That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I'll leave when its beneficial for me. Until then I will stay here and give you monkeys indigestion.:rolleyes:.

So it's more beneficial to you to stay here and get benefits, is that what you're telling us?
Yes. Its much more beneficial to me to make white boys mad here in the US.

Aim high, snowflake.

Cigar, that's a real nigga there.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Then by all means leave this terrible place and haul your butt back to Africa. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I'll leave when its beneficial for me. Until then I will stay here and give you monkeys indigestion.:rolleyes:.

To give anyone indigestion you would first have to be an annoyance. You're not. You're a joke. We laugh at you silly person. You know nothing about history, you know nothing about social contracts, you know nothing that would be construed as even remotely interesting. You are merely a means to a good belly laugh.
I totally agree and all progressives should be required to turn in their firearms

Excellent point: but it would be hard to make a list of them. So how about this: everyone who wants to get rid of all guns, and who believes America should be gunfree, TURN IN YOUR GUNS!!

And the rest of us (and of course the criminals and terrorists and Mexican gang members) would keep them, total freedom.

I like it. Let's do that.
Don't worry, the people they'll send to disarm you will have much better weapons, and your neighbors will rejoice because you were probably scaring them.

You think the Army is going to side with the leftists?

Oh, what a surprise is coming to you.
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

What is your answer to the problem and remember the State the killings happen in was in California and that State laws are strict!?
Ban the type of guns these people use. Private citizens have no need of such high powered weapons.

I can do a lot of damage with a 12 gauge pump action. You know why the AR-15 is the weapon of choice over a shotgun?

Ever fire a 12 gauge with buck or slug shot?

That boy in Florida arm would have been hurting if he does not know how to fire a shotgun.

What is my point?

Simple, it is true the AR-15 can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands but believe me love a 12 gauge with buck or slug, well let just say I can do a lot of damage against a wild boar but that damn kick from the shotgun take a real man to deal with...
I will leave it up to the lawmakers to decide which weapons to ban. We do need to, and will, be banning certain weapons. Deal with it.
Largest home for Vets is shut down as masses of LE converge on the complex, the largest home for our Vets.

Yountville, California, veterans home has reports of gunfire - CNN
This kind of thing happens over and over and over again and still the NRA and all the gunnuts refuse to accept any kind of serious gun control. It's just insane.
Useful idiot.
Gun control is sanity. Anything else is idiocy. So look in the mirror and you will see the idiot.

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