Gunfire reported at California veterans home

In case it hasn't made it to the thread yet..

Man Who Killed 3 at Veterans Home Before Killing Himself Was Decorated Veteran

"Wong had reportedly been removed from the program at the home, which treats PTSD-afflicted veterans of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, two weeks prior to the murders but it is unclear why.

Wong served in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. He’d received a number of service awards, including one for expert marksmanship with a rifle, the New York Daily News reported.

Wong, who held licenses as a private investigator, firearms trainer and security guard, also had a firearm license, reports said."

California gave this guy a firearm license?

the report said he had an automatic to take bets on the accuracy of that information from the democrat journalist?
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

What is your answer to the problem and remember the State the killings happen in was in California and that State laws are strict!?
Ban the type of guns these people use. Private citizens have no need of such high powered weapons.

I can do a lot of damage with a 12 gauge pump action. You know why the AR-15 is the weapon of choice over a shotgun?

Ever fire a 12 gauge with buck or slug shot?

That boy in Florida arm would have been hurting if he does not know how to fire a shotgun.

What is my point?

Simple, it is true the AR-15 can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands but believe me love a 12 gauge with buck or slug, well let just say I can do a lot of damage against a wild boar but that damn kick from the shotgun take a real man to deal with...
Citizens don't have a right to guns, and most of them don't need them.

Yes, they do have a right.

2nd Amendment makes that pretty clear

How stupid can one possibly be?

lol, Being stupid is like being pregnant, no one is a little stupid nor a little pregnant.

To paraphrase a trite expression: Allowing mass murders with a gun to repeat over and over and expecting a different outcome is stupid.

Guns are not infringed when people are restricted, and the vast majority of citizens agree that some people should never own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun - fools believe otherwise.[/QUOTE]

Leftist Fascist fool says what?

This here is The United States of America, not the Weimar Republic, fascist. I see you drooling over people being disarmed. Not going to happen in America, faggot. You leftists will die first. Keep that in mind, because it is the truth.

Leftism has no place in America.
PTSD patient shoots up Calif. veterans center...

Yountville attack: California hostage-taker was former patient
10 Mar.`18 - The man who killed three women after a stand-off at a veterans' home in Napa Valley, California was a former patient, authorities say.
The three victims were all employees at the centre in Yountville. The residential centre provides mental health services for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The suspected gunman, who died at the scene, has been named as Albert Wong, 36. No motive for the attack has been identified, police say. Wong, reportedly a former US Army rifleman, had left a programme to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The gunman entered the building while employees were having cake as a leaving celebration for some colleagues. After a siege lasting all day police discovered the four bodies in a room at The Pathway Home on Friday evening.

Praise for responding officer

The three employees who died have been named by the Napa County Sheriff-Coroner's Office as Jennifer Golick, 42, the clinical director, Christine Loeber, 48, the executive director, and 29-year-old Jennifer Gonzalez, a clinical psychologist. "These brave women were accomplished professionals who dedicated their careers to serving our nation's veterans, working closely with those in the greatest need of attention after deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan," The Pathway Home said in a statement. Ms Golick's father-in-law told the Associated Press that she had recently removed Wong from the treatment programme.


The gunman took three women hostage but allowed others to escape​

The soldier had spent a year in Afghanistan and had been awarded four medals, US media report. Assistant Chief Chris Childs of the California Highway Patrol paid tribute to the first officer on the scene, who, he said, put himself in harm's way and exchanged of gunfire with the suspect. "We believe and credit him with saving the lives of others in the area by eliminating the ability for the suspect to go out and find further victims," he said. It is not clear whether the victims or the suspect were alive in the time in between the last exchange of fire and the discovery of the bodies about eight hours later.

US veterans home attacker was ex-patient
Not a single thing that your side has proposed would have prevented a single one of those shootings, and your people admit that. But, they always say "it's a good first step". We know that their goal is an absolute ban on private ownership of guns. All totalitarians demand that. Your arguments are specious, and infantile. We know that, and so did the Founders who were far smarter than you and yours.

Keep on keeping on this BIG LIE. It shows your character flaws as well as your lack of common sense. The more the bodies, the sooner what you fear will come to fruition.

What lie would that be? You think that mass shootings don't happen worldwide? That would be the BIG LIE.

Since the NRA and those obsessed with their guns continue to hold a callous disregard for the dead, the maimed and their loved ones, the sooner men and women of good will, will prevail.

In what way has the NRA shown a callous disregard for the dead? The only callous disregard for the dead I'm seeing is the progressive tantrum over the gun laws, and other laws, currently on the books that the progressives refuse to heed and enforce.

What is needed is not a total prohibition of all guns in the civilian population, what is needed includes: a thorough vetting of every sale of a gun; registration of all guns; and requiring a license to everyone over the age of 20 to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun; those under that age can only possess and control a gun when in direct Supervision of a licensed adult, with parental permission.

Isn't that what background checks are for? As I stated already a callous disregard by progressives for the laws currently on the books that the progressives refuse to heed and enforce.

I get it, some states will reject all of these as restriction on the 2nd A. I believe they are common sense policies which do not infringe on the 2nd. Only those who cannot pass the vetting will be denied the license. States which eschew such laws will have the ability, as will counties within a state which vote to impose these restrictions.

There are already common sense policies on the books. Heed and enforce them instead of creating more laws.

It is time to put the national disgrace of mass killings behind us.

In what way is it any more of a national disgrace than all of the other mass shootings and butchery done all around the world?

Those who value their gun over the lives of other peoples children can move to a state friendly to guns, and the rest of us can feel secure when sending our kids to schools and allowing them to go to the movies, concerts and even church.

So does this mean that you're disarming all the law enforcement agencies and security in those states so that they comply with your gun-free paradise? After all they should have no more need for firearms than what the normal citizen is allowed and law enforcement and security agencies should have to comply with the laws on the books.



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How stupid can one possibly be?

lol, Being stupid is like being pregnant, no one is a little stupid nor a little pregnant.

To paraphrase a trite expression: Allowing mass murders with a gun to repeat over and over and expecting a different outcome is stupid.

Guns are not infringed when people are restricted, and the vast majority of citizens agree that some people should never own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun - fools believe otherwise.


I totally agree and all progressives should be required to turn in their firearms.


Leftist Fascist fool says what?

This here is The United States of America, not the Weimar Republic, fascist. I see you drooling over people being disarmed. Not going to happen in America, faggot. You leftists will die first. Keep that in mind, because it is the truth.

Leftism has no place in America.

Uh, guy, the Weimar Republic had plenty of guns, up until and well after Hitler.

Guns didn't stop Hitler.

You know why?

Because the government had tanks.

because most people were cowards, and didn't speak up when they came for the Trade Unionists or the Jews.
Leftist Fascist fool says what?

This here is The United States of America, not the Weimar Republic, fascist. I see you drooling over people being disarmed. Not going to happen in America, faggot. You leftists will die first. Keep that in mind, because it is the truth.

Leftism has no place in America.

Uh, guy, the Weimar Republic had plenty of guns, up until and well after Hitler.

Guns didn't stop Hitler.

You know why?

Because the government had tanks.

because most people were cowards, and didn't speak up when they came for the Trade Unionists or the Jews.

JoeB, batting .997 wrong. Think on this, leftist faggot, before you go too far out of your way in an attempt to disarm Americans, it could cost you your life. Are you willing to give your life for disarming Americans? No? Well, then...

I'm willing to give mine for not, whatcha think about that? This is what you're up against.
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JoeB, batting .997 wrong. Think on this, leftist faggot, before you go too far out of your way in an attempt to disarm Americans, it could cost you your life. Are you willing to give your life for disarming Americans? No? Well, then...

I'm willing to give mine for not, whatcha think about that? This is what you're up against.

Don't worry, the people they'll send to disarm you will have much better weapons, and your neighbors will rejoice because you were probably scaring them.
Why are you making jokes? People are being killed. Americans have lost their humanity. So many massacres on a weekly basis for so many years and Americans have come not only to think nothing of it but to make jokes about it.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.


Tell that to the people in Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, and a few of the other African nations.


Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?

So you have more rights than most of us because you can trace your lineage back several generations?

Sounds like you're one of those 1%er's who inherited their old moldy money and would have a fit if you had to work when there's a chance you might break a fingernail.


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I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.


Tell that to the people in Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, and a few of the other African nations.



You mean the ones still reeling from european colonialism and western interference?
Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?

I doubt all of that. Probably just another Russian troll trying to sow dissent here. And I have to say, if all you have is 8 or 9 generations, allegedly, as if, you would be rather a recent immigrant compared to my family. But I don't believe any of that -- Spain and Spanish is what you said and what I believe. Stay there, please. Hate America from there.

Why the Spanish don't pay attention to their own problems and have to hate on America from the other side of the planet, I don't know. Too awful to face where you live, I suppose. Look at Spain: bits falling off it (Catalonia seceding), terrorists bombing and running over tourists as fast as they can --- the Moors are currently taking it back after the Reconquista in 1492, which seems to have now failed. Gypsies pickpocketing everywhere. White sex slavery. And Spanish debt and general economic shakiness with respect to the Euro and their internal economy, a Sick Man of Europe.

And yet you come to this forum and hate on America?? Darn, you Spanish are much worse off than we are, and that's saying something.
LMAO I'm not Spanish you idiot. I'm an American. If you knew anything about the world outside of your backyard you'd know that milliions of Americans live and work overseas. If you had half a brain you'd realize how limited is your understanding and knowledge of the larger world.

The only possible 9th generation Americans would have to be Spanish.

I'm 7th generation. My people came after the initial Spanish voyages and before the Mayflower.

I have family from coast to coast, centered in Florida, though.

For "9th generation" y'all must have kids at 12 or something.
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.


Tell that to the people in Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, and a few of the other African nations.



You mean the ones still reeling from european colonialism and western interference?


You make it sound like that the world at large was never had a history of conquest and colonization. I suggest you get rid of the chip on your shoulder and reconsider your position on the matter because it's happened to all peoples throughout history. Here's something for you to think about... How many black people would be left in the world if the African population had been treated like the early Native American's?


Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When you deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.

Of course.....what you refuse to acknowledge is that more Whites own guns but they commit less crime, fewer blacks own guns but they use them more to murder each other......that is the truth.

And more truth....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Youre using those white stats again which everyone knows is wrong. Whites are the most violent race on the planet. Everyone knows this.


Tell that to the people in Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, and a few of the other African nations.



You mean the ones still reeling from european colonialism and western interference?

View attachment 181795

You make it sound like that the world at large was never had a history of conquest and colonization. I suggest you get rid of the chip on your shoulder and reconsider your position on the matter because it's happened to all peoples throughout history. Here's something for you to think about... How many black people would be left in the world if the African population had been treated like the early Native American's?



Actually it hasnt happened to all people. Whites are the only ones that have done it on every continent and actually wiped out civilizations. I dont have to worry about whites killing off all Blacks. You have to worry about that. If all Blacks were killed the human race would cease to exist. Whites would be the first to go since they are so inbred. You see our genetics are superior to yours. We are the original humans and you are just a recessive mutation.
The fact that people think this is normal life shows mental illness. There is nothing normal about this. Nothing normal about having mass shootings practically every week. It's insanity. Insanity.

Why don't you go join a Spanish forum if you are in Spain? It's really not your business: this is our country, not yours, foreigner.
Oh, another idiot. I am American. Born and bred and about 8th or 9th generation. I've got probably more right than you to have an opinion about America. To enlighten yet another idiot: there are over 9 milliion Americans who live and work overseas. We vote, and we have as much right to have an opinion about America as any other citizen. It is my country, you idiot. Not everyone who lives overseas is a 'foreigner.' Just for starters, what about people in the diplomatic corps? What about the military? God you are dumb. But a limited person like you, a provincial like you wouldn't realize that would you?

Let's delve into that "8th or 9th generation" thing. Where were your people from? Where did they live? How did they get here? Did they reproduce @ 12-15 unerringly?

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