Gunfire reported at California veterans home

I thought murder was illegal. Huh, someone broke the law?

We should make more laws.

I also think the left, like the loser left wing white American woman (dumbest most annoying stuck up people on earth) OP would prefer people being pushed out of windows rather than be shot.

The largest mass murders in this country still have not included a gun. Much to the dismay of the left wing propagandists.
They do ban explosives..
I thought murder was illegal. Huh, someone broke the law?

We should make more laws.

I also think the left, like the loser left wing white American woman (dumbest most annoying stuck up people on earth) OP would prefer people being pushed out of windows rather than be shot.

The largest mass murders in this country still have not included a gun. Much to the dismay of the left wing propagandists.
They do ban explosives..
Holy shit
I thought murder was illegal. Huh, someone broke the law?

We should make more laws.

I also think the left, like the loser left wing white American woman (dumbest most annoying stuck up people on earth) OP would prefer people being pushed out of windows rather than be shot.

The largest mass murders in this country still have not included a gun. Much to the dismay of the left wing propagandists.
They do ban explosives..
Holy shit
Pope poop...
Europeans are the definition of violent people. America is the definition of non-violent:

WW1 didn't start in Kansas.
WW2 didn't start in Arkansas.
The Korean war didn't start in Texas.
The Vietnam war didn't start in Illinois.
The first Gulf war didn't start in Florida.
The second Gulf war didn't start in Idaho.

The 6 biggest wars on the planet have not been started by the country that the progressives say is the most violent.

The only war that was started by America was the Civil war.
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You frag your CO?

I think you are misinformed about what Fragging was and why it happened in Vietnam. (Which was before my time.)

The myth is that it was fragging the cherry LT.

The reality was that the guys (NCO's and Officer) who got fragged were the ones who insisted on doing aggressive patrols and putting their troops in danger when the war was pretty much already lost and we were just waiting to pull out. Part of the reason for that was because at that point, the Army was still had the policy of taking the local juvenile delinquents from jurisdiction that said, "Go to war or go to jail". This is something that finally ended in the 1980's, and a good thing, too.

No law aimed at law-abiding citizens will stop that. There's a law against having Heroin.

Yes there is, which is why most law abiding citizens go to a doctor to get legally prescribed opioids!

Well, probably not the best example you could have used.

And the funny thing....the cities with the most gun violence, have strict gun control

No, it's just that more people live in the city... that's why they have more gun violence. They have more of everything when they have more people.

But keep telling yourself that gun violence has nothing to do with easy access to guns.
You frag your CO?

I think you are misinformed about what Fragging was and why it happened in Vietnam. (Which was before my time.)

The myth is that it was fragging the cherry LT.

The reality was that the guys (NCO's and Officer) who got fragged were the ones who insisted on doing aggressive patrols and putting their troops in danger when the war was pretty much already lost and we were just waiting to pull out. Part of the reason for that was because at that point, the Army was still had the policy of taking the local juvenile delinquents from jurisdiction that said, "Go to war or go to jail". This is something that finally ended in the 1980's, and a good thing, too.

No law aimed at law-abiding citizens will stop that. There's a law against having Heroin.

Yes there is, which is why most law abiding citizens go to a doctor to get legally prescribed opioids!

Well, probably not the best example you could have used.

And the funny thing....the cities with the most gun violence, have strict gun control

No, it's just that more people live in the city... that's why they have more gun violence. They have more of everything when they have more people.

But keep telling yourself that gun violence has nothing to do with easy access to guns.

Moron, you don't know what you are talking about....

Baltimore, has all the extreme gun control you want in a state with all the gun control you want.....with not even close to the population of Houston....

Houston...gun stores on every corner, just about everyone can and does carry a gun, and they are on the fucking border with a Narco state......and Baltimore has more murder than Houston....

You don't know what you are talking about....

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Houston........2.3 million


Murder rate 2016:

Houston .......301

You want retirees and mental patients to all be armed? Yeah that's a catastrophe waiting to happen...

Bush signed the order for gun free zones-derpa...


Why shouldn't a retiree be allowed to own a firearm?


A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?
1300 people die from smoking. Daily.

Let's blame....

The IRS...

Because they tax cigarettes.
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

What is your answer to the problem and remember the State the killings happen in was in California and that State laws are strict!?
Ban the type of guns these people use. Private citizens have no need of such high powered weapons.

Where can I buy a low powered weapon?
he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress

He should of not been allowed to have a gun in the first place if he suffered from PTSD, and if he was kicked out , they should of notified the police.

Hey....moron......there are millions of veterans who suffer from some form of PTSD, especially after our long fight against muslim terrorists....and those millions are not murdering other people....

Your post is exactly why we can't let you set up the rules for mental health background checks...all of our veterans would lose their 2nd Amendment Rights......
They kicked him out of the facility and they should of called the cops. Anyone being treated for PTSD should not be allowed to have a gun.
That's complete bullshit just because you are diagnosed with PTSD does not automatically mean you are a danger to anyone. Are you including rape victims in your assumption ? What about car crash survivors ? I've known many people who were diagnosed with combat related PTSD some of those being family members and they certainly were no danger to the public.
Gun control does not stop criminals. Gun control of not allowing security officers there be armed gave this guy free reign.
OMG So awful. Why can people see we need to have strict gun control? My God!
That's stupid. That's just a stupid argument. In other modern Western countries with strict gun control, other developed countries, there are no mass shootings. And statistics show that gun control does not mean that only criminals have guns. Obviously this guy was not a criminal. He was one of you: a regular guy, a regular gunnut.

Uuuuuuh sure. The 130 who died in Paris were merely stoned to death. The 70 or so killed in Norway were drowned. You're about as fucked up as a person can be.

Uuuuuu sure: Thanks to Oreo for posting the below quoted remarks (post 621: Can the Students be Silenced)

Clearly Westwall hope to silence so.

"Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country."

Not a single thing that your side has proposed would have prevented a single one of those shootings, and your people admit that. But, they always say "it's a good first step". We know that their goal is an absolute ban on private ownership of guns. All totalitarians demand that. Your arguments are specious, and infantile. We know that, and so did the Founders who were far smarter than you and yours.

Keep on keeping on this BIG LIE. It shows your character flaws as well as your lack of common sense. The more the bodies, the sooner what you fear will come to fruition.

Since the NRA and those obsessed with their guns continue to hold a callous disregard for the dead, the maimed and their loved ones, the sooner men and women of good will, will prevail.

What is needed is not a total prohibition of all guns in the civilian population, what is needed includes: a thorough vetting of every sale of a gun; registration of all guns; and requiring a license to everyone over the age of 20 to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun; those under that age can only possess and control a gun when in direct Supervision of a licensed adult, with parental permission.

I get it, some states will reject all of these as restriction on the 2nd A. I believe they are common sense policies which do not infringe on the 2nd. Only those who cannot pass the vetting will be denied the license. States which eschew such laws will have the ability, as will counties within a state which vote to impose these restrictions.

It is time to put the national disgrace of mass killings behind us. Those who value their gun over the lives of other peoples children can move to a state friendly to guns, and the rest of us can feel secure when sending our kids to schools and allowing them to go to the movies, concerts and even church.
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he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress

He should of not been allowed to have a gun in the first place if he suffered from PTSD, and if he was kicked out , they should of notified the police.

Hey....moron......there are millions of veterans who suffer from some form of PTSD, especially after our long fight against muslim terrorists....and those millions are not murdering other people....

Your post is exactly why we can't let you set up the rules for mental health background checks...all of our veterans would lose their 2nd Amendment Rights......
They kicked him out of the facility and they should of called the cops. Anyone being treated for PTSD should not be allowed to have a gun.
That's complete bullshit just because you are diagnosed with PTSD does not automatically mean you are a danger to anyone. Are you including rape victims in your assumption ? What about car crash survivors ? I've known many people who were diagnosed with combat related PTSD some of those being family members and they certainly were no danger to the public.

No, vets with PTSD.
Right, so lets pass some more useless laws, huh?

No, let's pass laws that work and enforce them.


Citizens don't have a right to guns, and most of them don't need them.
No, let's pass laws that work and enforce them.

Why pass more?

Enforce the ones on the books now, and see how that turns out.

Citizens don't have a right to guns, and most of them don't need them.

Yes, they do have a right.

2nd Amendment makes that pretty clear
Citizens don't have a right to guns, and most of them don't need them.

Yes, they do have a right.

2nd Amendment makes that pretty clear

How stupid can one possibly be?[/QUOTE]

lol, Being stupid is like being pregnant, no one is a little stupid nor a little pregnant.

To paraphrase a trite expression: Allowing mass murders with a gun to repeat over and over and expecting a different outcome is stupid.

Guns are not infringed when people are restricted, and the vast majority of citizens agree that some people should never own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun - fools believe otherwise.
Terrible tragedy for those women who are only there to help. Sadly this is just more proof that anti gun laws are ineffective when someone wants to kill.
Just like robbing banks is illegal but it still happens every single day.

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