Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7


I was staitoned in Fort Gordon, Ga.

Firearms were locked up in the armory . MP's were the only ones allowed to carry them. Neither members of the military nor civilians could bring guns to the base.

The VA Hospitals will not even allow guns into the properties

So what the fuck are you talking about.


You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

Things are a little more strict now. You can have personal weapons in off base housing, but not on the base proper. You cannot even have them in your POV on base. If you cannot store your weapon off base you have to store them in the armory or leave them at the gate.

My point precisely


That regulation did not stop him from bringing a firearm into the base proper. The powers-that-be DISARMED the GI's for Major Hasan's convenience.


You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

End Clinton-era military base gun ban

Among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones."


You're (again) full of crap. Weapons have NEVER been allowed anywhere on a military installation in anything other than (a) the unit Armory - the SM could check his personal weapon out during regular hours (for hunting or range firing) but had to return it to the Armory or (b) the weapon could be in post housing AFTER have been registered at the MP office. The weapon could be transported in a POV as long as it was unloaded and in plain view. These regulations are STILL in effect.

That was SOP from the time I joined the Army in 1965 and has been in effect since that time. I carried a weapon in a shoulder rig from 1968 through 1987. Everday, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - because it was my job.

I flew on military aircraft, civilian aircraft and never once (upon identifying myself) had to relinquish my weapon.

That depended on the Base on which you were stationed, what Branch you were in and what Unit you were in.

Until the rapist banned the practice.

I was never on a Base that allowed anyone at anytime to carry weapons any place they wanted.

But we used to draw our Weapons from the Armory and then drive our POVs (personal owned vehicles) to the gun range to re qualify.

I used to pull Guard Duty or whatever it was called, when they'd issue me a shotgun to guard Prisoners (American Soldiers being held for Court Martial or discharge) during the day and I'd just take the shotgun back to the Barracks with me.

the rapist changed all that.

I had a Browning Hi Power in my room in my quarters, The SGM knew about it and didn't care. In fact, I ended up selling it to him (never did like the 9mm. Useless AFAIC)

So you're incorrect.

Maybe in your Branch of Service, you're right. For the time. But when I was in, it just wasn't a big deal. Yeah, our full-auto M-16s, Mortars and M60s and LAWs and Ricky Rifles were kept locked up but a lot of .45s came up missing a lot of times.

I even remember carrying a .45 around on my Pistol Belt every now and then. Don't remember why, I just remember it.

I suspect it depended a lot on who the Base Commander was, too.

I would imagine that bases like Fort Belvoir or Fort Meade or Fort Benjamin Harrison might have different rules than places like Fort Bragg and Fort Benning.

Combat Units v. REMFs and all.

Or maybe you were in the Corps or the Air Force or the Navy. I can't talk about what they might or might not allow because I don't know. And don't care.

They're just support troops for the Army anyway :)
Link please or are you just basing it on extrapolating the common yearly gun death # (including sucide) and trying to look smart?

Doesnt work, try text.
It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.
I'm afraid that's WAY too complicated for some posters to understand.

Explain this thread where the complaint was about someone with a pistol.

Or this one where you complained about legal gun owners conducting a peaceful protest.

Nothing to explain.

Right now, there are at least 12 families who are shattered, broken. Their family member left for work this morning and now, through no fault of their own, they're dead.

How long are we going to allow a few NUTTERS to control our entire society?

The only answer the nutters have to that question is "more guns".

Deflect much? :lmao:
doesnt work, try text.
it was stated during the panel discussion friday night on real time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national tv when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

lol thats your definition of a source!!!!

What are you prepared to do, if I locate the source of his assertion?
I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.

No, he wasn't.

yes he was.....his history here kinda backs that up.....
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

Bring on [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]: the only idiot to try and score political points out of a tragedy. There are 12 people now dead and two more assailants on the run, you still want to turn this into politics?
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Has Luddly commented yet on the race of the shooters?

Because every time a white guy kills someone, it's cuz he's white.
"...our full-auto M-16s, Mortars and M60s and LAWs and Ricky Rifles were kept locked up..."
Which is all well-and-good, unless you're in S2, or have a buddy in S2.

"...Combat Units v. REMFs..."

Truth - even tho I was a REMF myself.

"...They're just support troops for the Army anyway..."

Disagree about The Corps, but, other than that, yeah... cold, but not too far off the mark. :lol:

I was staitoned in Fort Gordon, Ga.

Firearms were locked up in the armory . MP's were the only ones allowed to carry them. Neither members of the military nor civilians could bring guns to the base.

The VA Hospitals will not even allow guns into the properties

So what the fuck are you talking about.


You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

What was the reasoning? That U.S. military personnel could not be trusted? That officers were afraid of fragging?

If you cannot trust a fellow Marine, who can you trust?
Anyone gonna take a shot at this? (pun intended)
"...our full-auto M-16s, Mortars and M60s and LAWs and Ricky Rifles were kept locked up..."
Which is all well-and-good, unless you're in S2, or have a buddy in S2.

"...Combat Units v. REMFs..."

Truth - even tho I was a REMF myself.

"...They're just support troops for the Army anyway..."

Disagree about The Corps, but, other than that, yeah... cold, but not too far off the mark. :lol:

J/K about the support troops thingie.



I was in S2 for a while. In a weird capacity. Nothing hush-hush, just kinda wondering, "WTF am I doing here??"

I still don't get it :dunno:
Link please or are you just basing it on extrapolating the common yearly gun death # (including sucide) and trying to look smart?

Doesnt work, try text.

Worked okay for me but I would advise you not to click on it cuz you're not gonna like it.

The link is factual and since you won't like the FACTS, you'll just attack the source or the poster. Why not save yourself some time and just go straight to the brainless attacks. :)
So our Total Surveillance Apparatus that's been justified to prevent terrorism and mass shooting fails once again.

Giving up a lot of liberty for security is a sham.
You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

What was the reasoning? That U.S. military personnel could not be trusted? That officers were afraid of fragging?

If you cannot trust a fellow Marine, who can you trust?
Anyone gonna take a shot at this? (pun intended)

A full-auto M-16 or M-4 is worth a LOT of money. A lot of money. Thousands of dollars.

I hear you can get even more for a B-52 but I think they'd be hard to smuggle off base

They be coming up missing.... "I swear to God, Sarge!! It was here last night..."
Show me one post in any thread, where I have said I think guns should be "taken away" from citizens. I have no intention of giving up my guns and you're a liar if you say differently. PROVE YOUR LIES OR STFU.

The FACT is, its the nutters who want to make sure these shooters have free and easy access to any gun they want.

yea thats why everyone of your anti gun threads prove that.....maybe you should learn to express yourself different.....and people would not have that opinion of you....


so lets see you prove it.....shall we go to one of your threads where a little kid got killed and see what you have to say?.....

Gun free zone death traps brought to you courtesy of loony gun grabbing nutters.

For the gazillionth time, there were both military and civilian guards there this morning.

Just as there would be at schools if you nutters had your way.

Why do you say it would work at schools even though there are numerous examples of when it did not work?

Make up your "minds".

Still no one with the courage to address this.
The reason the 2nd amendment exists -- the very reason it was put into the bill of Rights -- has, let's be real, not a fucking thing to do with going hunting.

It was not a pro-venison Amendment. It was not a hunter's rights Amendment.

The REASON the 2d Amendment was demanded, as well as what it was intended to accomplish, was very much related to our fear of tyranny.

The Federalist Papers, No. 28: Alexander Hamilton expressed that when a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense — to fight the government.

The Federalist Papers, No. 29: Alexander Hamilton explained that an armed citizenry was the best and only real defense against a standing army becoming large and oppressive.

The Federalist Papers, No. 46: James Madison contended that ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms.
-- excerpted from
The Six Things Americans Should Know About the Second Amendment, by Richard W. Stevens

The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo.
-- Hamilton in Federalist Paper 28: Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper #28 - On the Power of the People to Keep Government in Check - The Federalist Papers

This ^ kind of thinking offends Vlady Putin. It is a model of American Exceptionalism.
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It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

That was funny considering how often people post the fact that various people from both sides have lied on national TV.
yea thats why everyone of your anti gun threads prove that.....maybe you should learn to express yourself different.....and people would not have that opinion of you....


so lets see you prove it.....shall we go to one of your threads where a little kid got killed and see what you have to say?.....

I was just looking at this

and thinking that some people really need to get their own life.

I'd say the same is true of you.:cuckoo:

But, hey - go for it.

I'm leaving for a while though and I wouldn't want you to panic.

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