Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

What was the reasoning? That U.S. military personnel could not be trusted? That officers were afraid of fragging?

If you cannot trust a fellow Marine, who can you trust?
Anyone gonna take a shot at this? (pun intended)

It was Clinton, it didn't have to make sense because it was about gun control.
I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

thats not what DD is saying Synth.....Dudly "claims" he is ok with people owning guns.....but yet his threads about them give me and many other people here the impression he is not what he in an earlier post here i say maybe he should learn to express his thoughts better to not give one that impression.....what is his response?.....he calls me a fuck sure if someone here that the Jerk perceives to be a lefty would have said that.....he would have are right....maybe i should say things differently....
What was the reasoning? That U.S. military personnel could not be trusted? That officers were afraid of fragging?

If you cannot trust a fellow Marine, who can you trust?
Anyone gonna take a shot at this? (pun intended)

A full-auto M-16 or M-4 is worth a LOT of money. A lot of money. Thousands of dollars.

I hear you can get even more for a B-52 but I think they'd be hard to smuggle off base

They be coming up missing.... "I swear to God, Sarge!! It was here last night..."

I once ordered a replacement radio and got a jeep, they made me send it back. There was scuttlebut that a QM did something similar and drove it home.
Doesnt work, try text.
It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

That was funny considering how often people post the fact that various people from both sides have lied on national TV.

The only thing I want to watch Bill Maher do is suffer.

He is the lyingest piece of shit on TV and the reason I cancelled HBO.

No way I'd give that piece of shit even one hit on his despicable website or youtube or anything else he's connected to.

I'd give Josef Stalin more credit for truthfulness than Bill Maher
Doesnt work, try text.

Worked okay for me but I would advise you not to click on it cuz you're not gonna like it.

The link is factual and since you won't like the FACTS, you'll just attack the source or the poster. Why not save yourself some time and just go straight to the brainless attacks. :)

This coming from the pussy with his rep turned off.

He used to neg rep anyone who disagreed with him, until he forgot how to tell time. I bet it galls him that his rep is off.
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A disaster for liberals. A gun free zone in a gun free city and they couldn't even pin it on a white guy.
Anyone gonna take a shot at this? (pun intended)

A full-auto M-16 or M-4 is worth a LOT of money. A lot of money. Thousands of dollars.

I hear you can get even more for a B-52 but I think they'd be hard to smuggle off base

They be coming up missing.... "I swear to God, Sarge!! It was here last night..."

I once ordered a replacement radio and got a jeep, they made me send it back. There was scuttlebut that a QM did something similar and drove it home.

I had my own personal Jeep for a couple Months

Some MP left it sitting somewhere and it came up missing.

All you gotta do is (when I was in) was change the stenciled lettering on those little U-shaped dealios on the rear bumpers and on the front bumper.

Heard they were closing in on me and traded it to a buddy for a Star Sapphire ring.

Wish I still had that ring.
I cannot believe you can say this with a straight face!
Go back and read your own OP and then let's see you complain about others immediately attacking !

or go read any of his other anti-gun threads....and then he says he is not for getting rid of guns....his threads sure dont give one that impression....

If the killer(s?) had used knives, I would have posted that people had been killed/wounded by knives.

Post even one post of mine that says I'm anti gun. You can't because you're a liar.

But, hey, don't let that stop you from posting more lies. :cuckoo:

do you have a fucking brain in your head?....i have not said you said that.....i have been saying YOU IMPLY THAT by what you say in your fucking threads.....and when i even said to you maybe you should express yourself still act like the Dick you are.......
Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

thats not what DD is saying Synth.....Dudly "claims" he is ok with people owning guns.....but yet his threads about them give me and many other people here the impression he is not what he in an earlier post here i say maybe he should learn to express his thoughts better to not give one that impression.....what is his response?.....he calls me a fuck sure if someone here that the Jerk perceives to be a lefty would have said that.....he would have are right....maybe i should say things differently....



I'll stick around for a while just to watch you wiggle.

I've been very clear that I believe there is a place for guns and that place is not in every single pocket in the US.

You can tell any lie you want and you can keep following me from thread to thread but nothing will change.

Prove your idiotic lying blathering or shut up.
Or, keep right on lying.

Either way, makes no difference to me.
So, Gun nuts break the laws and that is your justification for not having laws

We still have murders, is that your justification for repealing murder laws?

Your stupidity continues to grow. A gun is a tool. Nothing more and nothing less. Should we take wrenches away from mechanics because they have, on occasion, beaten customers to death with a wrench?

If there were no guns, they would have used explosives. If there were no explosives they would have used rocks. If rocks were outlawed they would have used spears.

Stop blaming the damned tool and begin blaming the criminal, will you?
AR-15s have only one purpose, one function.

Your wrench analogy is ignorant.
really? What is that purpose? I happen to own two of them. Have they been used for that purpose?
It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

That was funny considering how often people post the fact that various people from both sides have lied on national TV.

The only thing I want to watch Bill Maher do is suffer.

He is the lyingest piece of shit on TV and the reason I cancelled HBO.

No way I'd give that piece of shit even one hit on his despicable website or youtube or anything else he's connected to.

I'd give Josef Stalin more credit for truthfulness than Bill Maher


Like I said, "some" of you wouldn't like the actual FACTS so you have no choice but to attack the source and/or the poster.

And, of course you canx HBO because they carry Maher. Sure you did.
A disaster for liberals. A gun free zone in a gun free city and they couldn't even pin it on a white guy.

One of the guys they are looking for is white. Seems this event is interracial. This is a disaster for rw's and the members of stormfront.

And there were both military AND civilian ARMED security.

But, don't confuse him/her/it with FACTS.

I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

fortunately, james madison, the author of the 2nd amendment believed citizens should have the same weapons as the military.

when you found your own country, you can make your own rules too.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

thats not what DD is saying Synth.....Dudly "claims" he is ok with people owning guns.....but yet his threads about them give me and many other people here the impression he is not what he in an earlier post here i say maybe he should learn to express his thoughts better to not give one that impression.....what is his response?.....he calls me a fuck sure if someone here that the Jerk perceives to be a lefty would have said that.....he would have are right....maybe i should say things differently....



I'll stick around for a while just to watch you wiggle.

I've been very clear that I believe there is a place for guns and that place is not in every single pocket in the US.

You can tell any lie you want and you can keep following me from thread to thread but nothing will change.

Prove your idiotic lying blathering or shut up.
Or, keep right on lying.

Either way, makes no difference to me.

I gave you a link to a random killing with multiple victims that involved knives, did you start a thread?
or go read any of his other anti-gun threads....and then he says he is not for getting rid of guns....his threads sure dont give one that impression....


As usual, not one of you fools has the balls to actually address the issue.

you know dam well we many of your are the one that is so fucked up that you dont have even have enough integrity to maybe admit that what you say in your threads about gun violence is kinda....anti-gun.....your balls should be hanging around your knees....maybe if you wore a supporter you will feel like you actually have a set again and will admit what is being said about your threads on guns....just might have some truth to them....
It was stated during the panel discussion Friday night on Real Time.

People don't generally make blatantly false statements on national TV when they know they are a target for certain political factions. That would lead to a loss of credibility.

Bill Maher makes blatantly false statements on national TV on a weekly basis.......but then he only has credibility with the low information sheeple, soooo.......

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