Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

What is it I want to do?

So you would force companies to allow employees and customers to carry guns? And once they are allowed to everyone would carry and we'd be safe? Issue guns to people visiting our country so they can be safe?

If you go through the process of becoming a CCW holder, you should be able to carry your weapon unless the owner of the facility does not want you to. In that case the owner has to take responsibility for your safety in the case of an incident.

Here the owner is the government, and it banned CCW holders from being armed. it then took the responsibility for people's safety, and it failed in that responsibility. It should be liable for the damages done.

What shouldnt happen is that gun grabbers use this as excuse to curtail my rights to own a firearm.

Do you know any company that allows employees to bring guns to work?

not many companies have anything in their policies even mentioning guns. if you have a carry permit and your company does not specifically say guns are not allowed on their property as erms of employment, no issue
People don't have a right to defend themselves..but crazy people have a right to attack.
You throw the crazy people who have been arrested multiple times for discharging weapons in jail. Hell yes.

So the right protects freedom by throwing more people in jail? And for how long?

you're worried about the rights of a guy who has broken the law multiple times yet you will tread all over a law abiding citizen and restrict their constitutional rights because it is your personal agenda

Where did I say that? I've just been trying to clear up your position.
You're (again) full of crap. Weapons have NEVER been allowed anywhere on a military installation in anything other than (a) the unit Armory - the SM could check his personal weapon out during regular hours (for hunting or range firing) but had to return it to the Armory or (b) the weapon could be in post housing AFTER have been registered at the MP office. The weapon could be transported in a POV as long as it was unloaded and in plain view. These regulations are STILL in effect.

That was SOP from the time I joined the Army in 1965 and has been in effect since that time. I carried a weapon in a shoulder rig from 1968 through 1987. Everday, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - because it was my job.

I flew on military aircraft, civilian aircraft and never once (upon identifying myself) had to relinquish my weapon.

I was allowed to bring a weapon onto my ship and store it in the small arms locker. I didn't need to clear it with the base first, so I have no idea what planet you were on when you served.

If I'm not mistaken, a small arms locker is an Armory. In the Army, sparky. you needed permission from your company commander to store a private weapon in the Armory.

Apparently the Navy does it differently. And, just for the record, that applied at Fort Knox, Fort Hood, Fort Campbell, Fort Devens, Fort Huachuca, Berlin, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Heidleberg, Fort Reily, Bolling AFB, and the Kennedy Center at Fort Bragg.

So you might want to check what the hell planet YOU were on.

The base was a separate command, and allowed anyone who had their POV to keep weapons in it as long as they, or their ship, was stationed there. Since we were going to deploy on a WestPac we wouldn't be stationed there, and a few people needed a place to store their weapons. The Captain allowed those who had them to store them in the small arms locker because it was the only way to secure them, not because we couldn't have them.
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What is it I want to do?

So you would force companies to allow employees and customers to carry guns? And once they are allowed to everyone would carry and we'd be safe? Issue guns to people visiting our country so they can be safe?

If you go through the process of becoming a CCW holder, you should be able to carry your weapon unless the owner of the facility does not want you to. In that case the owner has to take responsibility for your safety in the case of an incident.

Here the owner is the government, and it banned CCW holders from being armed. it then took the responsibility for people's safety, and it failed in that responsibility. It should be liable for the damages done.

What shouldnt happen is that gun grabbers use this as excuse to curtail my rights to own a firearm.

Do you know any company that allows employees to bring guns to work?

Let the assault on the second Amendment begin....
On a military base?!

Yes, it doesn't matter where it happens, liberals will go wild and start screaming for more gun control. And that's exactly what they are doing now:

Washington (CNN) - Hours after the Washington Navy Yard shooting, some of Washington's most vocal advocates for gun control started to renew their calls for further restrictions on firearms.

Sen. Diane Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15 that suspected shooter and military contractor Aaron Alexis is believed to have used, issued a statement Monday asking "When will enough be enough?"

"Congress must stop shirking its responsibility and resume a thoughtful debate on gun violence in this country. We must do more to stop this endless loss of life," the California Democrat said in the statement. (Read Feinstein's statement below.)

It remains unclear exactly what happened at the Navy Yard Monday, with no indication of where the weapons used came from.
Political gun debate starts anew after Navy Yard rampage ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Don't even wait for the facts to come in, just start the gun-grabbing campaign!!!

I really want to know how she defines debate. As I recall, there was plenty of debate, and her side lost. Does it only count as debate if she wins?
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

I heard this morning that 13 people are dead.

How many fucking innocent people have to be murdered by nutcases before something is done????

Oh wait. Nothing will be done. Nothing is ever done.

I have no idea, when are you going to accept that gun control doesn't make people safe?
Do you know any company that allows employees to bring guns to work?

Yeah, the district attorney's office. Many DAs have cc permits, and keep their weapons on them at all times. I know because my sister was one of them.

Well that covers almost none of the population. Thanks.

Where do you think the DA is housed?

The courthouse.

How many county employees at our county courthouses?

Thank you for proving, again, that you are completely ignorant of the topic you have chosen to expel gas about.
Hey, remember when I said that we'd find out that this guy had problems, but was still able to get a gun too easily.

Aaron Alexis, 34, is dead gunman in Navy Yard shooting, authorities say - The Washington Post

In 2004, Alexis was arrested in Seattle after he fired three shots from a Glock pistol into the tires of a Honda Accord that two construction workers had parked in a driveway adjacent to Alexis’s house. Alexis’s father told detectives then that his son “had experienced anger management problems that the family believed was associated with PTSD,” or post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the police report. The father said Alexis had been “an active participant in rescue attempts of Sept. 11, 2001.”

Along the way, the man named as the shooter in Monday’s mass killing at Building 197 was discharged from the Navy Reserve, arrested after firing a bullet through his downstairs neighbor’s ceiling and then asked to leave his Fort Worth apartment.

One Navy official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Alexis was discharged in January 2011 for “a pattern of misconduct” and that the 2010 gun incident in Texas played a role in his departure.

Suthamtewakul said Alexis “had a gun at all times” and fired a bullet through the wall of his room in the summer of 2012. “You’re gonna kill me,” the restaurateur told his friend. Alexis apologized and said it was an accident.
Wow... sounds like he should be up for "NRA Lifetime Acheivement Award".

I knew you wouldn't wait until Friday.

Tell me something, why wasn't he charged in that incident? The police say they forwarded the case to the city attorney, and he says they never got it. Are you blaming the NRA for the government they are fighting against now?
Hard to believe what anyone is saying just yet. Sad day though.

I certainly wouldn't take it to the bank...but listening to the multiple press conferences, when asked about weapons involved, they seemed quite guarded...more than should have been the case.

That coupled with this report, I expect we will learn that this is correct.

Very sad day. With all that security, there is an expectation of safety.

That makes the reality even worse.

What is the solution?

A rhetorical question arising from frustration...we can debate it next week.

I'm still reading different things in regards to the guns. Most are saying they don't know yet, but this fresh article says he brought them all with him:

"What we know: Alexis drove onto the grounds of Navy Yard Monday morning with three weapons in his vehicle. He took the weapons out, proceeded into Building 197 and opened fire. He had access to the Yard because of his contracting work, and he used a valid pass to gain entry."

Washington Navy Yard shooting: What we know and don't know -

I'm still not believing anything just yet.

Except, last I heard, they had no idea how he got on the yard, and had a video of him ambushing guards to get weapons. Don't worry though, I am 100% sure CNN has never made a mistake.
And the right solution is to ignore what every other developed nation has done and keep adding more guns. We've been doing that for a while now. Doesn't seem to be working.

Actually, America doesn't make the list of the top 100 nations based on homicide rates. And if you isolated the few counties/boroughs in which so many of the gang-related murders occur, the rest of the country would have a murder rate akin to Japan...without the monstrously high suicide rate.

The solution is to not prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves and to keep VIOLENT criminals in prison longer. A third tactic, which does potentially tread on civil liberties, is to loosen the rules that allow for the incarceration of seemingly mentally unstable persons in mental health facilities. Of course, the ACLU would be all over that one.

So rather than strengthen background checks just throw everyone in jail. Ah freedom.

Disingenuous fuck. You know damn well that's not what I said. I said VIOLENT criminals should serve longer sentences...hardly "everyone". And that you couldn't respond to my first point of not preventing citizens from defending themselves speaks VOLUMES about the lack of logic in your arguments. Further, background checks didn't stop yesterday's madman from getting clearance to work as a military contractor...but you think it would have stopped him from buying a shotgun? Please.

Dumbass! Anyone that knows much knows that the NRA is opposed to mental cases having guns!

No they aren't. They block EVERY attempt to tighten background checks.

Shit, they WANT crazy people to have guns. They want Nancy Lanza to be soooo scared she has to own 12 of them.

And if she happens to get shot by that crazy kid of hers, who goes on to shoot 26 other people.... well, gee, I guess we need to double up on the Lobbyists.

If you have a proposal to tighten background checks, lay it out. If all you have is an attempt to force people to register their guns disguised as closing a non existent loophole, go soak your head.
There are other countries with more strict laws that have 12x the homicide rate of the US. Other countries like Switzerland and Finland have many, many more guns and less homicides.

Guns are not the problem


Yes, but these are third world countries where central authority has completely broken down, so really, not even an apt comparison.

When comparing the US to other countries, the ONLY valid comparison SHOULD be other G-7 Countries.

So, here's the gun murder rates in the G-7.

United States - 11,101
Italy - 218
Canada 173
Germany - 158
France - 134
UK - 38
Japan - 11.

Here's the total murder rates for those countries.

United States - 15,953
Italy - 590
Canada 610
Germany - 690
France - 428
UK - 653
Japan - 582.

Guns in the United States: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

I bet you think you proved how stupid you are.
What is it I want to do?

So you would force companies to allow employees and customers to carry guns? And once they are allowed to everyone would carry and we'd be safe? Issue guns to people visiting our country so they can be safe?

If you go through the process of becoming a CCW holder, you should be able to carry your weapon unless the owner of the facility does not want you to. In that case the owner has to take responsibility for your safety in the case of an incident.

Here the owner is the government, and it banned CCW holders from being armed. it then took the responsibility for people's safety, and it failed in that responsibility. It should be liable for the damages done.

What shouldnt happen is that gun grabbers use this as excuse to curtail my rights to own a firearm.

Do you know any company that allows employees to bring guns to work?

Every gun store I've ever been in to, for one. My father's company, a real estate appraisal office, allowed the appraisers to be armed...or anyone with a permit for that matter. That's two.
The problem here was that someone was given a job a d a security clearance despite the criminal record

No, the problem was that he was able to OWN A GUN despite a criminal record involving incidents WITH GUNS.

No, the problem is he did not have a criminal record, but you are so stupid you think that proves the NRA is the problem.
Yup. He told the cops that he shot out the tires of his boss in an "anger-induced blackout"...but the charges were dropped.
The problem here was that someone was given a job a d a security clearance despite the criminal record

No, the problem was that he was able to OWN A GUN despite a criminal record involving incidents WITH GUNS.

The problem was that he was a free man despite a criminal record involving incidents WITH GUNS.

Once again, he HAD NO CRIMINAL RECORD despite the fact that he was arrested for firing a gun twice. They claim they lost the paperwork in Seattle, and no one filed charges in Fort Worth because it was treated as an accidental discharge.
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?

By preemptively killing all crazy people at birth?
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the weapons used. Can't comment till we have facts.

The facts.
DC, extreme gun control.
Navy yard. Gun free zone!

Liberals deliver another mass shooting by empowering criminals.
Liberal love for the criminal is well documented!!

So a high security navy yard is now an easy target? Unbelievable.

That might make sense if no one had managed to kill 12 people on one.

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