Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

Again your comparing us to 3rd world countries. You must think very little of this country. Compare us to to developed countries and we're 4X more likely. You don't even think we belong in the company of developed countries?

We are part of the world for which all guns are part of. This is why there are only 300 million guns outside our borders, and we have the rest. And yet, you are 12x more likely to die of homicide outside the USA.


Geaux......your comments are ridiculous......Australia and the UK and others ban guns for the general population,and we have minimal gun killings.

I think your mind is running without a rudder...

Australia banned guns and witnessed a 44% jump in violent crime. Your assertion is without merit.
Does it matter when we have a murder rate three times that which we consider the "civilized" world?

A rate that is dramatically declining, as it rises in Europe - mostly due to more honest statistics being gathered.

So yes, it matters a lot, to those who care about the victims.

It doesn't matter to you, because your goal is to crush civil rights, not to reduce crime.

Provide us the numbers and maybe we can take you seriously
My argument, given that you fanatics always use the UK as an example of the perfect society, is that the UK uses a different method to compile data than the USA.
That being that in law a person cannot be called a murderer until he has been found guilty of the crime of murder.
That a murder cannot be recorded as such until the facts have been fully established in law. ie A conviction secured.
Very easy to comprehend.

As for the other countries you refer to, I haven't lived in them for any extended period of time, so I wouldn't know.
Unlike you fanatical liberal totalitarians, I don't claim to be an expert on a country I have no experience of.

What I can say is the USA is a safer, wealthier and happier place than the UK.
Healthcare is better here and standard of living higher and easier to achieve.
Based on experience.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

The UK banned guns...and their firearm murder rate remains unchanged 16 years later.

Guns aren't the problem.

Rural America has a murder rate right there with those you cite.

In general, homicide gun deaths in the United States are more of an urban than a rural problem. "Half of all homicides occurred in 63 cities with 16% of the nation's population; within those cities, homicides were largely clustered in certain neighborhoods."[7] For example, in Milwaukee, two inner-city zip codes, 53204 and 53215, have homicide rates of 89.1 per 100,000 and 38.8 per 100,000, respectively, compared with a homicide rate of 10.5 per 100,000 for the state in general.[16]

they gloss over that fact all the tme. gun control did not reduce the murder rates in these countries. it was already at those levels. gun homicide rates have dropped at the same percentage as any of these countries since we eliminated clinton's assault weapons ban. with less laws our reductions have been as good or better then theirs with bans
Again your comparing us to 3rd world countries. You must think very little of this country. Compare us to to developed countries and we're 4X more likely. You don't even think we belong in the company of developed countries?

We are part of the world for which all guns are part of. This is why there are only 300 million guns outside our borders, and we have the rest. And yet, you are 12x more likely to die of homicide outside the USA.


Again, comparing us to third world countries is disingenous.

Other advanced industrialized democracies BAN guns, and they have very low murder rates.

Poor third world countries allow guns (or can't enforce their own laws) and have high murder rates.

So we have a goal we should want to move towards, and a goal we want to avoid.

Unless you are a gun whack, and just think the problem is that we don't have enough people running around shooting other people.

Every bit as much as yours is. We have far more third world immigrants than all the rest of the "civilized world" and they have brought their culture with them. Remember how we are supposed to embrace their culture? Sadly their cultures don't value life as ours does.
If we didn't have minority gangs all of whom have a raging sense of entitlement, we would have the murder rate of Brussels.

No we wouldn't

Whites still account for over 50% of our murder rate. 30% of our murders are domestic violence, not gangs

Gang homicides account for 12% of our murders
Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

•The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged more than 1,900 annually from 2007 to 2011. During the same time period, the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States (FBI ? Table 1). These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 12 percent of all homicides annually.

how many gang members are there compared to whites? lets put things into the proper proportion to get the real picture. you libs love to play the numbers games
Yes, you are less likely to die of crime in America than in a third world country having a civil war.

Like that's something to be proud of.

However, you are MUCH MORE likely to die of crime in the US than any other industrialized, advanced democracy, which is what we supposedly are.

The only thing that has failed is our libertarian expirment that ignores our obligations to each other as a society.

If we have 270 million guns, and 2 million people in prison, and we STILL have the highest murder rates in the industrialized world, then we are just plain doing it wrong.

You are 12x more likely to die of homicide outside the borders of the USA, yet we own 50% of all guns in the world

It's not the gun.

We need more prisons, US wide death penalty and other real consequences for crime


You are a violent society,that have a gun as a nation are totally odd you are wanting more prisons,when mentally you are imprisoned in your own minds because of the gun culture.

Wake Up

The gun culture is as much to blame for this as homosexuals are for the spread of AIDS. Your assertion is equally ridiculous. Wake up!
So your argument is that one of the many developed countries with much lower homicide rates might fudge the numbers. Strong argument.

My argument, given that you fanatics always use the UK as an example of the perfect society, is that the UK uses a different method to compile data than the USA.
That being that in law a person cannot be called a murderer until he has been found guilty of the crime of murder.
That a murder cannot be recorded as such until the facts have been fully established in law. ie A conviction secured.
Very easy to comprehend.

As for the other countries you refer to, I haven't lived in them for any extended period of time, so I wouldn't know.
Unlike you fanatical liberal totalitarians, I don't claim to be an expert on a country I have no experience of.

What I can say is the USA is a safer, wealthier and happier place than the UK.
Healthcare is better here and standard of living higher and easier to achieve.
Based on experience.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

and they had those rates without strict gun laws. guns are not the problem
It's not guns that are the problem, it's our tolerance for the criminal element. We just do not have serious deterrents to crime. No consequences result in increased risk taking

We have all these guns, 50% of all owned in the world, yet you are 30% less likely to die of homicide in the USA than you are outside her borders

It's our failed diversity experiment that has America sailing like a ship without a rudder


Again your comparing us to 3rd world countries. You must think very little of this country. Compare us to to developed countries and we're 4X more likely. You don't even think we belong in the company of developed countries?

And most of our violent crime is thanks to immigrants from those third world countries you speak so poorly of. The simple fact is we have way more third world immigrants than every country in Europe combined. Funny how you ignore that fact.

You see you choose only those facts that support your pre-conceived idea. Not the most ethical person are you...

So you agree we should do something about income inequality, good.
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The unsolved crime rate in the UK is astronomical.
Most murders are not prioritized.
Those with political value are.

The STEPHEN LAWRENCE case, the biggest murder inquiry in UK history.
No conviction secured.

This is a 20 year old case. If you have to go back 20 years to find a murder case that was mishandled by authorties, you are really stretching it.

What does the phrase "a good bricking" mean?
Of course you will keep your guns
We love our second amendment and nobody will interfere with your enjoyment of guns
We may have to put up with three times the murder rate, assassinations and massacres but damn it.......nobody fucks with our guns

Yep, the lament of the left - if you could just get rid of that damned Constitution, all would be dandy.

The democratic party: Fighting to end civil rights, once and for all....
If we didn't have minority gangs all of whom have a raging sense of entitlement, we would have the murder rate of Brussels.

Perhaps. I guess we should do something about income inequality.
Income Inequality?s Strange Relationship to Violence | Political Violence @ a Glance

You mean like paying people to stay poor? It won't help. No matter how much you pay people not to work, they will still feel entitled to more. As long as some people are willing to work harder and longer than others there will be income inequality.
Why are we outraged by mass shootings? We can't do a damn thing about them. Just ask any gun lover. There are too many weapons on the streets, so let's not even try to control it. That's an Augean task. There are no such things as assault weapons. Ask the gun lover. He'll verify that. Guns that shoot dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye are just the greatest advancements of technology and help gun lovers play out their fantasies of being Rambo or holding off multiple intruders in a last stand of imagined glory.

Scores of children lying in pools of their own blood is just the cost of second amendment rights.

Guns aren't the problem, the idiots standing in front of them are the problem.

We can't do back ground checks because they are not 100% effective against the mentally frazzled buying the same weapon issued to troops in the field. And if something isn't 100% effective, it just isn't worth doing. Ask any gun lover. They'll tell you the same.

We should just accept mass shootings as the consequence of the second amendment. Turn a blind eye to the tragedy. Rationalize death with freedom. Don't even try to stem the tide of gun violence, that would be a threat to everyone's rights.

And so goes the logic of the gun lover. Indifference to suffering tempered by irrational gun lust.
Provide us the numbers and maybe we can take you seriously

Who is "we?"

You are flat out dishonest - you have an agenda to end civil rights and are willing to distort and outright lie to do so.


Even with the spike in the 60's and 70's with the rise of you Communists, there is a steady drop.
If we didn't have minority gangs all of whom have a raging sense of entitlement, we would have the murder rate of Brussels.

Perhaps. I guess we should do something about income inequality.
Income Inequality?s Strange Relationship to Violence | Political Violence @ a Glance

You mean like paying people to stay poor? It won't help. No matter how much you pay people not to work, they will still feel entitled to more. As long as some people are willing to work harder and longer than others there will be income inequality.

No I mean incentives for companies to create jobs here and give good wages and benefits.
My argument, given that you fanatics always use the UK as an example of the perfect society, is that the UK uses a different method to compile data than the USA.
That being that in law a person cannot be called a murderer until he has been found guilty of the crime of murder.
That a murder cannot be recorded as such until the facts have been fully established in law. ie A conviction secured.
Very easy to comprehend.

As for the other countries you refer to, I haven't lived in them for any extended period of time, so I wouldn't know.
Unlike you fanatical liberal totalitarians, I don't claim to be an expert on a country I have no experience of.

What I can say is the USA is a safer, wealthier and happier place than the UK.
Healthcare is better here and standard of living higher and easier to achieve.
Based on experience.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

and they had those rates without strict gun laws. guns are not the problem

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those countries have on average, one third of the gun ownership of the US and one quarter of our murder rate
Why are we outraged by mass shootings? We can't do a damn thing about them. Just ask any gun lover. There are too many weapons on the streets, so let's not even try to control it. That's an Augean task. There are no such things as assault weapons. Ask the gun lover. He'll verify that. Guns that shoot dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye are just the greatest advancements of technology and help gun lovers play out their fantasies of being Rambo or holding off multiple intruders in a last stand of imagined glory.

Scores of children lying in pools of their own blood is just the cost of second amendment rights.

Guns aren't the problem, the idiots standing in front of them are the problem.

We can't do back ground checks because they are not 100% effective against the mentally frazzled buying the same weapon issued to troops in the field. And if something isn't 100% effective, it just isn't worth doing. Ask any gun lover. They'll tell you the same.

We should just accept mass shootings as the consequence of the second amendment. Turn a blind eye to the tragedy. Rationalize death with freedom. Don't even try to stem the tide of gun violence, that would be a threat to everyone's rights.

And so goes the logic of the gun lover. Indifference to suffering tempered by irrational gun lust.
Tell me, retard, are troops issued AR15s?
You don't know what you are ranting about.
Go back to your coloring books.
That's the point you dispute? What a fine sieve the Conservative brain is!
If we didn't have minority gangs all of whom have a raging sense of entitlement, we would have the murder rate of Brussels.

No we wouldn't

Whites still account for over 50% of our murder rate. 30% of our murders are domestic violence, not gangs

Gang homicides account for 12% of our murders
Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

•The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged more than 1,900 annually from 2007 to 2011. During the same time period, the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States (FBI ? Table 1). These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 12 percent of all homicides annually.

how many gang members are there compared to whites? lets put things into the proper proportion to get the real picture. you libs love to play the numbers games

Doesn't answer the question

The statement was that if not for minority gangs, we would have the murder rate of Belgium. This is far from the truth

Gangs are clearly a problem in this country but not the reason we have a murder rate at four times similar countries
No we wouldn't

Whites still account for over 50% of our murder rate. 30% of our murders are domestic violence, not gangs

Gang homicides account for 12% of our murders
Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

•The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged more than 1,900 annually from 2007 to 2011. During the same time period, the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States (FBI ? Table 1). These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 12 percent of all homicides annually.

how many gang members are there compared to whites? lets put things into the proper proportion to get the real picture. you libs love to play the numbers games

Doesn't answer the question

The statement was that if not for minority gangs, we would have the murder rate of Belgium. This is far from the truth

Gangs are clearly a problem in this country but not the reason we have a murder rate at four times similar countries

and guns are not the reason either
and they had those rates without strict gun laws. guns are not the problem

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those countries have on average, one third of the gun ownership of the US and one quarter of our murder rate

The UK now has a quarter, but it was less before the 1997 firearms act.
13 mass shootings in the UK since the 1997 firearms act.
9 between 1909 and 1997.
What does that tell you?

It tells me that since 1997, England has had a significant shift in demographics and a sagging economy

It also tells me that they still have one quarter of the murder rate we do

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