Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

We do not have the highest murder rates.
We are just honest in the way we compile the numbers.
The UK government will not record a murder as a murder until a conviction has been secured. This is probably true for most EU states.
In the USA a murder is recorded as such once the body has been found and other causes of death ruled out.
Do try to keep up.

So that would really only effect the numbers if a conviction is never secured. Are you saying they have far fewer homicides and let all the murderers go? Seems very unlikely.

Does Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Japan all do the same thing?

In Conservatard Land, you have to believe that the rest of the Industrialized World, far more liberal than we are, is lying about statistics to preserve their world view.

SO if they are healthier, live longer, and have less crime, it isn't because they have socialized medicine, no guns and a welfare state.

It's because they are "lying" about their statistics, and every citizen of their country goes along with it.

Except Pauli, who apparently left the UK because it was too socialist.

WHAT FUCKING INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Just asking because you seem to think you know what the term means, even though no educated person on the planet uses it. The modern term is production capacity, which includes non industrial capacity that includes basic research, and no one has a definition of it either.

Do you consider Russia an industrial nation? Are you aware that they have a higher murder rate? What about North Korea? They even have nuclear power, which makes them pretty modern, yet they have a higher homicide rate. So does Mexico, South Africa, and Puerto Rico. Please, tell me that Puerto Rico doesn't meet your definition of industrialized, then tell me it doesn't have a modern democracy.
So that would really only effect the numbers if a conviction is never secured. Are you saying they have far fewer homicides and let all the murderers go? Seems very unlikely.

Does Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Japan all do the same thing?
The unsolved crime rate in the UK is astronomical.
Most murders are not prioritized.
Those with political value are.

The STEPHEN LAWRENCE case, the biggest murder inquiry in UK history.
No conviction secured.

Please share some real stats that they have a high unsolved crime rate.

Also what about every other developed country that has much lower homicide rates? They have bad stats too?

Please tell me they don't have a high unsolved crime rate so I can laugh at you.
50% of crimes in the UK go unsolved according to hyper protective nanny state stats.
The true number is likely 90%

On a given Saturday night there are hundreds of violent assaults in the UK.
Rare will police accept a complaint.
If a crime goes unreported it don't make the records, it didn't happen.
Indeed police in the UK have refused point blank to allow me to report crimes that I have been subject to on several occasions.
Many folk I know have had the same experience.
50% of crimes are unsolved | UK | News | Daily Express

That's not the whole uk. And the other countries?

An article from the UK that talks about the UK is not the UK, good to know.
So no, you'd let felons buy guns. More more guns. You'd do much more damage than good.

So you don't need it. My point is made.

Already laws against felons buying guns. They don't obtain them from legitimate sources, where background checks make no difference.

Your point is clear: Restrict law abiding citizens ability to effectively defend themselves in some vain hope that your good intentions will prevent bad people from doing bad things.


They don't obtain them from legitimate sources because of background checks. Duh

Now your lying. What have I suggested that restricts anyone from defending themselves?

According to the ATF, the primary source of criminal guns is FFL dealers that don't follow the law. Which means that background checks don't stop criminals because they get their guns from criminals.
So your argument is that one of the many developed countries with much lower homicide rates might fudge the numbers. Strong argument.

My argument, given that you fanatics always use the UK as an example of the perfect society, is that the UK uses a different method to compile data than the USA.
That being that in law a person cannot be called a murderer until he has been found guilty of the crime of murder.
That a murder cannot be recorded as such until the facts have been fully established in law. ie A conviction secured.
Very easy to comprehend.

As for the other countries you refer to, I haven't lived in them for any extended period of time, so I wouldn't know.
Unlike you fanatical liberal totalitarians, I don't claim to be an expert on a country I have no experience of.

What I can say is the USA is a safer, wealthier and happier place than the UK.
Healthcare is better here and standard of living higher and easier to achieve.
Based on experience.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

Every single one of those countries has a higher crime rate than the US.

Spin that anyway you like, you will end up with the fact that guns make us safer.
My argument, given that you fanatics always use the UK as an example of the perfect society, is that the UK uses a different method to compile data than the USA.
That being that in law a person cannot be called a murderer until he has been found guilty of the crime of murder.
That a murder cannot be recorded as such until the facts have been fully established in law. ie A conviction secured.
Very easy to comprehend.

As for the other countries you refer to, I haven't lived in them for any extended period of time, so I wouldn't know.
Unlike you fanatical liberal totalitarians, I don't claim to be an expert on a country I have no experience of.

What I can say is the USA is a safer, wealthier and happier place than the UK.
Healthcare is better here and standard of living higher and easier to achieve.
Based on experience.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

The UK banned guns...and their firearm murder rate remains unchanged 16 years later.

Guns aren't the problem.

Rural America has a murder rate right there with those you cite.
In general, homicide gun deaths in the United States are more of an urban than a rural problem. "Half of all homicides occurred in 63 cities with 16% of the nation's population; within those cities, homicides were largely clustered in certain neighborhoods."[7] For example, in Milwaukee, two inner-city zip codes, 53204 and 53215, have homicide rates of 89.1 per 100,000 and 38.8 per 100,000, respectively, compared with a homicide rate of 10.5 per 100,000 for the state in general.[16]

Looks to me like the solution is to stop packing large numbers of people into small areas.
The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

I'm pretty sure you have never been to the UK.
Care to explain why the violent crime, murder and gun crime rates in the UK increased dramatically since the 1997 firearms act?
Care to tell us what effect it had on mass shootings?

None perhaps?
A slight increase in mass shootings?

How about police shot dead on duty?

Successful gun control in the UK caused all crime to increase.
What do you think might happen here when you fanatics ban guns?

Have any data to support your theory that fewer guns increased violence?

My guess is changing demographics and a collapsing economy increased the violence in the last 15 years, Regardless, England STILL has a murder rate that is one quarter of ours

Perhaps. I guess we should do something about income inequality.
Income Inequality?s Strange Relationship to Violence | Political Violence @ a Glance

You mean like paying people to stay poor? It won't help. No matter how much you pay people not to work, they will still feel entitled to more. As long as some people are willing to work harder and longer than others there will be income inequality.

No I mean incentives for companies to create jobs here and give good wages and benefits.

You want to cut taxes?
The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Denmark all have murder rates around one per hundred thousand. The US is close to five

Spin that any way you like

The US is perfectly happy with their murder rate as long as we can keep our guns

and they had those rates without strict gun laws. guns are not the problem

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those countries have on average, one third of the gun ownership of the US and one quarter of our murder rate

Russia has 10% of the guns we do, and 300% of our murder rate, what was your point again?
Do you assume that folks are incapable of multitasking? That moral outrage can be directed in one direction at a time? Or do you find arguing against alcohol easier than finding a workable solution to the plague of gun violence? Is that merely a distraction, or can you find no solutions to either problem?

I know what I see with my own eyes.

Do you see a national movement to restrict alcohol?

Anyone pushing that?


The amount you can drink before driving is limited. Just like we should limit magazine capacity.

Why should we limit magazine capacity? I want a rational argument, if you are capable of one.
I said ambulance, not hospital.

But this guy was shot 5 times and walked to the hospital, which blows your 3 shots fake study out of the water.

Victim Shot Multiple Times Walks To Hospital - Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29

Like I said, the FBI says he had access to a pistol from a guard. There was an MPD officer that was also shot, and reports say that they didn't recover his weapon from him at the hospital, but that doesn't mean anyone took it.

He was shot in the lower extremities. If you shoot for the lower extremities in defense it's your own fault if he's not stopped. Try again.

Gunners use fake studies?

You seem to be saying there were 2 officers which agrees with me.

People have died after being shot in the foot, others take rounds to the head and shake it off.

Still waiting on documentation of the 15 shot tall tale.
The amount you can drink before driving is limited. Just like we should limit magazine capacity.

so we'll go with your analogy. yes, there is a limit on what you can drink BEFORE YOU DRIVE. But ther is no limit on what you can drink. and ther should be no limit on the size of your magazine.

There is a limit on the amount of alcohol. I didn't say limit caliber or type of gun, I said limit magazine capacity.

There is no law that limits how much alcohol one can buy, or own.
50% of crimes in the UK go unsolved according to hyper protective nanny state stats.
The true number is likely 90%

On a given Saturday night there are hundreds of violent assaults in the UK.
Rare will police accept a complaint.
If a crime goes unreported it don't make the records, it didn't happen.
Indeed police in the UK have refused point blank to allow me to report crimes that I have been subject to on several occasions.
Many folk I know have had the same experience.
50% of crimes are unsolved | UK | News | Daily Express

That's not the whole uk. And the other countries?

An article from the UK that talks about the UK is not the UK, good to know.

It talks about Scotland. Is that the whole uk?

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