Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

I'm not nearly as interested in a victory as I am an understanding.

The facts are on the side of the Second Amendment defenders.

But we WANT to reduce homicides as much as the gun grabbers.

I would compromise with gun grabbers if I thought they were sincere.

But the fact is that gun grabbers will never feel safe until all guns are gone.

Look at this latest mass shooting.

The guy used a shotgun no different than millions of legally owned firearms that hunters use.

A five round tubular magazine is standard.

I've asked this 1000 times.


Tell me.
So gun control doesn't work. Back ground checks aren't a panacea and not 100% effective so why bother. Gun lovers would tell us that each and every weapon in the American military arsenal should be on American streets in the hands of whoever has the means to obtain them. The rights of the mentally frazzled must not be infringed if they too want to own a weapon. In fact, gun lovers tell us that there is no such thing as an assault weapon, mass shootings produce as many victims as peanut allergies and choking incidents. As the second amendment must be followed (with that pesky exception of well regulated militias) to the letter, our current situation cannot be changed at all.

Where are the suggestions from gun lovers to cut the rate of violence? All I hear is a bunch of lop-sided rationalizations from folks blinded by the glamor and lust for guns.

The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.
So currently peroxide is as big a problem as gun violence? Just another rationalization.
I'm not nearly as interested in a victory as I am an understanding.

The facts are on the side of the Second Amendment defenders.

But we WANT to reduce homicides as much as the gun grabbers.

I would compromise with gun grabbers if I thought they were sincere.

But the fact is that gun grabbers will never feel safe until all guns are gone.

Look at this latest mass shooting.

The guy used a shotgun no different than millions of legally owned firearms that hunters use.

A five round tubular magazine is standard.

I've asked this 1000 times.


Tell me.
So gun control doesn't work. Back ground checks aren't a panacea and not 100% effective so why bother. Gun lovers would tell us that each and every weapon in the American military arsenal should be on American streets in the hands of whoever has the means to obtain them. The rights of the mentally frazzled must not be infringed if they too want to own a weapon. In fact, gun lovers tell us that there is no such thing as an assault weapon, mass shootings produce as many victims as peanut allergies and choking incidents. As the second amendment must be followed (with that pesky exception of well regulated militias) to the letter, our current situation cannot be changed at all.

Where are the suggestions from gun lovers to cut the rate of violence? All I hear is a bunch of lop-sided rationalizations from folks blinded by the glamor and lust for guns.

The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.

gun powder = sulfur, charcol and potassium nitrate. how hard is it to make yourself. if you don't know all you have to do is google it
I'm not nearly as interested in a victory as I am an understanding.

The facts are on the side of the Second Amendment defenders.

But we WANT to reduce homicides as much as the gun grabbers.

I would compromise with gun grabbers if I thought they were sincere.

But the fact is that gun grabbers will never feel safe until all guns are gone.

Look at this latest mass shooting.

The guy used a shotgun no different than millions of legally owned firearms that hunters use.

A five round tubular magazine is standard.

I've asked this 1000 times.


Tell me.
So gun control doesn't work. Back ground checks aren't a panacea and not 100% effective so why bother. Gun lovers would tell us that each and every weapon in the American military arsenal should be on American streets in the hands of whoever has the means to obtain them. The rights of the mentally frazzled must not be infringed if they too want to own a weapon. In fact, gun lovers tell us that there is no such thing as an assault weapon, mass shootings produce as many victims as peanut allergies and choking incidents. As the second amendment must be followed (with that pesky exception of well regulated militias) to the letter, our current situation cannot be changed at all.

Where are the suggestions from gun lovers to cut the rate of violence? All I hear is a bunch of lop-sided rationalizations from folks blinded by the glamor and lust for guns.

The solution of the gun grabber is always the same...grab guns.

Guns aren't the problem.

In general, homicide gun deaths in the United States are more of an urban than a rural problem. "Half of all homicides occurred in 63 cities with 16% of the nation's population; within those cities, homicides were largely clustered in certain neighborhoods."[7] For example, in Milwaukee, two inner-city zip codes, 53204 and 53215, have homicide rates of 89.1 per 100,000 and 38.8 per 100,000, respectively, compared with a homicide rate of 10.5 per 100,000 for the state in general.[16]
And so we realize that there is nothing to do about gun violence. Gun lovers deny that mass shootings are a problem. Back ground checks are not 100% effective so we can forget even trying that. Modern semi-automatic weapons fitted with large capacity magazines are just too sexy to ban, so we cannot contemplate removing them from the streets. It would shatter the gun lust the gun lovers enjoy so much. In fact we cannot refer to such weapons as 'assault weapons' as that kinks up the argument against them by providing a scary image.

Piles of victims bodies shows that there is no problem with guns because a rationalization widely used by the gun lovers shows that peanuts, swimming pools, automobiles and hatchets can produce 10, 20, 30 victims at a time just as guns can.

We therefore must temper our outrage and accept victims of gun violence as nothing more than the price we must pay to satisfy gun lust and the lopsided logic that tells us guns aren't as much a problem as people simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We must adjust our morality and forget gun violence as a tragedy but simply the consequence of flooding our streets with weapons best suited for well regulated militias.

Mass shootings in the 16 years after the UK Passed the 1997 firearms act are happening at almost 10 times the rate they did between 1909 and 1997.
10 mass shootings in 88 years with people allowed to defend themselves.
14 mass shootings in the 16 years after law abiding citizens were disarmed.
Why do you want 10 times more mass shootings?

I'm adopting the gun lover's attitude. I don't care about mass shootings and the victims of them. Guns are just too cool, numerous, powerful and sexy to ban. Everyone's rights trump public safety. Guns aren't the problem, even after gunfire results in scores of victims at once. People die, so what. So long as there are plenty of guns and ammo to go around. What could possibly go wrong?

I haven't met a single person with that attitude, perhaps the problem is your lack of critical thinking.
I'm adopting the gun lover's attitude. I don't care about mass shootings and the victims of them. Guns are just too cool, numerous, powerful and sexy to ban. Everyone's rights trump public safety. Guns aren't the problem, even after gunfire results in scores of victims at once. People die, so what. So long as there are plenty of guns and ammo to go around. What could possibly go wrong?

Your prejudice against gun owners shows in your language .
Nothing you say on the subject has relevance.
Your sole intent here is to pile hate on law abiding gun owners.

For you to participate in this discussion is akin to Hitler discussing how best to end anti semitism.
Tell me then from a gun lover's perspective; what can be done? I've NEVER heard one gun lover offer anything but rationalizations. Never a solution.

Could that be because you don't look? There have been solutions proposed right here in this thread. I don't think most of them will work, but they are still out there.
So gun control doesn't work. Back ground checks aren't a panacea and not 100% effective so why bother. Gun lovers would tell us that each and every weapon in the American military arsenal should be on American streets in the hands of whoever has the means to obtain them. The rights of the mentally frazzled must not be infringed if they too want to own a weapon. In fact, gun lovers tell us that there is no such thing as an assault weapon, mass shootings produce as many victims as peanut allergies and choking incidents. As the second amendment must be followed (with that pesky exception of well regulated militias) to the letter, our current situation cannot be changed at all.

Where are the suggestions from gun lovers to cut the rate of violence? All I hear is a bunch of lop-sided rationalizations from folks blinded by the glamor and lust for guns.

The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.

gun powder = sulfur, charcol and potassium nitrate. how hard is it to make yourself. if you don't know all you have to do is google it

Capt Kirk did it when he fought the Gorn
So gun control doesn't work. Back ground checks aren't a panacea and not 100% effective so why bother. Gun lovers would tell us that each and every weapon in the American military arsenal should be on American streets in the hands of whoever has the means to obtain them. The rights of the mentally frazzled must not be infringed if they too want to own a weapon. In fact, gun lovers tell us that there is no such thing as an assault weapon, mass shootings produce as many victims as peanut allergies and choking incidents. As the second amendment must be followed (with that pesky exception of well regulated militias) to the letter, our current situation cannot be changed at all.

Where are the suggestions from gun lovers to cut the rate of violence? All I hear is a bunch of lop-sided rationalizations from folks blinded by the glamor and lust for guns.

The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.
So currently peroxide is as big a problem as gun violence? Just another rationalization.

Nosomo, I think the point is, take away guns and it or something else will become a problem. The gun is only a tool utilized by a much larger issue. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill yourself, you'll still kill yourself. yes a gun is an easier way to do it, but lack of one is not going to stop you. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill someone, you're going to kill them regardless. again, the gun makes it easier, but you'll still do it without a gun.

The problem is our society is people do not value life. we have developed a pervasive attitude among many that if some one slights you, you kill them. a few decades ago, if someone slighted you, maybe you beat them up. thats the problem we have to fix. we also have to stop turning a blind eye to mental health issues. they are ou there, but we don't want to deal with them. and this killing is a perfect example. all the signs were there. how does this guy get security clearance to a sensitive naval area? especially when he had issues in the service. especially when he had priors involving weapons. especially when the Rhode Island Police warned the Navy, this guy was a potential issue. but nothing is done at all. a gun is only a tool this existing problem used. and how does a guy with all of these issues and red flags get through a security checkpoint, with metal detectors, carrying guns and ammunition. there are so many things gone wrong here. the gun was nothing more than the tool used. and honestly, when you look at the number of guns in the USA only .000036 of them ever kill anyone.
The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.

gun powder = sulfur, charcol and potassium nitrate. how hard is it to make yourself. if you don't know all you have to do is google it

Capt Kirk did it when he fought the Gorn

i've made it too. it hasn't been the cleanest firing stuff, but it sent the projectile flying
The solution of the gun grabber is always the same...grab guns.

Guns aren't the problem.

In general, homicide gun deaths in the United States are more of an urban than a rural problem. "Half of all homicides occurred in 63 cities with 16% of the nation's population; within those cities, homicides were largely clustered in certain neighborhoods."[7] For example, in Milwaukee, two inner-city zip codes, 53204 and 53215, have homicide rates of 89.1 per 100,000 and 38.8 per 100,000, respectively, compared with a homicide rate of 10.5 per 100,000 for the state in general.[16]

I take it those are middle class neighborhoods of predominantly white people? This must be why democrats hate white people so much, all that crime they do.....
Mass shootings in the 16 years after the UK Passed the 1997 firearms act are happening at almost 10 times the rate they did between 1909 and 1997.
10 mass shootings in 88 years with people allowed to defend themselves.
14 mass shootings in the 16 years after law abiding citizens were disarmed.
Why do you want 10 times more mass shootings?

I'm adopting the gun lover's attitude. I don't care about mass shootings and the victims of them. Guns are just too cool, numerous, powerful and sexy to ban. Everyone's rights trump public safety. Guns aren't the problem, even after gunfire results in scores of victims at once. People die, so what. So long as there are plenty of guns and ammo to go around. What could possibly go wrong?

I haven't met a single person with that attitude, perhaps the problem is your lack of critical thinking.
No. this attitude exists, and right here on this thread. Gun control, in any guise, won't work. therefore gun control must be abandoned as a possible solution. There are too many guns that too many gun lovers love to think about banning. So banning guns won't work. Guns are not the problem, so we are forced by that ham handed deflection to look elsewhere for a solution. People die as a result of gun violence, but the percentage of gun deaths is dwarfed by those who die in car wrecks, swimming pools, peanut chocking and allergies and etc., etc. So, again there's absolutely no problem with guns! We should have a heavily armed population. Everyone packing heat. What could possibly go wrong?

Thus is the gun lovers attitude. No solutions because they refuse to see the problem. Party on and lock and load. What a way to go!
The only answer to your question is total gun control. That might have prevented this.

Nevertheless, It wouldn't have prevented someone like me who knows chemistry from binding together some legally purchased acetone peroxide and blowing the place to pieces.
So currently peroxide is as big a problem as gun violence? Just another rationalization.

Nosomo, I think the point is, take away guns and it or something else will become a problem. The gun is only a tool utilized by a much larger issue. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill yourself, you'll still kill yourself. yes a gun is an easier way to do it, but lack of one is not going to stop you. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill someone, you're going to kill them regardless. again, the gun makes it easier, but you'll still do it without a gun.

The problem is our society is people do not value life. we have developed a pervasive attitude among many that if some one slights you, you kill them. a few decades ago, if someone slighted you, maybe you beat them up. thats the problem we have to fix. we also have to stop turning a blind eye to mental health issues. they are ou there, but we don't want to deal with them. and this killing is a perfect example. all the signs were there. how does this guy get security clearance to a sensitive naval area? especially when he had issues in the service. especially when he had priors involving weapons. especially when the Rhode Island Police warned the Navy, this guy was a potential issue. but nothing is done at all. a gun is only a tool this existing problem used. and how does a guy with all of these issues and red flags get through a security checkpoint, with metal detectors, carrying guns and ammunition. there are so many things gone wrong here. the gun was nothing more than the tool used. and honestly, when you look at the number of guns in the USA only .000036 of them ever kill anyone.

Sure. But name another 'tool' designed to throw out massive amounts of lead at a rapid pace. Name a tool capable of being carried into a school and kill scores of students. A tool concealable enough to carry into a convenience store at 2:00 am to intimidate and kill the clerk.

Then cite the percentage of such tools used to kill people.
No. this attitude exists, and right here on this thread.

Yeah, by you and Hatewinger.

Not by anyone with integrity.

Gun control, in any guise, won't work. therefore gun control must be abandoned as a possible solution.

You of the left are at war against civil rights - but few people are comfortable with your scheme to revoke Constitutional protections of civil rights, particularly when you cannot demonstrate that the loss of civil rights will result in greater safety.

It's clear to me that the Bush/Obama police state has done nothing to make the nation safer - so why should we believe that your scheme to end civil rights will?

There are too many guns that too many gun lovers love to think about banning. So banning guns won't work. Guns are not the problem, so we are forced by that ham handed deflection to look elsewhere for a solution. People die as a result of gun violence, but the percentage of gun deaths is dwarfed by those who die in car wrecks, swimming pools, peanut chocking and allergies and etc., etc. So, again there's absolutely no problem with guns! We should have a heavily armed population. Everyone packing heat. What could possibly go wrong?

Are you on drugs? Huffing spray paint, perhaps?

Thus is the gun lovers attitude. No solutions because they refuse to see the problem. Party on and lock and load. What a way to go!

Hey, here's a solution you fucknuts could try - when a guy shoots out tires on a car, and shoots into a neighbors apartment through the wall, FUCKING PROSECUTE HIM - even though he is black and under-privileged....
I'm adopting the gun lover's attitude. I don't care about mass shootings and the victims of them. Guns are just too cool, numerous, powerful and sexy to ban. Everyone's rights trump public safety. Guns aren't the problem, even after gunfire results in scores of victims at once. People die, so what. So long as there are plenty of guns and ammo to go around. What could possibly go wrong?

I haven't met a single person with that attitude, perhaps the problem is your lack of critical thinking.
No. this attitude exists, and right here on this thread. Gun control, in any guise, won't work. therefore gun control must be abandoned as a possible solution. There are too many guns that too many gun lovers love to think about banning. So banning guns won't work. Guns are not the problem, so we are forced by that ham handed deflection to look elsewhere for a solution. People die as a result of gun violence, but the percentage of gun deaths is dwarfed by those who die in car wrecks, swimming pools, peanut chocking and allergies and etc., etc. So, again there's absolutely no problem with guns! We should have a heavily armed population. Everyone packing heat. What could possibly go wrong?

Thus is the gun lovers attitude. No solutions because they refuse to see the problem. Party on and lock and load. What a way to go!

Unlike you, I didn't claim no one thinks that way, I just pointed out I have never met anyone who does. My guess is you haven't either, because sociopaths don't usually care about laws that restrict other people, they ignore them.
No such thing as a gun lover .
You have such deep rooted prejudice from the indoctrination you have received that you are incapable of honesty or decency.

I love my Dodge Daytona.

I love shooting.

I love my Smith & Wesson .22 revolber - most accurate handgun I've ever encountered.

Does that count?

Oh, I shoot paper, not people. (actually, i have a spinner target that is a total blast.)
Yup! I love my daughter and wife.
I like the feel of my Colt Single Action Army (manufactured in 1875) as I shoot it at targets.
I like the G forces as I wend my way along a twisty mountain road in my GT40 (made in 1966).
I don't hunt too much anymore 'cause it's a LOT OF WORK! But I can if need be.
I like a good brandy in the evening before bed.

Pretty much sums up most gun owners I know. We like and respect our firearms but love?
That's for people. And the occasional animal...
I haven't met a single person with that attitude, perhaps the problem is your lack of critical thinking.
No. this attitude exists, and right here on this thread. Gun control, in any guise, won't work. therefore gun control must be abandoned as a possible solution. There are too many guns that too many gun lovers love to think about banning. So banning guns won't work. Guns are not the problem, so we are forced by that ham handed deflection to look elsewhere for a solution. People die as a result of gun violence, but the percentage of gun deaths is dwarfed by those who die in car wrecks, swimming pools, peanut chocking and allergies and etc., etc. So, again there's absolutely no problem with guns! We should have a heavily armed population. Everyone packing heat. What could possibly go wrong?

Thus is the gun lovers attitude. No solutions because they refuse to see the problem. Party on and lock and load. What a way to go!

No such thing as a gun lover .
You have such deep rooted prejudice from the indoctrination you have received that you are incapable of honesty or decency.
right. No such thing as a gun lover. no such thing as an assault weapon. gun control can't work. Back ground checks don't catch 100% of wrong doers so it can't even be made to work. Guns are not the problem despite the death and carnage left in their wake. Deny, deny, deny and that makes it easy to ignore.

Pose no solutions, but write a batch of juvenile crap castigating your opposition. Does that make you feel as if you have made a valid point? Or is it another arrow in your quiver of ineptitude?
Give it a rest. Gun control not working and not being the answer are two different things. Of course there are gun lovers. And of course there are assault weapons. On battlefields.
More about the shooter Aaron Alexis...... I am reading that he created a website called Mohammed Salem.

"...Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Alexis created a webpage with the name “Mohammed Salem,” but they said he never did anything with it. They said they had found nothing else that might indicate any interest in violent jihad or even in Islam."

hmmm .....interesting.

Why did Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis create a website called "Mohammed Salem"? | The Daily Caller

One thing for sure, he is a delusional maniac.

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