Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

More about the shooter Aaron Alexis...... I am reading that he created a website called Mohammed Salem.

"...Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Alexis created a webpage with the name “Mohammed Salem,” but they said he never did anything with it. They said they had found nothing else that might indicate any interest in violent jihad or even in Islam."

hmmm .....interesting.

Why did Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis create a website called "Mohammed Salem"? | The Daily Caller

One thing for sure, he is a delusional maniac.

For sure ...and may be wanna be jihadist on top. :dunno:
More about the shooter Aaron Alexis...... I am reading that he created a website called Mohammed Salem.

"...Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Alexis created a webpage with the name “Mohammed Salem,” but they said he never did anything with it. They said they had found nothing else that might indicate any interest in violent jihad or even in Islam."

hmmm .....interesting.

Why did Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis create a website called "Mohammed Salem"? | The Daily Caller

One thing for sure, he is a delusional maniac.

For sure ...and may be wanna be jihadist on top. :dunno:

Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News
One thing for sure, he is a delusional maniac.

For sure ...and may be wanna be jihadist on top. :dunno:

Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?
For sure ...and may be wanna be jihadist on top. :dunno:

Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.
Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.

Seattle is a liberal Utopia. They couldn't bring themselves to charge an "innocent" black man simply because he shot out some tires.
We do not have the highest murder rates.
We are just honest in the way we compile the numbers.
The UK government will not record a murder as a murder until a conviction has been secured. This is probably true for most EU states.
In the USA a murder is recorded as such once the body has been found and other causes of death ruled out.
Do try to keep up.


That works on the assumption that British Cops are like escapees from a Monty Python Sketch.

The UK only had 648 murders last year. (only 48 with guns)

We had 15, 900 - (11,101 with guns)

Now either they have a really crappy conviction rate or you are full of shit.

I'm going with the latter.

He's FULL OF SHIT then Joe
Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.

Then Ban Guns...Connery,this culture,GUN bad for the mind,the repercussions are horrendous......but after a couple of days the average Joe, thinks what the fuck......UNTIL THE NEXT TIME.

The question I ask....Do Americans really care about these killings and/or Gun Murders generally.

I personally believe that a decent society,will never really climb off the floor,that has a Gun Culture like in the US, because all these killings(WANTON MURDERS) ARE INDECENT

Ban Guns and you will eliminate Mental Insecurity....which Americans suffer with,It's an addiction and you all really need help.....GUNS ARE A CANCER TO AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ..... WAKE UP AMERICA......... AND LIVE. steve
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For sure ...and may be wanna be jihadist on top. :dunno:

Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Hi Skye,you make many good we trawl through another murder the end result of a long journey,so many want revenge,but there shock and venom only underlines there misunderstanding of life for some in America.

There is so much misinformation spewed around(shit I see enough of it on here)that so many folk with so many reasons have become mentally ill.Your care and understanding and funding is Criminally Low..for the mental health of these people.The Polititians and general population don't care or as we say here "Don't Give A Stuff"

Well had you maybe this and other occurences sic may never have happened,there could have been checks and balances....but you seem to blame the police for not interceeding at times,I say to you the Police are not Mental Health Care workers.

American need to resolve the Mental Health needs of some people,but as always the American mentality of EXCECUTING is Cheaper......and the fact that you turn a blind eye to mentally ill folk.

When you turn your back on them remember one thing "THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD.....GO ALL OF US" steven
Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.

Then Ban Guns...Connery,this culture,GUN bad for the mind,the repercussions are horrendous......but after a couple of days the average Joe, thinks what the fuck......UNTIL THE NEXT TIME.

The question I ask....Do Americans really care about these killings and/or Gun Murders generally.

I personally believe that a decent society,will never really climb off the floor,that has a Gun Culture like in the US, because all these killings(WANTON MURDERS) ARE INDECENT

Ban Guns and you will eliminate Mental Insecurity....which Americans suffer with,It's an addiction and you all really need help.....GUNS ARE A CANCER TO AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ..... WAKE UP AMERICA......... AND LIVE. steve

there is no gun culture. the gun culture is a left wing creation to put fear of guns into everyone. the usa isn't full of crazy gun nuts out shooting everyone up. this is so blown out of proportion. only .000036 of every gun owned is ever used to kill any one. a percentage so small if there wasn't a political agenda it would never even be brought up. the fact is that 99.999974% of the gun owners have no frigging clue what this gun culture really is.

Ban guns and you will eliminate mental insecurity? wtf kind of off the wall statement with no factual bearing at all kind of comment is that? talk about an over emotional, reactionary out of touch with reality statement is that?
So currently peroxide is as big a problem as gun violence? Just another rationalization.

Nosomo, I think the point is, take away guns and it or something else will become a problem. The gun is only a tool utilized by a much larger issue. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill yourself, you'll still kill yourself. yes a gun is an easier way to do it, but lack of one is not going to stop you. if you don't have a gun and you want to kill someone, you're going to kill them regardless. again, the gun makes it easier, but you'll still do it without a gun.

The problem is our society is people do not value life. we have developed a pervasive attitude among many that if some one slights you, you kill them. a few decades ago, if someone slighted you, maybe you beat them up. thats the problem we have to fix. we also have to stop turning a blind eye to mental health issues. they are ou there, but we don't want to deal with them. and this killing is a perfect example. all the signs were there. how does this guy get security clearance to a sensitive naval area? especially when he had issues in the service. especially when he had priors involving weapons. especially when the Rhode Island Police warned the Navy, this guy was a potential issue. but nothing is done at all. a gun is only a tool this existing problem used. and how does a guy with all of these issues and red flags get through a security checkpoint, with metal detectors, carrying guns and ammunition. there are so many things gone wrong here. the gun was nothing more than the tool used. and honestly, when you look at the number of guns in the USA only .000036 of them ever kill anyone.

Sure. But name another 'tool' designed to throw out massive amounts of lead at a rapid pace. Name a tool capable of being carried into a school and kill scores of students. A tool concealable enough to carry into a convenience store at 2:00 am to intimidate and kill the clerk.

Then cite the percentage of such tools used to kill people.

look at boston, look at Oklahoma city, look at the world trade center. again you are missing the point. people who want to kill are going to kill. if they don't have a gun they will use another method. its a simple as that. take away every gun in the world, you still have people with a desire to kill and they will kill. so you have fixed nothing. it can be a simple as dipping an m-80 in glue and bb's light it off you have a mini grenade. want to make a bigger impression, at a HS football game place a Styrofoam cooler filled with metal shreds surrounding coconut husk filled with gunpowder and a fuse. people will think its a cooler of sports drinks or something. light the fuse and walk away. put on set of blue overalls, make it look like you're a porter. walk into a major train station at rush hour, looking like you are a guy emptying the trash. drop your bomb in a garbage can, walk away, set it off with your cell phone. I honestly believe you will see larger and more devastating acts if people didn't have guns. you'd see more Oklahoma cities, more bostons. you can turn a van into a giant powder keg. pull into any crowded area, park, walk around the corner and let it blow. no one will be stopping you.
Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.

Then Ban Guns...Connery,this culture,GUN bad for the mind,the repercussions are horrendous......but after a couple of days the average Joe, thinks what the fuck......UNTIL THE NEXT TIME.

The question I ask....Do Americans really care about these killings and/or Gun Murders generally.

I personally believe that a decent society,will never really climb off the floor,that has a Gun Culture like in the US, because all these killings(WANTON MURDERS) ARE INDECENT

Ban Guns and you will eliminate Mental Insecurity....which Americans suffer with,It's an addiction and you all really need help.....GUNS ARE A CANCER TO AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ..... WAKE UP AMERICA......... AND LIVE. steve

there is no gun culture. the gun culture is a left wing creation to put fear of guns into everyone. the usa isn't full of crazy gun nuts out shooting everyone up. this is so blown out of proportion. only .000036 of every gun owned is ever used to kill any one. a percentage so small if there wasn't a political agenda it would never even be brought up. the fact is that 99.999974% of the gun owners have no frigging clue what this gun culture really is.

Ban guns and you will eliminate mental insecurity? wtf kind of off the wall statement with no factual bearing at all kind of comment is that? talk about an over emotional, reactionary out of touch with reality statement is that?

Spoonie,I know loads of fine Conservative Americans who live and work in Western Australia(in fact I lease one of my properties to their own admission they are Gun Mad(in a nice way) my mate has a Gun range and sporting club,They love going there and a bbq and grog(beer) afterwards,I watch em on the range and they love their guns big time,more than their wives(well almost:lol:).......they give me statistics all the time....and try to get me to fire a weapon.No Chance.

But they all say that they do enjoy living in a Gun Free society,Americans by the fact of owning a Gun,makes them a part of the Gun Culture,as for your statistic of 99.9999974% of Gun owners having no Friggin Clue, then why do they bother to own them???

I'm not out of touch with reality:eusa_hand: .......I just live in a Gun Free Culture and Society...You should try it,it's great. Your mate steve:cool:
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All the rants and abuse from the FILTH forigners and their traitor liberal pals will not change the facts.
In 1997 the UK enacted a complete ban on the ownership and possession of handguns.
Automatic and semi automatic rifles had been banned a decade or more before.
As had high cap mags.
The result?
Ten times more mass shootings !!!!
Odd how haters, fanatics and traitors always ignore that little tidbit!!

As I said you are full of shit.......don't worry about other countries,sort your own shit out first.

You cannot lecture have no right:eusa_hand:
Then Ban Guns...Connery,this culture,GUN bad for the mind,the repercussions are horrendous......but after a couple of days the average Joe, thinks what the fuck......UNTIL THE NEXT TIME.

The question I ask....Do Americans really care about these killings and/or Gun Murders generally.

I personally believe that a decent society,will never really climb off the floor,that has a Gun Culture like in the US, because all these killings(WANTON MURDERS) ARE INDECENT

Ban Guns and you will eliminate Mental Insecurity....which Americans suffer with,It's an addiction and you all really need help.....GUNS ARE A CANCER TO AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ..... WAKE UP AMERICA......... AND LIVE. steve

there is no gun culture. the gun culture is a left wing creation to put fear of guns into everyone. the usa isn't full of crazy gun nuts out shooting everyone up. this is so blown out of proportion. only .000036 of every gun owned is ever used to kill any one. a percentage so small if there wasn't a political agenda it would never even be brought up. the fact is that 99.999974% of the gun owners have no frigging clue what this gun culture really is.

Ban guns and you will eliminate mental insecurity? wtf kind of off the wall statement with no factual bearing at all kind of comment is that? talk about an over emotional, reactionary out of touch with reality statement is that?

Spoonie,I know loads of fine Conservative Americans who live and work in Western Australia(in fact I lease one of my properties to their own admission they are Gun Mad(in a nice way) my mate has a Gun range and sporting club,They love going there and a bbq and grog(beer) afterwards,I watch em on the range and they love their guns big time,more than their wives(well almost:lol:).......they give me statistics all the time....and try to get me to fire a weapon.No Chance.

But they all say that they do enjoy living in a Gun Free society,Americans by the fact of owning a Gun,makes them a part of the Gun Culture,as for your statistic of 99.9999974% of Gun owners having no Friggin Clue, then why do they bother to own them???

I'm not out of touch with reality:eusa_hand: .......I just live in a Gun Free Culture and Society...You should try it,it's great. Your mate steve:cool:

you are free to live in your gun free society. It has no appeal to me at all. I live in no fear of guns here in the states. I have no concern I will be shot. I have no apprehension or anxiety over it at all. See you make an assumption the only reason to own a gun is too kill. because you have no clue. by your own admission you don't want to even try shooting one. so you have a negative bias on guns, which makes your perspective on then biased as well. you're entitled to your own opinion, but your opinion can govern no one other then yourself. you don't have the right to impose your biased opinion on anyone. A gun owner is not trying to force you to own a gun. but they are also not going to let your opinion sway their rights.

but back to my point, you believe the only purpose for a gun is to kill. I own a few dozen. I shoot a few hundred rounds a week minimum. not one bullet has ever killed anything. I don't even hunt. because you don't understand why someone would want a gun doesn't mean people should not have a gun. it doesn't mean gun owners are part of this ficticious bang bang shoot them up gun culture. it's a liberal myth. it doesn't exist.
All the rants and abuse from the FILTH forigners and their traitor liberal pals will not change the facts.
In 1997 the UK enacted a complete ban on the ownership and possession of handguns.
Automatic and semi automatic rifles had been banned a decade or more before.
As had high cap mags.
The result?
Ten times more mass shootings !!!!
Odd how haters, fanatics and traitors always ignore that little tidbit!!

As I said you are full of shit.......don't worry about other countries,sort your own shit out first.

You cannot lecture have no right:eusa_hand:

and you have no right to lecture what we do here in America. you want a voice, become a citizen. if not, your point of view is nothing more then message board chatter.
Why should we limit magazine capacity? I want a rational argument, if you are capable of one.

Statistics show only 3 shots needed for defense. Mass shooters however shoot a lot more. Also there are many examples of mass shooters being stopped at reload like Tucson. Will save lives.

3 shot guarantee?
How much in damages are you prepared to pay the victim of a rape who followed your advice and only fired 3 shots, at the gang of 10 who gang raped her ?

Just as much as the irresponsible gun owner who got their gun stolen and was later used in a crime.

If somebody is going to get raped by a gang of 10 they are pretty much out of luck. Last I checked gangs like guns. You think somebody is gonna outgun them?
It's not guns that are the problem, it's our tolerance for the criminal element. We just do not have serious deterrents to crime. No consequences result in increased risk taking

We have all these guns, 50% of all owned in the world, yet you are 30% less likely to die of homicide in the USA than you are outside her borders

It's our failed diversity experiment that has America sailing like a ship without a rudder


Again your comparing us to 3rd world countries. You must think very little of this country. Compare us to to developed countries and we're 4X more likely. You don't even think we belong in the company of developed countries?

Let me guess, you define civilized world as any country that has a lower homicide rate than the US.

Well I think most developed countries do.
Russia has 10% of the guns we do, and 300% of our murder rate, what was your point again?

Their rate is dropping like a rock. Expect them to be lower than us soon.

That was funny.

Get back to me in 90 years when it gets down to where we are now, and lets find out what ours is then.

It is really?
Russian homicides by year:
2008: 20,056
2009: 17,681
2010: 13,100
2011: 11,500
That's not dropping fast?

Most recent homicide rate I find for them is 10.2. So little over 2X ours. Where did you get your 300% again? Do you ever bother using real stats?
Why should we limit magazine capacity? I want a rational argument, if you are capable of one.

Statistics show only 3 shots needed for defense. Mass shooters however shoot a lot more. Also there are many examples of mass shooters being stopped at reload like Tucson. Will save lives.

Average of 3 shots.

One may need 20 rounds and 20 may need 1.

That's an average of 2 shots...but one defender still needed 20 rounds.

This shooter had a 5 round magazine.

He killed more than the Joker did in Aurora did with a 100 round magazine.

That in itself blows your theory out of the water.

It's not going to save lives every single time and in every instance. But you've seen the examples I've given of shooters stopped at reloading. You want them firing 6 times before reload or 20? It would save lives and everyone keeps their guns. Based on the stats they would be just as safe as they were before. Which is still less safe than not having a gun since your more likely to be shot if you have one, but that's what you want.
Perhaps, skye, but he has has several problems which should have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner.

"Twice before he shot and killed 12 people in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, Aaron Alexis was arrested for discharging a firearm - once in his Ft. Worth apartment, and once outside his grandmother's home in Seattle. Neither time was he prosecuted for a crime. Now, the question is why not.

According to the Seattle Police Department(SPD) report, on May 7, 2004, Alexis allegedly used a Glock .45 to shoot out the tires of a construction vehicle parked outside the home of a neighbor. After being arrested, Alexis told police he'd fired the gun in an anger-fueled "black out."

Why wasn't Aaron Alexis prosecuted for previous shooting incidents? - Crimesider - CBS News

Oh yes, I agree he had several problems and should have been treated! No doubt.

I am just saying that I find this new revelation that he had this webpage called Mohammed Salem and everything that it for thought?

Oh yes and much like an onion being peeled, each one of his maniacal fantasies will show his true motivation. I just cannot believe they allowed him to get away with the gun stuff.

They want them to do bad things it seems sometimes, they certainly don't do anything about it.

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