Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7


Ok, we should lock people for what they might do.
The DC shooter, liberal.
Boston bombers, liberal.
Recent threats by liberal professor to murder the kids of gun owners.

You, as a liberal are an extreme risk to the well being of children.

You should be locked up in a padded cell where you can no longer do harm to children.

That work for ya?

Okay, not seeing how the DC Shooter was a liberal, but the boston bombers were very conservative Muslims. In fact, take out the Muslim part, they were probably in agreement with you wingnuts in a lot of ways. They loved guns and hated women controlling their own lady-parts.

So one more time. Do you think crazy people should be allowed to buy guns or not?

I think it's a pretty awful idea....

The DC shooter, according to his family was an Obama supporter.
Boston bombers, 4 of the 5 terrorists were liberals.
Educated in hatred of America in public schools.
At least two at the Cambridge Rindge (syringe) and Latin academy in the people's republic of Cambridge.
The Boston bombers loved guns ?
Show evidence?

They hated America because their unionized liberal teachers taught them to.

Should mentally ill people be allowed to purchase firearms?

Define mentally ill?
Was Adam lanzas mother mentally Ill?

Mentall illness covers a broad range of conditions.
Drink problems.
Pain killer addiction.
Stress .

Give clear definition, then the subject can be looked at.

I think this guy was mentally ill. Blacked out and shot the tires off a car? Hearing voices? Yeah he shouldn't have been able to buy a gun.

The Theater shooter should not have been allowed to own or buy guns.
Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

The DC shooter, according to his family was an Obama supporter.
Boston bombers, 4 of the 5 terrorists were liberals.
Educated in hatred of America in public schools.
At least two at the Cambridge Rindge (syringe) and Latin academy in the people's republic of Cambridge.
The Boston bombers loved guns ?
Show evidence?

They hated America because their unionized liberal teachers taught them to.


Guy, are you some kind of fucking retard or what?

The Boston Bombers- well, there were ONLY TWO OF THEM, and they both came from Chechyna.

And, oh, yeah, they had guns on them when they had a shootout with police.

Seriously, man, get some help.

Yet there are 3 accomplices on trial right now .
A Dominican, a Chechen and a kazak, as well as Dzhokar.

We know Dzhokar was educated at Cambridge syringe and Latin academy, as was his long term liberal school mate, from the Dominican republic.
They had one gun.
One illegal gun.

That's gun love in your books ?

Ah well .
Nice to have proven your lies again !!
Off to work in your third minimum wage job, loser?
Pay your debts , waster, pay your debts.
I will be going to lunch at number 9!!
If the gun is stolen you report it to the police and then your clear. Of course if you seem to have too many guns stolen then there is a problem. Now people can't just sell guns to criminals.

It is a crime to sell a gun to a criminal even if you are a private citizen, but you want to make people who don't break the law into criminals if they are the victim of a crime.

A crime to knowingly sell a gun to a felon yes. Without a background check I guess you take the guys word he isn't a felon?

The background checks worked well for Alexis .......
The government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
I would rather take charge of my own safety.

Legally they already can not. In this particular case Rhode Island Seattle and Dallas all failed to take the appropriate steps. Further the navy was notified and failed to do anything. The laws are already on the books enforce the laws we have.

Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.

Define mentally ill?
Was Adam lanzas mother mentally Ill?

Mentall illness covers a broad range of conditions.
Drink problems.
Pain killer addiction.
Stress .

Give clear definition, then the subject can be looked at.

Yeah, actually, I think Nancy Lanza was mentally ill. someone who thinks she needs 12 guns, some of them military grade, while living in a nice, cushy CT Suburb, is probably suffering from some serious problems.

And, yeah, I think that if you suffer from minor issues like depression or pain killer addiction, you shouldn't have a gun.

19,000 sucidies with guns. Probably would be nice to cut down on those.

But she passed all the background checks required by the state of CT.
All of which far exceed any of the proposed laws from the liberals right now.

Who said she owned the guns for protection?
Did her application for licensing say that?

NB none of her weapons were military grade.
Any veteran who read the story in its entirety would know that.
But you are no veteran and you didn't look at the story , you heard what your liberal bosses told you to hear .
Good little low info voter that you are .
Are all depressives suicidal?
If someone had an accident at work, was given morphine , became dependant then weaned off the dependency , you would use that as a reason to deny the basic civil and human right to bear arms?
Even if it was 20 years since?

And you wonder why people don't like your ideas !!

Legally they already can not. In this particular case Rhode Island Seattle and Dallas all failed to take the appropriate steps. Further the navy was notified and failed to do anything. The laws are already on the books enforce the laws we have.

Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.

Because they are terrorists!!
We should murder their kids!!
It is a crime to sell a gun to a criminal even if you are a private citizen, but you want to make people who don't break the law into criminals if they are the victim of a crime.

A crime to knowingly sell a gun to a felon yes. Without a background check I guess you take the guys word he isn't a felon?

The background checks worked well for Alexis .......
The government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
I would rather take charge of my own safety.

Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.
Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.

Because they are terrorists!!
We should murder their kids!!

Your realize you sound WAY more crazy than the original guy right?
The best and most practical method of gun control us tge excellent systems we have in place already.
We have extensive background checks on application for the license.
A 5 day waiting period, with further background checks.
Limits on the weapons that may be purchased by different groups.
Different types of licenses.
It's a long and arduous process to purchase a rifle or a shotgun, longer again to buy a handgun.
That's before we even get into the costs involved, safety courses, fees, more fees and then the purchase price of the weapon!!
The costs associated with buying a shotgun are more than the price of the shotgun.
Then the time limits on licenses.
It is actually easier to buy a shotgun in the UK!!

Except that's not what happened here.

What happened here was that Aaron Alexis walked into a VA gun store, and they let him walk out with a gun with no background check.

A background check would have found out he was involved in at least two previous incidents involving guns. Guns that must have been taken away from him or he would have still had them.

A background check would have found that he had reported "hearing voices".

I'm reasonably sure he didn't take any safety courses, either.

Which are you Joe, a liar or a damned liar?
Aaron Alexis passed Federal Bureau Investigation and Virginia state background checks to purchase a shotgun from Sharpshooters Small Arms Range in Lorton, Va., over the weekend.

Alexis did not attempt to purchase a rifle or handgun from the store, The Washington Times has learned exclusively.

The retail store put the former Navy reservist’s name through both systems checks before selling him a shotgun and 00 buckshot shotgun shells, a source familiar with the investigation said.
Also, he was a Navy I'm pretty sure he had a firearms safety course.
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A crime to knowingly sell a gun to a felon yes. Without a background check I guess you take the guys word he isn't a felon?

The background checks worked well for Alexis .......
The government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
I would rather take charge of my own safety.

Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!

Legally they already can not. In this particular case Rhode Island Seattle and Dallas all failed to take the appropriate steps. Further the navy was notified and failed to do anything. The laws are already on the books enforce the laws we have.

Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.
By writing the 'gun control' legislation that PROHIBITED funding for extensive national data bases so adequate back ground checks could be performed. By specifically prohibiting funding to the CDC for comprehensive studies concerning gun violence. The NRA writes the legislation the most ardent gun loving legislators introduce.

The background checks worked well for Alexis .......
The government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
I would rather take charge of my own safety.

Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

The background checks worked well for Alexis .......
The government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.
I would rather take charge of my own safety.

Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!

Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.
Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.
By writing the 'gun control' legislation that PROHIBITED funding for extensive national data bases so adequate back ground checks could be performed. By specifically prohibiting funding to the CDC for comprehensive studies concerning gun violence. The NRA writes the legislation the most ardent gun loving legislators introduce.
The NRA tell cops not to arrest black criminals for illegal discharge of a firearm?
I'm calling it!!
You are a vile liar!!
How, EXACTLY, does the NRA keep local County, state and federal agencies from doing thier jobs? Be specific.
By writing the 'gun control' legislation that PROHIBITED funding for extensive national data bases so adequate back ground checks could be performed. By specifically prohibiting funding to the CDC for comprehensive studies concerning gun violence. The NRA writes the legislation the most ardent gun loving legislators introduce.
The NRA tell cops not to arrest black criminals for illegal discharge of a firearm?
I'm calling it!!
You are a vile liar!!
That's on hell of a stretch! Back it up! I'm not a liar as much as you are patently ignorant. Prove your point, or accept the fact that you have no business writing about something you have no knowledge of.

What I said was the NRA crafted legislation that bans money for studies about gun violence. Well, more to the point, the studies could be conducted, but there was no money for publishing them.
Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!

Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.

All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?
By writing the 'gun control' legislation that PROHIBITED funding for extensive national data bases so adequate back ground checks could be performed. By specifically prohibiting funding to the CDC for comprehensive studies concerning gun violence. The NRA writes the legislation the most ardent gun loving legislators introduce.
The NRA tell cops not to arrest black criminals for illegal discharge of a firearm?
I'm calling it!!
You are a vile liar!!
That's on hell of a stretch! Back it up! I'm not a liar as much as you are patently ignorant. Prove your point, or accept the fact that you have no business writing about something you have no knowledge of.

What I said was the NRA crafted legislation that bans money for studies about gun violence. Well, more to the point, the studies could be conducted, but there was no money for publishing them.

So the NRA does not order cops to allow crime to be committed?
That's liberal fanatics afraid of being called racist.
By writing the 'gun control' legislation that PROHIBITED funding for extensive national data bases so adequate back ground checks could be performed. By specifically prohibiting funding to the CDC for comprehensive studies concerning gun violence. The NRA writes the legislation the most ardent gun loving legislators introduce.
The NRA tell cops not to arrest black criminals for illegal discharge of a firearm?
I'm calling it!!
You are a vile liar!!
That's on hell of a stretch! Back it up! I'm not a liar as much as you are patently ignorant. Prove your point, or accept the fact that you have no business writing about something you have no knowledge of.

What I said was the NRA crafted legislation that bans money for studies about gun violence. Well, more to the point, the studies could be conducted, but there was no money for publishing them.
The NRA tell cops not to arrest black criminals for illegal discharge of a firearm?
I'm calling it!!
You are a vile liar!!
That's on hell of a stretch! Back it up! I'm not a liar as much as you are patently ignorant. Prove your point, or accept the fact that you have no business writing about something you have no knowledge of.

What I said was the NRA crafted legislation that bans money for studies about gun violence. Well, more to the point, the studies could be conducted, but there was no money for publishing them.
Poorly argued as usual. Are you a Conservative by choice, or did they recruit you for your wisdom and rhetorical acumen?

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