Gunny's Thread on Religion

if you athies say its not hereidtsry or hand me down why does it bother you if someone says a prayer aloud wheter it be in school, in court, in church, why?

It bothers me if someone says a prayer outloud in a public place in America where he or she is not invited to do so.

Silent prayers don't bother me a bit, and I am quite respectful toward others who pray quietly and inobtrusively.

Pray loudly in places of worship or when you're alone. Live us all live in peace.
if you athies say its not hereidtsry or hand me down why does it bother you if someone says a prayer aloud wheter it be in school, in court, in church, why?

It bothers me if someone says a prayer outloud in a public place in America where he or she is not invited to do so.

Silent prayers don't bother me a bit, and I am quite respectful toward others who pray quietly and inobtrusively.

Pray loudly in places of worship or when you're alone. Let us all live in peace.
if you athies say its not hereidtsry or hand me down why does it bother you if someone says a prayer aloud wheter it be in school, in court, in church, why?

It bothers me if someone says a prayer outloud in a public place in America where he or she is not invited to do so.

Silent prayers don't bother me a bit, and I am quite respectful toward others who pray quietly and inobtrusively.

Pray loudly in places of worship or when you're alone. Let us all live in peace.

Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword(THE WORD/THE BIBLE).

Matthew 10:35 For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--

Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Matthew 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

I know i cast my pearl before the swine here, however somethings can never be left without saying, you were told?!?!?!?
if you athies say its not hereidtsry or hand me down why does it bother you if someone says a prayer aloud wheter it be in school, in court, in church, why?

It bothers me if someone says a prayer outloud in a public place in America where he or she is not invited to do so.

Silent prayers don't bother me a bit, and I am quite respectful toward others who pray quietly and inobtrusively.

Pray loudly in places of worship or when you're alone. Let us all live in peace.

Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword(THE WORD/THE BIBLE).

Matthew 10:35 For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--

Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Matthew 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

I know i cast my pearl before the swine here, however somethings can never be left without saying, you were told?!?!?!?

Are you for real?
Are you ever going to attempt to refute or rebut anything I've said, or are you simply going to keep playing childish games?

Your religion was disproven and you have not even attempted to refute the arguments made.

How is a religion disproven? Does that mean it is not a real religion? :eusa_eh: Which religion are you talking about? :doubt:
Are you ever going to attempt to refute or rebut anything I've said, or are you simply going to keep playing childish games?

Your religion was disproven and you have not even attempted to refute the arguments made.

How is a religion disproven? Does that mean it is not a real religion? :eusa_eh: Which religion are you talking about? :doubt:
Well, there's the religion of Evolution & Humanism i know of those whom assemble to study and teach its lies every single week and prove no more than the Preacher right down the street????
These are about what people believe (they cannot disprove the existance of G*d). Their futile attempts of logical arguements are highly selective and do not look at everyday wonders and facts: the amount of food varieties, the weather that (for the most part) works to nourish the earth and makes seasons that keep food plentiful, sunrises that take your breath away, the moon and stars that make you look outward (away from man) to discover greater things. They would tell you these thing (miraculously ) happened, they have no coherant explanation, just beliefs and theories (like religious people).


You mean like the Jews committing genocide becuse god told them to?

If you read the whole section, you will see that G*d told them why those were to be destroyed. It seems they despised the Lord; an insignificant population of Hebrews was given the power to destroy them to prove His point. There are a lot of people today that are making the same mistake, trying the patience of the Lord (including me).
So they were killed for refusing to worship YHWH? Were't you just complainming about people being killed for refusing to worship someone else's deity?

[ame=""]YouTube - ►Death Note◄ Hypocrite ►AMV◄[/ame]

I understand it perfectly and for what it is. You, on the other handm understand nothing

The Amorites, the Caananites, the Aakadians, the Jebusites, the Hittitwes, the Perizzites, the Hivties, the Native Americans, the natives in America, anyone with the misfortune to line in the Middle or Dark Ages, the women at Salem, the Muslims in the ME...

Sop your defense amounts to 'they did it, to'? Then we agree, you are no different than they are.

Here, they did the counting for us

[ame=""]YouTube - Atheist Experience - Tallying God's kill count in the Bible (Part 1)[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Atheist Experience - Tallying God's kill count in the Bible (Part 2)[/ame]

Where are the numbers for those the muslims killed? Where are the numbers for those the atheists killed (you might call them communists)? Where are the numbers for those the dictators and tyrants killed? We have guessed the nazis killed over 6,000,000, are you saying that was for G*d? Highly selective in what you choose to believe.


you claimed miracles happen. You must prove it.

Because they practiced Guerrilla warfare when their enemies marched in columns

it's the same way we won our independence and the VietCong defeated America

So were the Akkadians. Isreal was destroyed, remember. Just because you name the Wests pet project after Isreal doesn't mean the nation con continued to exist

Christians have been performing miracles since before Yeshua died. Why will you deny Him?


Comparing what the book says to what happened is 'opinon'? :lol

Aren't your statements against the Bible "opinions"? How can you prove the things that are in the Bible did NOT happen?

Do you people ever not lie?


1)So they claim

2)to have written it decades later

3)With no evidence to their authenticity

4)When eyewitness testimony is among the least reliable evidence one can ever put forward

They were there. The people that documented their words and works
No, they didn't. The allegedly wrote memoirs decades later. Do you even know your own religion's official story? :cuckoo:
He only taught that salvation was with the individual, that if they worked to live according to G*d's Laws and believe in Him, Yeshua, they would have everlasting life. He said to spread the Good News, that salvation was possible for all mankind. How is that harmful to anyone?
Do you know what those laws are?

Do you have any virgin daughters, by chance?

Oh wait, you're not a Semite, are you? That means you have to die

Yes, I have to die and will, but if I believe in Yeshua as my savior and repent my sins and try to live according to His teachings, there is a chance that after I am judged and punished for my sins I will be reunited with those that I love. To deny Him, is to condemn yourself, but you will have a chance to do that to His face, for EVERY knee will bend before Him (that includes yours). Good Luck with that whole arguement about you couldn't believe it because of eyewitness accounts.
Are you ever going to attempt to refute or rebut anything I've said, or are you simply going to keep playing childish games?

Your religion was disproven and you have not even attempted to refute the arguments made.

How is a religion disproven? Does that mean it is not a real religion? :eusa_eh: Which religion are you talking about? :doubt:
Well, there's the religion of Evolution & Humanism i know of those whom assemble to study and teach its lies every single week and prove no more than the Preacher right down the street????

You're being sarcastic, right?
These are about what people believe (they cannot disprove the existance of G*d). Their futile attempts of logical arguements are highly selective

this should be good...
and do not look at everyday wonders and facts: the amount of food varieties,

So the fact that we evolved to eat a variety of energy/nutrient sources proves your god?

Care to demonstrate? :cuckoo:
the weather that (for the most part) works to nourish the earth and makes seasons that keep food plentiful,

So your god is evidenced by the fact that we evoked to suit our environment? Why is the test of the known universe so unkind to our physiology, then, if you wish to try this "suitable environment" argument?

They would tell you these thing (miraculously ) happened,

Where did you user you quoted claim "miracles"?

Where are the numbers for those the atheists killed (you might call them communists)?

So now atheist = communists?

Are you really that uninformed, or are you just being willfully ignorant?
How is a religion disproven? Does that mean it is not a real religion? :eusa_eh: Which religion are you talking about? :doubt:
Well, there's the religion of Evolution & Humanism i know of those whom assemble to study and teach its lies every single week and prove no more than the Preacher right down the street????

You're being sarcastic, right?
Sarcasm?? what are you on crack cocain? exact same thing, just on a more formal setting, Evolution & Humanism is nothing more than a neo-religion with government backing.........:cuckoo:
Well, there's the religion of Evolution & Humanism i know of those whom assemble to study and teach its lies every single week and prove no more than the Preacher right down the street????

You're being sarcastic, right?
Sarcasm?? what are you on crack cocain? exact same thing, just on a more formal setting, Evolution & Humanism is nothing more than a neo-religion with government backing.........:cuckoo:

So religion is a lie and a religion?

You can prove that germs don't mutate?

You can prove that scientists since Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming have been involved in some giant conspiracy?

I'm calling Poe's law here. Nobody can be that ignorant and thick.
How is a religion disproven?
It's claims are proven false.

For instance, its god can be proven to not exist.


Please demonstrate on this message board.

The most common form is for a deity to be impossible by definition.

Helios, for instance was a god who drove the chariot which pulled the sun around the earth.

The sun is not pulled by a chariot around Earth.

Thus, Helios is impossible by definition- like a round triangular square with parallel sides intersecting at 13 degrees with angles that all up up to 42.
It's claims are proven false.

For instance, its god can be proven to not exist.


Please demonstrate on this message board.

The most common form is for a deity to be impossible by definition.

Helios, for instance was a god who drove the chariot which pulled the sun around the earth.

The sun is not pulled by a chariot around Earth.

Thus, Helios is impossible by definition- like a round triangular square with parallel sides intersecting at 13 degrees with angles that all up up to 42.

What was said about Helios was symbolism in mythology.

That is a riddle, each word represents something else, and what happened to seventeen degrees? But anyway, that still does not prove that God does not exist. You are such a surface dweller, you have to be able to solve or figure out things, or at least scratch beneath the surface. I know how YOU can prove if God exists. Just ask God to show you a sign that he exists and look for the sign (be sincere when you say it). Then report back to the message boards.

Who eats of the tree of sorrows? What fruit grows on the tree of sorrows? (Hint: not what you find on google)
What was said about Helios was symbolism in mythology.

That is a riddle, each word represents something else, and what happened to seventeen degrees? But anyway, that still does not prove that God does not exist. You are such a surface dweller, you have to be able to solve or figure out things, or at least scratch beneath the surface. I know how YOU can prove if God exists. Just ask God to show you a sign that he exists and look for the sign (be sincere when you say it). Then report back to the message boards.

Who eats of the tree of sorrows? What fruit grows on the tree of sorrows? (Hint: not what you find on google)

I'm curious, can I, too, prove god's existence in this way? Or did the capitalized YOU mean only Setarcos can?
You're being sarcastic, right?
Sarcasm?? what are you on crack cocain? exact same thing, just on a more formal setting, Evolution & Humanism is nothing more than a neo-religion with government backing.........:cuckoo:

So religion is a lie and a religion?

You can prove that germs don't mutate?

You can prove that scientists since Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming have been involved in some giant conspiracy?

I'm calling Poe's law here. Nobody can be that ignorant and thick.
Im suprised you didnt call Murpheys law??:lol: Louis Pasteur(real science) has nothing to do with evolution or humanistic worship, your comparing apples to oranges...:cuckoo:
What was said about Helios was symbolism in mythology.

Here you see the classic theistic method: Change your claims whenever they cannot stand so that you can claim they've not been refuted :rolleyes:
Just ask God to show you a sign that he exists and look for the sign (be sincere when you say it). Then report back to the message boards.

And I'm back..

Doesn't exist.

I tried about three dozen gods and none of them are real.
What was said about Helios was symbolism in mythology.

That is a riddle, each word represents something else, and what happened to seventeen degrees? But anyway, that still does not prove that God does not exist. You are such a surface dweller, you have to be able to solve or figure out things, or at least scratch beneath the surface. I know how YOU can prove if God exists. Just ask God to show you a sign that he exists and look for the sign (be sincere when you say it). Then report back to the message boards.

Who eats of the tree of sorrows? What fruit grows on the tree of sorrows? (Hint: not what you find on google)

I'm curious, can I, too, prove god's existence in this way? Or did the capitalized YOU mean only Setarcos can?


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