Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?
Irony is like an onion, it has many layers. And it makes you cry. People that are celebrating breaking from the union to become independent so they can maintain taking away people's liberty. To quote Alice: Curiouser and curious-ER.

Except the original cause of succession has been long ago lost and even sort of forgotten, even in the lifetime of the veterans of the day.

Thus, they are celebrating the Fight, but not the reason for the fight.

Have you never considered how telling it is that the symbol of the Confederacy is not one of the ACTUAL national flags of the confederacy, but instead a BATTLE FLAG of the Confederacy Army?
Mmm, nope. Celebrating the Confederacy has been accepted an expression of regional pride in this nation for many generations.

But it is mostly limited to the South, or at least southerns, while social conservatives are a nation wide population.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is part of the south?

Wow. Incredible.

AS ALWAYS, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Did you forget what the thread is about? :rolleyes:

Slowing walk me though, how you think that anything that I said, indicates that I believe that Gettysburg in in the South.

Or just admit that you got confused by the voices in your head. I won't even ask for an apology for your crazy talk.
Have you never considered how telling it is that the symbol of the Confederacy is not one of the ACTUAL national flags of the confederacy, but instead a BATTLE FLAG of the Confederacy Army?

Yeah, almost nonexistent after the Civil War until it was time to BATTLE against black people again when they demanded equal rights.

Remember that controversial Confederate rag that flew over the South Carolina state capitol? Strange that they didn't feel any southern pride for almost 100 years until 1962, when their pride was under attack by black people demanding an end to Jim Crow.
Social conservatives understand that your lefty move to marginalize southern pride in their heritage is part of a larger attempt to marginalize all American pride in their national heritage.

The confederacy is nothing to be proud of. I bet social conservatives have no idea that the confederate battle flag was practically nonexistent until black people starting demanding equal rights. Suddenly, the flag made a yuuuuge comeback! Do you think people suddenly started flying it then to celebrate their heritage, and not at all to marginalize a certain segment of Americans?

Your opinion is noted, and meaningless as plenty of people obviously disagree.

The Confederate Battle Flag never went away.

from 1913.

Have you never considered how telling it is that the symbol of the Confederacy is not one of the ACTUAL national flags of the confederacy, but instead a BATTLE FLAG of the Confederacy Army?

Yeah, almost nonexistent after the Civil War until it was time to BATTLE against black people again when they demanded equal rights.

Remember that controversial Confederate rag that flew over the South Carolina state capitol? Strange that they didn't feel any southern pride for almost 100 years until 1962, when their pride was under attack by black people demanding an end to Jim Crow.


In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.
Social conservatives understand that your lefty move to marginalize southern pride in their heritage is part of a larger attempt to marginalize all American pride in their national heritage.

The confederacy is nothing to be proud of. I bet social conservatives have no idea that the confederate battle flag was practically nonexistent until black people starting demanding equal rights. Suddenly, the flag made a yuuuuge comeback! Do you think people suddenly started flying it then to celebrate their heritage, and not at all to marginalize a certain segment of Americans?

Your opinion is noted, and meaningless as plenty of people obviously disagree.

The Confederate Battle Flag never went away.

from 1913.

The rag blew up in populatiry as a means of protesting the civil rights movement. Nice photo there, though. It would be nice to go back to a time when the confederate rag was only seen during history ceremonies.
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.

It shows that Europe has learned nothing. Prove to be anti-fascist by limiting free speech?


You know that that is not the only examples of speech that can get you arrested in Europe, right?
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.

It shows that Europe has learned nothing. Prove to be anti-fascist by limiting free speech?


You know that that is not the only examples of speech that can get you arrested in Europe, right?
It's rather conflicted, isn't it?
Social conservatives understand that your lefty move to marginalize southern pride in their heritage is part of a larger attempt to marginalize all American pride in their national heritage.

The confederacy is nothing to be proud of. I bet social conservatives have no idea that the confederate battle flag was practically nonexistent until black people starting demanding equal rights. Suddenly, the flag made a yuuuuge comeback! Do you think people suddenly started flying it then to celebrate their heritage, and not at all to marginalize a certain segment of Americans?

Your opinion is noted, and meaningless as plenty of people obviously disagree.

The Confederate Battle Flag never went away.

from 1913.

The rag blew up in populatiry as a means of protesting the civil rights movement. Nice photo there, though. It would be nice to go back to a time when the confederate rag was only seen during history ceremonies.

1913, and the flag is flying next to an American flag at a joint Union/Confederate veterans reunion.

That shit cans your claim that the flag was practically nonexistent until civil rights era.
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.

It shows that Europe has learned nothing. Prove to be anti-fascist by limiting free speech?


You know that that is not the only examples of speech that can get you arrested in Europe, right?
It's rather conflicted, isn't it?

It's them still being the same fools that fell for Hitler's message in the first place.

Submission to the state, and the state ideology. Resistance is wrong and will be punished by people with guns.
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.

It shows that Europe has learned nothing. Prove to be anti-fascist by limiting free speech?


You know that that is not the only examples of speech that can get you arrested in Europe, right?
It's rather conflicted, isn't it?

It's them still being the same fools that fell for Hitler's message in the first place.

Submission to the state, and the state ideology. Resistance is wrong and will be punished by people with guns.
Banning, censoring, and hyper sensitivity is a sign of a neurosis. It' not healthy either. We all have a red line here, something that angers us. I am no fan of the confederacy. The past is gone with the wind. Lincoln in his wisdom choose not to demonize the south for their mistakes. He wanted us to reunite and move on. Let's do that.
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.

It shows that Europe has learned nothing. Prove to be anti-fascist by limiting free speech?


You know that that is not the only examples of speech that can get you arrested in Europe, right?
It's rather conflicted, isn't it?

It's them still being the same fools that fell for Hitler's message in the first place.

Submission to the state, and the state ideology. Resistance is wrong and will be punished by people with guns.
Banning, censoring, and hyper sensitivity is a sign of a neurosis. It' not healthy either. We all have a red line here, something that angers us. I am no fan of the confederacy. The past is gone with the wind. Lincoln in his wisdom choose not to demonize the south for their mistakes. He wanted us to reunite and move on. Let's do that.

And not just lincoln.


America, for generations did move on.

To the point that the flag was seen, correctly, as a harmless symbol of regional pride, though out America.


It is only recently that liberals have decided to try to reopen old wounds and use this as part of their plan to tear this nation apart.
Social conservatives understand that your lefty move to marginalize southern pride in their heritage is part of a larger attempt to marginalize all American pride in their national heritage.

The confederacy is nothing to be proud of. I bet social conservatives have no idea that the confederate battle flag was practically nonexistent until black people starting demanding equal rights. Suddenly, the flag made a yuuuuge comeback! Do you think people suddenly started flying it then to celebrate their heritage, and not at all to marginalize a certain segment of Americans?

Your opinion is noted, and meaningless as plenty of people obviously disagree.

The Confederate Battle Flag never went away.

from 1913.

The rag blew up in populatiry as a means of protesting the civil rights movement. Nice photo there, though. It would be nice to go back to a time when the confederate rag was only seen during history ceremonies.

1913, and the flag is flying next to an American flag at a joint Union/Confederate veterans reunion.

That shit cans your claim that the flag was practically nonexistent until civil rights era.
Are you hearing voices in your head now? I didn't say they were completely gone. But the fact is that there was an explosion in the use of the confederate battle rag as a means of attacking members of the civil rights movement.
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
The great Robert E Lee was fighting bumbling George Meade who had command of his army for a full two days before Gettysburg

Meade beat him at Little Round Top, Culps Hill and crushed Picketts Charge

Lee went scampering back to Virginia as fast as he could and never dared invade the north again
Which are the ones that don't like Lincoln?


THe brunette in the red. She believes that if Lincoln had been honest about what an Abolitionist he was, that he would have lost the election, and the Boll Weevil would have ended slavery soon enough with far less loss of life.
Ah so srhe would have advocated for slaves to have patience and faith in the white folk, who eventually opted to lose their lives for a shot at maintaining slavery :rolleyes:

As always, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

If you want to go back and re reply, I will keep rereading your attempts until you overcome your Barriers to Communication and actually manage to receive in your mind, the words I put on the screen.

Until then, this pretty cat picture is for you.

Too much effort for a poor dodge. :rolleyes:

Regardless, it is today's social conservatives that celebrate the Confederacy. And we know what party the overwhelming majority of them belong to.

Mmm, nope. Celebrating the Confederacy has been accepted an expression of regional pride in this nation for many generations.

But it is mostly limited to the South, or at least southerns, while social conservatives are a nation wide population.

So, your words are simply incorrect.

Also, I've worked and stayed in the south for months at a time. Near as I could tell, the political split was not that overwhelming.

Plenty of proud southerns who, for whatever odd reason, seemed to buy the political tripe you dems put out.
It is a celebration of the good ole days when negroes knew their place
How is banning the confederate battle flag going to stop racism? What is the connection here? I know people are offended by it. I am offended by people that blare out loud music and disturb the peace, I am offended that people can't legally immigrate legally or learn English. Life goes on, somehow. Do what I do, take a deep breath and go to your happy place. Or drink a lot.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?
ANTIFA is a big joke. They are supposedly be after the corporate cabal. But there was a gathering about a month ago of the Elites (Bilderbergs). But no one has shown up to protest against the secretive Elitist gathering in Virginia. Antifa and MSM are only paid to attack President Trump and his supporters. And so that just tell us that the White supremacist groups or the Elitist are not apart of the President's team to Make America Great Again..

You know these debates are always fun because half the folks don't
know anything about history.

Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery because he didn't believe America
would ever be accepted on the world stage as long as the country had
slavery. But, he had zero use for the AA's. Is his initial plan to free the
slaves and then shp all 4 million to Central America. He didn't want
them staying here.

The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free all the slaves. Actuality
it didn't free any of them. It was written that it only freed the slaves
in the States that had seceded from the Union. The slave holders
in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Missouri got to keep theirs.

Also the 48 western most counties of Virginia were also allowed
to keep their slaves. As a matter of fact...thos 48 counties united
to become West Virginia and when they were admitted to the Union
10 months after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, they
entered the Union as a Slave State.

The North fought to preserve the Union, the South fought for States
Rights and none of them cared about the Slaves. Well, John Brown
cared, but when Brown was cornered at Harper's Ferry, Pres Buchannan
sent 60 US Marines there to bring him in. They did and then a month
later we hung him.

Go back to your invented'll feel better.
You know these debates are always fun because half the folks don't
know anything about history.

Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery because he didn't believe America
would ever be accepted on the world stage as long as the country had
slavery. But, he had zero use for the AA's. Is his initial plan to free the
slaves and then shp all 4 million to Central America. He didn't want
them staying here.

The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free all the slaves. Actuality
it didn't free any of them. It was written that it only freed the slaves
in the States that had seceded from the Union. The slave holders
in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Missouri got to keep theirs.

Also the 48 western most counties of Virginia were also allowed
to keep their slaves. As a matter of fact...thos 48 counties united
to become West Virginia and when they were admitted to the Union
10 months after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, they
entered the Union as a Slave State.

The North fought to preserve the Union, the South fought for States
Rights and none of them cared about the Slaves. Well, John Brown
cared, but when Brown was cornered at Harper's Ferry, Pres Buchannan
sent 60 US Marines there to bring him in. They did and then a month
later we hung him.

Go back to your invented'll feel better.
The south was comprised of 40% slaves
They formed their own country to ensure slavery would be allowed forever

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