Guns and Knives

Not a myth at all

have you heard the calls here for a total ban on ALL semiautomatics?

I have
You just contradicted yourself, you have nothing to back up what you said previously except a "did you hear...?". Nice.

So you haven't seen any posts calling for the ban on all semiautomatic rifles here?

You need to keep up

but here you go again, Fuck Nut

A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shooters

From Georgia to California, Democratic legislators have introduced bills to ban all semi-automatic rifles or even all semi-automatics, period.

Read more at: A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shooters

And they're going to start getting dragged out of their offices and dealt with, too.

UnAmerican non-representing turd politicians.
The USSC has already ruled that certain guns can be banned.

You fucking idiots would read the fucking bill you would know that it does no ban all semi-automatic handguns.

stupid fuckers.

It's going to fly like a lead Zeppelin, and whoever's behind it will be voted out next election, if not impeached for going against the Constitution prior.
Total myth, keep grasping it!

Not a myth at all

have you heard the calls here for a total ban on ALL semiautomatics?

I have
You just contradicted yourself, you have nothing to back up what you said previously except a "did you hear...?". Nice.

So you haven't seen any posts calling for the ban on all semiautomatic rifles here?

You need to keep up

but here you go again, Fuck Nut

A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shooters

From Georgia to California, Democratic legislators have introduced bills to ban all semi-automatic rifles or even all semi-automatics, period.

Read more at: A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shooters

And they're going to start getting dragged out of their offices and dealt with, too.

UnAmerican non-representing turd politicians.

You fucking idiots would read the fucking bill you would know that it does no ban all semi-automatic handguns.

stupid fuckers.
Any ban is pointless and will do nothing. Why don't you fascists call for enforcing existing laws instead of more pointless stupid?
Bring back State Mental Hospitals.

Those people don't need to be in with criminals anyways.
Gun grabbers have such a profound inability to connect the dots on this gun stuff...........

People familiar with weapons will recognize this beauty that I have owned for about 4 years now......a Mossberg 930.......imagine if Paddock had lugged about 25 of these up there with Choate extensions and slugs..........

9 Shot Mossberg 930 SPX Shotgun Shooting

Just sayin' all the meatheads being OCD about the AR-15's
There are no ‘gun grabbers’ that’s just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

No....the lie is saying that the leadership of the democrat party doesn't want to take away our guns....or that left wing journalists don't want to take away our guns.....the left wants to take away our guns....they state it all the time......the leadership of the democrat party, the left wing justices on the Supreme Court....say it all the time.......

But to you, they are just talking out of their asses...right?
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....

72 minutes, that's egregiously negligent. In such a highly populated area, too.

Yet in rural area, LEO can be there in less than 5 minutes.
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....

72 minutes, that's egregiously negligent. In such a highly populated area, too.

Yet in rural area, LEO can be there in less than 5 minutes.

Yet, at the Texas shooting, the police weren't there at all....the guy managed to leave the scene.....true, he was shot and dying, but he still managed a car chase at 95 miles an hour away from the scene, and had the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle not been there, there would be 26 more dead people, and likely more, long before the cops managed to get anywhere near the place.....
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....

Another gun expert claiming a guy with a bolt action can get off as many shots in 11 minutes as a guy with a semi-automatic.

If that is the case, dumbass, why do you want one?

You assholes can't claim you have to have a semiautomatic or you will die & then claim these killers could have done as much with a bolt action or a fucking knife.

You people are the absolutely dumbest fucking people on the planet.
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....

72 minutes, that's egregiously negligent. In such a highly populated area, too.

Yet in rural area, LEO can be there in less than 5 minutes.

When did the shooting stop. You need to get the story from somewhere outside of the NRA.
How many people would the shooter in Vegas have killed if he only had a knife?

The same amount, he would have used a bomb. He had explosives.

Feel free to GFY with a cactus at your earliest convenience.

I get it. He would have hidden in his hotel room and thrown these bombs into the crowd?

Maybe he had a knife with a couple hundred yard long blsde & stabbed people from his room?

You have no clue how valid or strong those "bombs" were & if he could deploy all or any of them.

The fact is he used semiautomatic weapons with large magazines & a bump stock. Only a fuckling moron would claim these had nothing to do with the death toll.

They didn't, his target selection and his shooting position had more of an effect than magazine size. From his location, dingbat, he could have reloaded 10 round magazines for the entire 72 minutes it took the cops to show up.....and he could have killed just as many in the 11 minutes changing out 10 round magazines firing into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people....moron. His fortified position allowed him all the time in the world that he needed....since the police didn't breach the room for 72 minutes.....

58 people with 2 rifles over 11 minutes....

He had 23 rifles with him.......they could have been lever action rifles and he could have killed that many people....

Meanwhile, in France, a rental truck murdered 89 people and injured over 450 people in 5 minutes......and he didn't have to carry 23 rifles and all the ammo up to a room to do it.....he could listen to his favorite radio station killing those people twit....

Another gun expert claiming a guy with a bolt action can get off as many shots in 11 minutes as a guy with a semi-automatic.

If that is the case, dumbass, why do you want one?

You assholes can't claim you have to have a semiautomatic or you will die & then claim these killers could have done as much with a bolt action or a fucking knife.

You people are the absolutely dumbest fucking people on the planet.

23 rifles firing down on a crowd of 22,000 people in a tight, confined space.....from an elevated, fortified position....yeah, more than possible...he fired all those rounds and only killed 58 people.......moron....had he used his scope and not his bump stock the dead could have been a lot worse......a rental truck murdered 89 people in less than half the time he was is the location and type of target, not the gun used....

The guy in Britain used a double barreld shot gun and a .22 caliber bolt action rifle and murdered 12 people....moron. The ony reason he didn't murder more....? He didn't choose to.....since the unarmed British police didn't stop him....he killed himself on his own terms and his own reasons.....

Cumbria shootings - Wikipedia

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