Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

Damn, well join the ranks of fucking liar, fellow. First, any gun that you can fire 30 or more shots with in under 10 seconds is an assault rifle. And with the bump stocks, of which their are plenty in civilian hands. they are full machine guns. Don't play semantics with me. 85 dead in just over a month. 500 wounded. Aren't you proud of your semantics?
a war weapon

Which war?

Fellow, next time there is a mass shooting, I hope you get it up close and personal. For people like you are the ones creating these atrocities. There is no need or real use for an assault rifle in civilian hands.
Are you threating him?
LOL Stretching, aren't you. First of all, I would not own one of those guns. Second, I don't do shooting people unless in self defense.
It is against the law to murder, so how many more laws do you need?
How about one that keeps extra powerful killing machines out of their hands.

Sure, so let not allow renting of Trucks because from Tim McVeigh to the guy in New York too many have died from rental trucks!

I know the gun goes bang bang so you want all of them banned and when that does not stop terrorists and mass murderers, well then you can blame something else and ban it.

All the laws in the world will not stop monsters from killing and again murder is against the law!

Trucks have other valid users you stupid shit.

This is absolutely the dumbest argument ever made.

Assault type weapons have one purpose, mass killing.

Then do not own one but who the fuck are you to tell me what I van or can bot own when it come to firearms?

The stupid fucks are the ones that believe laws matter to the criminal and believe banning all firearms will stoo mass killings!

So tell me genius if a gun is on the table how many people can it kill own it own without a human operator behind it?

Once yoy honestly answer that theb deal with the fucking human fqctoo thqt cause all the violence or don't and blame the weapin instead like the retard you are!

Also you lack the votes in the House and Senate and do not control the White House and until you get all that along with the majority of States, well guess what there is nothing you can do!

Finally, it is the criminal element and those like you that cause thr problem. All the damn laws in the Universe will not prevent criminals from killing but it will stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves which is what you want!
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"
Guns are a ready "blame target". As is political affiliation, none known here, if any. Mental health is not so simple.
Damn, well join the ranks of fucking liar, fellow. First, any gun that you can fire 30 or more shots with in under 10 seconds is an assault rifle. And with the bump stocks, of which their are plenty in civilian hands. they are full machine guns. Don't play semantics with me. 85 dead in just over a month. 500 wounded. Aren't you proud of your semantics?
Just because you make up a definition doesn't mean it's valid
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

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Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.
we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

Have you taken a look at the makeup of the court lately? By the time the case is heard (if ever) I'm hoping we'll be able to get rocket launchers.
Why can't we enact common sense gun laws just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao? They only disarmed the people they would later murder.
we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

Have you taken a look at the makeup of the court lately? By the time the case is heard (if ever) I'm hoping we'll be able to get rocket launchers.
The Court as it stands seems reasonable. Not one of the nine supports a society that allows mass murder.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

Assault type weapons have one purpose

What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
It makes you a danger to all who are near you.

How, precisely? Will it go off by itself?

So accidental discharges are a myth.

Good to know.

Someone can't walk up, stick a gun in your ribs & steal your gun, noooooooooooooooo.
Assault type weapons have one purpose

What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
It makes you a danger to all who are near you.

How, precisely? Will it go off by itself?

So accidental discharges are a myth.

Good to know.

Someone can't walk up, stick a gun in your ribs & steal your gun, noooooooooooooooo.
Accidental discharges are still caused by people.

a gun not in the hands of a person does not accidentally discharge
So accidental discharges are a myth

They are, actually. Any modern firearm cannot accidentally discharge. You can drop them, hit them, bang them on a table, they won't go off unless you pull the trigger.

An unintended discharge isn't an accident, it's negligence.
How about one that keeps extra powerful killing machines out of their hands.

Sure, so let not allow renting of Trucks because from Tim McVeigh to the guy in New York too many have died from rental trucks!

I know the gun goes bang bang so you want all of them banned and when that does not stop terrorists and mass murderers, well then you can blame something else and ban it.

All the laws in the world will not stop monsters from killing and again murder is against the law!

Trucks have other valid users you stupid shit.

This is absolutely the dumbest argument ever made.

Assault type weapons have one purpose, mass killing.

Then do not own one but who the fuck are you to tell me what I van or can bot own when it come to firearms?

The stupid fucks are the ones that believe laws matter to the criminal and believe banning all firearms will stoo mass killings!

So tell me genius if a gun is on the table how many people can it kill own it own without a human operator behind it?

Once yoy honestly answer that theb deal with the fucking human fqctoo thqt cause all the violence or don't and blame the weapin instead like the retard you are!

Also you lack the votes in the House and Senate and do not control the White House and until you get all that along with the majority of States, well guess what there is nothing you can do!

Finally, it is the criminal element and those like you that cause thr problem. All the damn laws in the Universe will not prevent criminals from killing but it will stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves which is what you want!
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.
Sure, so let not allow renting of Trucks because from Tim McVeigh to the guy in New York too many have died from rental trucks!

I know the gun goes bang bang so you want all of them banned and when that does not stop terrorists and mass murderers, well then you can blame something else and ban it.

All the laws in the world will not stop monsters from killing and again murder is against the law!

Trucks have other valid users you stupid shit.

This is absolutely the dumbest argument ever made.

Assault type weapons have one purpose, mass killing.

Then do not own one but who the fuck are you to tell me what I van or can bot own when it come to firearms?

The stupid fucks are the ones that believe laws matter to the criminal and believe banning all firearms will stoo mass killings!

So tell me genius if a gun is on the table how many people can it kill own it own without a human operator behind it?

Once yoy honestly answer that theb deal with the fucking human fqctoo thqt cause all the violence or don't and blame the weapin instead like the retard you are!

Also you lack the votes in the House and Senate and do not control the White House and until you get all that along with the majority of States, well guess what there is nothing you can do!

Finally, it is the criminal element and those like you that cause thr problem. All the damn laws in the Universe will not prevent criminals from killing but it will stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves which is what you want!
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.

That those children died has absolutely nothing to do with me or the fact that I happen to own guns.

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