Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

Assault type weapons have one purpose

What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
It makes you a danger to all who are near you.

How, precisely? Will it go off by itself?

So accidental discharges are a myth.

Good to know.

Someone can't walk up, stick a gun in your ribs & steal your gun, noooooooooooooooo.
Accidental discharges are still caused by people.

a gun not in the hands of a person does not accidentally discharge

In the hands of a 6 year old? Does that discharge?

Maybe during cleaning?

During handling of the weapon.
Trucks have other valid users you stupid shit.

This is absolutely the dumbest argument ever made.

Assault type weapons have one purpose, mass killing.

Then do not own one but who the fuck are you to tell me what I van or can bot own when it come to firearms?

The stupid fucks are the ones that believe laws matter to the criminal and believe banning all firearms will stoo mass killings!

So tell me genius if a gun is on the table how many people can it kill own it own without a human operator behind it?

Once yoy honestly answer that theb deal with the fucking human fqctoo thqt cause all the violence or don't and blame the weapin instead like the retard you are!

Also you lack the votes in the House and Senate and do not control the White House and until you get all that along with the majority of States, well guess what there is nothing you can do!

Finally, it is the criminal element and those like you that cause thr problem. All the damn laws in the Universe will not prevent criminals from killing but it will stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves which is what you want!
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.

That those children died has absolutely nothing to do with me or the fact that I happen to own guns.

They died because of the organization you support, the policies you support & the people you elect.
What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
It makes you a danger to all who are near you.

How, precisely? Will it go off by itself?

So accidental discharges are a myth.

Good to know.

Someone can't walk up, stick a gun in your ribs & steal your gun, noooooooooooooooo.
Accidental discharges are still caused by people.

a gun not in the hands of a person does not accidentally discharge

In the hands of a 6 year old? Does that discharge?

Maybe during cleaning?

During handling of the weapon.

Then do not own one but who the fuck are you to tell me what I van or can bot own when it come to firearms?

The stupid fucks are the ones that believe laws matter to the criminal and believe banning all firearms will stoo mass killings!

So tell me genius if a gun is on the table how many people can it kill own it own without a human operator behind it?

Once yoy honestly answer that theb deal with the fucking human fqctoo thqt cause all the violence or don't and blame the weapin instead like the retard you are!

Also you lack the votes in the House and Senate and do not control the White House and until you get all that along with the majority of States, well guess what there is nothing you can do!

Finally, it is the criminal element and those like you that cause thr problem. All the damn laws in the Universe will not prevent criminals from killing but it will stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves which is what you want!
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.

That those children died has absolutely nothing to do with me or the fact that I happen to own guns.

They died because of the organization you support, the policies you support & the people you elect.
What organization is that?

I already told you I am not nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

And who have I elected?

I have not voted in the last couple presidential elections because there has not been a candidate worth voting for
In the hands of a 6 year old? Does that discharge?

Maybe during cleaning?

During handling of the weapon.

Three incidences of negligence ... 1. Never let a child handle a firearm unsupervised. 2. Never clean a loaded firearm. 3. If you're handling a firearm and you pull the trigger accidentally, you're negligent.

Guns simply do not go off accidentally.
Assault type weapons have one purpose

What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?

So accidental discharge won't kill 27 people. OK.

Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
It makes you a danger to all who are near you.

How, precisely? Will it go off by itself?

So accidental discharges are a myth.

Good to know.

Someone can't walk up, stick a gun in your ribs & steal your gun, noooooooooooooooo.
Accidental discharges are still caused by people.

a gun not in the hands of a person does not accidentally discharge
Hey cocksuck, why do you have to have a war weapon to defend yourself? Are you so inept that you cannot do it with a Model 70, for instance, 30.06? If you are, you should not have a gun, period. Almost on a weekly basis we are seeing mass murder in our nation now, and the weapon of choice is almost always these war weapons that were designed specifically to kill many people rapidly. And they do.

Yes, we do have the right to tell you that you cannot own a specific class of weapon without being vetted for public safety. The Supreme Court established that when they requred a special license to own weapons like the full auto .45 Thompson.
A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.

That those children died has absolutely nothing to do with me or the fact that I happen to own guns.

They died because of the organization you support, the policies you support & the people you elect.
What organization is that?

I already told you I am not nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

And who have I elected?

I have not voted in the last couple presidential elections because there has not been a candidate worth voting for

So ignoring the issue is a defense?
Flashback: U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way." Particularly school children in the education institutions.

A semiautomatic rifle is not a "war weapon"

Here we go again. Children die & these assholes want to talk semantics.,

How many times are you assholes going to present the dame srtupid argument. Don't forget to bring up that Ruger model.

Then pretend that a semi automatic rifle with a 150 capacity magazine has the same killing power as a knife.

That those children died has absolutely nothing to do with me or the fact that I happen to own guns.

They died because of the organization you support, the policies you support & the people you elect.
What organization is that?

I already told you I am not nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

And who have I elected?

I have not voted in the last couple presidential elections because there has not been a candidate worth voting for

So ignoring the issue is a defense?

I'm not ignoring the issue.

I am a staunch supporter of individual rights. That is what this country was founded on.

I have yet to see any presidential candidate that campaigns on that platform.

I am not responsible for the actions of others. I never will be responsible for the actions of others.

So I happen to own firearms. I have 4 decades of experience with firearms. I have passed every type of check asked of me. I have even been fingerprinted by the State Police like a common criminal and pay the state hundreds of dollars all to exercise a guaranteed legal right. You have absolutely no reason to try to restrict my ownership of firearms because of the actions of another person.

If you had to do all that for every one of your guaranteed legal rights would you just agree to have them tossed aside because of the actions of another?
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
Take guns away from Muslims and atheists and now you have effective gun control that reduces violence.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
Take guns away from Muslims and atheists and now you have effective gun control that reduces violence.
:) idiocy
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
Frivolous gun laws do not help anybody but the criminals. Shit for brains
Hey bastard, sell a few more guns, what the hell, blood money spends just as good as any other.
People kill people not firearms, firearms cannot control anybody… Dip shit
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

No, you aren't the problem. However you can buy guns easily. Therefore other people can buy guns easily.

This guy was Air Force. He was trained to use guns. He's the sort of person the NRA would want to have guns. He probably wasn't on any list. People snap, and they snap and take people out, there's a difference and the difference is the weapons they can get their hands on. In the US it's guns, in many other countries it's not.

So, it's not your fault, however it wasn't the 14 year old pastor's daughter's fault either. However she's taken the consequences for those actions, while gun owners are whinging they want to keep their guns. This girl doesn't have a LIFE.

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?
Shit happens... Blame the person not the firearms. Firearms have no control over people
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

I must inform you that I am in no way responsible for the actions of any other person on this planet.

You don't seem to understand that
You give them weapons of mass killing. You made it easier for that man in TX to kill so many.

That is YOUR fault. You support the NRA. You support candidates that do the NRA bidding.

You support the parrty that allowed the assault rifle ban to expire.

You have blood on your hands. Children's blood. I bet that makes you so proud.
Hey shit for brains, you have no idea what the differences between a military grade weapon and a sporting rifle… Go back to your safe space you cowardly son of a bitch... lol
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

It is against the law to murder, so how many more laws do you need?
How about one that keeps extra powerful killing machines out of their hands.

Sure, so let not allow renting of Trucks because from Tim McVeigh to the guy in New York too many have died from rental trucks!

I know the gun goes bang bang so you want all of them banned and when that does not stop terrorists and mass murderers, well then you can blame something else and ban it.

All the laws in the world will not stop monsters from killing and again murder is against the law!

Trucks have other valid users you stupid shit.

This is absolutely the dumbest argument ever made.

Assault type weapons have one purpose, mass killing.
Ar15’s are sporting rifles, For varmints and such. You really need to go back to grade school and get an education. Lol
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
Frivolous gun laws do not help anybody but the criminals. Shit for brains
Hey bastard, sell a few more guns, what the hell, blood money spends just as good as any other.
People kill people not firearms, firearms cannot control anybody… Dip shit
Halloween I left my loaded gun on a desk 20 feet from the front door. Dumbest gun ever, it never even fired a shot at trick or treaters.
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

A gun nut as you called him caught that asshole!

Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.
Sporting rifle and military grade weapon... You really got to learn the difference before you make too much of a fool out of yourself…
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

A gun nut as you called him caught that asshole!
How fucking wonderful. After he had killed 27 and wounded 20 more. Hurrah. I bet that makes everyone in Sutherlin Springs feel so fucking good. Damn, you assholes sure have a sense of what is good and bad.
Take your pick from the list… We have much bigger fish to fry

2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Assault type weapons have one purpose

What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
FAR More people fall out of bed and die than from people using AR15’s and the like to kill other people… You really ought to get your priorities straight...

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