Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago, and now we have over 400 million guns here. It’s easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world.

Getting rid of those 400 million guns is near impossible, and would be so painful a process that nobody will ever go for it.

Arm yourselves if you can. You don’t want to live in a place where only criminals and gun nuts have guns.
No amount of frivolous gun laws will stop criminals from being criminals…
But they can be less lethal.
Exactly. The guy could have killed everybody in the church with a few dozen grenades. Buuuuut, it's too hard to get your hands on them.

The guy in Nice, France murdered 89 people....he killed 26....the guy in Nice, used a rental truck...all this guy had to do was wait till the service got out and driven over the same number of people....and he would have gotten away to do it again.......
Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!


Why don't you hypocrite libs ever howl about highway homicide?. Far more killing is done by cars than by guns.

Jesus fucking Chist. Cars have a purpose you stupid asshole. What useful purpose does a AR-15 have?

Guns have a purpose......the good guy, the civilian good guy, the plumber by trade goood guy...used an AR-15 to stop the shooter .....and the police didn't even get there before they guy ran away with a 5.56 round through his chest from the good guy.......

Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder and as we saw here, to stop mass public shooters...when morons like you let normal people have their guns....
No, the shooter was LEAVING the church and the 26 dead on the ground inside. The plumber was heroic to go toe to toe with that maniac, but he was too late. The bad guy was done and running away.

Yeah......because no one in the church had a gun.......and he still stopped the guy from killing more people....and the police were nowhere to be found and the guy was able to drive off....without the good guy with the AR-15 rifle, he could have gone to another location...
Fallacy of false equivalency, 2aguy

Three of the church goers had guns and were killed, I believe
Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!


Why don't you hypocrite libs ever howl about highway homicide?. Far more killing is done by cars than by guns.

Jesus fucking Chist. Cars have a purpose you stupid asshole. What useful purpose does a AR-15 have?
Access to cars, and their design and use, is regulated.
Maybe he's saying that the same should apply to guns?

Guns are one of the most regulated products on the planet........what is it with you libs?

Yeah...and a rental Truck murdered more people than each one of those rifles did, genius.

And those rifles...are used to murder fewer people each year than knives, clubs and bare hands...

If you cared about people being murdered with a weapon, you would ban knives, not these rifles....knives murder over 1,500 people every single year........

Expanded Homicide Data Table 4



blunt objects....472

bare hands....656
Nah, make them illegal, and put out a $1000 reward on those who have them. The stupid guys above would be in jail in three hours of obtaining an illegal weapon, because they would not be able to keep their stupid mouths shut.

Hey...moron...this guy could not legally own the gun he used.....and he had it for about a year before the shooting.......moron.
Comrade Moron2aguy. If owning the gun was illegal, and he had it, then those who knew he had it are at fault.

Put out a $1000 reward per illegal gun owner turned in.

We have people in Utah and Nevada that could make a solid living turning in the creeps.
Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!


Why don't you hypocrite libs ever howl about highway homicide?. Far more killing is done by cars than by guns.

Jesus fucking Chist. Cars have a purpose you stupid asshole. What useful purpose does a AR-15 have?
Access to cars, and their design and use, is regulated.
Maybe he's saying that the same should apply to guns?

Guns are one of the most regulated products on the planet........what is it with you libs?
What are they?

You have to pass a background check whren you buy one (unless you buy it from one of the many loopholes).

f you want to conceal carry you need a erfmit.

What else is there?
Read up on Heller. SCOTUS reserves the right to re-visit and issue new rulings on gun access.

It may agree with Miller but doubtful. is Heller...

Page 21...

Thus, the right secured in 1689 as a result of the Stuarts’ abuses was by the time of the founding understood to be an individual right protecting against both public and private violence.


We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
Nah, make them illegal, and put out a $1000 reward on those who have them. The stupid guys above would be in jail in three hours of obtaining an illegal weapon, because they would not be able to keep their stupid mouths shut.

Hey...moron...this guy could not legally own the gun he used.....and he had it for about a year before the shooting.......moron.
Comrade Moron2aguy. If owning the gun was illegal, and he had it, then those who knew he had it are at fault.

Put out a $1000 reward per illegal gun owner turned in.

We have people in Utah and Nevada that could make a solid living turning in the creeps.

I have no problem with that...that would make sense.....then, any felon caught with an illegal gun should go to prison for 30 both of those things and you cut down on all gun crime.

You finally made some sense.
Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!


Why don't you hypocrite libs ever howl about highway homicide?. Far more killing is done by cars than by guns.

Jesus fucking Chist. Cars have a purpose you stupid asshole. What useful purpose does a AR-15 have?
Access to cars, and their design and use, is regulated.
Maybe he's saying that the same should apply to guns?

Guns are one of the most regulated products on the planet........what is it with you libs?
What are they?

You have to pass a background check whren you buy one (unless you buy it from one of the many loopholes).

f you want to conceal carry you need a erfmit.

What else is there?

You can't buy, own or carry one if you are a felon. You can't use them to commit crimes. They have an entire government agency that regulates their use....the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms...dipshit....then you have all the product safety regulations for guys are so fucking dense....
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago, and now we have over 400 million guns here. It’s easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world.

Getting rid of those 400 million guns is near impossible, and would be so painful a process that nobody will ever go for it.

Arm yourselves if you can. You don’t want to live in a place where only criminals and gun nuts have guns.
No amount of frivolous gun laws will stop criminals from being criminals…
But they can be less lethal.
Exactly. The guy could have killed everybody in the church with a few dozen grenades. Buuuuut, it's too hard to get your hands on them.

The guy in Nice, France murdered 89 people....he killed 26....the guy in Nice, used a rental truck...all this guy had to do was wait till the service got out and driven over the same number of people....and he would have gotten away to do it again.......
Jesus fucking Christ will you fucking idiots quit using that stupid argument about a truck.

When will you morons understand that trucks have a purpose outside of using it as a weapon.,
2aguy merely repeats Heller, but ignores that it reserves the right to SCOTUS to further rule and narrow the finding of Heller.

Yeah, the gun bunny comrades are fucked.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

No, you aren't the problem. However you can buy guns easily. Therefore other people can buy guns easily.

This guy was Air Force. He was trained to use guns. He's the sort of person the NRA would want to have guns. He probably wasn't on any list. People snap, and they snap and take people out, there's a difference and the difference is the weapons they can get their hands on. In the US it's guns, in many other countries it's not.

So, it's not your fault, however it wasn't the 14 year old pastor's daughter's fault either. However she's taken the consequences for those actions, while gun owners are whinging they want to keep their guns. This girl doesn't have a LIFE.

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

No moron....he was in the Air Force so he didn't know how to really use a gun till he got out.......he didn't just I keep posting those who commit murder, 90% of them have long histories of crime and violence and have will usually have at least one or more felony convictions....

Bingo...he matches all of that.....he didn't just snap, he was a violent asshole who was banned from buying, owning or carrying guns....and TExas stopped him with their system.....the Federal Government NICS system you all drool over fucked up and let him get those guns....
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

No, you aren't the problem. However you can buy guns easily. Therefore other people can buy guns easily.

This guy was Air Force. He was trained to use guns. He's the sort of person the NRA would want to have guns. He probably wasn't on any list. People snap, and they snap and take people out, there's a difference and the difference is the weapons they can get their hands on. In the US it's guns, in many other countries it's not.

So, it's not your fault, however it wasn't the 14 year old pastor's daughter's fault either. However she's taken the consequences for those actions, while gun owners are whinging they want to keep their guns. This girl doesn't have a LIFE.

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

And Americans who use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders....and oh yeah, mass public shootings......would disagree with you...those guns saved their lives..and saved more lives than are taken each year by criminals who can't legally have guns....
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago, and now we have over 400 million guns here. It’s easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world.

Getting rid of those 400 million guns is near impossible, and would be so painful a process that nobody will ever go for it.

Arm yourselves if you can. You don’t want to live in a place where only criminals and gun nuts have guns.
No amount of frivolous gun laws will stop criminals from being criminals…
But they can be less lethal.
Exactly. The guy could have killed everybody in the church with a few dozen grenades. Buuuuut, it's too hard to get your hands on them.

The guy in Nice, France murdered 89 people....he killed 26....the guy in Nice, used a rental truck...all this guy had to do was wait till the service got out and driven over the same number of people....and he would have gotten away to do it again.......
Jesus fucking Christ will you fucking idiots quit using that stupid argument about a truck.

When will you morons understand that trucks have a purpose outside of using it as a weapon.,

When will assholes like you realize that guns save more lives in this country than they take........guns are used on average 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminals like the church shooter.....when morons like you don't get gun free zone signs put up.....

And a rental truck was used to murder 89 people and wound over 450 people.......this guy murdered 26 in a gun free zone...till a guy with an AR-15 stopped him.
SCOTUS is going to make the distinction between sporting rifles and military weapons, and who can have what.

That is inevitable.
...and Ar15’s are sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less
What sport is that?

Certainly, you aren't such a poor shot that you need a semi-automatic rifle to hunt?

You can use a civilian rifle to hunt...but they are better for self the guy who shot the church shooter showed...since the police didn't show up till after the good civilian with a gun shot him and drove him away ....
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

I must inform you that I am in no way responsible for the actions of any other person on this planet.

You don't seem to understand that
You give them weapons of mass killing. You made it easier for that man in TX to kill so many.

That is YOUR fault. You support the NRA. You support candidates that do the NRA bidding.

You support the parrty that allowed the assault rifle ban to expire.

You have blood on your hands. Children's blood. I bet that makes you so proud.

shit stain...

2016...gun deaths in mass public shootings, all six of them....71.

One attack with a rental truck in Nice, France....89 dead, over 450 injured.
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

I must inform you that I am in no way responsible for the actions of any other person on this planet.

You don't seem to understand that
You give them weapons of mass killing. You made it easier for that man in TX to kill so many.

That is YOUR fault. You support the NRA. You support candidates that do the NRA bidding.

You support the parrty that allowed the assault rifle ban to expire.

You have blood on your hands. Children's blood. I bet that makes you so proud.

Moron.....the ban didn't stop anything....and France, where fully automatic military rifles are banned, and completely illegal...can't even keep them out of the hands of terrorists on government terrorist watch lists...and they murdered 142 people with more people killed in other incidents...also with illegal, fully automatic weapons....

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