Guns are having a VERY bad day at SCOTUS

Could you imagine the January 6th insurrection if the insurrectionists all had firearms? They were told in advance that they would be arrested if they were armed. I think the Supremes are smart enough to shoot this down (pun intended)
You heard it here first. They are going to rule you can't.

Hell. I already refuse to comply with bans on carrying my weapon into businesses that have "No Weapons" signs posted on the doors. Except I won't carry in a Post Office, public school court house, or police station.

Nothing's going to change.
Could you imagine the January 6th insurrection if the insurrectionists all had firearms? They were told in advance that they would be arrested if they were armed. I think the Supremes are smart enough to shoot this down (pun intended)

There was no insurrection......there were no guns......

Most of the people simply walked the halls and took selfies while the blm and Antifa thugs attacked the police on the other side of the building......
There was no insurrection......there were no guns......

Most of the people simply walked the halls and took selfies while the blm and Antifa thugs attacked the police on the other side of the building......

Anyone who believes Jan 6 was an "insurrection" is a BlueAnon conspiracy theory nutcase. There weren't enough police and National Guard there to stop an actual insurrection if that's what we'd intended to do.
This is the sort of case to reach the Supremes, that could end up having huge ramifications across the country.
If they rule that New York can refuse to issue concealed permits, then other states will likely get the courage to enact other restrictive laws.
Get ready for a huge backlash if they do.

I'll also bet there will be no huge backlash. They are going to pull a fast one.

When a person gets heard before the Supreme Court the court rules on the question presented. The court did what it rarely does and changed the question.

The question presented was “Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit ordinary law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self-defense.”

The court couldn't get four votes to hear that question. So they changed the question to whether the State’s denial of petitioners’ applications for concealed-carry licenses for self-defense violated the Second Amendment

What they did was narrow the question down to the two people who brought the suit as opposed to a general rights question as they should have made their ruling.

So it's going to be a very narrow split ruling at best. States are still going to be allowed to make you get their approval to carry.
This is the sort of case to reach the Supremes, that could end up having huge ramifications across the country.
If they rule that New York can refuse to issue concealed permits, then other states will likely get the courage to enact other restrictive laws.

Except for one thing: The Second Amendment isn't a "states right." It's a federal right.

I'd be surprised if they voted for new York, but stranger things have happened over the last year.
Hell. I already refuse to comply with bans on carrying my weapon into businesses that have "No Weapons" signs posted on the doors. Except I won't carry in a Post Office, public school court house, or police station.

Nothing's going to change.
Try to get into your state Capitol with one.
If they decide we cannot, then we truly are headed for a civil war.

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Major Gun Rights Case From NY​

MORE second amendment remedies

I am a responsible gun owner
If you touch my guns, I will kill you
Difficult questions from Kagan and CJ Roberts. The basics:

"At issue is the meaning of the “right to keep and bear arms” that was added to the Constitution in 1791 and expanded by the high court in 2008."

There was no expansion, silly. The Court merely reiterated the original intent.
There was no insurrection......there were no guns......

Most of the people simply walked the halls and took selfies while the blm and Antifa thugs attacked the police on the other side of the building......

You're an idiot.
Except for one thing: The Second Amendment isn't a "states right." It's a federal right.

I'd be surprised if they voted for new York, but stranger things have happened over the last year.
Why do you believe that?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Then, why do we need a second amendment?
Perhaps, I didn't expound on what I exactly meant, and that is on me.
Make no mistake I do believe in the Second Amendment.
What I was referencing (very poorly) was the conceal and carry.
I believe it is a state issue with the C&C, some states you do not need
a certificate for C&C like here in Id. and other states you do need one.
A most humble apology.
Difficult questions from Kagan and CJ Roberts. The basics:
All nine justices could have stood up and, in uision, voted to strike the NY law in toto and your subject line would be the same.

You do not at all understand the issue here, and you have no desire to do so - instead, you, like the useful idiot you are, simply parrot the talking points of your masters.

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