Guns are not the answer...and other stupid things people say....

....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

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WRONG--you just screwed up --again!
see post # 97

That is an inaccurate post dumbass. Good try.

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very impressive stats/links/evidence you have there

As I retired police officer in NJ I know the stats here. You can also add Elizabeth, Newark and a couple of towns in the southwest. As for Chicago, DC, and the others are in the news all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA
Cal, NY, and NJ lower than Alaska and Mo
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center

Alaska. Suicide idiot.

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No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA
Cal, NY, and NJ lower than Alaska and Mo
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center
Bullshit. There's a fraction of people in Alaska compared to Cal, NY NJ and MO. total bullshit. Fake data.
this is what elong said--THIS is bullshit as I have proven with the facts
More guns less gun violence. Criminals are less likely to commit crimes if they know that there targets are carrying a gun. NJ, Chicago, NY and states that have strict gun laws have more gun violence

You havenā€™t proven anything yet. All bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA
Cal, NY, and NJ lower than Alaska and Mo
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center

You are a moron.....Alaska has a high gun death rate, that means people in that lonely, frozen state shoot themselves, you twit......

You moron....

Death by gun: Top 20 states with highest rates

n Alaska, suicide was the leading cause of gun deaths, with it being the main factor in more than 80% of all firearm deaths.
YOU are the moron--it clearly says MURDER rates---not gun death rate

How many people live in Alaska. Suicide is added in to your bullshit poll

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Our gun violence has gone down every year. More guns less violence. Do you think Venezuela is rethinking there no gun policy as the crime rate has tripled since they did Look at England and there stabbing incidents over the past 6 months. Itā€™s off the charts. Do you think it would be like that if there wasnā€™t a gun ban. I can go on with Australia as well. All countries with gun bans arenā€™t doing to well. So to answer your question, any gun ban will raise violence through the roof.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
England's murder rate is 4 times LOWER

And that has nothing to do with is the culture that keeps criminals from murdering their victims...and as we see, as the welfare state there has destroyed the nuclear family, their young males are now becoming more and more violent, and killing more and more easily.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

Now you really showing what a moron you are.

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There is absolutely no grammatical rule that forbids ending a sentence with a verb.

Again, itā€™s improper. Probably no rule against being a dickhead either. You should stop trying so hard.

But you can't find the grammatical rule that says ending a sentence with a verb is wrong.

So you can't prove your point with actual source material and you give me your worthless opinion that ending a sentence with a verb is "improper".

This from a dullard that doesn't understand what a period at the end of a sentence denotes.

See I just ended another sentence with a verb.

It is improper English.

It is all I have ever said on the topic shit-brains.

What an asshole. Itā€™s just improper English. Get a new line. Your wrong and pissed that you canā€™t answer back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The proper word is ā€œyouā€™reā€, not ā€œyourā€.

Ok Professor Dickhead

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, itā€™s improper. Probably no rule against being a dickhead either. You should stop trying so hard.

But you can't find the grammatical rule that says ending a sentence with a verb is wrong.

So you can't prove your point with actual source material and you give me your worthless opinion that ending a sentence with a verb is "improper".

This from a dullard that doesn't understand what a period at the end of a sentence denotes.

See I just ended another sentence with a verb.

It is improper English.

It is all I have ever said on the topic shit-brains.

What an asshole. Itā€™s just improper English. Get a new line. Your wrong and pissed that you canā€™t answer back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The proper word is ā€œyouā€™reā€, not ā€œyourā€.

Ok Professor Dickhead

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for giving the world a superiority complexā€¦.youā€™re doing a great service.
And that has nothing to do with is the culture that keeps criminals from murdering their victims...and as we see, as the welfare state there has destroyed the nuclear family, their young males are now becoming more and more violent, and killing more and more easily.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Gun murder 2017....

Gun murder....10,982.....gun suicide...23,854

This is why you lie....suicide is not dependent on guns, but you mix the two numbers to pretend that we have 30,000 gun are lying....

They had guns......they had a low gun murder rate....they banned guns, the gun murder rate went up...then returned to the same are wrong. The British police have stated they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into Britain.....increasing flow of illegal guns...and their gun murder rate hasn't gone up with that are wrong.

We have more guns since the 1990s with more people carrying guns for self defense...our gun murder rate went down are wrong...again...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nationā€™s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearmā€”assaults, robberies and sex crimesā€”was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
And that has nothing to do with is the culture that keeps criminals from murdering their victims...and as we see, as the welfare state there has destroyed the nuclear family, their young males are now becoming more and more violent, and killing more and more easily.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeahā€¦if we get rid of welfareā€¦you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing youā€™ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit ā€œdefensive useā€ stat.
But you can't find the grammatical rule that says ending a sentence with a verb is wrong.

So you can't prove your point with actual source material and you give me your worthless opinion that ending a sentence with a verb is "improper".

This from a dullard that doesn't understand what a period at the end of a sentence denotes.

See I just ended another sentence with a verb.

It is improper English.

It is all I have ever said on the topic shit-brains.

What an asshole. Itā€™s just improper English. Get a new line. Your wrong and pissed that you canā€™t answer back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The proper word is ā€œyouā€™reā€, not ā€œyourā€.

Ok Professor Dickhead

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for giving the world a superiority complexā€¦.youā€™re doing a great service.

You really are a moron. Scary but typical liberal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeahā€¦if we get rid of welfareā€¦you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing youā€™ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit ā€œdefensive useā€ stat.

We know itā€™s a touchy subject because thatā€™s why you are here. Crackheads having sex for more crack and 9 months later you popped out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Our gun violence has gone down every year. More guns less violence. Do you think Venezuela is rethinking there no gun policy as the crime rate has tripled since they did Look at England and there stabbing incidents over the past 6 months. Itā€™s off the charts. Do you think it would be like that if there wasnā€™t a gun ban. I can go on with Australia as well. All countries with gun bans arenā€™t doing to well. So to answer your question, any gun ban will raise violence through the roof.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
England's murder rate is 4 times LOWER

And that has nothing to do with is the culture that keeps criminals from murdering their victims...and as we see, as the welfare state there has destroyed the nuclear family, their young males are now becoming more and more violent, and killing more and more easily.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.
There is no armory on every street corner, liar.
....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

Look again. Alaska is a lot of suicides. Some people canā€™t handle 6 months of dark. Like Hawaii. Alaska in its own world up there. You are grasping at straws. Give up its embarrassing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
it doesn't say suicide --it says MURDER rate
....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you canā€™t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly donā€™t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

NH very pro gun has the lowest murder rate in the country

There is more to the causes of murder than simply guns
And that has nothing to do with is the culture that keeps criminals from murdering their victims...and as we see, as the welfare state there has destroyed the nuclear family, their young males are now becoming more and more violent, and killing more and more easily.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week.

wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.
more than 2\3 of those are suicides

Suicide is not a crime
Suicide is a choice

Germany has a higher rate of suicide that the US

Australia with their tyrannical gun control has a higher rate of suicide than the US

Japan has a higher rate of suicide than the US and they have extreme gun control

Guns do not raise suicide rates

And if you don't lock your doors when you're asleep you're a fucking idiot no matter where you live
Last edited:
wrong...they had 2 World Wars devestate their countries....they came from a history of feudalism.....our families started breaking down before theirs did, hence the increase in violent crime...which is now going down.


Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeahā€¦if we get rid of welfareā€¦you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing youā€™ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit ā€œdefensive useā€ stat.
If we get rid of guns, do you think people will stop committing suicide?

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeahā€¦if we get rid of welfareā€¦you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing youā€™ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit ā€œdefensive useā€ stat.
If we get rid of guns, do you think people will stop committing suicide?

Statistics report there will be fewer successful attempts.
again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since weā€™re on the topicā€¦lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okayā€¦lets pretend youā€™re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants themā€¦guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal isā€¦isnā€™t it?

If it isnā€™tā€¦please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeahā€¦if we get rid of welfareā€¦you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing youā€™ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit ā€œdefensive useā€ stat.
If we get rid of guns, do you think people will stop committing suicide?

Statistics report there will be fewer successful attempts.
But not less suicides

Unless you assume that people will only attempt suicide once

Anyone who really wants to kill himself will and there is nothing you can do to stop them

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