Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are

She is new to the board and she didn't deserve that, no room required.

She voiced her opinion as have you.

Your opinion is that the black population : do more than their share to cause hatred and racism in this country.

Well I disagree.

You are only giving an opinion

Now it's a standstill.

Like your opinion changes anything.

She repeatedly insulted me. This isn't the first thread she's done that in STFU.

She didn't deserve what you said.
Lets just saysome of the Black pop. creates hatred and racism not all.Dont blame this BS on all of the Blacks.
You're suffering from "Whiteman's Guilt".

Instead of whining about how badly blacks have it you might want to open your motherfucken eyes for once, bitch.

I've been hearing it first-hand for 35 years. It's never gonna end till they want it to end and they don't. Now we have a president that gives their beef legitimacy........government sponsored racism. A license to kill so to speak. Social Justice. Reparations. Whatever they want to call it.

So, the only reason people object to racism is 'white man's guilt'? Why is it people like you can only echo and re-echo the same thing? Are you incapable of original, thoughtful reasoning? The philosophy behind US culture is rugged individualism, yet you all think in lockstep like a bunch of little brownshirt Nazis.

This is a racist thread and should not be in politics. It has nothing to do with politics. It should be in the racial issues forum.

Bullshit! This is a factual post. Blacks are about 15% of the population and commit the majority of violent crimes on a national level. If the government was serious about reducing crime they would do something about the violent Black race.

Are you really this far gone? Do you blame an entire group affiliated by skin color for the
actions of a relatively few! Get a grip on yourself man. You don't hold all whites accountable for the actions of Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or the Mafia do you? Do you hold all whites accountable for slavery?
You're sick in the head and a liar on top of it. I watched MSNBC and CNN during the entirety of Dorner's last stand; and not

once did an anchor or pundit glorify or condone his actions.

Absolutely correct. I happen to live in Southern California, and near the city of Corona where part of it happened. There was not one instance of anyone condoning what he did that I am aware of. As a matter of fact I have friends and family who are "Black, over 6' feet tall, and 200 to 250 pounds and bald. And every last one of them were afraid when he was on the loose of being mistaken for Dorner.

What I think is that it is shameful that someone would use this sad event as a catalyst for capitalizing on racial conflict.
Call me a racist if you want. But you have to admit most crimes are committed by blacks and hispanics.(at least in Houston)
All you have to do is read a newspaper. Nothing racist about it,it's just a fact.
You would have to be blind not to see it.
The question is what do you do about?
The liberal response is to take all guns rather then insult minorities. Thats another fact by the way.
All the while ignoring the fact that the criminals wont give up their guns. Who more then likely dont own them legally anyway.
So everyone's gotta suffer for the acts of a few......all because of political correctness.

Or it's just a good excuse to go after guns.
All these azzholes are killing seems to be Black people,no wonder these white supremist aren't in the news any more because these uncle tommies are doing their work. What would happen if these dumb azzes turned those guns onto white people all the killing would stop,white peeps would end it soooooo quickly.....
We need to have a war on gangs, and make sure the poor are forced to be responsible, and start paying their fair share!

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