Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are

Not in this thread you didn't, and the fact that you didn't proves you knew they said what Dorner did was wrong in the parts of the quotes your source left out.

Look above stupid - the Breitbart link listed in this very thread has the entire video. God damn are you stupid....
So you finally admit you didn't post the video. You linked to Bigotbarf. There is no way I'm going to click on a Bigotbarf or Glen Beck link and give then a hit to boost their ad revenue.

The fact remains Bigotbarf edited out the panel saying what Dorner did was wrong in their fabricated "quote." You can't deny Bigotbarf's dishonesty so you try to divert.
Thank you.

"I don't want give then a hit to boost their ad revenue" :lmao:

In other words, you've now hit complete and total desperation since I have the entire, unedited video which proves the liberal media was cheering on Dorner.

This is literally the response of a 9 year old who lost an argument. "Well I'm not clicking that link because..... because...... uh..... I don't want to 'boost their ad revenue'..... yeah..... yeah.... that's it - I'm not going to boost their revenue" :lmao:

Here it is on YouTube - what excuse will you use now, bitch? :lol:

[ame=]CNN: Chris Dorner Is 'Like Watching Django [Unchained] Getting Revenge' - YouTube[/ame]
you notice how you can't discuss black crime or you are accused of being a racist

but when it's a white person they scream we need them profiled, gun control and guns confiscated


Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

Statistics prove otherwise.

Most crimes are committed by juveniles and when over 50% of your kids are unemployed what do you think they're gonna do?
you notice how you can't discuss black crime or you are accused of being a racist

but when it's a white person they scream we need them profiled, gun control and guns confiscated


Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah, that's it swallow - it's not that the black community is committing the disproportionate amount of the crimes, it's that we're throwing INNOCENT black people in jail... :cuckoo:. Keep trying to convince yourself of that, you fucking fool.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
you notice how you can't discuss black crime or you are accused of being a racist

but when it's a white person they scream we need them profiled, gun control and guns confiscated


Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

Statistics prove otherwise.

Most crimes are committed by juveniles and when over 50% of your kids are unemployed what do you think they're gonna do?

If Obama has his way, 100% will be unemployed. Got to have them "black folk" beholden to the government to ensure King Hussein's power, right?

Amazing how he's completely decimated opportunity in the black community and they still gave him their support. Goes to show that those that did support him are racists and that it was all about his skin color with them.
QUOTE=malikc6;6847066] QUOTE][/QUOTE]And any individual black or non black are dangerous with a gun.Your a moron!
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Jesus, this forum should be renamed Little Stormfront. I can't believe how racist the OP and other posters on this thread are.
Jesus, this forum should be renamed Little Stormfront. I can't believe how racist the OP and other posters on this thread are.

The anonimity of the internet makes them brave.

They know if they talked this crap on the street, they'd get their asses kicked.
you notice how you can't discuss black crime or you are accused of being a racist

but when it's a white person they scream we need them profiled, gun control and guns confiscated


Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

Yeah, that's it swallow - it's not that the black community is committing the disproportionate amount of the crimes, it's that we're throwing INNOCENT black people in jail...

Swallow, poor people commit most of the crimes, and they get convicted more often than rich people.

True regardless of race.



Because there are many more, and they have little to lose?

About 26 of every 100 Blacks are poor.
13 of every 100 Americans are black. 300,000,000 Americans

=1,000,000 poor black Americans
64 of every 100 Americans are white
About 12 of every 100 whites are poor.
= 2,300,000 poor white Americans

If poverty alone was the cause of imprisonment, then you would expect about one black for every 2 whites in US prisons.

However, reality is there are 2 Blacks for every white in US Prison.
Lets change the subject and talk about white crime.

I try to do that often.

Sadly trying to discuss something complex as white collarand government crime just annoys the know-nothings.

They stick to what they know...they know they hate Blacks and Mexicans.

And in their perverted little hearts, they want us to know that they hate them, because that makes them feel like somehow they're defending their race.
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Lets change the subject and talk about white crime.

I try to do that often.

Sadly trying to discuss something complex as white collarand government crime just annoys the know-nothings.

They stick to what they know...they know they hate Blacks and Mexicans.

And in their perverted little hearts, they want us to know that they hate them, because that makes them feel like somehow they're defending their race.

:lol: You seriously believe that? It has nothing to do with Mexicans pouring over our border with meth and deadly drug gangs? And you don't hear in the news every other day about black gangs shooting each other over crack and hos? Buddy, buy a newspaper.
White collar crime isn't violent and you don't see it as you walk to the corner store. That's why people are worried more about the others.
you notice how you can't discuss black crime or you are accused of being a racist

but when it's a white person they scream we need them profiled, gun control and guns confiscated


Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

Statistics prove otherwise.

Most crimes are committed by juveniles and when over 50% of your kids are unemployed what do you think they're gonna do?

White violence has changed the entire planet but lets bring it closer to home. Click the link and read about the domestic white gangs that terrorized the big eastern and northern cities for a hundred years. When they accumulated enough wealth, they became gentrified and respectable. Many of their offspring are our present day Republicans, going about feigning a high morality and looking down their noses at those who are trapped by the same circumstances as their recent dangerous ancestors!

Let's discuss "black" crime. Check out the jails. They are populated disproportionately with Black people.

And it's not that black people commit most of the crimes. It's that they get tossed in jails more often.

White people commit ALOT of crimes. They just don't get convicted as much. Or even tried.

Yeah, that's it swallow - it's not that the black community is committing the disproportionate amount of the crimes, it's that we're throwing INNOCENT black people in jail...

Swallow, poor people commit most of the crimes, and they get convicted more often than rich people.

True regardless of race.



Because there are many more, and they have little to lose?

About 26 of every 100 Blacks are poor.
13 of every 100 Americans are black. 300,000,000 Americans

=1,000,000 poor black Americans
64 of every 100 Americans are white
About 12 of every 100 whites are poor.
= 2,300,000 poor white Americans

If poverty alone was the cause of imprisonment, then you would expect about one black for every 2 whites in US prisons.

However, reality is there are 2 Blacks for every white in US Prison.

Clearly, there's something more than poverty working here; however it is difficult to believe it could be the amount of melatonin in human skin.

But whatever is causing the discrepency between Black incarceration to White incarceration
is VERY significant, therefore one would expect it not to be terribly mysterious.

So the question arises: What is the major OBVIOUS difference between black culture and white culture that may cause blacks to have a much larger propensity to act criminally?

????Could it be age????

Most criminals are incarcerated before age 21. Is the number of blacks below age 21 greater than the number of whites? The answer is YES, but only by 4-5%; Not the huge glaring cause of a huge racial difference.
52% of all murders being caused by 13% of the population. Blacks need to own up and work to put a end to this.

At least if they were logical.

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