Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are


If you had been watching the media these days, particularly MSNBC and CNN you'd think that Chris Dorner was a hero. They cheered Django and half cheered a black renegade cop that was out in the public seeking retribution.

Why would the media in all practicality support murder?

Well, it depends who was committing the murders.

This is all part of the left's Social Justice. It seems the real threat that everyone in the media is ignoring is the increase in Black on White violence. The media looks the other way whenever possible when a thug kills a white or another black but they focus in like Parana's whenever a white mental patient is involved. They had to reluctantly pay attention when an angry psychopathic cop who just happened to be a black man spouting a manifesto supporting Obama and the media went around Southern California murdering people. It's a pretty pathetic display of their constant double-standards and their outright hypocrisy when they call for tighter controls on guns......but the only control seems to fall on law-abiding citizens. Meanwhile the largest source of violence in America percentage-wise is black kids running around taking out their media driven anger on white society.


While in the newspapers or on television you will not be informed about it in a form that makes sense, a growing cancer of racially-based violence is metastasizing in our cities. Moreover, unless you were to see these outrages first hand or in media outside the mainstream organs, you would know nothing of it --- for it is being withheld from you. For reasons that we may want to speculate on, the news media have made an overt decision to avert your eyes away from the stone cold reality that a spectrum of young black men and women, motivated by race, rage, or entertainment, are increasingly committing crimes against life and property by the medium of flash mob violence.

From Oregon and Washington to New Jersey, packs of youth are targeting markets, shoe stores, county fairs, beach walks, and city parks in conducting brazen crimes by overwhelming police and security who find themselves increasingly unable to counter the element of surprise and viciousness that goes hand in hand with this phenomenon. As a result of this, brutal beatings of whites and Asians have become commonplace occurrences, resulting in public facilities being closed down to traffic as roving hordes materialize and vanish into the night like specters. And yet, the 900 pound gorilla in the room (that no one will dare look in the eye) is that there is an unassailable racial component involved. Furthermore, in the interest of multicultural harmony, cities which have long been in the clutches of Democratic political machines have lulled themselves to become anxiously oblivious to the mayhem. Because of this, those molders of opinion have taken to calling a serpent a stallion in hopes that the world, in turn, would also close its eyes.


Colin Flaherty is an award winning writer whose work has been published in more than 1000 places around the globe, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Miami Herald, Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, Time magazine, and others.

He is the author of "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It."

Thomas Sowell: "Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - National Review.


Articles: A Blind Pendulum

[ame=]"White Girl Bleed a Lot" (5th Edition): The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.: Colin Flaherty: 9781479299027: Books[/ame]

So tell me...Are you one of those guys who lays in bed at night and wonders what a great country this would be if we had sent the blacks back to Africa....well....after they built the plantations and the railroads.....and picked the cotton...and

Well, when they were finished we should have put them on a couple ships and sent them back! Heck, we could have packed them in there like sardines, like when we brought them over in the first place.

Can you imagine if schools, restaurants and public places were not desegregated? You could use your white only bathrooms, your white only lunch counters. And you could still demand the seat in the front of the bus. That would be your utopia!:clap2:

But government came along and integrated the schools...and it was all downhill from there, wasn't it?
So the question arises: What is the major OBVIOUS difference between black culture and white culture that may cause blacks to have a much larger propensity to act criminally?

They do not have any more propensity towards violence than any other ethnic group under similar circumstances. Google the history of gangs in the USA and educate yourself. Contrary to what you hear about "Crime does not pay, " the rise and assimilation of white gangs into mainstream society shows it does. The system usually locks out those accused and convicted of crimes. Gangsters, then, have no options for supporting their children and families other than crime. But, like most folks, gangsters want their kids to have a better life than they had. White gang leaders, realizing that their ill gotten wealth afforded assimilation into mainstream society at the highest level, used their "whiteness" to secure respectability for their children and their future generations.
So the question arises: What is the major OBVIOUS difference between black culture and white culture that may cause blacks to have a much larger propensity to act criminally?

They do not have any more propensity towards violence than any other ethnic group under similar circumstances. Google the history of gangs in the USA and educate yourself. Contrary to what you hear about "Crime does not pay, " the rise and assimilation of white gangs into mainstream society shows it does. The system usually locks out those accused and convicted of crimes. Gangsters, then, have no options for supporting their children and families other than crime. But, like most folks, gangsters want their kids to have a better life than they had. White gang leaders, realizing that their ill gotten wealth afforded assimilation into mainstream society at the highest level, used their "whiteness" to secure respectability for their children and their future generations.

First, I never claimed any racial (or "ethnic group") propensity for violence

The basis of my claim that there is a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE that causes blacks to have a much larger propensity to ACT CRIMINALLY.

You believe the black culture is one infested with gang induced criminal behaviour.

You could very well be correct, although it seems incredible that a group of 1 million blacks living in poverty, with only 5% more individuals less than 21 years old than 2.3 million whites living in poverty, could overcome these 2:1 odds to occupy 60% of the prison space in the USA.

This is even more astonishing when we consider the balance of your arguement: White culture also once was infested with gang induced behaviour which they apparently have outgrown without any government assistance.

Could it be that government assistance is actually discouraging black culture from progressing beyond one infested with gangs?
So the question arises: What is the major OBVIOUS difference between black culture and white culture that may cause blacks to have a much larger propensity to act criminally?

They do not have any more propensity towards violence than any other ethnic group under similar circumstances. Google the history of gangs in the USA and educate yourself. Contrary to what you hear about "Crime does not pay, " the rise and assimilation of white gangs into mainstream society shows it does. The system usually locks out those accused and convicted of crimes. Gangsters, then, have no options for supporting their children and families other than crime. But, like most folks, gangsters want their kids to have a better life than they had. White gang leaders, realizing that their ill gotten wealth afforded assimilation into mainstream society at the highest level, used their "whiteness" to secure respectability for their children and their future generations.

First, I never claimed any racial (or "ethnic group") propensity for violence

The basis of my claim that there is a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE that causes blacks to have a much larger propensity to ACT CRIMINALLY.

You believe the black culture is one infested with gang induced criminal behaviour.

You could very well be correct, although it seems incredible that a group of 1 million blacks living in poverty, with only 5% more individuals less than 21 years old than 2.3 million whites living in poverty, could overcome these 2:1 odds to occupy 60% of the prison space in the USA.

This is even more astonishing when we consider the balance of your arguement: White culture also once was infested with gang induced behaviour which they apparently have outgrown without any government assistance.

Could it be that government assistance is actually discouraging black culture from progressing beyond one infested with gangs?

If my use of the word "violence" instead of the word " crime" causes a mental block feel free to substitute the word "crime" for violence in my previous narrative.

Obviously, the Caucasian origins of crime in this country escapes you! I have already referenced white gangs formed by some early immigrants and given you a plausible reason for that formation. Why would you assume that Black criminals are motivated by some mysterious cultural predisposition when you ignore the historical fact that poverty and discrimination has been the true driving force of criminal behavior across all ethnic or racial lines in America?

Granted, European immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Poles and others, were discriminated against too. So what did the less skilled do? They formed gangs or tribes to protect themselves and to make a living by any means necessary to include crime! Now, that doesn't mean that those gangs represented an ethnic or racial cultural dysfunction as you have posited about Black criminality. I doubt if all or most Irish, Poles, Italians and others were all part of their ethnic gangs. Most Blacks are not criminals either! And, from what I have seen, the hip hop gangster culture is a minor subculture buttressed by the key ingredients of poverty, discrimination and the revolving doors of the American penal system.

While ill gotten wealth afforded early white gangs the ability to bribe cops, to intimidate administrators and to blackmail officials, Black gangs have just begun to follow suit. But they don't control the means of production of criminal merchandise such as drugs or other contraband. Their wealth comes from prostitution, thievery, murder and small time drug deals. Nothing has changed over the centuries except the color of the criminals. Now the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks dominate the news while the Hells Angels, Outlaws and other white gangs are rarely heard from... that is... except the Russians.

Government assistance is far more prevalent in he poor white community than in the black community. BTW, your figure of 2.3 million whites in poverty is an under estimation, don't ya think? Try 23 million! Don't forget the working poor!
They do not have any more propensity towards violence than any other ethnic group under similar circumstances. Google the history of gangs in the USA and educate yourself. Contrary to what you hear about "Crime does not pay, " the rise and assimilation of white gangs into mainstream society shows it does. The system usually locks out those accused and convicted of crimes. Gangsters, then, have no options for supporting their children and families other than crime. But, like most folks, gangsters want their kids to have a better life than they had. White gang leaders, realizing that their ill gotten wealth afforded assimilation into mainstream society at the highest level, used their "whiteness" to secure respectability for their children and their future generations.

First, I never claimed any racial (or "ethnic group") propensity for violence

The basis of my claim that there is a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE that causes blacks to have a much larger propensity to ACT CRIMINALLY.

You believe the black culture is one infested with gang induced criminal behaviour.

You could very well be correct, although it seems incredible that a group of 1 million blacks living in poverty, with only 5% more individuals less than 21 years old than 2.3 million whites living in poverty, could overcome these 2:1 odds to occupy 60% of the prison space in the USA.

This is even more astonishing when we consider the balance of your arguement: White culture also once was infested with gang induced behaviour which they apparently have outgrown without any government assistance.

Could it be that government assistance is actually discouraging black culture from progressing beyond one infested with gangs?

If my use of the word "violence" instead of the word " crime" causes a mental block feel free to substitute the word "crime" for violence in my previous narrative.

Obviously, the Caucasian origins of crime in this country escapes you! I have already referenced white gangs formed by some early immigrants and given you a plausible reason for that formation. Why would you assume that Black criminals are motivated by some mysterious cultural predisposition when you ignore the historical fact that poverty and discrimination has been the true driving force of criminal behavior across all ethnic or racial lines in America?

Granted, European immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Poles and others, were discriminated against too. So what did the less skilled do? They formed gangs or tribes to protect themselves and to make a living by any means necessary to include crime! Now, that doesn't mean that those gangs represented an ethnic or racial cultural dysfunction as you have posited about Black criminality. I doubt if all or most Irish, Poles, Italians and others were all part of their ethnic gangs. Most Blacks are not criminals either! And, from what I have seen, the hip hop gangster culture is a minor subculture buttressed by the key ingredients of poverty, discrimination and the revolving doors of the American penal system.

While ill gotten wealth afforded early white gangs the ability to bribe cops, to intimidate administrators and to blackmail officials, Black gangs have just begun to follow suit. But they don't control the means of production of criminal merchandise such as drugs or other contraband. Their wealth comes from prostitution, thievery, murder and small time drug deals. Nothing has changed over the centuries except the color of the criminals. Now the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks dominate the news while the Hells Angels, Outlaws and other white gangs are rarely heard from... that is... except the Russians.

Government assistance is far more prevalent in he poor white community than in the black community. BTW, your figure of 2.3 million whites in poverty is an under estimation, don't ya think? Try 23 million! Don't forget the working poor!

I agree, the figures are 23million whies in poverty and 10 million blacks.

The ratio is still 2:1 Whites expected to commit crime vs Blacks expected to commit crime
based on poverty rates, and it still makes no sence that there are more blacks imprisoned than whites based on poverty rates.

I've tried to analyse you theory, which seemed to originally blame a black gang/crime culture on the disparity between numbers of incarcerated blacks.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.
First, I never claimed any racial (or "ethnic group") propensity for violence

The basis of my claim that there is a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE that causes blacks to have a much larger propensity to ACT CRIMINALLY.

You believe the black culture is one infested with gang induced criminal behaviour.

You could very well be correct, although it seems incredible that a group of 1 million blacks living in poverty, with only 5% more individuals less than 21 years old than 2.3 million whites living in poverty, could overcome these 2:1 odds to occupy 60% of the prison space in the USA.

This is even more astonishing when we consider the balance of your arguement: White culture also once was infested with gang induced behaviour which they apparently have outgrown without any government assistance.

Could it be that government assistance is actually discouraging black culture from progressing beyond one infested with gangs?

If my use of the word "violence" instead of the word " crime" causes a mental block feel free to substitute the word "crime" for violence in my previous narrative.

Obviously, the Caucasian origins of crime in this country escapes you! I have already referenced white gangs formed by some early immigrants and given you a plausible reason for that formation. Why would you assume that Black criminals are motivated by some mysterious cultural predisposition when you ignore the historical fact that poverty and discrimination has been the true driving force of criminal behavior across all ethnic or racial lines in America?

Granted, European immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Poles and others, were discriminated against too. So what did the less skilled do? They formed gangs or tribes to protect themselves and to make a living by any means necessary to include crime! Now, that doesn't mean that those gangs represented an ethnic or racial cultural dysfunction as you have posited about Black criminality. I doubt if all or most Irish, Poles, Italians and others were all part of their ethnic gangs. Most Blacks are not criminals either! And, from what I have seen, the hip hop gangster culture is a minor subculture buttressed by the key ingredients of poverty, discrimination and the revolving doors of the American penal system.

While ill gotten wealth afforded early white gangs the ability to bribe cops, to intimidate administrators and to blackmail officials, Black gangs have just begun to follow suit. But they don't control the means of production of criminal merchandise such as drugs or other contraband. Their wealth comes from prostitution, thievery, murder and small time drug deals. Nothing has changed over the centuries except the color of the criminals. Now the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks dominate the news while the Hells Angels, Outlaws and other white gangs are rarely heard from... that is... except the Russians.

Government assistance is far more prevalent in he poor white community than in the black community. BTW, your figure of 2.3 million whites in poverty is an under estimation, don't ya think? Try 23 million! Don't forget the working poor!

I agree, the figures are 23million whies in poverty and 10 million blacks.

The ratio is still 2:1 Whites expected to commit crime vs Blacks expected to commit crime
based on poverty rates, and it still makes no sence that there are more blacks imprisoned than whites based on poverty rates.

I've tried to analyse you theory, which seemed to originally blame a black gang/crime culture on the disparity between numbers of incarcerated blacks.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.

Why not google it and find out for ourself. Her is a sample of what you might find:

Surely you are not a recluse! You must have heard that Black Americans are far more likely to be stopped and frisked at higher rates than whites are! The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first three months of 2011, 183,326 people were frisked by police in New York, City. Of that number, 50.6 percent were Black although blacks make up only 23% of the city's population! but here is the kicker: whites are more likely to be found with
illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos!

Is the picture getting clearer now? If not, try absorbing this tidbit:

Several studies have shown that white and black criminals use and sell drugs at about the same rates; but . Black men were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as white men for the same crime! Blacks are roughly 13% of the population but comprise 34% of arrests for drug offenses and 45% of the incarcerations at the state level. Police focus on these communities inordinately. Many of the Blacks in prison are non violent offenders but newspaper readers rarely make a distinction between the words "crime" and "violence."
If my use of the word "violence" instead of the word " crime" causes a mental block feel free to substitute the word "crime" for violence in my previous narrative.

Obviously, the Caucasian origins of crime in this country escapes you! I have already referenced white gangs formed by some early immigrants and given you a plausible reason for that formation. Why would you assume that Black criminals are motivated by some mysterious cultural predisposition when you ignore the historical fact that poverty and discrimination has been the true driving force of criminal behavior across all ethnic or racial lines in America?

Granted, European immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Poles and others, were discriminated against too. So what did the less skilled do? They formed gangs or tribes to protect themselves and to make a living by any means necessary to include crime! Now, that doesn't mean that those gangs represented an ethnic or racial cultural dysfunction as you have posited about Black criminality. I doubt if all or most Irish, Poles, Italians and others were all part of their ethnic gangs. Most Blacks are not criminals either! And, from what I have seen, the hip hop gangster culture is a minor subculture buttressed by the key ingredients of poverty, discrimination and the revolving doors of the American penal system.

While ill gotten wealth afforded early white gangs the ability to bribe cops, to intimidate administrators and to blackmail officials, Black gangs have just begun to follow suit. But they don't control the means of production of criminal merchandise such as drugs or other contraband. Their wealth comes from prostitution, thievery, murder and small time drug deals. Nothing has changed over the centuries except the color of the criminals. Now the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks dominate the news while the Hells Angels, Outlaws and other white gangs are rarely heard from... that is... except the Russians.

Government assistance is far more prevalent in he poor white community than in the black community. BTW, your figure of 2.3 million whites in poverty is an under estimation, don't ya think? Try 23 million! Don't forget the working poor!

I agree, the figures are 23million whies in poverty and 10 million blacks.

The ratio is still 2:1 Whites expected to commit crime vs Blacks expected to commit crime
based on poverty rates, and it still makes no sence that there are more blacks imprisoned than whites based on poverty rates.

I've tried to analyse you theory, which seemed to originally blame a black gang/crime culture on the disparity between numbers of incarcerated blacks.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.

Why not google it and find out for ourself. Her is a sample of what you might find:

Surely you are not a recluse! You must have heard that Black Americans are far more likely to be stopped and frisked at higher rates than whites are! The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first three months of 2011, 183,326 people were frisked by police in New York, City. Of that number, 50.6 percent were Black although blacks make up only 23% of the city's population! but here is the kicker: whites are more likely to be found with
illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos!

Is the picture getting clearer now? If not, try absorbing this tidbit:

Several studies have shown that white and black criminals use and sell drugs at about the same rates; but . Black men were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as white men for the same crime! Blacks are roughly 13% of the population but comprise 34% of arrests for drug offenses and 45% of the incarcerations at the state level. Police focus on these communities inordinately. Many of the Blacks in prison are non violent offenders but newspaper readers rarely make a distinction between the words "crime" and "violence."

Black men are scarier than whiteys. White gangs are more civilized was well, like the mafia, compared to crack dealing corner coons.
As if this is my first rodeo with you idiots. Snot-nosed? I'm probably old enough to be your grandmother. A newbie here perhaps, but an old hand in the battle against racists like you.

I had you for breakfast before your feet hit the floor.

I seriously doubt that. I've been retired from the military for close to 20 years.

You are a cliche. Calling me racist has no effect on me because I know it isn't true. Personally I think you never grew up otherwise you wouldn't be such a ****.

i'm not a ****. I simply don't like racists and bigots. I don't merely not like them, they disgust me and you are a racist. Deny it if you like, but believe me when I tell you, only racists post an OP such as you have. Only racists lack any concept or understanding as to why the black population "can't just fucking pull up their bootstraps, get over it and get on with it." Only racists claim that Liberals and blacks are trying to inflict "white man's guilt" upon them.

There are different degrees of racist expression. Some on other sites I frequent are so blatant about their racism it's almost funny. Others, like you hide behind justification for their racism - black crime, black poverty, drain on society, poor parenting, the list goes on and on.

But racism is racism, expressed blatantly or subtly and regardless of whether or not you are willing to admit you have them, I can see your racist stripes.

Clowns like you have made the word meaningless. If you are perceived to be white you aren't allowed by the race baiters to discuss the problems that people in their own community refuse to talk about or do anything about. You are not only naive to the world around you, you're full of shit!

If you had been watching the media these days, particularly MSNBC and CNN you'd think that Chris Dorner was a hero. They cheered Django and half cheered a black renegade cop that was out in the public seeking retribution.

Why would the media in all practicality support murder?

Well, it depends who was committing the murders.

This is all part of the left's Social Justice. It seems the real threat that everyone in the media is ignoring is the increase in Black on White violence. The media looks the other way whenever possible when a thug kills a white or another black but they focus in like Parana's whenever a white mental patient is involved. They had to reluctantly pay attention when an angry psychopathic cop who just happened to be a black man spouting a manifesto supporting Obama and the media went around Southern California murdering people. It's a pretty pathetic display of their constant double-standards and their outright hypocrisy when they call for tighter controls on guns......but the only control seems to fall on law-abiding citizens. Meanwhile the largest source of violence in America percentage-wise is black kids running around taking out their media driven anger on white society.


While in the newspapers or on television you will not be informed about it in a form that makes sense, a growing cancer of racially-based violence is metastasizing in our cities. Moreover, unless you were to see these outrages first hand or in media outside the mainstream organs, you would know nothing of it --- for it is being withheld from you. For reasons that we may want to speculate on, the news media have made an overt decision to avert your eyes away from the stone cold reality that a spectrum of young black men and women, motivated by race, rage, or entertainment, are increasingly committing crimes against life and property by the medium of flash mob violence.

From Oregon and Washington to New Jersey, packs of youth are targeting markets, shoe stores, county fairs, beach walks, and city parks in conducting brazen crimes by overwhelming police and security who find themselves increasingly unable to counter the element of surprise and viciousness that goes hand in hand with this phenomenon. As a result of this, brutal beatings of whites and Asians have become commonplace occurrences, resulting in public facilities being closed down to traffic as roving hordes materialize and vanish into the night like specters. And yet, the 900 pound gorilla in the room (that no one will dare look in the eye) is that there is an unassailable racial component involved. Furthermore, in the interest of multicultural harmony, cities which have long been in the clutches of Democratic political machines have lulled themselves to become anxiously oblivious to the mayhem. Because of this, those molders of opinion have taken to calling a serpent a stallion in hopes that the world, in turn, would also close its eyes.


Colin Flaherty is an award winning writer whose work has been published in more than 1000 places around the globe, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Miami Herald, Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, Time magazine, and others.

He is the author of "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It."

Thomas Sowell: "Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - National Review.


Articles: A Blind Pendulum

[ame=]"White Girl Bleed a Lot" (5th Edition): The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.: Colin Flaherty: 9781479299027: Books[/ame]

So tell me...Are you one of those guys who lays in bed at night and wonders what a great country this would be if we had sent the blacks back to Africa....well....after they built the plantations and the railroads.....and picked the cotton...and

Well, when they were finished we should have put them on a couple ships and sent them back! Heck, we could have packed them in there like sardines, like when we brought them over in the first place.

Can you imagine if schools, restaurants and public places were not desegregated? You could use your white only bathrooms, your white only lunch counters. And you could still demand the seat in the front of the bus. That would be your utopia!:clap2:

But government came along and integrated the schools...and it was all downhill from there, wasn't it?

That would be the Republicans that integrated schools dimwit.
I agree, the figures are 23million whies in poverty and 10 million blacks.

The ratio is still 2:1 Whites expected to commit crime vs Blacks expected to commit crime
based on poverty rates, and it still makes no sence that there are more blacks imprisoned than whites based on poverty rates.

I've tried to analyse you theory, which seemed to originally blame a black gang/crime culture on the disparity between numbers of incarcerated blacks.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.

Why not google it and find out for ourself. Her is a sample of what you might find:

Surely you are not a recluse! You must have heard that Black Americans are far more likely to be stopped and frisked at higher rates than whites are! The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first three months of 2011, 183,326 people were frisked by police in New York, City. Of that number, 50.6 percent were Black although blacks make up only 23% of the city's population! but here is the kicker: whites are more likely to be found with
illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos!

Is the picture getting clearer now? If not, try absorbing this tidbit:

Several studies have shown that white and black criminals use and sell drugs at about the same rates; but . Black men were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as white men for the same crime! Blacks are roughly 13% of the population but comprise 34% of arrests for drug offenses and 45% of the incarcerations at the state level. Police focus on these communities inordinately. Many of the Blacks in prison are non violent offenders but newspaper readers rarely make a distinction between the words "crime" and "violence."

Black men are scarier than whiteys. White gangs are more civilized was well, like the mafia, compared to crack dealing corner coons.
Oh,Oh... There goes the neighborhood.
If my use of the word "violence" instead of the word " crime" causes a mental block feel free to substitute the word "crime" for violence in my previous narrative.

Obviously, the Caucasian origins of crime in this country escapes you! I have already referenced white gangs formed by some early immigrants and given you a plausible reason for that formation. Why would you assume that Black criminals are motivated by some mysterious cultural predisposition when you ignore the historical fact that poverty and discrimination has been the true driving force of criminal behavior across all ethnic or racial lines in America?

Granted, European immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Poles and others, were discriminated against too. So what did the less skilled do? They formed gangs or tribes to protect themselves and to make a living by any means necessary to include crime! Now, that doesn't mean that those gangs represented an ethnic or racial cultural dysfunction as you have posited about Black criminality. I doubt if all or most Irish, Poles, Italians and others were all part of their ethnic gangs. Most Blacks are not criminals either! And, from what I have seen, the hip hop gangster culture is a minor subculture buttressed by the key ingredients of poverty, discrimination and the revolving doors of the American penal system.

While ill gotten wealth afforded early white gangs the ability to bribe cops, to intimidate administrators and to blackmail officials, Black gangs have just begun to follow suit. But they don't control the means of production of criminal merchandise such as drugs or other contraband. Their wealth comes from prostitution, thievery, murder and small time drug deals. Nothing has changed over the centuries except the color of the criminals. Now the Asians, Hispanics and Blacks dominate the news while the Hells Angels, Outlaws and other white gangs are rarely heard from... that is... except the Russians.

Government assistance is far more prevalent in he poor white community than in the black community. BTW, your figure of 2.3 million whites in poverty is an under estimation, don't ya think? Try 23 million! Don't forget the working poor!

I agree, the figures are 23million whies in poverty and 10 million blacks.

The ratio is still 2:1 Whites expected to commit crime vs Blacks expected to commit crime
based on poverty rates, and it still makes no sence that there are more blacks imprisoned than whites based on poverty rates.

I've tried to analyse you theory, which seemed to originally blame a black gang/crime culture on the disparity between numbers of incarcerated blacks.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.

Why not google it and find out for ourself. Her is a sample of what you might find:

Surely you are not a recluse! You must have heard that Black Americans are far more likely to be stopped and frisked at higher rates than whites are! The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first three months of 2011, 183,326 people were frisked by police in New York, City. Of that number, 50.6 percent were Black although blacks make up only 23% of the city's population! but here is the kicker: whites are more likely to be found with
illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos!

Is the picture getting clearer now? If not, try absorbing this tidbit:

Several studies have shown that white and black criminals use and sell drugs at about the same rates; but . Black men were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as white men for the same crime! Blacks are roughly 13% of the population but comprise 34% of arrests for drug offenses and 45% of the incarcerations at the state level. Police focus on these communities inordinately. Many of the Blacks in prison are non violent offenders but newspaper readers rarely make a distinction between the words "crime" and "violence."

Muslims are more likely to commit suicide bombings than Jews too.

I'm afraid your claim that whites are more likely to be carrying illegal drugs and weapons than blacks. I noticed you didn't provide any proof for this. I think the volume of arrests is greater simply because there are more whites in America than blacks. One thing you cannot ignore is the simple fact that blacks commit more than their share of violent crimes among all races. However, Hispanics are rapidly gaining on them, even surpassing them. Currently 5 of the Ten Most Wanted are Hispanics.

Of the 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed in 2005 85% were committed by blacks against whites, 15% by whites against blacks. Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a crime against whites than vice versa and 139 times more likely to commit robbery.

Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.

Now it appears you do not believe this, but it is unclear exactly why you think more blacks, MANY more blacks, are incarcerated than any other culture in the USA.

Why not google it and find out for ourself. Her is a sample of what you might find:

Surely you are not a recluse! You must have heard that Black Americans are far more likely to be stopped and frisked at higher rates than whites are! The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first three months of 2011, 183,326 people were frisked by police in New York, City. Of that number, 50.6 percent were Black although blacks make up only 23% of the city's population! but here is the kicker: whites are more likely to be found with
illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos!

Is the picture getting clearer now? If not, try absorbing this tidbit:

Several studies have shown that white and black criminals use and sell drugs at about the same rates; but . Black men were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as white men for the same crime! Blacks are roughly 13% of the population but comprise 34% of arrests for drug offenses and 45% of the incarcerations at the state level. Police focus on these communities inordinately. Many of the Blacks in prison are non violent offenders but newspaper readers rarely make a distinction between the words "crime" and "violence."

You seem to be expert at mixing a few facts in with your own opinion to form opinions.

We've already agreed that there are substantially more blacks convicted of crime than there would be simply on the basis of the number of blacks in poverty compared to whites.

The fact that more blacks in NYC were accused of crime than white could be a reflection of the number of blacks living in poverty in NYC, or any number of cultural factors in NYC about which you've chosen to ignore.

At any rate, you finally get around to making a compelling, if baseless (you do not offer the names of the studies) statement regarding a 12:1 propensity for black incarceration for selling/using drugs over whites. Assuming this is true, then shouldn't there be a 12:1 population of incarcerated blacks to whites? But the ratio of blacks to other imprisoned inmates in the USA is 6:10.....Something is not adding up...unless there are very, very few white prisoners.

FINALLY we arrive at you explaination for more blacks being imprisoned (for violent offences or non-violent this matters seems to be of significance to you, but not enough so to ever say why):

Police focus on these communities inordinately.

I'll attempt to lead you through a logical conclusion:

If black communities had less police protection, then fewer blacks would be incarcerated.

Try absorbing that tidbit.
Unil the black community can admit that they have a problem. Well, there's not a goddamn thing we can do about inner-city viiolence.
If black neighbourhoods are so great, why do all the negros want to move into a white neighbourhood? :dunno:
Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.


violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.
Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.


violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.

Also remember
Whites 63% of the population
Blacks 13%

That's the most important thing to think about. Blacks are also 5 times per capita to murder.
Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.


violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.

Bullshit. White collar crime seems to be the focus of the Obama Administration yet most of the crime in America is interracial, robbery, rape, etc. Most blacks or Hispanics commit violent crimes or theft. These crimes get little coverage in the news unless a gun is used and if the perp is black it sometimes doesn't get coverage. Anyone who has lived in a large metro area has witnessed interracial violence. I have several times. I usually amounts to a bunch of blacks ganging up on a white guy for fun.

Violent crime is any crime using a weapon or beating of the victim. It covers rape, robbery, murder, assault, etc. Poverty has a lot to do with it, but it isn't the only factor. Just ask Ray Lewis or Pack-man Jones.
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Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.


violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.

Bullshit. Violent crime is any crime using a weapon or beating of the victim. It covers rape, robbery, murder, assault, etc. Poverty has a lot to do with it, but it isn't the only factor. Just ask Ray Lewis.

Violent vs non violent is immaterial in the Context of black incarceration rates: You get imprisoned for more than just violent crimes.

If poverty had "a lot" to do with violent crime, then why, with twice as many whites in poverty than blacks, do you say:

"Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are"
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Fact is, most violent crimes are a result of poverty. Poverty is the result of unemployment, something Obama has done nothing to improve. As a matter of fact he has made it worse.


violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.

Also remember
Whites 63% of the population
Blacks 13%

That's the most important thing to think about. Blacks are also 5 times per capita to murder.

Yeah blacks at 13% of the population is what I'm using.

Yes 300,000,000 X 13% X 26% = number of blacks in poverty in the USA= 10 million

Used the same US Census Bureau basis for number of whites in poverty= 23 million

Your reference to black "5 times per capita to murder" is nonsense. Either you're misquoting or don't have a source: Either way, it makes your crediblity questionable.

violent vs non violent is immaterial:

If you were correct, that poverty was the only factor causing criminal behaviour, then I would expect incarceration rates of whites to be about twice those of blacks.

Number of US whites in poverty = 23 million
Number of US blacks in poverty = 10 million

However, blacks make up 6:10 of the prison population in the USA.

Therefore poverty is not the only cause of criminal behaviour among blacks.

Bullshit. Violent crime is any crime using a weapon or beating of the victim. It covers rape, robbery, murder, assault, etc. Poverty has a lot to do with it, but it isn't the only factor. Just ask Ray Lewis.

Immaterial in the Context of black incarceration rates: You get imprisoned for more than just violent crimes.

If poverty had "a lot" to do with violent crime, then why, with twice as many whites in poverty than blacks, do you say:

"Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are"

Simple, whites usually are taught from birth to respect authority. In the black community peer-pressure usually leads to gang membership for blacks that live in large cities. Many impoverished whites live in rural areas yet often leads to drug and alcohol abuse. Many poor whites also learned that the answer to their problems isn't beating the crap out of somebody of a different race. When was the last time you saw a race-riot comprised completely of whites?

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